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Sorting Inventory

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Just a few tips for sorting your inventory. feel free to agree to disagree or add some of your own ideas.

1) Clear out old notecards.

2) Visit all of your landmarks and delete what you don't need.

3) Go through all of your clothes. shoes. hair. etc. if you don't use it. trash it.

4) If you don't use calling cards. then delete them.

5) Check everything else. e.g. objects. noob items. whatever.

6) Clear your inventory at least every six months.

7) Make sub folders to sort clothes. hair. etc.

8) Spend a day working on your inventory. have lunch breaks. coffee breaks and make it fun.

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4) If you don't use calling cards. then delete them.

Just because you don't "use" them now doesn't mean that you never will.


I once heard the rumor that all of those calling cards were creating "lag" in my viewer, because they were busily checking the online status of all of the people who had ever been on my friends list. So, silly me deleted them.

Of course, now I can't add someone who's in my friends list to a voice call that's already in progess without asking them for a new one. Nor can I find out when I added a friend. Or remember all of those names that are no longer on my friends list.

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Great idea and advices! Here are my tips:)

1) Notecards: What you don't wanna save - delete. Otherwise, make a new notecard and name it with todays date, September 8th 2011. Drag all your notecards inside. Save and leave in the notecards folder. Do this once a month. Also, I like to have my notecards sorted, so I have a special notecard that has all my jobs notecards inside, also sorted by date and jobs I was doing since i joined SL. If you do this right you can have a whole year job inside one single notecard!

2) Landmarks: same as notes, delete doubles, all others drag inside one notecard named with the date you saved them. Repeat once a month. If you have a fav shop with many items bought there, for example hairs, then you probably have many duplicated landmarks. The best way to check it is either to filter your inventory or open a world map and check your landmarks. Delete all duplicated.

3) Clothes: when you buy an item check if its no copy. Those boxes you can delete, all other boxes leave saved under objects (this way you can delete clothes and if you change your mind later you can always find an original box and unpack it again). Also, inside your objects folder, make subfolders for different types of boxes (shoes, hairs, poses, furniture...).

4) The best advice for making your inventory perfect is to find a job where you need to stand somewhere (a shop, a studio or whatever) and greet or help customers. Buy a sound radar (there is one perfect for 50$L at the marketplace lol) and start to sort your inventory. You won't miss a single client and you'll have plenty of time to work on your inventory. Also, you will get money for that:)

5) Don't delete your calling cards. Make a box and put them all inside it, don't forget to give a name to that box:)

6) Make one top folder in your inventory (put # in front of the name) and name it "A new stuff, or unpacked stuff.. There you will put all your stuff that you haven't find time to try and see do you need them or you wanna delete them. And they won't mix with other stuff. This advice is also good for hunts, where you can get more than 5o boxes in one single day. Usually you'll need a few days to unpack them all and I know girls that haven't unpacked all their boxes for months lol

7) Same goes for your textures, snapshots, photos others gave you - make a new notecard and put them all inside, give a proper name...

8) I have one folder named Wearing, there are only stuff i wear atm, all others are boxed.

9) Gold rule for deleting - if you can't remember what it is or when was the last time you actually used a certain item, you probably don't need it and you can delete it. (or box if you like to keep everything lol)

At the end, when you open, for example your objects folder, inside you will have animations, clothes, hairs, jewelry, shoes... and inside them all your backup inventory in boxes.

And when you open your "Wearing" folder, you have subfolders with Animations (2 AOs top), Clothes (subfolders of dresses, pants, shirts, whole outfits...), Hairs (only few of your fav hairs that you usually wear), and so on;)

I am in SL for more than a year and my inventory is usually around 8k of items.

I hope this will help someone:)

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Don't forget to empty the Trash folder every once in a while too.  When you delete something from inventory, it isn't really deleted.  It's just moved to Trash, where it continues to count in your total of items in inventory, along with anything that you rezzed and then deleted.  I empty Trash roughly once a month, clearing inventory of about 400 to 600 items each time. 

Do the same thing with Lost & Found, BTW. Many times, things that end up in Lost & Found are things that you already have copies of elsewhere, so you can delete them safely.

If you are building, texturing, or scripting, you can accumulate a zillion copies of the same file as you make revisions and save work in progress or test a script.  I try to be very careful to give each new copy a version number -- Yes, it would be great if LL finally instituted the real versioning system that they have been talking about for years <sigh> -- so that I can remember which ones represent major changes. Once I'm really sure that I'm not going to go back beyond one of those major points, I can delete all versions up to there. (That's how I end up with so many things in Trash each month.)

