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Skybox. I'm thinking of buying one. How high up can i go?


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Im thinking of putting in a skybox up over my little parcel. How high up am I allowed to go? Is there a "good" height, vs. a not so good height?

Any suggestions or comments about skyboxes would be greatly appreciated, since i know next to nothing about them.



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You can rezz objects up to 4000m.  After that you cannot rezz objects.  The world map will show any sky object around 400m and below.  I like rezzing high enough not to show on the map and not to get any ground induced lag, which means higher than my Draw distance setting.  1000m and above works for me.


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4096 meters is the max building height


The less objects your computer has to render the better your systems performance is going to be, so that being said try building at a level where there are few objects nearby.

Keep in mind what is around you as well, build high enough so that your skybox is not an eyesore and don't place it near another skybuild if there is plenty of open sky at a different level.

I personally recommend a height of 2200 to 3600 meters altitude. 

p.s. I wasn't contradicting Cinnamon, there were no replies when I had selected reply :)


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you can build up to 4096m i would say the ideal best height is one where you can't see any neighbouring sky property with in a 64m draw distance range with a sky box you need to set an LM in the skybox or set up a couple of teleport pads to go between the skybox and ground or you'll just land on the gound and have to fly up to the building cam in and sit on something to get it

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Is no real best height. Just pick a spot that is not too close to any neighbours.

Try to go above the clouds. Sometimes people not do that just go up under them so they get a cool view of the land below. Thing about that tho is that if is a sucky build then them people get good view of neighbours fab build and neighbour has to look at their ugly bum.

Avatar name ban only work up to 768 meters at moment, is legacy thing from olden days. LL spose be changing that soon so will go all way up to 4096m. Group access / banlines will stay the same I think, up to 50 meters above terrain level. So people on vehicles can still fly over.

If you want privacy up in the sky then the option in About Land to restrict view of avatars to parcel works so you not able to cam the neighbours and them not you. But if people fly under or over your skybox then when on your land can still cam you. So if you want private then will prob  have to get a security orb or something like that.

ETA: prob the worst place to pick is over 4000m depending on your neighbour. When people learning to build they lose a lot of stuff on Z axis, like they type in 5000 instead of 5.000 and whoosh up it goes to 4096meters. Some them lost prims can stay up there forever.

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Charolotte makes a good point about checking around at the height that you plan on building to see if there are other skyboxes near by.  I remember after building my first 360 rotating house, I put it up at 2000m figuring it was high enough for some privacy.  A couple days after I put it there, I logged in and found 4 rugged looking guys inside!  I was still fairly new at the time so it freaked me out a bit.  Turns out that I put my home at a height that made it very visible from a local skydriving platform!!  It all turned out for the best because the guys were interested in the house design and I got my first sale that day. :smileyhappy:


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You guys are always so helpful!  Thank you so much.:matte-motes-kiss:

Another question relating to skyboxes...  I am noticing that i see these skydome texture sphere thingies available in the marketplace. I am presuming that i can buy and then install the sphere around my skybox, yes?

Does it make it so that the horizon looks better, and /or does it also block other skyboxes nearby from my view? 

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Just need to think about your neighbours really. Like what your view would be like if their place had one of them giant orbs that animate. Specially if their place is between you and the sunset or sunrise. They OK though if you pick a spot that is not on same level as anyone else.

Easy way to look at the dif levels is to sit on a box and then Edit it while you sitting and change the Z position axis.Is like a superduper instant teleport. Can just go up and down till you find a quiet spot for yourself with no one else say within 128m. 

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Ok, one last question:


Let's say i place my skybox about 1200m above my parcel. Are my neighbors able to see my green dot on their minimap, even though i am directly above them?


Thanks again, everybody!  i just love sl. having a blast. its still all shiney and new!  :-)

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Yes, all dots show up and there is no way to prevent this nor can you prevent a viewer scanner from seeing who is on the sim and where. Privacy in SL can only be done with your own sim and by closing access to it.  Other than that, people will see you are there and with who.

One thought that hit me when we are talking as I have my workshop at 4,000M even though it's my own sim but I just realized, that's 2.48548 milies high.

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dogmouse wrote:

Ok, one last question:


Let's say i place my skybox about 1200m above my parcel. Are my neighbors able to see my green dot on their minimap, even though i am directly above them?


Yes you cannot escape people minimap stalking you. However in about land options you can uncheck the option for allowing others on other parcels can see you. Then they can perv cam all they want and will see nothing.

