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What's going on in here?

Ima Rang

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Roseysun Galicia wrote:

Ima Rang wrote:

Good points.

I guess, as I stated in my OP, I often see threads pulled and I have followed them while at work on my droid, no evidence of TOS violation, but when I come home and try to log in to post, the thread is just gone.  I'm not sure I understand why things are so strict, what is the purpose of being that rigid?  If the TOS and CS are not the only rules we are to follow, how are we supposed to know when we are pushing the boundaries?  I enjoy posting, but I don't really want to shovel snow in a blizzard if you know what I mean

Good to see you btw

Also supposed to follow these rules: 

I remember the old forums as I spent time reading/lurking there.  There are people that used to post there that dont post to the new forums and I do miss their posts and points of view on subjects. 

The good part is that LL listened and brought back the General Discussion board.  :-)




I was really glad to see the general discussion forum. It gave me hope.

I am really longing now for a big fat juicy sarcastic post from Tolya. I wonder if he would come back if I showed him some bewbs?

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I miss the old Forums as well.  Following the lure of Ima's bounteous breasts, I see a comment that there is now a GD forum?  That would be cool.  I could even live with immoderate moderation.  But this software makes my eyes hurt.

This was actually my first internet forum/blog/whatever thingy.  I tried SLU for a bit after they switched software.  It sucked less to use, but the people there seemed to have a SERIOUS "forum elite" issue and seemed to lack the intelligent dialog we had here.  Lately I have been on Huffington Post as, apparently, the only rational Conservative able to string together two sentences.  I have to say, despite how nasty we sometimes got in the old Forum, on the whole we were better behaved and far more eloquent a bunch than anywhere else I have found.

Well, for Ima's sake, I have now violated my vow to never participate on this forum unless I was so bored that the next least painful thing to do was catheterize myself with broken glass, and I am not currently that bored.  So, assuming I have now met Ima's craving for a bit of Tolya, I'll bid you all adieu and feel free to stop by and say hi inworld.

Tolya (wonders how to change his sig line, since Charlie Sheen has lost his humour value)

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Tolya Ugajin wrote:

I miss the old Forums as well.  Following the lure of Ima's bounteous breasts, I see a comment that there is now a GD forum?  That would be cool.  I could even live with immoderate moderation.  But this software makes my eyes hurt.

This was actually my first internet forum/blog/whatever thingy.  I tried SLU for a bit after they switched software.  It sucked less to use, but the people there seemed to have a SERIOUS "forum elite" issue and seemed to lack the intelligent dialog we had here.  Lately I have been on Huffington Post as, apparently, the only rational Conservative able to string together two sentences.  I have to say, despite how nasty we sometimes got in the old Forum, on the whole we were better behaved and far more eloquent a bunch than anywhere else I have found.

Well, for Ima's sake, I have now violated my vow to never participate on this forum unless I was so bored that the next least painful thing to do was catheterize myself with broken glass, and I am not currently that bored.  So, assuming I have now met Ima's craving for a bit of Tolya, I'll bid you all adieu and feel free to stop by and say hi inworld.

Tolya (wonders how to change his sig line, since Charlie Sheen has lost his humour value)


See how he does it!  Really sparks a reaction! I mean, I don't even have a penis and that brilliant post made the penis I don't have hurt!

I can never get enough Tolya...I hope we will have the winter together....Huffington is bound to get boring sooner or later...

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Tolya Ugajin wrote:

Hey, no being helpful!  This is the Forum, not SLA!

Tolya (is surprised that between his advanced dementia and heavy consumption of drugs in his youth and drinking in his old age that he even remembers...what was I talking about again?)

You were just saying that Charlie Sheen is a Weiner!  I mean....Winner!  and you were proud to have him under you :)

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Ima Rang wrote:

Tolya Ugajin wrote:

Hey, no being helpful!  This is the Forum, not SLA!

Tolya (is surprised that between his advanced dementia and heavy consumption of drugs in his youth and drinking in his old age that he even remembers...what was I talking about again?)

You were just saying that Charlie Sheen is a Weiner!  I mean....Winner!  and you were proud to have him under you

Sooooo my new sig should be "Charlie Sheen is my bitch?"

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Tolya Ugajin wrote:

Ima Rang wrote:

Tolya Ugajin wrote:

Hey, no being helpful!  This is the Forum, not SLA!

Tolya (is surprised that between his advanced dementia and heavy consumption of drugs in his youth and drinking in his old age that he even remembers...what was I talking about again?)

You were just saying that Charlie Sheen is a Weiner!  I mean....Winner!  and you were proud to have him under you

Sooooo my new sig should be "Charlie Sheen is my bitch?"

Yes, yes it should!

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Is there lack of creative posts? Probably, if what you meant by creativity as to invoke anger and gnashing of teeth among fellow forumites.A good heart felt thread quickly turned into "you did this to me, No you did that to me" and complete with PDF attachments and transcripts. All we need was a short snide comment from someone and we all went up in flame.

