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New features for parcel owners

Rand Linden

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Yes, eventually it will be available everywhere (so perhaps I should have posted to a different forum--feel free to 'cross promote').

And yes, you only need Viewer 2.8 to change the settings--because this feature is implemented on the server, it will affect you regardless of your Viewer.


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The real news from that announcement is this:

32px-KBwarning.png Warning: Adult activities are not allowed on parcels in General regions, regardless of whether the parcel has hidden avatars. On Moderate land, such activity is only permitted privately, behind closed doors.

That is actually the first time they have ever said, anywhere official, that such activities are allowed on M land. We've always just made that assumption in the past based on things Blondin sort of indirectly said.


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Well spotted, Pussycat!

There's still a question of whether parcel invisibility qualifies as "behind closed doors" on Moderate... it generally seems that it should, but then there are Moderate parcels that are set to show in Search.  For those, parcel invisibility doesn't work: people following the Search link aren't protected by the parcel's cloak of invisibility because they land inside the parcel.  So then there'd need to be that extra layer of "closed doors" (or vast separation, as in a sky platform, assuming that's equivalent), assuming "closed doors" applies at all to Search-listed land.

Fully explicating this demands a troubleshooting flowchart of Steampunk contraption complexity.

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Thanks! These changes sound very interesting.

I have to say I love this. Just added another layer of privacy for my visitors for instance. Thank you:

  • Home dressing rooms - you can experiment with clothing, skins or avatars outside your neighbors' view.
  • Store dressing rooms - retail establishments can provide areas in which customers can try outfits, skins and avatars without exposure to other shoppers.
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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

The real news from that announcement is this:
Adult activities are not allowed on parcels in General regions, regardless of whether the parcel has hidden avatars.
On Moderate land, such activity is only permitted privately, behind closed doors.

That is actually the first time they have ever said, anywhere official, that such activities are allowed on M land. We've always just made that assumption in the past based on things Blondin sort of indirectly said.


I thought that LL made that clear in the forum dicussions preceding the introduction of adult land.

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I think Blondin probably did say that, more or less directly, either in the forums or in office hours or both.  Anyway, yeah, we'd always thought it was policy, but then the policy statements in the wiki / knowledge base started getting disappeared or very prominently deprecated (example), leaving some glaring omissions in statements of current policy.

I'm given to understand that Viale Linden is taking responsibility to get more comprehensive documentation of the current policy back out in public soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

honerken wrote:

I like this new feature a lot; it allows me to do things like change my clothes without my neighbors complaining.

But I do find it annoying while you have the box unchecked, you can't see anyone out your parcel either.  

The rule for this kinda thing is, If you can't see me then I can't see you either. Would be a bit creepy if your neighbours could sit on their parcels and make it so you cant see them but they can see you.

Use the Mini-map or Nearby list. to know who is outside your parcel while you have the parcel privacy screen up. Anyone outside your parcel can also see your dot on the mini-map. Again is same rule: If I can see you on the map then you can see me on the map also.

I thought when the privacy screen first came in that be better if i could turn off the map also. But since I been using it I think is better to be able to know who is by my parcel boundary even if I cant see their avatar. I dont mind that they can see my dot on the map. I just don't want them casually camming me when I'm trying on my stuff. Not that my neighbours  would do this ever, is just a personal comforting thing really. So is cool how it is.

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ArgontheDevil Ormega wrote:

I'm just sort of wondering how the policy can be enforced now.  If the neighbor who might see you doing something naughty can't see you, how can they file an AR unless you are loudly moaning in open chat in their hearing range?

There have always been ways to minimise the chances of getting caught, such as using a skybox at a height away from everyone else's and checking no one is around. So I don't see this as adding much to that. Someone trying to hide what they're up to will hide it anyway.

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