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LL need to take this serously

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My partner and I now getting to the point of closing our accounts and get the hell out of SL, why, we are fed up with griefers

,before any one says anything ,yes filed countless reports, even had a member of LL coming to SL when we were getting griefed only be told to file yet another abuse report, and yes we did block all these griefers who run a a republic group in SL

the leader calls himself a " troll" another name for a cybernet grefier. finally they stopped, but guess what 2 newbies one day old IM us giving us grief again, I know its the same lot. but what the hell does one do? LL does not have any security or safe guards to stop people creating reapeated Avatars, why do they ask for a age verifaction or something so if a new Av get reported LL,s can see if that person has another AV and better still see if its been reported for abuse.

I and my partner will not take this crap much longer if we do not get any support from LL, then we are out of SL, thats the bottom line, and I know many people who have left Sl for this given reason, LL has to take the lead and ban these accounts, 




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In the last 3 years I've only had one serious griefer.

Yes LL is not very good with dealing with problems like these, but in most cases ignoring them works out soon enough.

Whenever someone bothers me I mute them.

Muting someone just takes a second and they have to set up a whole new account, takes a little longer.

If griefers harass you in person you need to find yourself a community with protection.

Whenever someone in my sim is griefed or even just bothere by someone the police force here will warn the person and if need be they will be banned.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

if anyone knows of a police force in SL that can help, please forward me the details, as I do not have any faith in LL so any

help would be great

Be very careful what you wish for... "police" forces can end up being as bad as the griefers themselves.  In fact, there is little they could do, besides griefing them back, which only serves to perpetuate the drama.

You have no control over the behavior of others, only yourself.  Could be that you are feeding them exactly what they want through your reaction to what they're doing to you... continuing to do that will only strengthen their resolve.  If you are vigilant in not engaging with them in any way, shape or form, eventually they will lose interest and move on.  Don't converse with them at all... just ban, block and AR them... nothing else.

Good luck ...Dres

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greek Wingtips wrote:

if anyone knows of a police force in SL that can help, please forward me the details, as I do not have any faith in LL so any

help would be great

There are a few self apointed police forces and other groups involved with fighting griefers but be careful.

Generally these have a very bad reputations and many are not to be completely trusted, causing more trouble then they solve.

The only police forces you can really depend on, in general, are the ones that manage a sim and have been given manager powers by the sim owners.

Our police make sure people follow the sim rules and ban griefers and trouble makers.

Helping our tenants and guests feel safe in the sim.

There shoud be a few communities or landlords out there that have police or sim managers keep control of the place.


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greek Wingtips wrote:

if anyone knows of a police force in SL that can help, please forward me the details, as I do not have any faith in LL so any

help would be great

Seriously, doing that is going to give you just as much grief as the griefers. Self appointed 'police' in SL are a joke. Don't even go there. Please!

As others have stated, follow the mantra "Ban. Mute. Ignore" I know thats probably not what you want to hear. You want action. You want someone to dish out to the griefers what they deserve. It's really not worth you getting stressed over though and I guarantee you that if you just keep banning, muting and ignoring the griefers will eventually give up. Ignoring is probably more important than even banning and muting. The moment you give them attention is the moment they know they have got to you and will continue their actions. This very thread is the type of attention they want and your giving them an open invitation to continue right here.


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You can call yourself a policeman or a vampire or a unicorn all day long in SL and it won't make you one. It's all just pretending, like children do with toy soldiers and Barbie dolls. None of us has the ability to keep new alts from IMing us. None of us has any more ability to do anything about it besides AR and mute. (Estate managers can ban but that does not apply to your situation.)

This is all computer software; it's not the real world.

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I don't understand the problem.  If it is your land, you can restrict access to people with payment info on file or people who are age verified.  If you nave you have a premium account, you can go to premium sandboxes, out of reach of people without premium accounts.   If you are at an event, the people running the event should be able to handle it.  If you are just somewhere in SL, go somewhere else.  

