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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!!!

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Okay so, here's the issue... it may be that I'm not familiar enough with the viewer I'm using, but sometimes I completely miss people's IMs.  I may have set up my viewer so that when someone IMs me (I don't mean when they first IM me... it's when I'm already in a conversation with them and they reply to me), I miss it.

Does this ever happen to you?

If I'm being honest, there are times when I'll get an IM from someone and ignore it for a while... then I'll say something like, "Oh sorry, I was afk."  It doesn't happen often, at least not on purpose (see the second sentence) and I usually am being truthful when I say it.  Sometimes I'm not though. 

Do you ever lie to people like that?

Of course, I never, ever really lie about that kind of thing, how dare you accuse me of that? =P

...Dres (I may not respond right away... I could be afk.)

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I'm really crap at multiple IMs, and so if Janelle is online, or if I get involved with certain group chats, then I forget to look in other IM windows.  I am often afk too, so miss IMs.  I will get back to most people, but I am sure I miss some IMs completely. 

If I'm already in conversation with someone, they always come first, but if I get other IMs coming in that I want to move onto, I don't lie about it, I just wind up the conversation, saying I'm moving onto other things, but some people have got a bit arsey with me when I haven't responded to them straightaway (which is their problem really, or being too needy), and then there are the ones that ninja-IM me as soon as I log in, and they just get muted.

Actually, come to think of it, if I don't log in for a while, I get IMs to my email, and people accuse me of ignoring them on purpose!

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no, i don;t ever lie about that, but there are times when i don't recieve IM's ( when i am offline or online) and i get accused of ignoring them.....................funny really, i will tell the truth even if it kills me (RL and SL) and still get accused of lying.i do not believe there is syuch a thing as a white lie, but if you lie, then you set up a behaviour pattern when you will use excuses like, " i dont want to hurt their feelings, so i wont tell them" when in reality the only person you are protecting with a lie is your self, your pride or your vanity. well, when i was a kid, i never got away with any lies, so i made a decision to always tell the truth. true, sometimes people get their feelings hurt, but they get over it and appreciate (in the end) your honesty. At least iwhen i am on my death bed, i will have no burden of the lies i have told, and die with a little dignity................... Sl is a funny place, i find, in a place where no one can know your true identity, that there are a lot of liers, and they lie big time too. I guess some just like to believe in the lie they are telling.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

What viewer is it Dres? In Firestorm individual avi's chat windows will flash with each massage. *winx

(oops wrong window)

Yeah Firestorm, but no, I think I may have set it so that they don't.  Of course I could be lying about that. =P

@Sylvia: It's blatantly clear you are lying.

@Marigold: You're lying as well... I can tell.

@Wiked: I don't believe a word you said.


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Persephone Emerald wrote:

I have not lied about not receiving an IM, but I have pretended to have semi-important RL stuff to do or pretended to crash when I was really just bored.  "Sorry, I have to go" is still basically true. I'm just not saying "I have to go now because I'm so bored I want to scream."

Pretending is lying... your pants require a fire extinguisher.


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Esparanza Azalee wrote:

I use phoenix and I had to get use to ims adding up at the bottom.. First of all I just tell people that IM me as soon as I see it that I am already engaged in another conversation and that I will get back to them later unless they just want drop me a NC....

Lies.. all lies.


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If I am talking to someone and someone else pings me, I will drop into that window quickly to tell them I am busy and will get back to them later.  Sometimes if I am in my browser, I might miss an IM.  If the person is still online, I will tell them I was not looking.  If they are not online, I probably will not mention it.

/me slips off my shoes and shows Dres my fingers and toes to *prooooove* nothing is crossed!

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I'm not going to lie about not responding to IM's.  I don't lie when I don't respond to IM's.  If I'm busy and don't want to talk and it's delayed because I was busy, I tell them that when I do get to the response..........I've never recieved a negative response from anyone when I do that.  If I just don't want to respond, I don't.  I don't offer any explanation or "excuse".  I'll just close the IM box and keep doing what ever it was I was doing.  I'll even log off without ever responding...........and never offer an excuse.  If (like on rare occassions it has happened) someone confronts me about a failure to respond to an earlier IM, I tell them the truth........I was otherwise occuppied and didn't want to answer.  I've never recieved a negative response from anyone for that answer either.


Being "otherwise occuppied" can (and sometimes does) mean I just don't want to spend the time in IM and would rather do what I was doing when the IM came in.


My pants aren't on fire.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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@ Marigold, you get IM's in your email?  Does that mean sim owners or groups know our email address?  I thought only LL knew that?

@ Dres, no I don't lie or not answer, I just say hold on a sec and brb, and then answer when I can.  I can't chat a whole lot though because I exercise a lot in real life while Second Life is running, so my av is dancing and so am I quiet often.  (If I had a job on SL, I wouldn't do that or go afk, of course, unless it was a real life emergency.)  It's okay if there is chat delay or a few minutes between answering, and I don't mind if there is a delay in an answer coming back to me either because I believe real life comes first, and we do need to get up from our computer chair and move around as that is what the human body is meant to do -- move and exercise. 

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There's a setting in your dashboard that enables you to get your offline IMs sent to your email... if I'm telling you the truth.

Mayalily wrote:

@ Dres, no I don't lie or not answer

There's no way you can avoid not answering every single time... therefore I deem you to be speaking fictitiously.


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Good, phew. 

@ Dres, believe what you want, as I can't prove anything to you.  I honestly don't remember lying in order to not answer an IM.  I just say brb or hold on a sec. 

I have lied about getting away from awful music at clubs though.  Awful music is quite subjective, I know.  But by awful I might mean music I've heard a million times already on SL, and I'm sick of it, so I don't want to hear it again, so I make a lame excuse or lie.  

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Rez a cube, stand there looking at it for an hour trying to think of what to build. Dead silence the entire time. Finally an idea evolves and I select the cube to get started and I get an IM. Works like that almost every time.

Some projects I work on are 100 meters or more in length. My camera position is 75 meters away from my Avatar. Only when I reset my camera do I see that someone said "hello" in local chat about 20 minutes ago. My bad :smileytongue:

I don't tell lies. I think I share too much information. (I should have never said her butt looked big)

Small lies: Who am I to burst other people's bubbles of perception? They were plugging along as happy as can be, until someone had to say something. Someone who doesn't have to live that person's life or walk in their shoes.





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Mayalily wrote:

Good, phew. 

@ Dres, believe what you want, as I can't prove anything to you.  I honestly don't remember lying in order to not answer an IM.  I just say brb or hold on a sec. 

I have lied about getting away from awful music at clubs though.  Awful music is quite subjective, I know.  But by awful I might mean music I've heard a million times already on SL, and I'm sick of it, so I don't want to hear it again, so I make a lame excuse or lie.  

Ahhh... so you admit to your treachery?


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