At the inception of this new format, I had a hard time adjusting and really hated the ugliness of characters being shown by some of the forumites who tried to outdo each in order to get to the top. It was nice to have some Mods and Lindens stepping in between although one in particular was really tactless. Moderation at that time was harsh but it didn't stopped the negative vibe from being spread across the readers who knew what went on.

But at least a thread that started off as a friendly or funny post gets to remain one until it died off. A few light banters and derailment was seen as fun commercial breaks in an otherwise "melodramatic-tear inducing-hormonal filled-do we have to read/see this again?" thread. The sub topics part of the forums has managed to reduce my manic marathon postings and ignored entirely boring threads.

What I find really interesting now is the call for help from new lost sheeps who ventured off into the SLF instead of SLA. We have more of them and it is nice to see them being taken care off without having their heads bitten off by us. Everyone can have a piece now that the moderators are here to make sure that everyone WILL have a piece of something. So what if I am not funny? So what if I'm not lyrical? So what if I don't use punctuations well? So what if I can't read English good? So what if I'm not in one of your inworld forum groups? Flame me and you'll have Mods circumcising your writings into a vanilla post. That's what I call as Equal.

I guess it is true to a large extend that the older we get the harder it is for us to change... So, Listen up ye olde forumites... It has changed, Embrace it and don't look back.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

It is quieter, more peaceful here.

I don't know the number of unique posters here compared to the old GDF. 

But I do feel the overall quality of the active posting community has, for lack of a better word, improved.

Some people have been censored (banned) and some people have chose to censor themselves.

Adult topics do get discussed.  Lively debate does happen.  But what is gone for the most part is the endless flaming of those who mistake anarchy for freedom.

Some people might find the absence of the flame wars boring. 

If someone flames in the Forums now they will get censored. 

If all someone wants to do is stir up a ruckus they will get censored.

If you abide by the rules here you can still have fun and good discussion. 

Do I think that sometimes it is a little too strict here?  Yes.

But I still enjoy it here.  Overall, when people do disagree, the active participants still stay respectful of one another.  Showing respect for another persons point of view isn't just given lip service.  So topics are discussed with more intelligence and less emotional vitriol.

If someone prefers emotional vitriol there are other places that they are free to take it.  It's just not allowed here.  If someone finds that boring, why should it be my problem.  What is wrong with me having a place that I don't have to deal with it?  I deal with enough B.S. in 1st Life.  I really don't want more of it here.

for whatever my two cents are worth

Excellent post -- a good synopsis and answered some questions for me.  Agree with all of it, particularly the bolded part.

I think I have about as good an idea as anyone around about what is out there in the way of SL-oriented forums, and this place at this time beats the hell out of anything else.

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Most of the threads that get pulled are because they have people's names in them, such as username not meaning real name, and/or have something that invades privacy, such as copying and pasting a discussion with other user names.  Threads that have been pulled are ones started more or less with: so and so did this and what they said was nonsense.  Those kind of things can be dealt with in IM.  Dealing with it in IM is recommend for this forum when a disagreement happens; and don't start threads with people's names or what they said, nor be harassing or use hate speech.  I think those are the basic rules I read for the forum, and those rules work for me.  And, have I RIC'ed anything lately?  Answer, no.  I wasn't involved in any of those threads; someone else reported all those.   The forum works for me, most of the time.  It's okay as forums go. 

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The old forums were a sewer of drama.

 A lot of us did not  feel comfortable even trying to post in such a vindictive atmosphere.

The forums are not supported by LL as some kind of freebie drama venue.  I have noticed that new users now post more, ask and get their questions answered politely and without belittlement, and to me this both better fufills LL's purpose in providing the forums, and is a much nicer state of affairs than all the nastieness that pervaded and was even cheered on before. 


The funny thing is, I am certain I remember reading the old "community" bemoaning the nasty state things had gotten into quite regularly.  Whole threads were made to bemoan how mean and nasty the alleged community had gotten.  Amusingly, much time was devoted to wishing the forums were like they were before the forums changed.

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Ima Rang wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Oh if only LeeHere could be Here.

She is Absent.

Hehehe  -- Well she might be interested in expanding her CAC franchise over here.

She should!  I have not know her long (as far as I know
) but she has a wonderful sense of proportion and a very quick wit. 

My goodness, but I am enjoying this lovely thread.    So glad I followed the Badger's link.  ;)


And Pamela, regarding the CAC...don't tempt me!  LOL  & Muwahahaha!


(Thank you for the kind words, the laughs and the temptation.)


ETA:  Holy carp!  I just noticed the inbox on this version of the SL forum actually works and I have mail!  Apparently I have achieved the status of 'member."  Jiminy cricket, what was I before?


(The spelling of "carp" was intentional.  I was forever getting bleeped on this forum for my adult language.  I'm trying to behave myself during this visit.  One of the reasons I don't often post here is because I like adult forums where I don't have to think about censoring myself.  I'm reminded of a scene from the movie, natch if you know me, "The Blues Brothers" where the brothers keep getting whacked by the old nun because they keep swearing.  Swearing begats whacks and whacks beget swearing and so forth.)

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