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What's going on in here?

Ima Rang

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i understand your interest mickey, maybe you had noticed that some of the old GD personalities are not around, some unvoluntarily like Ima said, some under their own decision.

i was referring to "they" as the ones who didnt want to come back by decision, at least it seemed that way because the change to how was it regularly was very noticeable, is still is for some.

i was wrong in making a separation between "them" and "us", the forums doesnt belong to "us", it belongs to linden lab.

i grew an attachment to these forums, i love these forums, and that feeling gave me a sense of belonging. youre right, i let my feelings show more than what it should. i apologize.



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Ok, so first I thought . . . I should say something about the sniping and nasty stuff going on here. And how no one is improving the image of their "group" by including damning quotes in their signature, or saying overtly nasty things to each other. And how, at the same time, saving the really nasty stuff that you say for a third party blog, rather than saying it here, isn't really an improvement, and is maybe even a bit cowardly, even if it means that, for most people, you seem to be playing nice, when you are really just being nasty elsewhere.

And then I thought maybe I'd say that the best kind of lunch is an open, inclusive affair, where everyone is invited. And that a true PICard always says "Engage" to the helmsman, because "engaging" with others, rather than attacking them is what one should do.

Then I thought maybe I'd better not say these things, because I'll get accused of being a "net nanny," and maybe disliked by everyone, and excoriated by one or two others for really being a sneaky and slippery manipulator.

So, after that, it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't care if people think or do those things.

And then I thought, but I sort of do care.

So maybe I won't say any of those things, even though I'd like to.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Again I'm speaking in general terms... it's not "their" forum... it's not "our" forum... it's actually LL's forum.  I fail to see how an us versus them mentality will do us any good.  Sure we have different views, but don't we really all want the same thing?  A thriving forum with a sense of community that is enjoyable for all?  I'd rather see us all get together and help LL make this a better place to be for all of us, than see us fighting amongst ourselves.

Yes, and we would also like to see the lower half of your avatar pic. Kthnxbai.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Ok, so first I thought . . . I should say something about the sniping and nasty stuff going on here. And how no one is improving the image of their "group" by including damning quotes in their signature, or saying overtly nasty things to each other. And how, at the same time, saving the really nasty stuff that you say for a third party blog, rather than saying it here, isn't
an improvement, and is maybe even a bit cowardly, even if it means that, for most people, you
to be playing nice, when you are really just being nasty elsewhere.


Well...what about that time that you....or that other time when....and let us not forget....ok...yeah, maybe.  10900.gif

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If I want to reduce myself to a complete sickening hateful excrement, I will go to SLC. If I feel like posting a RL naked pic of myself, I will go to gV. If I have invented something awesome and I feel like showing off, I'll go for a nose job and get myself a throne at SLU. Please don't use this place as a common dumping ground off all those rubbish.

I don't think we are lacking forum personalities... I think what you're seeking for are familiar forum personalities. Someone you have grown accustomed to. To be honest I'm quite happy the all the forum posters we have now. They are as colourful and as creative as they can be. They know how to make the most of everything and it tickles me sometimes to see how creative they can get with their postings without getting moderated. Why can't you all adapt to this new environment? What entertaining factors are you looking that we haven't got already? What is wrong with the current forumites? Why calling the dead?

Even the moderators has their own personality. For example;

Mike = :matte-motes-inlove:, Mysterious
Genn = :matte-motes-big-grin:, Polite
Joanna = :matte-motes-bored:, Oy.....

.... SO,  What the Hell is a "proper" forum personality? .... 


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Ima Rang wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

What I would really not like to see seep back into the forum, is people posting threads, however carefully disguised, with the intended purpose of airing some grievance with an individual or group of individuals, formal or informal.  I just think there are better places for that kind of behavior.  But people will do what they want, right?



And its also another thing when people respond to a disagreement about 'One thing' with, not a comment about that 'One thing', but a personal attack on 'A'. Ie: rather than saying "no, blue is better than mauve", saying 'A is just a socialist'. Even saying 'anyone who like mauve is an idiot' is, while not great, better than 'A is just an idiot.'



Why is insulting many, "anyone who," better than insulting one, "A is just an idiot." ?

