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What are we going to call it? Chatbook, SLitter?


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I'm not sure about that.

On Twitter - I know that they made a choice to use it.

On these profiles - not so sure they made a choice.

On Twitter, you reach the world.  For artists, musicians, venue owners, universities, fund raisers, etc.  Twitter or Facebook or Google+ best choice.

This tool is very limited.  Great for small circles to chit-chit.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

I was dragged kicking and screaming to FB by my relations and I rarely post there.

To each his/her own.

Oh come Venus turn your's on... please? Just till Monday if you don't like it by then you can turn it back off. Come on what do you say? it's new, it's fun, it's wonderfun.... (/me runs off to lunch singing....)

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You might be right about people choosing to use this over twitter and FB. For SL. Which will, if they do, add yet another social network to maintain, since I assume they will use these other networks for non-SL things. Not a problem if that is how they want it. To me it sounds like a lot of extra administration and work.

It was pointed out on the feed thread thingy on Rodvik's profile - I think by Winter Ventura - that one might not want to send these things to everybody on the friends list - that more control is needed for categorizing the people on the freinds list. A merchant, as an example, will in many cases have loads of contacts on the friends list (customers and contacts) who are not friends, really. Even if you set the feed thingy to friends only, you may very well end up being spammed. (I would like better organizing tools to be added to the viewer for the friends list regardless of social networks or feeds anyway). I'm not convinced still...

And I just noticed the lapping waves and the slight animation of yourself in your badge. That's really cool!! :)

- Luc -

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It doesn't sit well with me either. Hopefully, there are - or will be soon - tools available to reduce the potential for spam. Right now, I have no idea of how things are...

Also, as I just mentioned in my reply to Keli, friends only could potentially mean a lot of people for some. There is no way of distinguish between customers, contacts or friends, making this option less useful for a lot of people.

- Luc -

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I heard my name? Thanks Keli, altho I think we can do better than living in a "SLum". :)

(Weird how so many innuendo-laden words begin with SL, hmmm? And we need an easier multi-quote on here.)

@Dresden Re:

Has Torley done a video yet that explains all this stuff or do I just have to start posting in various places to figure out what ends up where? I'd like at least try to look like I know what I'm doing... lol.

I haven't been making video tutorials as I used to, not enough time amidst all the other work projects I've been involved in — incidentally, a lot of my time has shifted to inworld exploration (for promo videos, content research, etc.), another of my other big passions here. Nor have I gotten a request from the social/profiles Lindens to do a vidtut on this whole "social profiles" thing yet. I have many questions myself, and since the feeds are new out of the gates, a LOT has to settle down. But given the opportunity, I'd certainly like to help Residents figure this out.

Also, even if I don't have enough hours to work on edited vidtuts, I'm concurrently digging into quicker ways to make make and record quick video tips in minutes, using tools like Jing. Some help is far better than no help, and I hate seeing misunderstandings fester due to knowledge gaps.

@Void Re:

Torley is a good example, despite his irrepressible cheerfulness and exitment about playing with every new feature, he's been vocal in the past on things he saw as not being right, and done a lot to get them fixed."

Yes, this is absolutely true, precisely because I continue to believe in experiencing SL as Resis do, and many times when I have a complaint about something, I find many independent opinions which support that, which makes it easier for me to advocate to Linden teams and show why it sucks. While they may not be heard publicly, rest assured other Lindens also raise "WTF?" flags at meetings. Just because someone represents LL doesn't mean they blindly agree with everything, there's a lot of healthy debate that happens before a feature ever goes public, and there's even more debate after that. To paraphrase Tron, "I fight for the Residents". Thanks for noticing!