I consider the showing your presence and name on the minimap while on a stealthed parcel to be a defect. In fact the showing of avatar names on the minimap has become an issue with the huge number of paranoid delusional freaks stalking everyone in SL. LL needs to rip that code out and when on a stealthed parcel you are not visible on any map. And ban all third party viewers that override this rule.

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dogmouse wrote:



Im thinking of putting in a skybox up over my little parcel. How high up am I allowed to go? Is there a "good" height, vs. a not so good height?

Any suggestions or comments about skyboxes would be greatly appreciated, since i know next to nothing about them.



I once had a skybox work area at 3500M high.  Then while working on large builds, and getting two prims precisely lined up and linked, I would notice prim drift.  Suddenly and with no visible reason, one of the prims would move slightly so it was no longer aligned properly.  I fought this for some time thinking each time;  "Why is it DOING that??"  Then, I read something in the blogs that said it was best to build at ground level.  I packed my build up, went down to the ground, and wonder of all wonders, no prim drift.

I would suggest that you not build up in your skybox.  Just use it for rezzing when you first log on. 

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When the stealth visibility thingy first came in I thought be better if when On, then other avatars dots not show on your map and minimap and your dot not show on theirs either.

I live on ground on mainland. I find now that I prefer to see dots on mini-map so if is someone is stand by my parcel then I can know that even if I cant see them. Bc if I got parcel stealth visibililty On and banline Up which I do when I am try on my outfits then I can see if they moving or not. Like if they moving toward my parcel then is poss they going to go over my banline and maybe stop to have a gink. In that case I rather shoot them at boundary than maybe not notice them over my parcel til some time later (:

I think tho be better for more people if was option for full Hide Me when on your parcel from everyone not on the parcel. Like hide me from everything: map, mini-map, search, groups, scripts, chat, nearby list, everything. If get IM or stuff sent to you from other avatar not on same parcel then they get Avatar Offline message.

To make fair then you can't read any Group Chat at all if you in Hide Me mode on your parcel except for the Group that owns your parcel if is deeded. Can't IM or send anything to anyone not on same parcel til you Unhide yourself either.

Also I think that scripts that scan can only get report on avatars on same parcel as object with script in. llOverMyLand should not be optional. Is really annoying when you on mainland and get spammed by a script on a parcel that you not even on. Can mute if you can find and AR owner if you want, but is sucky way to deal with things like that. Best to just not be able to script that kinda stuff. Is OK for them to scan you if you on same parcel as script but I dont think is OK they can do that if you not.

Other thing I would also like is that when is parcel stealth visibility On and banline Up then if other avatar is on parcel but on top of banline box then can't cam into the box. Would be perfect for me that and I not have to shoot anyone ever.

LL looking for ways to make land ownership more attractive and get more tier for themselves. If they make a full Hide Me option that works on a parcel for the owners and their friends when they come to visit then maybe more people will get some land of their own.


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16 wrote:

Also I think that scripts that scan can only get report on avatars on same parcel as object with script in. llOverMyLand should not be optional. Is really annoying when you on mainland and get spammed by a script on a parcel that you not even on. Can mute if you can find and AR owner if you want, but is sucky way to deal with things like that. Best to just not be able to script that kinda stuff. Is OK for them to scan you  if you on script owners land but I dont think is OK they can do that if you not.

That would have disastrous effect on Linden public land.  It would also dramatically change the way land ownership is used in many sims, making Estate land sales essentially impossible anywhere "scanning" scripts are used in RP, among other applications.

Also technically, there are many quite different forms of "scanning".  Sensors are the least of it.  For example, should touch-related events be suppressed if the touching agent is outside the parcel?  Presumably not, but what about collision-related events?  Or shared media access?  What about llGetObjectDetails(), llRequestAgentData(), llGetAgentInfo(), llGetAgentSize(), llGetAgentLanguage(), llGetAnimationList() and probably dozens more that don't come immediately to mind?

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Is my opinion that stuff should be opt in. I can accept that is OK to presume that I opt-in by coming on other persons parcel. If I don't then I don't really see why anyone would want to do any kind of that scripty stuff you mention if I don't, other than just bc they want to know. Like why does anyone need to know what is my AgentInfo if I am not on their land and not engaged in whatever they doing.

If is bc say roleplay like combat and stuff that can go over many dif parcels on sim or sims then most roleplay like that done with a HUD. Can easy have HUD scripts chat to each other on a private channel to inform where other people with same HUD are. 

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