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SLum Wars


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As a new day falls over The SLalaxy an outcry is heard from some of its most loyal troops “why is my V1 based viewer breaking and what is all this stuff all over my profile, like OMG... Jeez don't you people ever fix anything?” But while some feel their world is crumbling a new voice is heard crying out from the land of SingleName “these new V2 based viewers are so awesome! With each new release they seem to run better and better on my brand new computer. I have shadows and land privacy and OMG social networking... like so awesome I can connect with all my SL friends anywhere I can use my iphone.” So thus it came to pass that the battle lines were drawn those that embraced the new V2 viewers and social networking and those that did not. So I ask the following questions so we can decide the best locations for our battle droids.

Have you lost or gained friends because of SLums?

Does SL run better or worse on your computer with these new releases?

How old is your computer?


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It definately seems stable for me, having fell in love with V1 oh so many months ago I was not-ever-in a million years going to use V2, but then meshes came so I casually downloaded it, sighed everyday for a week as it was loading up and suddenly forgot I was even on V2.

Now I have it set up how I like it, I can do 'almost' everything I could do before and .. as mentioned, it runs great.

My computer is fairly decent however:

Win 7

5Gig Ram


AMD 5000+ Dual core.

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I'll continue using the 1.x series viewer I'm most comfortable with and will ignore the stuff that I don't care about/can't see until it gets to the point that it seriously affects my enjoyment of the world. At that point I'll either move to something v2-based or I'll find something else to do that doesn't include SL. Pretty simple.

I really dislike v2 and the direction LL has been moving with pandering to the ADD FaceTwitPlus generation but, meh. I can mostly ignore it. There are still enough of us dinosaurs in the world that I don't feel alone. :smileytongue:

I disabled all the feed writing and notification crap but, the thing that irks me is that I'm still seeing the stuff that a few of my chattier friends are apparently writing. Is this intended behavior? If so, maybe I'll just start a pruning of my friends list... :matte-motes-evil:

Edited to answer the OP:


The same (Yay for Snowglobe) as none of the new shinies show up

7 months old, custom built gaming rig

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Have you lost or gained friends because of

Does SL run better or worse on your computer with these new releases?

How old is your computer?

1. Not that I know of! I turned off the feed but still see stuff from a few people, but I won't defriend anyone just because they like to talk a lot...I just go in every couple of days and erase it all.  :smileyvery-happy: 

2. I use Firestorm and I don't think I've really seen any change in how SL runs for me. I can't use the more demanding new features like shadows, though. 

3. I think it's two years old...I'm not sure!

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I dont use the profile spam thingy. I have better communication tools in world.

I use snowglobe. v2 is still missing too many features. Still have too many bugs. Still have retard UI that force me to waste my limited lifetime clicking bazillion times all over the screen to do things i can do with 1 or 2 clicks with snowglobe. Maybe some day v2 will be fine. But seems it will take couple more years.

My computer is 3 years old. intel E8500 @ 3.16GHz. 2GB of RAM. Radeon HD 4870 with 512MB DDR5. WinXP

SL run good for me. I almost never crash. in full mainland sims i use 168m draw distance and get FPS around 25. In sandboxes i use 304m draw distance and get around 35FPS. All other settings maxed out exept particles limited to 4096.

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First: put down the gun. You couldn't hit a bull in the fanny with a bucket of wheat anyway, unless you shoot way better than you drive.

I've neither lost nor gained friends because of SLum (Roseysun: Keli was the one who came up with that name. She'll probably post a link to that). But, somewhat surprisingly, I did get a contact from a friend just because of SLum, someone I hadn't talked to in quite a while. I have since learned that friend has at least one new friend because of contacting me. Pretty cool, I say.

I'm still using Phoenix one rev down (.908, I believe), so I don't think that 'New Releases' thing applies.

My PC is a bit more than two years old, and it was no great shakes then. I'm due for an upgrade soon; still shopping.

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Hey Keli!  :) 
I have not lost any friends that I know of.  It seems quite simple to me, if you don't like it, turn off the notifications and don't ever go that particular webpage.  Seems silly to say "I'm not going to be your friend anymore" because of  it.  But that's just me.  :)

SL runs awful on my pc with V2.  When I'm performing, my stream drops intermittently.  I lag out so bad that I can barely move, and I crash much much more than I ever did on Phoenix.  My pc is about 5 years old, I don't think it's necessarily the pc though, I discovered my download speeds are very slow.  I am hoping to upgrade very soon, so we'll see if that makes a difference.  :) 

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

First: put down the gun. You couldn't hit a bull in the fanny with a bucket of wheat anyway, unless you shoot way better than you drive.