Attacking the stance versus attacking the person. Saying:

"Mauve is no good." is the best way to make the point, sure. Saying "Anyone who likes mauve is an idiot," is not as fully a personal attack as "A is just an idiot." Its still poor and non-constructive argumentation, but its not getting petty and personal in an attempt to misdirect -as much- as directly going after A rather than A's point.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Ima Rang wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

What I would really not like to see seep back into the forum, is people posting threads, however carefully disguised, with the intended purpose of airing some grievance with an individual or group of individuals, formal or informal.  I just think there are better places for that kind of behavior.  But people will do what they want, right?



And its also another thing when people respond to a disagreement about 'One thing' with, not a comment about that 'One thing', but a personal attack on 'A'. Ie: rather than saying "no, blue is better than mauve", saying 'A is just a socialist'. Even saying 'anyone who like mauve is an idiot' is, while not great, better than 'A is just an idiot.'



Why is insulting many, "anyone who," better than insulting one, "A is just an idiot." ?

Attacking the stance versus attacking the person.

Attacking the stance would be, "mauve is a hideous color and deserves to be rejected as it looks like organ meat."  Where, "anyone who likes mauve is an idiot" is attacking the group that likes mauve. 

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Willow Danube wrote:

If I want to reduce myself to a complete sickening hateful excrement, I will go to SLC. If I feel like posting a RL naked pic of myself, I will go to gV. If I have invented something awesome and I feel like showing off, I'll go for a nose job and get myself a throne at SLU. Please don't use this place as a common dumping ground off all those rubbish.

I don't think we are lacking forum personalities... I think what you're seeking for are familiar forum personalities. Someone you have grown accustomed to. To be honest I'm quite happy the all the forum posters we have now. They are as colourful and as creative as they can be. They know how to make the most of everything and it tickles me sometimes to see how creative they can get with their postings without getting moderated. Why can't you all adapt to this new environment? What entertaining factors are you looking that we haven't got already? What is wrong with the current forumites? Why calling the dead?

Even the moderators has their own personality. For example;

Mike = :matte-motes-inlove:, Mysterious

Genn = :matte-motes-big-grin:, Polite

Joanna = :matte-motes-bored:, Oy.....

.... SO,  What the Hell is a "proper" forum personality? .... 


Well, I'm not going to kick this horse now that it is dead and glue :D but, the forum does not lack personalities....the forum itself lacks personality.   Not enough freedom of expression to be inclusive of all types of humor.  I like satire, parody, sarcasm, irony...I would not even mind posting an lolcat just to poke Pep....that kind of thing.   



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"Then I thought maybe I'd better not say these things, because I'll get accused of being a 'net nanny,' and maybe disliked by everyone, and excoriated by one or two others for really being a sneaky and slippery manipulator."


Just thought I'd point out that your coming was foretold.

Anyway, I only said I'd maybe say those things.

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Mayalily wrote:

Not that many are pulled that I've seen, so I think you are over reacting. 

Also, why make a post like the one above and just complain?  Why not just start some interesting thread topics instead? 


Over reacting in what way?  I personally think this shaped up into a really nice discussion and I am really, really happy to see so many names that have brought me a lot of laughter over the past year or so.  If that is what my 'over reaction' brought about, then I am very glad that I through this  hissy fit. ;D

I thought this was an interesting thread topic. :D  The post above was a clarification, not a complaint. 


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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

I thought maybe I'd better not say these things, because I'll get accused of being a 'net nanny,' and maybe disliked by
, and excoriated by one or two others for really being a sneaky and slippery manipulator."


Just thought I'd point out that your coming was foretold.

Anyway, I only said I'd
say those things.

Net nanny!  :D :D :D :D

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Ima Rang wrote:

Canoro Philipp wrote:

you are welcome to come whenever you want, is a public forum.

you know why the forums are not like the old GD? because the people who had the old GD that way was not here. this is the result, the forums at their current state.

you are welcome to post threads and comment, i invite the old GD to come back to the forums, maybe you will give it a new direction. lets see how many come.

Thanks!  For a minute there I was thinking we were not welcome to come back.

