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People Can Cam into my SL rental house?


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Honestly, I don't understand the entire drama other than a new person's expectations not being met, people offering advice from their own personal experiences trying to answer her question, being embarrassed at pixelated nakedness, then having a melt down when others did what she asked them to do.

Boy, did I get sucked in....it is just like watching TV...sucked in till the end...LOL.


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Maya -

Your home is absolutely gorgeous!  And I love your new forum badge (Still need to make one for myself...I am just not good at certain things) Anyway...I digress.  I understand what you are saying about privacy, etc but please don't toss all your hard work away because of it.  Perhaps you need to live somewhere else that is more private.  Ceka and Willow are offering assistance and help out of compassion, kindness and a gentleness of spirit.  It is not 'weak' to accept that help.  I live on a  fabulous parcel that is on a sim with only 4 residents, me being one of the four. 

My sim owner has created landscaping and used the land to build...well I will call them walls or almost mountains between each parcel.  I LOVE my parcel and never ever feel as if I am being spyed on.  It is very private and very well landscaped.  I love my house and love decorating and understand about having to move it all again.  I wish I had known about the trick that was mentioned in these threads...will have to go back and look for it.  Because let me tell you...I have deleted my house by accident and have had to rebuild everything way more times than I care to admit to.  If you send me a PM or find me in world  I will gladly tell you where I live and show you my parcel.  Perhaps a change of location with a little help from friends might be just the thing. 

As for the camming, perving and seeing me undressing...well...I am with a lot of the others on that one.  It's my toon and not me.  And she is never actually naked since I have full body tats *snickers* So if they want to admire all the work I have put into her then that's cool!  If they IM me and comment then I have the choice of muting them.   I have worked as a stripper/pole dancer in SL so perhaps that's why I am not as concerned.  My toon has been seen nude numerous times.  And while I understand your feelings and wanting to keep your privacy, I guess I have to agree with a lot of the others and say that I never expected privacy when I came to SL.  I figured my toon would be seen and I would end up tping in somewhere nude or half nude.  So they get a show and I get to find my clothing in my inventory and dress.  It's skin and pixelated skin at that.  And to my mind, really well put together avis like yours help brighten the landscape and make SL a more beautiful place.

And I also understand about the RL health stuff...that is part of why I came to SL as well.  To be able to experience things like scuba diving that I will never be able to do in RL due to my health.  So...here is a huge hug for you as well as some kind words whispered into your ear.  Please stay and let others help you.  Please stay and have some fun.  Enjoy yourself here, relax, explore, create, decorate, build, and then take that bubble bath, sip your tea and just breathe.

This is an awesome world and there are some really awesome people in it.  There are also those who will want to mess with your head.  Don't let them.  Then they ruin your fun and that makes them happier.  Don't let them win.  Seek out the wonderful people and let them surround you with lots of positive energy.  Blessings to you Maya.


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I was only putting across the view of a lot of women about being caught naked by strangers. My own feelings on the matter are quite the opposite. Nakedness has many adavantages, not least of which is saving on the cost of buying clothes. Oh, and I enjoy putting look at on at times. It's interesting to know who might be looking.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Well, I was going to buy a bubble bath.  Maybe I will just have to make that room into something else.

It took me five months to find that bed in my one room!  Five months!  I found another bed I like on Marketplace.  I asked the creator if she could make the drink tea in bed bed for me in my color scheme and she said she doesn't have time for custom work.

I've been looking for antique beds for five months that were right for me.  I found one, finally, after five months of looking.  It really took me that long.  So, an old claw bathtub sounded great to me.  I guess I can get over it (no bathtub, I mean). 

ETA:  Of course I can get over a bathtub compared to the hardships many face in life, including my own hardships.  I'm just very frustrated that I can't have the drink tea in bed I would really love in my colors, so I thought a bathroom with tub for relaxing would be a good alternative.  See, I'm frustrated because my house is 80% done, and I don't know where to go with it now as I feel I keep reaching road blocks to finishing my "fairy" house.  I had plans for the bathtub room that are now gone.  I really wanted to get my house finished, but here it sits again, 80% done.  It's just got me frustrated.  I'll have to focus on something else, and maybe eventually I will think of some way to finish my house.  I was really looking forward to getting the house done though and I thought I was FINALLY THERE, then this info came about.  So scrap the tub, and now I need to think of something else.  What, I dunno. 

