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Do you Play Second Life?


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Gadget Portal wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Operating system?  Oh boy...............Dogboat don't say such stupid things.  You don't know what an operating system is........and it ain't SL. 


I got to go pee now...............that was so funny.   :matte-motes-big-grin:

see above, im probably more qualified in IT than you will ever be.

from the wiki:

A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a single computer. The development of networked computers that could be linked and communicate with each other, gave rise to distributed computing. Distributed computations are carried out on more than one machine. When computers in a group work in cooperation, they make a distributed system.


Well see, now you're talking about SL's server software and network... That's a different conversation entirely.

Although if we're using that as our definition, frickin' World of Warcraft is a operating system.

indeed it is and Wow is a game.


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And your operating system is what does all the input/output stuff.  Ever wonder why programs are coded for specific operatining systems?  Without an operating system nothing works...........try running SL without an operating system that SL was coded for.


Jeeze, I hope you are an IT for my bank............I'm worried now. 

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Well I made to the bathroom before I wet myself............but you keep digging that hole.  It's comical.  My computer when logged into SL is not connected to your computer and it in no way teams up with your computer to communicate to your computer.  We "communicate" to a set of servers when then processes all that communication and broadcasts it to the rest of SL.  You're also saying that this blog/forum is a operating system.  :matte-motes-big-grin:


I hope your employer doesn't see your post............you might be danger of loosing that IT job.  :matte-motes-agape:

this flogrum is an operating system too.

you have to understand exactly what operating system means.

the clue is in "operating" and "system"


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

And your operating system is what does all the input/output stuff.  Ever wonder why programs are coded for specific operatining systems?  Without an operating system nothing works...........try running SL without an operating system that SL was coded for.


Jeeze, I hope you are an IT for my bank............I'm worried now. 


no need to worry, i know what im talking about.

ps you are in the red...

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Gadget Portal wrote:

So all you've done so far is say that your opinion is fact, and that WoW and SL are both operating systems.. But not what makes SL NOT a game when WoW is. Either they're the same or they're not. Which is it?

try to "play" SL.

come back when you are finished :smileywink:

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a system is a set of programs working together for a purpose, if that set is operating, then is an operating system.

second life maybe is not an operating system that you install in your computer so that hardware can cooperate with what you want to do, but its an operating system in a more traditional way. as long as there are some programs interconnected to provide a result, is an operating system.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I might be able to answer here.  I've been reading these games vs real arguments for almost 6 years now.  And there are always two sides to the issue (no real middle ground).  You have what I call the "purist" (they include many different 'sects" within the SL resident population).  Then you have everyone else (including the likes of myself).  We view SL as a game (not your typical game, but a game) and we are implied to be "brain damaged" (as I was just a while ago in this thread).  I've been in so many of these discussions I know the hot button words and phrases to use to get the "purists" panties all wadded up..........it's a game for me.:matte-motes-big-grin:  If I'm in the mood (now now) I keep stirring it up............sometimes I think "purist" actually cry.  I mean their collective shouts all boil down to "How dare you call my SL a game".  But they also, in the same post call you an idiot (or brain damaged) if you don't agree.


It's always funny to see people make complete fools out of themselves.............I love it.:matte-motes-big-grin:

Maybe if you stopped looking down on these so called purist whom you believe are so immersed that they are no longer sane and actually listened to what they were saying you wouldn't keep getting into this argument.

You have so consistently and repeatedly missed the point of what I was saying that I'm not going to bother saying it any more. The fact that you refer to me as a purist shows that you have no idea what I'm talking about. You came into this conversation with preconceived notions what the other side believed before you even read what they had to say, twisted their words to fit your view, then laughed at them for it.

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Play SL? Sure. I just logged in with a username and password, loaded up a 3D character, walked around with the WASD keys, chatted in local chat, teleported around a bit, attached a sword to my hand, then logged out.

I can do EXACTLY that in World of Warcraft, which you've already stated is a game.

You're still not making an argument.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you or flat out telling you you're wrong. I'm just asking you for some supporting evidence to your opinion that WoW is a game when SL is not. Simply saying "It isn't a game because I say so and that's fact" is the kind of thing a six year old would say. You're clearly not 6. Offer up some supporting evidence.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i understand that second life in itself is not a game.

but it can be turned into a game by the user actions and intentions, a game that can have other games inside, like if im playing a game that im a cowboy playing cards with other cowboys.