I have been inworld almost every day for several years and have never found griefing to be a big problem.


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LL can do something, ands thats to verfiey duplicate account creators, if you wanted to create another Avatar, the account should ask for 

 some proof IE paypal details, last 4 numbers with the name of the credit card,or even an adress that can be verfiley to a credit card, anything that would make it easy for LL to check agaist known accounts , that way if a griefer choosing to create

another Av for the sole purpose of grefing and he gets reported, its easy for LL to check that account with any exsisting accounts and if its found reports have been made with the other av to the same person, bann him.,  done its easy.



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I agree that there should be some sort of ID, but more then the ones mentioned here.

Some countries are not allowed to use Paypal, some people don't have (or like me, don't want) a credit card, etc, etc.

Plenty of people don't want to their RL connected to SL in any way, etc, etc.

But yes, connect SL accounts to one of many ways that can at least make them a little less disconnected.

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I agree that not all the ID should be used, but only some part which can be used to verfiely the person, that would then give

a message to anyone who feels that just creating a avatar to grief would know they can get caught and thier true avatar could also be booted.


as it is now, anyone can make an avatar and as many as they want and cause enough greif on others, thats not on.



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greek Wingtips wrote:

LL can do something, ands thats to verfiey duplicate account creators, if you wanted to create another Avatar, the account should ask for 

 some proof IE paypal details, last 4 numbers with the name of the credit card,or even an adress that can be verfiley to a credit card, anything that would make it easy for LL to check agaist known accounts , that way if a griefer choosing to create

another Av for the sole purpose of grefing and he gets reported, its easy for LL to check that account with any exsisting accounts and if its found reports have been made with the other av to the same person, bann him.,  done its easy.

You say this as though it isn't easy as hell for a determined person to circumvent, while at the same time making it nearly impossible for a large number of regular residents to retain access.  How is that a solution?  Next you'll be asking LL to enforce a restraining order against anyone with the particular IP address of someone that you, rightly or wrongly, claim is griefing you.

Take some responsibility for your own actions instead of relying on LL to make draconian changes just to suit your needs... it's not gonna happen.  Ignore them and they'll eventually stop... it won't be instant and might require a little resolve on your part, but, besides leaving SL or creating a new account, it's the only choice you've got.


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sorry Dresden, but you statement is flawed, first and formost if I could take my own actions , what you think I would not? come on man, live in the real world, I have my hands tied as to how to deal with cowards who hide behide av's and feel they can do anything to anyone because the know they cannot be hurt in anyway, Number 2: I pay for this service that means

and I desevere some sort of protection from LL's  from bum wipes who feel they here to cause grief, as I cannot take the law into my own hands. this statment you make

Take some responsibility for your own actions instead of relying on LL to make draconian changes just to suit your needs

you havin a laugh, apart from muting, blocking reporting them, what else you think I can do if they keep creating new

av's and griefing me, if you have any great sugestions please feel free to share, them, but plz dopnt make bold statements unless you have expranced grief, and please Iam  not a push over, what I would give to meet this people rl would be a god send,





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greek Wingtips wrote:

sorry Dresden, but you statement is flawed, first and formost if I could take my own actions , what you think I would not?

you havin a laugh, apart from muting, blocking reporting them, what else you think I can do 


Nothing. That in fact is all you can do. It is not going to change. Dres' statement isn't flawed. It is not what you want to hear but it's accurate.

If you continue to let this eat at you it will destroy any good feeling you have for Second Life. Mute, AR, ban, ignore. 

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I ending this as we all beg to differ, untill you exprenace of griefing to the level I have,and if you feel that its aceptable because its a game and LL dont bear no responbity then thats yours  right to accept that, I feel more can me done,and I sure many would agree with me, so best leave it at that.