Maya...haven't been to your house to know this, but what color(s) are you looking for?

ETA:  btw, like your new badge



Thank you for asking Kylie, but I really did want this particular bed because you can drink tea in bed, rezz a computer and some other things.  Very cute bed after searching for five months.  But, since, the colors are just not good, I have burgandy wallpaper in the other room, and I asked for cream lace and baby pink in that style of bed.  She doesn't have time though.  And, I've searched for months both Marketplace and inworld for an antique bed.  I finally found one I like, and that is about it, except for the other one I like not just because of it's design but it's features, and also the prim count of 28 prims, I believe it was excellent also.  I have tried all the following keyword searches:  antique bed, antique lace bed, vintage bed, iron bed, and haven't found anything yet.

@ At people saying I just get the bathtub, my answer is no. 

@ Ian, sorry for seeming over-dramatic, but I got so exhausted from about a week ago working on my house so much... it made me feel physically pretty bad.  And, I though I was finally "there", and then this info came out in the midst of my complete exhaustion.  It's a chronic illness, it's not going to get better, but it waxes and wanes, some days or weeks are better than others, but I hadn't been that exhausted in a very long time. 

@ Nacy, I did download blender and thought about creating, but it's one thing when the mind is willing and the body is just too exhausted.  I don't know if this exhaustion is going to clear up any time soon.  I'm just completely exhausted right now.  Just doing that much on my SL house wiped me out completely.  So, thanks for the thought of creating something myself.  I have thought about it and my health, and the best answer for me is not create at this time. 

I'm sorry to all if it seemed an over-reaction.  I still think I should have been told about something like that.  Not found out this way. 

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Mayalily wrote:

Thank you for asking Kylie, but I really did want this particular bed because you can drink tea in bed, rezz a computer and some other things.  Very cute bed after searching for five months.  But, since, the colors are just not good, I have burgandy wallpaper in the other room, and I asked for cream lace and baby pink in that style of bed.  She doesn't have time though.  And, I've searched for months both Marketplace and inworld for an antique bed.  I finally found one I like, and that is about it, except for the other one I like not just because of it's design but it's features, and also the prim count of 28 prims, I believe it was excellent also.  I have tried all the following keyword searches:  antique bed, antique lace bed, vintage bed, iron bed, and haven't found anything yet.

@ At people saying I just get the bathtub, my answer is no. 

@ Ian, sorry for seeming over-dramatic, but I got so exhausted from about a week ago working on my house so much... it made me feel physically pretty bad.  And, I though I was finally "there", and then this info came out in the midst of my complete exhaustion.  It's a chronic illness, it's not going to get better, but it waxes and wanes, some days or weeks are better than others, but I hadn't been that exhausted in a very long time. 

@ Nacy, I did download blender and thought about creating, but it's one thing when the mind is willing and the body is just too exhausted.  I don't know if this exhaustion is going to clear up any time soon.  I'm just completely exhausted right now.  Just doing that much on my SL house wiped me out completely.  So, thanks for the thought of creating something myself.  I have thought about it and my health, and the best answer for me is not create at this time. 

I'm sorry to all if it seemed an over-reaction.  I still think I should have been told about something like that.  Not found out this way. 


 I had read through to the (then) end of this thread yesterday. I was away from computers last night and today and was astonished to find more then 30 new responses. I hadn't commented (other than a quick reply to someone else's funny post) but I will now.

 First, my sympathy for your RL health issues. That kind of problem none of us want to have and none of us want anyone else to have.

Second, I was glad to see you hadn't decided to leave SL over all this. Someone, more than one someone I think, talked about the fact SL should never make you cry in this thread. I agree (excepting personal relationships, and this thread has nothing to do with personal relationships).

Third, I am of the opinion you over-reacted mightily to learning people could see inside your house. You need to take some responsibility for knowing how Second Life works, and I still haven't seen you do that.

It may be that for whatever reason you locked onto the Second Life Forums as a way to integrate with Second Life. You've only been a resident since March of this year, and I believe you have more posts here than I do. I'm not exactly prolific but I've been in the Forums for TWO YEARS.

If all the time you took writing, reading, and responding to posts (and that does take time) had instead been spent exploring and learning your world, you'd have known many of the answers to the questions you've asked. I know that sounds critical. Okay, it IS critical.