I've neither lost nor gained friends because of SLum (Roseysun: Keli was the one who came up with that name. She'll probably post a link to that). But, somewhat surprisingly, I did get a contact from a friend just because of SLum, someone I hadn't talked to in quite a while. I have since learned that friend has at least one new friend because of contacting me. Pretty cool, I say.

I'm still using Phoenix one rev down (.908, I believe), so I don't think that 'New Releases' thing applies.

My PC is a bit more than two years old, and it was no great shakes then. I'm due for an upgrade soon; still shopping.

Dillon it was not me at all. It was totally Void's idea.

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I've actually made some awesome new friends since/because of SLums. If I've lost friends I haven't noticed. But friends come and go in SL, anyone I lose over SLums wasn't a very close friend anyways. And thanks to SLums my connectivity between worlds and friend circles is more complete than ever. Still waiting for a few tweaks that will really improve this aspect of my online life.

V2 has always run slightly slower on my machine, the new release is the same. I'm not crazy about V2 but learning to live with it. My computer is a circa 1972 Army issue rig made of wood, heavy steel and B2 bomber parts. It doesn't even have a Ram, just a sheep .. actually not a whole sheep, just a leg of lamb I think. So I certainly don't expect the best performance, but it works, and I predict that it will keep working until it breaks. I also predict that my friends will be my friends until they're not, and that people will stay in SL until they leave.

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Void Singer wrote:

I think your line was drawn hastily... there are many lines.

I meant them  to be chalk lines on a sports field that people can kick dirt over.


when writing news it helps to have a copy editor.

/me blushes and wonders what type of mistake I made?


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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Dillon it was not me at all. It was totally Void's idea.

 MY idea!?!

:: sighs :: fine, everything is my fault, but I reserve the right to invoke Occam's Razor on that statement. (The classical version, thanks)


re Copy Errors that a Copy editor would have corrected:

Most of the text is fine aside from inconsistent typography, lack of adherence to style and detail standards, and some missing punctuation. "past" should read "pass" though.

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@ York I am on Win 7 too and it seem to run very good for me too. :matte-motes-nerdy:

@ Six new computer... nice :)

@ Roseysun Void Singer came up with the name. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

@ Deej The new Firestorm interface looks a lot like V1 you might want to give it a try when the time comes. :matte-motes-big-grin:

@ Tristizia WOW that is older then the Power PC I use at work. I am happy it is still going strong for you. :smileytongue:

@ Sylvia /me is happy you don't defriend over SLums :smileywink:

@ Venus Firestorm is adding a lot of V2 features you might see a difference soon. :matte-motes-little-laugh:

@ Liisa You can run SL with only 2GB of RAM maybe I have overkilled this with 8GB. :smileysurprised:

@ Lillie lost one gained 3 so far. :smileyhappy:

@ Marianne New friends, better performance life is good. :matte-motes-smile:

@ Gypsy you are so right I feel so much more connected to all my SL friends now. :matte-motes-inlove:

@ Void FIFY :matte-motes-whistle:

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Void Singer wrote:

ok, yeah I did propose the name SLUM (expanded to Second Life User Messaging, and someone added System), because "SL, um..." had such a cute ring to it.

Well I'm sorry I gave Machine Gun Keli the credit, then. I'd remembered it from her thread but somehow forgot it was your idea (the name seems to have stuck, and I'm not surprised). At least that particular record has been set straight.

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suppose I should actually contribute to the OP and not just it's basis...

my computer is nearing 3yo, and still better than a good 2/3rds of users, but I had it custom built to my specs, and I was a compsci major. I have no trouble running any SL viewer, but find V2 to be buggier for my use, and rely on Phoenix until the extra features make it to Firestorm, or some other better option comes along. I don't hang out on the SLUMS but they don't really bother me either... just not a feature I have a need for. I do seem to have made some fans (and some naysayers) because I suggested the name for the SLUM, but the system itself has not resulted in any net loss or gain for me, which is fine, because I prefer to keep the circles I travel in small.

I also perfectly understand the development cycles and priorities at play in LL, even if I don't always agree with them (which is often enough), I have little complaint over this new feature vs that old bug, because I know that they are separate issues, and it's more of the general direction of certain drives that I disagree with. I feel LL has lost it's drive to have unique offerings which put it at the top of it's market, and fallen into the trap of trying to compete directly against more well established providers in a market that is already saturated and that they are seriously behind the pack in. It feels like fighting over table scarps when there's a whole meal sitting in the kitchen.

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I have neither lost nor gained friends as a result of additional social networking options in SL because I have not participated. The option is there and to have option is better than to not have it. 

The program appears to run as intended. Dragging a copy from an object with 7,500 prims still causes lag. It's not on my end, it's the server. :smileytongue:

How old is my pc? Good question. It's a secret, I was instructed by someone to not share that information.:matte-motes-nerdy:


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