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Void Singer wrote:

I think you like hyperbole too much

the feature is aimed both at social users (who are going to love it) and attracting users from the wider net that have less interest in SL because of lacking social features.

nor are the people involved as black and white as you'd like to color them... I'll use myself as an example:

I think the feature itself is nice, although I have little to no use for it personally, but I also think it's a bit over complicated, and the defaults are stupid. I have a deep abiding hatred of both the V2 UI, and the several bugs and limitations introduced with it, but I have no trouble running it or any other client, with very little to no problems with lag. Of course I'm much more technically adept than the average computer user, have a monster computer, and an amazingly solid and ISP. none of which makes me better, but they do mean that I have less problems and the ones I do have I can often fix myself. Despite that I'm very vocal on things that are broken, even if they're only broken for some people, but I try to maintain a calm and reasonable tone so that I'm not ignored. And while I'm very light on giving praise, I make sure to when it's warranted, and try to always thank those that provide solutions, LL or users.


different departments work on different things, and throwing more resources at any particular thing will not generally help because everything must be tested for compatibility and new bugs. LL already found that out....  yes we had tons of new things being deveolped, but the testing bottlenecks prevented any of that getting out, and the backlog had developers with more time and always second guessing their code making it take longer and become more complex. Sad as I was to see so many devs let go and so many promising projects get shelved, it just wasn't sustainable.

the current system is working much better than any of the previous systems since SL went public. more fixes are actually getting made, AND more new features. That said, there is a troubling trend of fix two things and break another, that I'd really like to see an end to. I think they may actually be pushing speed too much, when a slightly slower pace may allow us to keep getting improvements without all the back steps.

Well said Void.

I just want to add, I run an old, weak machine, I'm a dummy in regards to computers. And yet in nearly 2 years of sl I could count the number of tp failures I've had on one hand. I rarely experience disruptive lag and don't recall the last time I had an issue with sim crossing. This leads me to believe that most of those issues are on the client/user side of things. Complaints about V2? Yep, I've got plenty and I seriously hope that LL continues to work with residents to build a viewer that most residents can appreciate. But LL will never make everyone happy all the time. It can't be done. And those in this thread who are saying "we" didn't ask for this or "they" are happy with this are painting things black and white with over-generalizations. In reality things are much more gray and individually based.

To each their own, but don't assume that the mouse in your pocket is an army. And don't assume that "they" are all clamouring for a Linden to pat them on the head. "I" am an individual, "I" have my own reasons for liking or disliking things. Nobody speaks for me, I speak for nobody else.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

I would guess their feeds are not 'off', just open to friends only.  :matte-motes-bored:

...which is basically the same. Official LL feeds should be open the everybody. It's as if Mark Zuckerberg suddenly became aware of his lost in privacy and hide his profile - oh wait, he did it on Google+... :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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Venus Petrov wrote:

I was dragged kicking and screaming to FB by my relations and I rarely post there.

To each his/her own.

should have kicked harder and screamed louder.... I've even had family threaten to sign up for me, to which I responded that I would simply contact facebook and have the page closed and account locked =P


::waves:: how could I NOT mention the one LL employee whose job description apparently includes being residents champion? besides, I like your style =) ...

... even when I don't aggree with ya... even though I meant it as a joke, the more I think about it, the more I like the SLUM as a self effacing acronym... it doesn't have to come with ALL the literal trappings... it's ued in a lot of circle to mean "downgraded alternative"... which fits pretty well, since it's not the "full" SL experience of inworld... but I'm odd that way


I believe there are some new rules in place for employees regarding public communications that may have something to do with those feeds being turned off... I'm guessing there was a problem with some users taking unofficial information and acting on it, and that the results got kinda ugly, resulting in things like linden personal pages on the wiki being wiped. I don't have any official statement to back it up, but it seems that only project leads and certain public facing employees are allowed those things now. I'm sure there are other reasons too (including their own privacy), but that seems to be one of them. Perhaps Torley or some other Linden could chime in on that.

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Thanks Torley... I knew if a yelled loud enough you'd show up. *wonders if saying your name three times in a mirror would work as well*  But you are too late... I think I get it now... next time try harder, alright... lol.