But I think maybe you got the idea the Forums are the place to learn it all. I don't see them that way. As far as the learning part goes, the Forums are excellent for getting answers to questions you haven't been able to answer anywhere else: tutorials, wikis, asking friends, etc.

There was some, not much but some, BS thrown your way in this thread. Mostly what you got were reasonable responses and a lot of ribald humor. We're a ribald bunch. There were also some sincere offers of assistance, Willow's specifically (well I guess I can only assume 'sincere'; I don't know Willow but I've been reading her posts for a long time and that's my take on her. I'd accept what she says at face value).

I don't think you should leave SL. I do think you should maybe be more of a reader than a writer in the Forums for a few months. The advice you got here was mostly good advice. Why not try out some of those things (the post that told you how to make your whole house including furnishings a single object, for example)? Maybe get a sky high location if privacy is that much of a concern, at least for now. Spend your time learning about the world you've found, rather than the tiny percentage of its inhabitants who populate the forums.

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Mayalily wrote:


Thank you for asking Kylie, but I really did want this particular bed because you can drink tea in bed, rezz a computer and some other things.  Very cute bed after searching for five months.  But, since, the colors are just not good, I have burgandy wallpaper in the other room, and I asked for cream lace and baby pink in that style of bed.  She doesn't have time though.  And, I've searched for months both Marketplace and inworld for an antique bed.  I finally found one I like, and that is about it, except for the other one I like not just because of it's design but it's features, and also the prim count of 28 prims, I believe it was excellent also.  I have tried all the following keyword searches:  antique bed, antique lace bed, vintage bed, iron bed, and haven't found anything yet.


Maya...I think I know the bed you are talking about and the creator.  If so, she is a busy person.  Her business is very sucessful...I can understand her decision not to take on extra work :)  That bed is very close to your color scheme that you described, with the added color of blues.  Are you sure it about it not working in your room?  I must say, I have the bed and love it!!

ETA:  Maya, I just looked at the bed again and realized it is mod...you can change the texture of the covers to whatever design, color you choose :)


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Thank you for asking Kylie, but I really did want this particular bed because you can drink tea in bed, rezz a computer and some other things.  Very cute bed after searching for five months.  But, since, the colors are just not good, I have burgandy wallpaper in the other room, and I asked for cream lace and baby pink in that style of bed.  She doesn't have time though.  And, I've searched for months both Marketplace and inworld for an antique bed.  I finally found one I like, and that is about it, except for the other one I like not just because of it's design but it's features, and also the prim count of 28 prims, I believe it was excellent also.  I have tried all the following keyword searches:  antique bed, antique lace bed, vintage bed, iron bed, and haven't found anything yet.

@ At people saying I just get the bathtub, my answer is no. 

@ Ian, sorry for seeming over-dramatic, but I got so exhausted from about a week ago working on my house so much... it made me feel physically pretty bad.  And, I though I was finally "there", and then this info came out in the midst of my complete exhaustion.  It's a chronic illness, it's not going to get better, but it waxes and wanes, some days or weeks are better than others, but I hadn't been that exhausted in a very long time. 

@ Nacy, I did download blender and thought about creating, but it's one thing when the mind is willing and the body is just too exhausted.  I don't know if this exhaustion is going to clear up any time soon.  I'm just completely exhausted right now.  Just doing that much on my SL house wiped me out completely.  So, thanks for the thought of creating something myself.  I have thought about it and my health, and the best answer for me is not create at this time. 

I'm sorry to all if it seemed an over-reaction.  I still think I should have been told about something like that.  Not found out this way. 


 I had read through to the (then) end of this thread yesterday. I was away from computers last night and today and was astonished to find more then 30 new responses. I hadn't commented (other than a quick reply to someone else's funny post) but I will now.

 First, my sympathy for your RL health issues. That kind of problem none of us want to have and none of us want anyone else to have.

Second, I was glad to see you hadn't decided to leave SL over all this. Someone, more than one someone I think, talked about the fact SL should never make you cry in this thread. I agree (excepting personal relationships, and this thread has nothing to do with personal relationships).

Third, I am of the opinion you over-reacted mightily to learning people could see inside your house. You need to take some responsibility for knowing how Second Life works, and I still haven't seen you do that.