For the record, I am not saying that I don't like the forums, I am saying that it is lacking in the personality department, where before, we had some wonderful parodies, satire, irony and generally a set of humor that was appealing I suppose to a particular personality type.  I see most of those type threads pulled, and pulled quickly...Why?  Sugar and spice and everything nice is awesome and a loving and endearing community where everyone states they agree with each other in 150 threads with 10-15 agreeable post each is great...but...nothing you can really chew on or laugh at.  Laughter is good medicine.   Why can't we temporarily derail a thread for a bit of humor and then migrate back to the topic at hand?  Why can't I tell Chris Norse that he is insane as he damn well knows that Malted Milk balls are digestive tract grenades, disguised as confections, manufactured by satans minions, and I know this to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because I am lactose intolerant!  Happy my ass...oh wait...

As far as some of us going away, well yeah, we did.  I have a child and a job and the new forum did not get situated well until early spring.  I, and I suspect a lot of others have been engaing in spring and summer vacations and family fun and sun stuffs.  

The above post you wrote is an over reaction, and not true.  There have hardly been any threads pulled at all. 

And, we also are allowed humor and mild derailment, and these threads or posts are not pulled, just the ones with name calling and/or hate speech in them are deleted. 

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If you don't like the You Tube ones, no one is forcing you to look at them and you are not handcuffed in a chair and made at gunpoint to open any You Tube thread, so let others enjoy them, and start another topic.  It's that easy.  You just hit the 'start a thread' green button, and voila, you've got a topic. 

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Mayalily wrote:

Ima Rang wrote:

Canoro Philipp wrote:

you are welcome to come whenever you want, is a public forum.

you know why the forums are not like the old GD? because the people who had the old GD that way was not here. this is the result, the forums at their current state.

you are welcome to post threads and comment, i invite the old GD to come back to the forums, maybe you will give it a new direction. lets see how many come.

Thanks!  For a minute there I was thinking we were not welcome to come back.

For the record, I am not saying that I don't like the forums, I am saying that it is lacking in the personality department, where before, we had some wonderful parodies, satire, irony and generally a set of humor that was appealing I suppose to a particular personality type.  I see most of those type threads pulled, and pulled quickly...Why?  Sugar and spice and everything nice is awesome and a loving and endearing community where everyone states they agree with each other in 150 threads with 10-15 agreeable post each is great...but...nothing you can really chew on or laugh at.  Laughter is good medicine.   Why can't we temporarily derail a thread for a bit of humor and then migrate back to the topic at hand?  Why can't I tell Chris Norse that he is insane as he damn well knows that Malted Milk balls are digestive tract grenades, disguised as confections, manufactured by satans minions, and I know this to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because I am lactose intolerant!  Happy my ass...oh wait...

As far as some of us going away, well yeah, we did.  I have a child and a job and the new forum did not get situated well until early spring.  I, and I suspect a lot of others have been engaing in spring and summer vacations and family fun and sun stuffs.  

The above post you wrote is an over reaction, and not true.  There have hardly been any threads pulled at all. 

And, we also are allowed humor and mild derailment, and these threads or posts are not pulled, just the ones with name calling and/or hate speech in them are deleted. 

Ummm..."hardly been any threads pulled at all" indicates that some threads are pulled...which I specified which types of threads that I have observed that have been pulled. So there is truth to what I wrote.  This thread was pulled and the mods were kind enough to review and reinstate.  Last evening a humorous derail in this thread took place for approximately 5 or 6 posts and those posts were pulled.  They contained no name calling or hate speech.    So, it is not just the ones with name calling and/or hate speech. 

I am enjoying being back in the forums.  :)  



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Any post pulled without a PM from a mod can be queried and, then, a reason is to be provided.  This is what we have been told by the team that administers the Forum.  Some derails are fun and some are contentious.  I do not mind either one as long as people can disagree without becoming disagreeable.

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Ima Rang wrote:

I am enjoying being back in the forums. 

YAY!!!  I enjoy you being back in the forums as well.

@Mayalily: You may not be acutely aware of what is being pulled, but it really is a problem.  There's even a thread about whole threads being deleted in the forum feedback forum *snickers* where Lexie acknowledged that it is an issue.  I happen to think that the issue is much broader than that and that is what this discussion is really about.  And I think this is an extremely interesting thread, just FYI.


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