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Video Interview With Rod Humble


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Hey Everyone, 

I thought you'd all appreciate seeing a fairly recent interview with Rod Humble, hear some of his outlook on game development, etc. Let me know if this is inappropriate for this forum, but I'm pretty sure it's all right.


Interview with Rod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYqlAiUbe-E


If a few people are interested, I can open up the full version of the interview for free on our site design3.com. I think there's about 5 minutes of additional footage that's not included in the Youtube version. 




design3.com video editor

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That's the CEO of Linden Labs. I am suddenly not shocked or surprised by anything that happens anymore. He looks and sounds more like some bumb they pulled off the street to pretend to do an interview. From the sounds of it he more of a game developer than a CEO.

Just not what I invision when I think of the head of a corporation. I sort of expect someone neat, well dressed, shaven, well spoken and hopefully someone with a business background in managing people. Doesn't have to be a three peice suit or anything. I mean Steve Jobbs nevers dressed up, but at least he looked good.

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He's another techie just like Philip and not a businessman.  Again, we are clearly back to point A..A lack of business sense. More Oh gee, isn't this cool crap?  

He's only run development teams and never a successful business, he has no education or background in business and by his own admission, all he knows if how to build games.  BTW, Will Wright invented SIMS, not Rod Humble.  Humble just ran the tech team to build and manage it after Will left in 2009.

Bring us someone with a business background in gaming from Activision and I'd be impressed.  But it's clear that they are back to their original plan, to make a platform where users can create games.  They tried that and it failed, guess they are going back to that format and I'll be going back to a real game, World of Warcraft.

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Interesting video, I don't know if I would have filmed it in a fish tank.

I like what Captain Rod had to say. You can't say he doesn't have character.

In a related Rod search (safe mode) a website spoke of Mr. Humble's move from the Sims to the "hodge podge" Second Life.

Hodge-podge is a word used to describe a confused or disorderly mass or collection of things; a "mess" or a "jumble". The UK term is hotchpotch. 

I like his style, or lack of personal concern for it. He seemed sincere and appears to be a person who thinks silently. I wouldn't speak to soon in his company.





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Vladi Hazelnut wrote:

Just not what I invision when I think of the head of a corporation. I sort of expect someone neat, well dressed, shaven, well spoken and hopefully someone with a business background in managing people. Doesn't have to be a three peice suit or anything. I mean Steve Jobbs nevers dressed up, but at least he looked good.

And at least Jobs would put on a coat or at least a shirt that fit for an interview.

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Oh how ridiculous.   Look at the other interviews this interviewer conducted at this particular conference.  They are ALL wearing black t-shirts and the interviewer himself is wearing a blue fleece hoodie.   

If the guy showed up in a suit you'd accuse him of BEING a "suit" and out of touch with the game world. 

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I like him better than M and thats a step in the right direction for me anyways hehehehe

i liked phillip too

maybe it's about  exploring the future and not exploring just business end of everything all the time..

phillip had a great idea and we are stilll in it ..so he couldn't have been all that bad ..i'll wait to fully judge the new CEO  before i decide to hang him because of a t-shirt hehehehe

he  gave me a bearpony so i'm gonna give him a chance at least heheheh

Go get'em Rod =) \o/



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God help us!   My confidence in LL I thought could sink no lower, but - boy! - was I mistaken.   As a couple of previous replies have said, we are sadly lacking the dynamics of a strong, sound leadership with this man.   It explains his 'quiet' impact to date all too clearly, and bodes badly for the longterm in my view........short of a miracle.

Business as usual, then. 

I suspect even the apol-shills almost wept.  

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Mark Kingdon was brought in to replace Philip Rosedale because the investors thought Mark business background will squeeze money out of Second Life. he did his own thing, not caring a bit about his users, not listening because that was not important for his plans and answering back to them in standard corporative speak, that did more damage to Second Life than leaving a visionary in charge.

Rod Humble has a business background, he was no game creator in Activision, but he was Executive Vice President of EA Play, under him was the best selling pc game in history.

the CEO we have now is doing a way better job than the suit corporative oriented one.

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Marielle Caerndow wrote:

I find it impressive that the CEO of multi-million-dollar company comes 'down' to the forums (e.g. sluniverse) and talks with (not only to) us end users.