It may be that for whatever reason you locked onto the Second Life Forums as a way to integrate with Second Life. You've only been a resident since March of this year, and I believe you have more posts here than I do. I'm not exactly prolific but I've been in the Forums for TWO YEARS.

If all the time you took writing, reading, and responding to posts (and that does take time) had instead been spent exploring and learning your world, you'd have known many of the answers to the questions you've asked. I know that sounds critical. Okay, it IS critical.

But I think maybe you got the idea the Forums are the place to learn it all. I don't see them that way. As far as the learning part goes, the Forums are excellent for getting answers to questions you haven't been able to answer anywhere else: tutorials, wikis, asking friends, etc.

There was some, not much but some, BS thrown your way in this thread. Mostly what you got were reasonable responses and a lot of ribald humor. We're a ribald bunch. There were also some sincere offers of assistance, Willow's specifically (well I guess I can only assume 'sincere'; I don't know Willow but I've been reading her posts for a long time and that's my take on her. I'd accept what she says at face value).

I don't think you should leave SL. I do think you should maybe be more of a reader than a writer in the Forums for a few months. The advice you got here was mostly good advice. Why not try out some of those things (the post that told you how to make your whole house including furnishings a single object, for example)? Maybe get a sky high location if privacy is that much of a concern, at least for now. Spend your time learning about the world you've found, rather than the tiny percentage of its inhabitants who populate the forums.

After this post, I'm outta here.  I'm sick of this hypercritical people.  I'm gone.

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Mayalily wrote:

After this post, I'm outta here.  I'm sick of this hypercritical people.  I'm gone.


I was trying to be helpful. While doing so, I tried to be honest. I criticized. I felt you were due some criticism. I tried to suggest ways to go forward. It bothers me that you are leaving SL because of something I said, but I'll get over it. I've re-read what I wrote. I don't think I see anything I'd change.


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

After this post, I'm outta here. 
I'm sick of this hypercritical people
.  I'm gone.

I was trying to be helpful. While doing so, I tried to be honest.
I criticized. I felt you were due some criticism. I tried to suggest ways to go forward. It bothers me that you are leaving SL because of something I said, but I'll get over it. I've re-read what I wrote. I don't think I see anything I'd change.

It's funny when that happens.  Maya knows I am a troll; and I don't fail her.   At least she knows I am not a hypocrite.  

@Maya I, too, get sick of the hypocrites, but that's exactly why I am *not* gone.  

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JoJo Moeleneaux wrote:

I didn't consider your post to be hypercritical, imo it was offering constructive criticism and it's a pity it wasn't perceived that way. 

Why does it matter what we think or feel about *Dillon's* post.  It mattered to Maya - isn't that what's important?  Whose 'feelings' are we protecting Dillon or Maya? 

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

I thought your post was very well thought-out, Dillon, and I doubt this flounce will last any longer than the previous one did. 

Thanks, but I meant that about staying out of here. So hopefully "this flounce" (there was another?) WILL last longer.

Yes, there have been several. 

This is the first 300 post thread in months that we are not serving breakfast or posting pictures of our vanity -- and you want Maya to leave the forum?  

@Maya, my congratulations for creating a great OP.  The creativity, drama, humor, trolling, and helpful attitude have made this a fantastic thread.  

Perhaps that's Maya point - she can use the trolling, humor, and helpfullness to assist in the drama she creates around her dilemna, but she can't deal with the hypocrisy.  Who can?  

ETA I hope she stays and posts. 

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I wasn't trying to protect anyone's feelings. I thought Dillon's post was constructive in it's critque of the situation and though it appears to have bought on another dummy spit, I don't believe the post intended to do that. The only feelings or rather thoughts it should have invoked are perhaps contemplative ones imo.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

After this post, I'm outta here. 
I'm sick of this hypercritical people
.  I'm gone.

I was trying to be helpful. While doing so, I tried to be honest.
I criticized. I felt you were due some criticism. I tried to suggest ways to go forward. It bothers me that you are leaving SL because of something I said, but I'll get over it. I've re-read what I wrote. I don't think I see anything I'd change.

It's funny when that happens.  Maya knows I am a troll; and I don't fail her.   At least she knows I am not a hypocrite.  

@Maya I, too, get sick of the hypocrites, but that's exactly why I am *not* gone.  

Storm, I think she was referring to people who were over-critical of her, not that we/they were hypocrites :(

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