Okay, here's what I think... this should have never been tied to our friends list in the first place.  This should have been a completely opt-in situation.  When you join Facebook or Twitter you don't automatically have all these people on your feed... you chose who you want to follow (or friend as the case might be).  There may be people on your current friends list that you don't wish to follow and, conversely, there are probably people that are not on your friends list that you might wish to follow.  That should be our choice... what LL has effectively done is made those choices for us... as Poison Ivy would say... "not good".

It ticks me off that the people in charge of this at LL didn't think of this before they decided to thrust this upon all of us.  I think this is a great feature, but once again, LL has failed to implement it in an acceptable way.  Can't they get anything right from the start?  Expletive!!!


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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

Deej, are you sure you're not seeing your feed because you've inadvertently looged into the SL website. I've checked with one of my alts on 2 different browsers. One, which is logged in, shows all the tabs [Feed, About, Picks, Groups, Notes]. The other, which isn't logged in, only shows the SL part of the 'About' tab and witholds the first life info. Or maybe I've misunderstood your problem.

Ah, so there's the problem. I was indeed looking from the website. Thanks for the info Alazarin.


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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I just did a search for your name to see if anything showed on your page, and your profile is not appearing at all.

Did you set your profile not to show?  Does that apply to inworld too?

I've set things to be visible from within SL so you should be able to see my profile inworld.

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Void Singer wrote:

oh great pretty much like real life =S

hmm slum lord seems inappropriate though... and slum lady sounds even less appealing... ooo, I know, SLUM Empress lol (that way you can be SLUM Queen unless someone else beats you to it) =D

Oh hell no... it's mine, all mine. *dons his SLUMiara, laughing like Renfield*


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Marigold Devin wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

I appreciate your point of view just one small correction though. If you are using Viewer 2 this works Inworld as well as from any web browser so
you don't have to leave SL to use it
. When you are inworld you get a special window in the viewer that displays your feed. 

I know. But a hell of a lot of people will not even bother to log in, will just open up the SLitter thing and type away.

Might as well just be on Twitter.

LL could have focussed their energies on getting the faults fixed in SL instead.  And that's another reason why people are annoyed by this "development".


I was thinking about this last night, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you say here and in your post before this one.

To me, this feature, or at least the implementation of it, is a distraction. It removes focus and attention from SL as a 3d virtual world and from the SL experience - from what SL could be, from what SL SHOULD be. It moves the social interaction out of the 3d world and onto a webpage - which this really is. As you say 'Might as well be on Twitter'. It moves the focus away from SL as a place of wonder and creation where everybody can be and do what they want. @Keli: You may not have to leave SL to use it, but you also don't have to be in world to use it, which is not right in my mind - SL becomes an optional extra.

It seems to me to be a 'me too' feature that is implemented because can never be as good as the original unless it is made the main focus of development by LL. It is a 'me too' feature in the sense that it is something every social platform believe it should have, and a 'me too' feature in the sense it works the same, more or less, as any other implementation regardless of wheter it is right or not for that particular platform. I feel like the idea of this feature might be worthwile, and even useful, but I think the implementation is wrong. I think it could have been implemented in a way that enhanced the SL experience and not moved us away from it. Though I'm not sure what that way would be.

Both voice and the marketplace was mentioned before as things that, at the time, was said would end SL. I don't think those things were removing focus from SL in the same way that this is. Even the marketplace is used by many as a search engine to find places and stores to go to in world. SL will not go under because of this, but I think it is taking something away from it.

People may agree or disagree with this , but I don't want to be distracted in SL. For this reason I will leave this thing turned off.

- Luc -

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The feature is set in the On position. I can turn it off if I want to as Lexie has stated but the fact that the feature is an opt-out feature appears to indicate that LL (Linden Lab or Lexie Linden) wants me to use it.

In a way, I feel like LL is saying that I must associate with all Residents whether I like it or not.

I will consider turning it back on. I hope that I would attract what I consider to be nice people. If it's true that you only get what you give; I should increase my contribution if I want more out of SL.   

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