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Help with SL Viewer Beta features

Torley Linden

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Previous sessions with the same user will allways be visible like this. Its automatic when a new session starts with a user i had a chat before.

But, again, if you close an IM it's CLOSED, ENDED, DONE !

I only close an IM (or conversation) when i know it is ended, if im not sure or want to talk a bit more i minimize the IM Tab. Also, with people on my friends list its irrelevant, because i can allways start a new IM Session whenever i want (and still see what was said before).

This is the way it works and allways did. And exactly this, is why i do not understand what problem you have. If you don't like minimized windows and allways close everything, well, i think you are out of luck here. And if Imprudence is the only viewer that has something like this, well, use it.

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It worked this way in Viewer 1, in the Communicate window, Chat and IMs tabbed in the same window, easy way to "Communicate".
Keeping that many minimized windows would be hard (for me) to manage.  And if an IM is from an unknown, then I have no hope of ever getting back to them.  I will keep checking updates but like the sidebar, this is a show stopper for me.  One down ??? to go.
But, on the bright side, I have not spent this much time on a LL viewer seance I gave up on V2 after using it (exclusively) for about five or six weeks when it first came out.  I really had my hopes up when I first looked at this Beta.
I really do thank you for your help.

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Well, still can't really understand why i should want to go back to some closed session, but at least on the Tab Issue i guess i can help you with :)

Try out the Starlight Skin ! Apart (for me at least) making the official Viewers look better , they also provide some additional functions, INCLUDING tabbed (in the same window) IM's! :) 

This should at least solve 1 of your probs. 

(guess i didn't thought of it before because i use the Skins for ages now, sorry) 

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There is an option in most 3rd party viewers that I would love to see in Lindens Viewer.

It is a chat option, that alerts you when certain phrases are said in chat.

[-]Highlight messages is any of them contain the terms: (seperated by commas)
(box here) ________________

[-]highlight with color= (select color)

[-]play this sound alert(UUID)
(box here) ________________

this option is usually part of the preferences, and would be a great feature to include in the official viewer.

Is there any plans on adding this feature in the future?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just tested the changed camera photo dialog.   I have feedback as well, for the following reasons:

Now I have an extra click in the save the shot to my computer.  Not helpful

It does not leave me on the custom dialog display after taking a picture.  Not helpful

The view window appears out of perspective. relative to the live scene. 

When you save to computer, it brings up the directory selection dialog every time.  That is unneeded.   If you want to give us an option to change the saving directory location over the course of the session, put somthing in the advanced dialog as an option.

If you would like more extensive feedback on the snapshot process, I am willing to detail out even more. 


I see the alignment of the new buttons for snapshot selections, for same look and feel as the V2 interface.  But keep in mind that we are taking pictures and the size of this dialog box answer is not positive either

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I am still on V1 at the moment as V2 is just unusable to me.  I have tried it out a few times, but it makes me physically ill.  The differences in looks are not just the UI, the actual pictures, colours, contrast, jaggedness is different, and with that is someting like how often the scene refreshes or redraws, I would love to know what changes were made in those sort of areas.  What I mean by physically ill, is that I have narcolepsy, and it has similar triggers as epilepsy for some things, after at most an hour on V2, I have to log off and go lie down for ages until I feel better, so not a great SL experience.

I hate using 3rd party viewers, because if you have trouble with anything, the first thing they ask is what are you using, and if it is a 3rd party viewer tough luck as it is obviously that.  I am slowly stepping into V3 now and then, but can't say yet if it is doing many as I have gone in on that one very very briefly.

Oh btw, when you go from V2 back to V1, you get all the damn help messages like you have just started, can't remember if V3 does it.  Can and how do you turn that off?

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I know what you mean about 'physically ill', but I think I have narrowed it down to the frame rate (for me anyhow).  I have been getting frame rates in V3 of 8 to 15 and I find the jerky motion is more than I can take.  I am using Imprudence and my frame rate is often over 80 in places where V3 still has a problem getting up to 15.  And no, my frame rate is not always that high, I wish it were, somewhere around 40 to 70 normal.  But I have spent a lot more time on V3 than I spent on V2 and only hope V3 keeps going back to the V1 quality and UI.  Boy, never thought I would ever be saying that.  But that is only part of my problem with V2/3, my biggest problem is search.  And I don't know if your reading this stuff Torley but how about another Toolbar button that lets people use the old search or the new search.  Almost all I do in SL is go to live shows.  In V1 search I would see 30 results at one time, on one screen, or one page, how ever you like it.  But in V3 search I see 4 results at one time.  WOW, who thought that was better?
I think the Toolbar thing that you can use any part of you like and arrange the parts as you like will be the number one thing that will bring people back to the LL viewer.  That is, if you put tools there that people will use, and there is absolutely positively no reason at all, none what so ever, why all the functionality of V1, V2 and V3 can't all live together in the Toolbar, no reason at all.  Code it, and it will be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys

i dont know why i cant use shadows option while i hve good graphics. Im already on ultra settings with basic shaders n atmospheric shaders on but somehow the lighting&shdow option wont come on. And also, im sooo laggy if i turn basic shaders on but i do have good intenet connction. Also idk why my pixels are rough! :( i already did some settings to make it look smoother but its stil the same. I was wonderin if its somethin wrong with my graphiccard settings or that i need to upgrade it? I heard that Nvidia graphic card is the best one for SL, im using Intel ATI.

This is the detail of my laptop graphic.


CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU M 430 @ 2.27GHz (2261.03 MHz)
Memory: 3895 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit (Build 7600)
Graphics Card Vendor: Intel
Graphics Card: Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD

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  • 4 weeks later...

With me agreeing or disagreeing has nothing to do with it.

Reliable data? lol, ermmm follow the forums, follow the blogs, have chats inworld, meet and talk to prominent owners of estates since 2 years... All tell me they keep reverting to Phoenix, Imprudence, 1.23.5, Sigularity, etc. No, not because they are not change minded, but the offical software we have at present is kinda rubbish, and this is very well known for many reasons by far too many users. I hardly meet anyone who likes V2/3. 

More evidence? Have you followed the statistics of new sign ups and logins in the last 5 years? They keep on dropping. Have you asked those ppl why they left? Well, i did... because SL is too choppy (too low FPS) is what i hear mostly. And that Basic/Advance mode has been very counter productive as well. And a very unfriendly, bulky, boring looking viewer way too complex to use.

I might agree btw that V3 is in the right direction since it's very adjusteble, but the majority i follow in blogs, forums etc etc etc since 2 years aren't very pleased. Many experience a huge drop of FPS since viewer 2.8 with even recent class 1 computers. Evidence? We are not in court, just follow the internet... and read opinions, not the the contract writers for LL (the know bloggers, notes and SL newspapers, etc), not the ppl who constantly hunger to new features for SL..

At the moment new features keep on coming from a dominant pool of geeks as far as i see it, but the features have no relevance for the major average part of users. DOF is such rubbish. Nice to have for inworld photographers, but of no interest for the average user, and in the meantime it compromises average perfornance. The same for Avatar Physics, and so on, and so on. 

What we need is a stable viewer licensed for optimisation with Nvidia, AMD and Intel, and with FPS back to where it was, instead of the choppyness which comes with low FPS, and again new features (thus major bugs).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I pretty much agree.

But in addition to higher frames per second, I'd really love standard FPS control...WASD, instead of W,S, Shift+A and Shift+D

I think the camera controls could be much more user friendly and stream lined.
Have a toggle option for switching between the current camera system, and mouse controlled camera like in third person games that use FPS controls.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Torely not sure this the right place for feedback but,I know you actually listen to residents and are/were a resident for long time, so posting anyway lol.

The new beta is a huge improvement over previous versions.  Do I like it...not yet, Phoenix team still wins hands down for viewer development.  But this new LL viewer is at least "useable" which for me, previous versions were not.  It still feels clunky and disjointed though for how I use SL:

 Why are like things not all in one place, it seems I have to hunt for where things are...a couple examples:

     - group chat, ims,local chat and even notices all over the place.  Having communications in multiple spots too much for my brain also I miss incomings more often than I catch which is way annoying.

     - editing shape why is "save" not with save as and undo?

     - why is tp home on far left when your fav tps are all forced to the right?

I am spammed and there are way to many clicks to get through things:

     - I use tabbed chat, but then I still have all these tiny lil message boxes on my top right screen

     - If I open a notecard and use a link it creates a lm, but I don't want a lm for everything and end up with bunch of deletes.

     - When opening boxes I end up with a gazilion lil boxes to close from gestures, animations, notes like items coming too fast, just so much to x out of

     - Do I really need a box to pop up that tells me where I tp'd from?  I know where I was lol

Mouse moves my graphics and makes me feel seasick...I have move by arrows selected but I still get this hand cursor and graphics swing with mouse move. Is there a hidden option to disable ?

Random things like language such as..."remove rom current outfit"...is that really as clear as "take it off" and when passing items does "show" really mean "accept" to anyone? Tabbed search seemed way easier.  Web profiles not as simple to use as our old profiles. Miss having an option to open a second inventory window to move things around.  And need to have "worn" tab...you cannot move things into or out of current outfit so way less functional than "worn"

Do love love some to the feature enhancements this last year like wearing multiple layers, face tats, multiple attachments.