That I think is just a play on words. Which side you sit on in this debate seems to depends on whether you believe an object is the sum of its parts or if the object is more than merely what it is made of (i.e. holism or emergent systems).

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Play SL? Sure. I just logged in with a username and password, loaded up a 3D character, walked around with the WASD keys, chatted in local chat, teleported around a bit, attached a sword to my hand, then logged out.

I can do EXACTLY that in World of Warcraft, which you've already stated is a game.

You're still not making an argument.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you or flat out telling you you're wrong. I'm just asking you for some supporting evidence to your opinion that WoW is a game when SL is not. Simply saying "It isn't a game because I say so and that's fact" is the kind of thing a six year old would say. You're clearly not 6. Offer up some supporting evidence.

i and others dont play SL so it cant be a game, it has to be something else.

many just sell stuff on the marketplace, some have clubs, some build, they are not playing SL. they are working within it or just socialising or 1000 other things, so to call SL a game is wrong.

you can play tiny empires but you cant play SL.



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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Parse your words all you like and you are still incorrect.

thats your opinion.

the facts are that pc chips contain an operating system, windows goes over the top of that, and when you log in to SL that goes over the top of windows. (or mac or linux etc)


no thats the bios(basic input output system)

not an operating system

an operating system is what takes over after the basic input output system gives control to the operating system which resides on the hard drive..

SL needs an operating system to operate..it resides within an operating system..without an operating system working to run it.. it's nothing.. it's an application using the operating system it resides in to run..



if anything it's a really neat browser.. kind of like that blue E that comes with windows :P


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Marigold Devin wrote:

Second Life, for me, is not a game, but is a recreational hobby, in the same way as ... crossword puzzles,

It is also a way of playing "dolls house" as an adult.


But not a game.

I'll make the intelligent obsevation of a person with a phD here:



Your images speak for themselves. ;)


Plus: Its the very fact that this is so social that makes it a game.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

Second Life, for me, is not a game, but is a recreational hobby, in the same way as ... crossword puzzles,

It is also a way of playing "dolls house" as an adult.


But not a game.

I'll make the intelligent obsevation of a person with a phD here:



Your images speak for themselves.


Plus: Its the very fact that this is so social that makes it a game.


OK, ok, I'll beat myself over the head with a dictionary and admit SL *is* a game!!!! :matte-motes-shocked: :matte-motes-big-grin: or a toy.


According to dictionary definitions at any rate:


1. an object, often a small representation of something familiar, as an animal or person, for children or others to play with; plaything.

2. a thing or matter of little or no value or importance; a trifle.

3. something that serves for or as if for diversion, rather than for serious practical use.


1. an amusement or pastime

2. the material or equipment used in playing certain games; a store selling toys and gmes

3. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

Second Life, for me, is not a game, but is a recreational hobby, in the same way as ... crossword puzzles,

It is also a way of playing "dolls house" as an adult.


But not a game.

I'll make the intelligent obsevation of a person with a phD here:



Your images speak for themselves.


Plus: Its the very fact that this is so social that makes it a game.



oh you bought that phD from the net? university of libya right?  i saw them too, very cheep. but i wont tell anyone about you :smileywink:

socialising makes things a game? wut?

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Parse your words all you like and you are still incorrect.

thats your opinion.

the facts are that pc chips contain an operating system, windows goes over the top of that, and when you log in to SL that goes over the top of windows. (or mac or linux etc)


no thats the bios(basic input output system)

not an operating system

an operating system is what takes over after the basic input output system gives control to the operating system which resides on the hard drive..

SL needs an operating system to operate..it resides within an operating system..without an operating system working to run it.. it's nothing.. it's an application using the operating system it resides in to run..



if anything it's a really neat browser.. kind of like that blue E that comes with windows


without the bios controlling the computer it would be useless.

its a low level operating system.

thats why your pc or mac has those messages on the screen at start up.

it allows the drives to be read and many other tasks.

theres more to it than you think, its all about levels of control.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

a system is a set of programs working together for a purpose, if that set is operating, then is an operating system.

second life maybe is not an operating system that you install in your computer so that hardware can cooperate with what you want to do, but its an operating system in a more traditional way. as long as there are some programs interconnected to provide a result, is an operating system.

^^I like this^^ if ever I am in need will you be my lawyer? ;)

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