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Ban Furry Prejudice.

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Not sure if this is the right place to talk, but I am rather agrivated about some unfair sim rule that disallows furry avatars. This is not just for myself; my brother was booted from a sim just for having a furry avatar as well. I believe this to be unfair, unconstitutional, and an indirect violation of the Terms of Service. I am sure several others think the same (if you are the good residents I know you are).


The Furry Community has faced enough prejudice for years. I would highly appreciate it if there existed somewhere in the Terms of Service something that forbids the persecution and discrimination of even an internet sub-culture. Banning "no furry rules" on sims would be a great step to equality, and possibly make this community a more enjoyable social network.


-Do take note that this is NOT intended to be spam in any way whatsoever. It is a request; a request that I hope will come to pass.

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My thinking is that places ban furries (especially RP sims) to achieve a certain level of atmosphere and environment. For example on an old west sim lots of groups other than furries are banned. So are robots, cars, aliens, wookies, etc... They even do this in fancy real life clubs where there is a certain dress code.

Imagine if this law were implemented in the USA and no sub culture could be banned from -anything-. You'd have people in cow suits working at banks, cavemen serving your McDonalds, Darth Vader in your romantic comedy movies. OH THE INSANITY!!!

Or in the words of John Lennon, "Imagine allllll the peopleeee -and furries- living life living life in peace."

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Greene Paine wrote:

My thinking is that places ban furries (especially RP sims) to achieve a certain level of atmosphere and environment. For example on an old west sim lots of groups other than furries are banned. So are robots, cars, aliens, wookies, etc... They even do this in fancy real life clubs where there is a certain dress code.

Imagine if this law were implemented in the USA and no sub culture could be banned from -anything-. You'd have people in cow suits working at banks,
cavemen serving your McDonalds
, Darth Vader in your romantic comedy movies. OH THE INSANITY!!!

Or in the words of John Lennon, "Imagine allllll the peopleeee -and furries- living life living life in peace."

Would you like ketchup with your order?


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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

Owners of sims banning whomever they please is not "unconstitutional"...actually, it's not a violation (indirect or otherwise) of TOS, either. Have you considered owning your own sim so you can set it up the way that you want it to be? 

This is what I was going to say, but I was going to add that it's because, while the TOS bans discrimination, it's based on RL factors, not avatar appearance.

The only thing you can really do is not go there anymore and chalk it up to their loss.


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Greene Paine wrote:

Imagine if this law were implemented in the USA and no sub culture could be banned from -anything-. You'd have people in cow suits working at banks, cavemen serving your McDonalds,
Darth Vader in your romantic comedy movies.

Or in the words of John Lennon, "Imagine allllll the peopleeee -and furries- living life living life in peace."


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Looks like you're fishing for drama.

A lot of RP sims (which I know for sure are the ONLY places with 'no furry' rules) have something called a 'theme', and they'd like thier players to stick to said theme. If, for example, a RP demands realistic avatars, then, say, a candy-colored bipedal dog with a sword bigger that it is isn't exactly realistc.

In the VERY rare event that you find a non-rp sim with a 'no furries' rule, forget 'em and move on. Not worth your time.

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If you believe all this to be true, give us your address and we will all come hang out at your house dressed as furries, whether you want us there or not.  "Land ownership" in SL gives a person just as much freedom in deciding who they want to allow in their "home." 

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Sadly you can't ban ignorance, it's their sim to do with as they wish, not a TOS violation, etc.

You can however make your point by badmouthing the place to all your friends! Extra points if you trash the place on your blog, Facebook page, etc.  :matte-motes-evil-invert:

ETA: The Storm pic is priceless!

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>>> Not sure if this is the right place to talk, but I am rather agrivated about some unfair sim rule that disallows furry avatars. This is not just for myself; my brother was booted from a sim just for having a furry avatar as well.


What a lame sim, then.  At least you two found out within seconds how lame it is.  The rest of us would have to spend a minute or two.



>>>  I believe this to be unfair


Yes.  But it's their parcel, not yours, so that's their perogative.



>>> unconstitutional


Well, I'm not sure if I should say OMG, roll my eyes, and click the next message button...or inform you that you have a serious deficit in your understanfing of the constitution.  Considering that one needs to be at least 18 years of age to use SL, and given that the voting age is only 18 regardless of one's incapacity to understand what the phrase "unconstitutional" means, vis-â-vis the sorry state this country has been in over the last three years due largely in part to vast segments of our population suffering from this same incapacity and coupled with the upcomming presidential nomination process, I choose the latter.  Try this for starters:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Constitution



>>> an indirect violation of the Terms of Service.


No.  Land owners have every right to determine which individuals they will allow on their land, and which they will not, no matter how illogical their policies may be.  If someone wants to ban anyone wearing a robot body combined with a clown head with full circus makeup who dares to do the "WWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" animation on their land, that's their choice.  An odd choice, but not a violation of ToS.



>>> I would highly appreciate it if there existed somewhere in the Terms of Service something that forbids the persecution and discrimination of even an internet sub-culture. Banning "no furry rules" on sims would be a great step to equality, and possibly make this community a more enjoyable social network.


No.  Land owners have every right to determine which individuals they will allow on their land, and which they will not, etcetera etcetera as stated above.  You can't force people to allow folks they do not wish to allow.  How would this be enforced, anyhow?  If someone dresses up as a furry, goes to a place and acts like a horse's rear end, would the parcel owner then have to prove that they banned based on behavior, not on avatar clothing selection?


And persecution?  PERSECUTION?  How on earth is running into a banline in a video game persecution?


Oh, what sheltered lives we live in this country.  Some of us have ancestors who were God Forbid lynched, had crosses burned on their lawns, thrown into ovens, dealt with advertisements for employment that stated "No Irish Need Apply" right in the newspaper, and so on.  I suggest that the ground shaking we felt yesterday was NOT an earthquake:  It was our ancestors rolling over in their graves, when hearing what their progeny now considers to be "persecution".


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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:


That is wonderful Ishtara do you mind if I save it to my hard drive?


Not at all
Go ahead. It's a copyright-free exploitable

ETA: Unless Storm has any copyrights on the original Storm character, that is.

The Storm 'character' is made from this entire forum.  I have no 'dibs' on your creativity.

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Well they can Eject/Ban you for any reason, however I would make note of who banned you, find out who owns the region or land, and if they banned you without any type of warning and you need to be there or feel it wasn't right see if you can find another officer or owner to file a complaint to sometimes it works. Most Clubs, or Sims that do not allow furry avatars would give you a warning to leave before banning you, but sometimes there are some rude people who wouldn't and this just really makes for a bad community in SL when you have actual newbs.

As for GOR, Western, and certain sims they don't want furry avatars, or Robots running around because it would just be too out of theme, although I personally have no problem with furries except rude furries, or furries that dont know how to play.

As for LL doing anything about this I really doubt they will I mean it does suck, but again a lot of the problems and drama that are in SL is because of the rude community, and how some owners invite newbs to be officers just because of special relations or friendship it can ruin a group or community, and does nothing but create a bunch of drama for everyone. Which reminds me I should say the SL TOS/CS only applies in SL & The SL Service.

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