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how are they griefing you..IMing you?..

if they are coming onto your land then set the land to payment info on file.you may not be ablle to have LL do that to the grid for new accounts but you can for your own land....set parcel to where only the people on the parcel can rezz the people on the parcel..nobody can look in from outside..shut off  everything so that only group can use scripts and  build ect..

don't answer IM's from someone you don't know..sooner or later they will go away..

you're not the only one that has had stalker griefers after you in sl..

ignore them and you don't give them a victim..they live for your reaction..no reaction ..no fun for them..they move onto someone weaker..



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if this is on your own land recent LL viewers and TPV's have a new parcel privacy setting which if turned on means people outside your parcel can't see you or anything happening on your land turn off public access combine with a private access list muting the griefers and not responding to anyone who randomly IM's you should put off the griefers if you ignore them they'll soon get fed up and move on 

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After reading all 20 responses to this thread (plus the initial post) a great big question remains in my mind.  I've been in SL for 6 years (well a few more days and it will be......October 21, 2005 is the date of my original account) and can only remember a very few instances of serious griefing (mostly in clubs).  The most vivid time that I remember was when the club was bombarded with self replicating prims (it crashed the sim in a matter of minutes)...........the problem was resolved very quickly since when the sim came back online the griefers started again but the AR's were answered and we had a Linden standing next to us.........no more griefing ever at that club.  So don't say LL ignores griefers........but the griefing has to be real griefing.  IMing, calling your silly names, even bullying you is not necessarily griefing.  It's irritating as hell, yes but with the ability to mute, ban, and ignore you have more control than the griefers........you just need to do it and quit belly aching that LL should "protect" you (use what you have at hand........it's pretty powerful).


So now my question.  Why is it that you are being singled out by a determined group of griefers (according to you anyway)?  Think about what you are doing to invite this griefing..........or what yor are doing once it starts.   I've had many idiots say rude and obscene things to me..........I never reacted (and most of the time didn't even mute).  It stopped in a very few minutes.  I've ejected exactly one person from my land in the nearly 6 years I've owned it for being obnoxious.  I banned and muted the jerk and ignored him for about 30 minutes when is stood outside my plot I'm sure calling me every obscene name his nasty mind could think of........he left and I've never seen him again.


It's up to you how you handle griefers..........you way doesn't seem to be working.  The suggestions you've recieved so far in this thread have been proven to work.  Why not take the suggestions instead of fighting them?

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greek Wingtips wrote:

I ending this as we all beg to differ, untill you exprenace of griefing to the level I have,and if you feel that its aceptable because its a game and LL dont bear no responbity then thats yours  right to accept that, I feel more can me done,and I sure many would agree with me, so best leave it at that.

I've only ever had one bad experience of griefers in nearly four years of being in Second Life.  I made the gross error of making a throwaway joke remark with this person, and you would have thought I had killed her children. She attempted to make my life miserable, by doing all kinds of things to bring me down, including contacting the leaders of all the groups I was in, and of course, most would have ignored her, but one did take pity on the (poor, defenceless?) girl and asked me what I had done to her. 

Long and very tedious story short, I learned. You do, as most of the others in this thread have already advised, use the facilities available and ban/mute/block. NEVER EVER even retaliate in the slightest way, this just feeds the griefer/bully. 

It would be highly ridiculous of you and your partner to allow this experience to make you give up your Second Life.  You need to do as much as possible to pretend they do not exist.  Restrict your land to avatars with established accounts if it is a sim that is open to the public. If it's a private sim, don't publicise this anywhere, just keep it private.

And maybe have a week or two away from Second Life, just to get a perspective, but you really must not even consider deleting your accounts, as you will for sure regret that.

You can and will move on from this time in your Second Life, and you will look back on it one day and think how ridiculous it was feeling so upset by it.  You might even find yourself feeling sorry for the griefer for having such a pathetic life that they get their jollies by upsetting other people.

I wish you lots of luck. And strength.

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