Hugs from a fan and appreciate all you do for SL.


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Here's my list of things I think could be improved with the new beta:

- moving stuff around in recent tab

- Indeed the multiple notifications on IM's Object interaction, group notices etc really cluther the screen.

- A better dropdown menu on rightclick. Preferable the old pie menu back (I remember you did a video on how you can fastly access things on that pie menu, and I am missing that a lot. Rightclick and hold - move to the option (example delete) then let go and action works.) does not work nice with this tiny lil menu.

- Resizable Mesh upload window, also zooming in to see your Mesh models is not enough yet.

- The new picture window is too many clicks to get to the right option.

- The camera controls are too large (Not that I use them, they are extremely clunky and primitive compared to mouse with ctrl+alt+shift but am just checking as many aspects as I can)

- I would LOVE to see extra skins, this black on green is still terrible on the eyes for me (colorblind) 

My current use: I work with Mesh, and found the official viewer the most reliable in building with Mesh. But when I am done, need to pack my building and put things for sale, I relog to Phoenix or Firestorm.

ow one last thing that I noticed with both Beta and Official release: Voice is terrible. What is broken? ANY v2 or later viewer is terrible on voice, the sound quality is terrible, like I am on an old 1930's phoneline.

This voice issue is something I notice on any v2 or later viewer (also the tpv's) and absolutely 10 times better on the older viewers (phoenix, LL viewer 1.23, snowglobe etc)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Torley! I have the Forestorm Beta viewer, 4.0.1, 27000. It would occasionally crash, but it was always fixable.{Clear out interent cache, close other programs running.} But now, I.m both stumped and stuck.. I was having minor issues Friday, but since yesterday, I cannot get inworld no matter what I do or change. I even ininstalled and reintstalled Firestorm. I miss talking with my sl friends ! Can this be fixed? Thank You!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes!  This is happening to me every single time I change a shirt, pants etc.  SL puts on a white t-shirt and pants and I have to take them off every time too.  Also when I log back into sl, I have white pants on.  It's really bothersome!!!.  Not to mention the 50 pairs of "new shirts" and "new pants" in my Lost & found folder.

Is there a way to fix this bug?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Torley...

I am at a total loss as to where else to put this.

How do I get back to a conversation that I just had?

I am talking about in Second Life, from Second Life, using Second Life.

There was a communicate window, now it's gone, so, how do I get back to a conversation I just had? I thought Second Life is a social network as well as a virtual world. If you can't even talk to someone you just had a conversation with, that is not social, that's rude.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dunno if I'm writing in right thread, but recent 3.3.4 seems completely broken to me.

Our relationship started with it's denial to load friendlist, which became okay after quitting and re-logging in.

The next big concern is that the viewer won't update visual movement of linked object parts. Say, if I click the car door, with object selected, it updates the selecting frame form, but the door prim appears to stay in old place, and takes the expected position after re-selecting it again. This issue disappears after i'm clicking each moving part 1 time, like clicking 1 time right door to get rid of that bug, click 1 time left door, 1 time for hood lid, 1 time for trunk lid and so on. That's kind of annoying.

Next issue somehow reffers to the previous one - viewer also won't update alpha level. Say, I'm clicking prim with 2 faces, and it's meant that when I click face 1, it becomes transparent, and face 2, which was transparent before, becomes visible. In my case, clicking 1st face, just making 2nd face appear, without making 1st face transparent. This issue also goes off after selecting object, but what is annoying, it keeps acting this way no matter how much time you selecting it, so every time you click for required action, you have to select the thing to put it in proper way. Not seen in 3.3.3.

Well, the last and least issue is about textures using alphas. Some of them are seems to be missing that channel until I select them, so I can't see through. It's bearable, but still, I haven't expected such bull from beta viewer, which is meant to accumulate all best fixes.

Well, two words about my specs:

Windows XP 32 bit SP3;

Intel Core2 Duo;

Nvidia GForce 285GTX.

Thanks for your time, hoping to get these things fixed!

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  • 8 months later...

sup torly linden I am currently testing Second Life viewer 3.5.0(Linden Lab) and here are some things that I think would be suggest and or fix and or even removed


CHUID-imo the CHUID is a kind of ok and annoyed feature to add cause it takes up to much of th escreen spece and stuff


windlight/sun/sky setting-now I currently have my layouts display but here is the problem that need to be fix please make it smaller or something half of my screen on the right is cover here is a screen shot of what im talking about an di has to move things arounded to get to what I need now this is annoying






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