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Inventory Limit

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I get scared about the size of my inventory. I normally try to keep it below 10k items. But I've been playing since 2004 so it's getting harder and harder to wittle down the size of my inventory as there are many things I do not wish to delete.

Does anyone know what the if there is a limit to how much stuff you can have or how much stuff before you start having problems?

I've always heard horror stories about the lindens having to wipe your inventory because you can't log in or your inventory disappears or you loose are your friends...Not even sure what to believe so this is me trying to research this and find out more about it.


Thanks for reading,


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I have no idea. I've heard of people with hundreds of thousands of stuff in thier inv, and they seem to be just fine.

However, I've heard people wanting to impose inventory limits on NPIOFS, and that makes my blood boil....

But that's neither here or there.

Still, it's a good idea to give your inventory a good mucking out evey now and then, if only to find stuff.

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They claim there is no limit however, when I reach around 38k items, they start to vanish.  I've lost over 2,000 textures in my inventory and numerous other items over time and always as I get near 38k.  I thin out my inventory of redundant items then it seems to be OK again.

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It's been an urban legend for a long time that you shouldn't get above 10k items, else things might get pruned. But that's not true. I've exceeded that limit a few years ago and nothing's been missing really. What the exact limit is, or if there even is one I'm not sure about. But it's always a good idea to keep your inv organized regardless. :)

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I've never heard of any limits on inventory for user in SL.  It's been discussed in the past on forums, but I've never seem or heard that LL has weighed in.  Limiting inventory would be extremely difficult for LL to impose due to the user content that SL is built on.  Many creators will have huge inventories just for maintenance of their content (though the older inventory items could be stored on the creator's local computer instead of LL's servers.....but the logistics for that would be a nightmare, in my opinion).  LL actually does "limit" the inventory in a way.........the older content that has not been accessed recently is archived to lighten the data needed on the asset servers.  Have you noticed it takes a considerably longer time to retrieve something from your inventory that you've not accessed in some time?


On limiting inventory for NPIOF users.  I happen to agree with such limitations.  Not for any reason other than to encourage users to, at least, place payment information on file.......become a "legitimate" user instead of just some anonymous user.  And, in my mind, I don't think someone who is not willing to, at least, indicate some form of commitment (even just providing billing information without any further commitment) needs the have the same "benefits" as the users who do provide the tiny bit of commitment such as PIOF.  LL evidently doesn't agree............I can accept that.

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the only limit seems to be sanity.

but I personally don't have more than 5k in items (not including the library). I figure if it takes me more than a day to go through it all, there isn't much point in keeping it all... and I prune relentlessly.

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I've never had a prob with keeping as many  items in inventory as i wanted. My inventory has been quite high in the past reaching levels in the 50k range.

When I first noticed that my alt with hardly any inventory at all had a significantly better viewer performance than my main I started cutting back on what I really need to keep in my main inventory.

But even with a current level of 18k in my main inventory viewer performance is mud compared to that of my alt with just a few clothing items. This is all viewers not just the LL Official.

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Lord I don't think I know anyone with less than 10,000 items unless they are newbi lol. I know people that have over 100,000 items though. I have around 30K at the moment. And I bet the majority of it is parts, textures and maps for the things I make. I rarely empty my trash or lost and found though. Something I should probably do. But I just know the minute I do I will throw away something I need. Oh my god, I am an SL horder lol.

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My inventory for both me and my alt have never exceeded 7 K.  It's normally around 5.5 to 6 K for me and my alt considerably less.  Most of my inventory is textures........texture that I've created and uploaded.  Once I find I don't use those textures anymore or very seldom, I delete them from my inventory.  If I ever need or want them again, I have them safely stored on my second hard right here on this computer.


Maybe that's one of the major reasons I seldom experience all these cache problems and lag problems many experience in SL...........I don't know (it's something to think about anyway).

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My inventory has been running around 18-19 k, which is large enough to make things hard to find.  I have a hard time parting with things.  My major activity lately has been sorting through it and preparing to put items I never use but don't want to delete into prims for storage.  I am also putting copies of the copiable items that I do user into prims as backups.  I think when I get done it will be under 10k.

Anyone know if there's a limit to how much can be put into a prim?


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Iam quily of keeping a HUGE inventory on my main at one time,  for the first 2 years in SL I had 139k in inventory alone.  now with that same account I am ranging 43k, I deleted alot of stuff.   My alt here has only 8k. I am keeping her's as nice as I can.

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I'm glad u brought this up because one thing about my inventory is that I cannot delete the male stuff.  I don't need the male related items, but they WILL NOT DELETE, and yes it always says "inventory is still downloading"... my inventory takes soooooo long to download and sometimes keeps logging me out.   One of the things I really do not like about SL inventory is that it will not let you delete the male items.  I'm a female, what do I need male items for?  And why did they make them non-deletable?  It's a clog.  I'd prefer to not have them period.  But, I'm stuck, so I shop hardly at all anymore.  And I got a bunch of free stuff added to my inventory from the birthday and I don't want them nor even know where they are?  This is my pet peeve about SL.  I DON'T NEED MALE STUFF AND CAN'T DELETE IT!  And I didn't need more from the SL b-day when I can't even find the items.  I'd prefer to pick out free or 1L items from Marketplace than to have such a clogged inventory.  But sadly, I may only be able to buy one outfit a month now, if even that.  My inventory is way too clogged with stuff I never put in there.  /Mayalily screams bloody murder.  Please do not put free stuff in my inventory I do not ask for nor want.  It seems my inventory grew about 1000 items from SL 8bday, and I have no idea what that stuff is or if I even want it.  URGH!   This is definately my pet peeve about SL. 

