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why don't items appear in search when i used keyword to search?

sunshine Juneberry

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I decided to try a search for my own items to see how easy they are to find. I use uniform and military in all my items keywords. I typed in uniform into search and only about 10 of 40 items showed up in search. I thought maybe i hadn't put the word uniform into keywords on the items that didn't show but when i looked....there it was.

I'm just curious what i didn't do right, or what i need to do for these items to show up in a search.

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try making any change to your listing and update. Do not use the SKU. If you need to make sure no numeric digits are in the SKU as this removes it from search. Better to have a blank SKU since it is clearly defective.

Also, forgive me if you already know, keywords are in a seperate data entry field. Only name, features, and the keywords sections are indexed. Nothing in description can be searched.

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Ann Otoole wrote:

try making any change to your listing and update. Do not use the SKU. If you need to make sure no numeric digits are in the SKU as this removes it from search. Better to have a blank SKU since it is clearly defective..

Whaaaaaa!? I know you know your stuff Ann, but I have 500 SKUs to remove, so you are sure - right? 

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I don't know anything about skus except not to use numbers for some reason (thought they would just not work, this is the first time I have heard they would remove you from search), but just want to make sure you know you should be able to delete them in bulk edit.

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when did this new search engage that would have fallen to this "numbers in the SKU" bug?

If it was early August, this could explain why as of the first week of August my sales plumeted to about 50% of normally highly stable weekly sales.  They have never recovered since early august.

My MP products all have SKU info of which there are #'s in the code - not pure numbers like "32423" but like "sculty-water-1"

And why is this little tidbit secret of a MP Search bug only coming to light within the forums and only now?

Is this a Jira that I missed?  Is LL fixing this bug?

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I put alpha numeric skus on several products that sold well in world. They never sold on SLM all this time. I deleted the skus a week ago and am making sales on those items all of a sudden. So yes I am a firm believer that the SKU field can be deleted and all skus nulled in the database.


Or was it making an update got it back in the index? Either way I will never use SKU and will be making frequent updates now.

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Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

Ann Otoole wrote:

try making any change to your listing and update. Do not use the SKU. If you need to make sure no numeric digits are in the SKU as this removes it from search. Better to have a blank SKU since it is clearly defective..

Whaaaaaa!? I know you know your stuff Ann, but I have 500 SKUs to remove, so you are sure - right? 

lol.. try 1200 ..  search has no issues picking up my numeric SKU's.

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I don't know anymore.  The only thing I do know is that everything LL deploys is such poor quality that sadly this is within the realms of probability.

So, I went through and not only deleted all my sku's but also any data in my version field.  It may work or it may not. That's as much effort as I'm willing to put in to try to work around this ailing hulk.


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There was a bug whereby if you searched for the SKU and it had numbers in it, you would not get a result.

So for example if you had a SKU of Myproduct11, and searched for Myproduct11, it wouldn't be found. I think this has been fixed, I can search for my own items by SKU with numbers in the code.

Having said that, if I do a partial search for my SKU, then nothing gets returned, so maybe that's the bug. So if my item was Myproduct11 and I searched for Myproduct or Myproduct1, I'd get no results, if you have all letters, you seem to be able to do partial searches.

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Which would lead one to infer that newer items get a slight ranking boost over older items. It could also be that "dormant" listings ... those that haven't been touched/edited for some time ... are down-ranked in search. The latter would make more sense but .. both are equally plausible.

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Oh good grief.

Last thing I knew, items slipped down the search ranks for a few days whenever you updated them. This has changed?


Although not much would surprise me atm - I recently saw that the top result for one search I analysed had no content at all in the features or keywords, just had a match on words in the name, very low price ($L5) and 45 (mostly old xstreet) ratings/reviews, which would lead me to think that it has never been updated since the migration.

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And this, gentle reader, is exactly why trying to comprehend what they've done with Search is so futile ... they've so completely twisted it that for every theory you develop, there are more than a handful of examples that break it to smithereens.

You could look at it as LL's way of ensuring exposure for a wide range of products ...

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


You could look at it as LL's way of ensuring exposure for a wide range of products ...


LOL if only...

Thing is, from what I can tell, it only seems to return a very primitive result set of any items that have the search term/s somewhere (in title, features or keywords), irrespective of frequency, then applies ranking based on ratings/sales (and ?cheapest price).

Which means that when an item starts off near the top of the pile, it's only going to be ranked higher over time, as the ranking of search results then affects the very things (sale numbers, etc) that dictate future search results....

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Hi everyone, sorry i havent been able to get back to the thread i started

I've found the solution as to why my items fail to show in searches.

 I made the listings a while ago and they were all listed in a category that doesnt exist anymore.

When i had made the listing there was no option for uniforms, only for themed outfits. The funny thing is, is the the uniforms still were shown in edit to be listed in themed outfits, which doesn't even exist as a category anymore lol

I've changed the categories on the "lost" items and they now appear in search and are once again selling :)

Also, I think we should be allowed to list our items in more than one category. It would help us as well as LL make a little more L$...maybe i should start a new thread on that?

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I agree that it's borked.

I once searched to see where my product appeared for a query and came back with a result of maybe three items, and none were mine so  I immediately clicked refresh to redo the search and got an entirely different set of results (including my item).  There were around 4-6 items.  Because I found this odd I decided to click refresh again to see what I got and I got a result that combined the first two results. 

I performed the searches in under a minute, so that's three different search results returned in under a minute for the exact same query. 


Also most days the same item that I've never sold a single copy of keeps turning up on the front page of my best selling filtered results (internally to my store). 


Both of these examples cannot be explained by creative filtering methods intended to circumvent gaming or ensure more merchants get exposure of their items, or anything other than borkage. 


Search is borked plain and simple.

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