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I agree with most of this, however I have a box that I keep transferrable things I don't wear anymore in to help out noobs.  I mean if they're worth keeping; I don't give noobs crappy stuff.  I have all my things separated into folders and subfolders and more subfolders lol... and my favorite designers get their own subfolders, sometimes several if they make ensembles, individual pieces, shoes... 

I really wish there was an option to click a link and go somewhere without it copying a LM into my inventory EVERY TIME.  It's really irritating.

Another tip- rez those "object"s before you delete them, especially if you've ever built anything!

It's been suggested that I make outfits, but honestly... I rarely wear exactly the same thing twice, so it's not a lot of use to me, and I save items that way because I don't have multiple copies of the same thing in many folders.



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I really, really wish SL would give the inventory a massive overhaul. But I bet they never thought anyone would have more than 2-3 000 items when they started with SL. But I have heard about people with 80 - 100 K inventories several times the last years, and this problem won't go away.

First of all, LL should let us open the inventory without having to open SL. It is so many breaks where it really isn't appropriate to log into SL,  but where I could do some inventory management without having to load the whole SL.

And FFS. let us drag whole folders into storage boxes, and keep the folder intact! If somebody could script a storage box that let us keep stuff in folders, they would be rich!  Boxing up stuff is so timeconsuming if you have to pack a box for each folder, then put the boxes in a new box. It is too hard to find things again, it is really a hopeless system.

I purge 3-5 000 or more all the time, but with my shopping addiction, the number is up again in a few months. Too many sales, freebies and hunts!  I get too much good stuff, so I can't get my inventory under 30 K, no matter what I do.

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Delete the landmarks, textures and notecards that are included in new purchases (some creators even put multiple of these with their products), if you need to visit the store again you can always 'inspect' the item to get the creaters profile and look for a LM in there pics.

Have one folder in your inventory as 'too sort' put all new items in there until you can try it on, adjust it and delete what you dont want.

Take pics of thing and store these in an texture organisor (if you have spent 300L$ on a top you can spend another 10L$ on a picture of it) this saves having to try multiple things on becaue you cant remember what they look like. Once photographed put the item in an inventory organisor, things with multi parts like shoes can be boxed first.

Put textures in organisors, box back up copies just in case.

Things like furniture that you dont use often can be boxed

Try on every hair in a fat pack, and delete that vile lime green one you know you will never wear. 

Try on all your hairs/skins/clothes at least once a year, quality improves so quickly in SL, it is very unlickly you will ever wear that freebie skin you got 3 yrs ago.

Label everything CLEARLY so you know what is in it.

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Great post Pandora!

1) Clear out old notecards.

2) Visit all of your landmarks and delete what you don't need.

3) Go through all of your clothes. shoes. hair. etc. if you don't use it. trash it.
Mmmh, no, I like to wear old stuff sometimes.

4) If you don't use calling cards. then delete them.
I agree with Griffin: keep them, you might want to find an old friend's name one day.

5) Check everything else. e.g. objects. noob items. whatever.

6) Clear your inventory at least every six months.
lol, it would take me 6 months to clear mine! 

7) Make sub folders to sort clothes. hair. etc.
Very wise tip but I must admit I'm just too lazy and messy for that!

8) Spend a day working on your inventory. have lunch breaks. coffee breaks and make it fun.
See my answer n°6.

Congrats for your suggestions!

Edited : my personal tip: have a good memory! :smileywink:

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I was just thinking I needed to do something about my inventory the other day.  There are some great tips here. Some of them I may actually use even.  There's a really good blog out there called SL for Nowt that I've been reading since I joined SL.  If it weren't for Mar, my inventory would be even worse that it currently is. But it's hunting season right now....

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Once you've

  • Deleted everything that's really useless/unwearable
  • Removed all duplicates
  • Got rid of readily-available freebies (eg; don't keep NCI freebies you use every now and again - delete and get another when you need it)
  • Sorted everything into folders

THEN look at those sub-sub-sub folders and think "How often do I need to look at my collection of 20 different pairs of jeans?".  Put all those items into a single box.  It's easy to open when you DO want to look at jeans but has a drastic affect on inventory-count.

Mine is around 2k, and I spend my time in SL creating content, so I use a lot of different things.

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