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I have 60K with no problems and I know people with 160K and no problems. I also know people with under 5K that have no end of problems.

I've heard all the scare stories about large inventories, but have never seen any proof for any of them. The only drawback I have ever noticed is the extended time it takes to reload after clearing cache, but I rarely clear my cache so that doesn`t bother me either.

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By male items... you mean the stuff in your Library? You can't delete anything in your Library because the things in the Library are not actually yours. They're LL default items that everyone just has access to.

If you want to, you can set it so that the Library doesn't show at all. In your Debug Settings (in the "Advanced" menu) type in "NoInventoryLibrary" and set it to true, then restart and your Library will not be loaded, which will also make it faster for your inventory to load.

Hope this helps... Dres

ETA: My inventory is hovering around 40k and I haven't noticed any significant issues, besides the fact that it's a complete mess. It's amazing I can find anything... lol.

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most inventory problems can be traced to the following, pretty much in order, and the higher ones tend to affect the lower ones.

poor connection (affect both of the next two)

size (takes longer to load)

slow region performance (items don't update or misbehave on asset creation)

corruption (items becoming mangled)

cache set too low (can't load all items)

general asset server screw ups


if you've got a good connection, a largish cache, and the region isn't misbehaving, you're generally golden regardless of inventory size.

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Well, I don't understand WHY on earth did they set it up that way in the first place?  My name is Mayalily, female SL and RL and I have no desire to be a male avatar and wear a mustache or any other male parts.  I'm only interested in girlie girl item, and have no desire to be a man ever, let alone a male avatar with the name of Mayalily.   They should just give you one library when u start, if you're a female you get the female library, or a male, vice versa because a lot of people have a female orientated name and I see male avatars with a male orientated name, so therefore there is no need to have inventory set up this way in the first place, and when I found out I couldn't delete them, I was pretty mad. 

And yes I do get many problems with inventory such as a message that says "inventory is taking too long to download", then I get kicked to the curb and have to go on basic and I lose my whole inventory for awhile. 

And this IS my inventory, I'm paying for it, so I'd appreciate it that they DO NOT PUT STUFF IN MY INVENTORY I DO NOT WANT... I am perfectly capable of picking out the free or 1L items on Marketplace I DO want.  So, it's not appreciated.  Offer free things but let people chose them themselves, don't just put stuff in there as I do consider that my inventory and no one else should have access to it but me. 

How many more items I can fit when I get messages like "inventory is taking too long to download", I'd say it's probably not much.  I was just wondering the other day, am I going to have delete an item just to buy a new item and do that each time I buy a new item, one has to get deleted?  I don't know Dres if making the male default inventory invisible is going to help or make more room for much more in my inventory? 

A simple thing LL could do is to send an avatar a notecard when they arrive in SL that tells them how to search for free and 1L items on Marketplace and give them a $300L gift certificate for Marketplace so new users will have an incentive to learn about Marketplace, rather than putting default items in there that are a clog. 

And I've seen several threads where people have said they have gotten new state of the art computers to run SL and they did not get better performance nor improvement with SL by buying a new computer, so it's not just my computer. 

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just because you are only interested in one type of item doens't mean that everyone is. it's not as if you are wearing those tiems, they are in the PUBLIC access inventory, NOT your inventory. if you look at the items you will note that you are not the owner of items in the library.

if you don't want the library items to show in the inventory window, simply follow the instructions previously given. if there are things you want that are in there, copy them to your inventory first.

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I seem to recall something in the works about limiting how much inventory is fetched at a time... Something like 40 items per folder and if you have more than that, it won't show up until you reorganize or prune said folder...

I remember being shocked at how low a number was being proposed...

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the number you are thinking of is probably how many fetches are active at one time.... which is already in place... but as soon as one fetch is completed, if more are needed another one is made.... kinda like the active downloads on a torrent client, you might have 50 in queue, but only 10 actively downloading, when one finishes, another from the queue takes it's place untill all are done

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Fenix Eldritch wrote:

I seem to recall something in the works about limiting how much inventory is fetched at a time... Something like 40 items per folder and if you have more than that, it won't show up until you reorganize or prune said folder...

I remember being shocked at how low a number was being proposed...

Hi, the 42 limit is on how many items we can put in in a folder that we give to another avatar. That folder could have 42 objects, each with many items in their own inventories, so the practical limit is much higher.

There is a new limit that came in with HTTP inventory loading. If a single folder has more than about 10000 items in it, the overflow will be invisible until you move some of those items into new folders. there are very few people who actually had such large folders, LL counted.

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