I also check the official forums most days :) Thank you for your kind words. It is a privilege to work for such great customers. I hope you will be pleased with the direction the company continues to go in to serve you better.


p.s. sadly, I am likely only going to get more scruffy and poorly dressed over time so I cant promise any progress there :)



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Rodvik Linden wrote:

I also check the official forums most days


See, Rod our god listens, although he doesn't always answer. Since you do check the official forums most days, could you pleeeeeease do something about the spam? Maybe a little captcha test before someone is permitted to initiate a new thread so that the official forum doesn't get buried in ads for online TV shows? Amen.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

[...] Bring us someone with a business background in gaming from Activision and I'd be impressed.  But it's clear that they are back to their original plan, to make a platform where users can create games.  They tried that and it failed, guess they are going back to that format and I'll be going back to a real game, World of Warcraft.

please by all that is holy, unholy, or even in a slight position of power... N O ! ! !

a "techie" looks at what is, what could be, and even what users want... someone with a business background looks at who has the money, and how to get more of it from them...

yeah sure the tech minded (I'm one) can fumble a bit, and not have a wholly solidified plan... we'll often make a change here or there see, what happens and go from there... yes it can be a bit maddening at times, and may even improve slower in the sense of general exposure (although I note that development and fixes are actually improved because the "techie" knows the actual flows of what works and what doesn't).... but all you'll ever get from a person coming from a strict business background is a way for them to make more money with minimal input and change.

I could probably quit my day job with what I do in SL, but I doubt I never would, because it'd kill the fun of it all... and without that, why be here? if SL lost that attraction by collapsing into another entropia, eve online, or even heavens forbid WoW repetitive action world, I'd probably be out the door. Because frankly, endless money sinks where the only thing I can accomplish is what everyone before me already accomplished. At the end of the day someone elses virtual sorld is all find and dandy, but the paths are set, and it's too narrow... I want a place where I not only can build my own world within it, but change on whim... commercial-landia would for all intents and purposes be the death of that.

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its very refreshing that you do this Rodvik, seriously.
its both beneficial for you and for us, we both care very much about the well being of Second Life, thats why we suggest ideas that we think will make it better, and help other users in hopes that they stay with no troubles.

many CEOs should take your example in not seeing customers as only sources of income but as persons that want Second Life to be a success too.

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Rod: Thanks for engaging.

Just wanted to share the work of so many talented artists over the past 4 years . Here is a link.. Sit back, put on some music , get a glass of wine, and be amazed. The collection is of work from approx 2000 SL residents, with 2400 SL snapshots & images.

http://www.flickr.com//groups/secondlife-bestofthebest/pool/show/  <Note this is Artistic but PG content, so safe

I would hope LL could reimage itself & feature the resident talent that abounds already in SL (see above) rather then a SIMs look alike image it now protrays SL as on it's website.

Thanks again


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Rodvik Linden wrote:

Marielle Caerndow wrote:

I find it impressive that the CEO of multi-million-dollar company comes 'down' to the forums (e.g. sluniverse) and talks with (not only to) us end users.

I also check the official forums most days
Thank you for your kind words. It is a privilege to work for such great customers. I hope you will be pleased with the direction the company continues to go in to serve you better.


p.s. sadly, I am likely only going to get more scruffy and poorly dressed over time so I cant promise any progress there



scruffy is good..a clean desk and well shaven just means they have too much time on their hands LOL

I like scruffy and i liked the video..you had this rolling stones look about you and i think it's cool..

oh and again..Thank you for the BearPony hehehehehe

\o/ weeeee!!!

Go Get'em Rod!!  =)

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OK after doing some research online and watching a ton of videos of different hardware and software employees I guess I will retract my statements. I even watched the south park special where it followed them for 6 days before air. From the looks of it I guess the times are just changing and things are more laid back and casual.

I am not sure if that is a good thing or bad, but it is happening none the less.

I guess I am just old lol. Sorry for slamming on you Rod. I will agree its rather bias of me to base your abilities on your appearance. But I come from a time where first impressions are important.

I used to work for a computer store, and had I had shown up to work looking that way they would have fired me. And I rarely left the back room lol.

But, dude, could you at least shave for an interview? Even if it is some crappy webcast thing lol. It would help us old farts see you in a better light wink.

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