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Political Billboards on Mainland

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18 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Moderator redacted image of enormous political signs


Bueller ...

Good one!

Maybe next we will have a thread specifically posting pictures of "Political Advertisements and Signs in SL"! 

That would go well (not).

On a related note: I wonder if "political satire" is allowed in signage? Or, since it would be considered "political" then..no?

Edited by Quartz Mole
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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Something can be "expressing personal freedom, and/or personal identity" without being "political".

Again, back to the "spirit" of the TOS:  I believe "political" is intended in the context of referring to literal POLITICS: parties, candidates, issues.

I strongly encourage you to consider the point of view that if a "Pride Flag" is considered "political" - then that will be used AGAINST those who wish to fly a "Pride Flag". 

Restated: I think mostly people who "don't like Pride flags" will consider them "political".  


In the 70s, feminism began to use the slogan "the personal is political" -- because it is.

When there are people telling you what you can wear, whom you have sex with or marry, what books you can read, etc. -- and you surely know as well as I do that there are people trying to tell you that -- then these things will stop being "political." They are the ones who are politicizing "who you are" and what you, personally, choose to do.

Pride began, remember, as a protest. It was inarguably, inherently, from its inception, "political."

The Rainbow flag will cease to be "political" when people stop opposing what it represents.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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I can't make head nor tail of the policy.

It reads like landlords with more than 50 empty parcels with adverts for their rentals on them would violate the policy.

Most adverts in Zindra aren't "general" or a lot aren't... and why would they be... but Zindra is mainland too isn't it? is this saying they are banned?

Why can't they just write rules and make them specific to what they want to deal with rather than using sweeping generalities to make rules that make no sense and are going to be widely ignored because businesses depend on them.

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Since no one is voting IN SL, I don't think a.political sign is necessarily advertising.   It's, to me, the same as putting out an American flag or the flag of your country.  It shows support to that country.  It's not advertising for that country.   

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

In the 70s, feminism began to use the slogan "the personal is political" -- because it is.

When there are people telling you what you can wear, whom you have sex with or marry, what books you can read, etc. -- and you surely know as well as I do that there are people trying to tell you that -- then they are the ones who are politicizing "who you are" and what you, personally, choose to do.

Pride began, remember, as a protest. It was inarguably, inherently, from its inception, "political."

The Rainbow flag will cease to be "political" when people stop opposing what it represents.

I don't disagree - but it shouldn't be political, for the same reasons you gave 🙂

Hopefully during our lifetimes.

In Second Life however - back to my point (and on topic) - I doubt that "Pride Flags" are considered political by LL or the Mods.


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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

In Second Life however - back to my point (and on topic) - I doubt that "Pride Flags" are considered political by LL or the Mods.

Sorry, forgot to respond to this.

No, I don't think LL would consider them political. (And if they did, and removed them, that would be political.)

But that, as I take it, was the point that @Cynite00 was making -- that what seems "political" or ideologically controversial to someone else may not be so to you and me.

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18 hours ago, Istelathis said:
18 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Moderator redacted image of enormous political signs


Bueller ...


I usually just laugh at these, I mean, people and their cult of personalities, the hero worship, all of that silliness.

Like, if someone is obviously trolling, does it matter if it is "political" - except it may be against the TOS, resulting in "blight", etc.?

Edited by Quartz Mole
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18 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Moderator redacted image of enormous political signs


Bueller ...

That's more amusing than anything.  The Post is a tabloid paper anyone with an ounce of sanity would disregard.

Edited by Quartz Mole
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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But that, as I take it, was the point that @Cynite00 was making -- that what seems "political" or ideologically controversial to someone else may not be so to you and me.

I think "political ads or signs" in the context of normal discussion usually means:

- Supporting a particular party or candidate

- Supporting a specific election, initiative being voted upon, etc.

..If signs about "Freedom" become considered "political"..even when the sign is about a countries where there is a decided "lack of freedoms"..

..If signs about "Ending War" become considered "political"..even when the sign is about an ongoing war in a country that is "controversial"..

..then moderation has gone too far.

FREEDOM, I SAY! <= said it

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18 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Moderator redacted image of enormous political signs


Bueller ...

I think that this is exactly the kind of "advertising" that LL was targeting in 2020.

Maybe they don't care anymore?

Edited by Quartz Mole
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18 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Moderator redacted image of enormous political signs


Bueller ...

I don't see a problem with it at all. I mean if it is against TOS, than I mean yeah they should take it down. Just like I don't care if someone posts a Kamala Harris or Biden Billboard that is favourable to them. But if it is against TOS, than yeah it should be taken down. 

Edited by Quartz Mole
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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I think "political ads or signs" in the context of normal discussion usually means:

- Supporting a particular party or candidate

- Supporting a specific election, initiative being voted upon, etc.

..If signs about "Freedom" become considered "political"..even when the sign is about a countries where there is a decided "lack of freedoms"..

..If signs about "Ending War" become considered "political"..even when the sign is about an ongoing war in a country that is "controversial"..

..then moderation has gone too far.

FREEDOM, I SAY! <= said it

Yes, I think this is correct.

But this is why I say that the restriction, as written, is vague.

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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Like, if someone is obviously trolling, does it matter if it is "political" - except it may be against the TOS, resulting in "blight", etc.?

I used to think they were trolling, but I no longer give them that benefit of doubt.  I mean, they get pretty passionate, it gets

.. weird ..

(now with 50% more politics!)

Some people just need something bigger than themselves, a savior of sorts, that will free them from all of them crazy and dangerous windmills dragons. 

Is it advertising though?  I don't know, it may just be on their property, they might feel it protects them, like a security orb or something.  Should we take away their security blanket, if it is just them expressing themselves? 

Edited by Istelathis
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1 minute ago, Istelathis said:

I used to think they were trolling, but I no longer give them that benefit of doubt.  I mean, they get pretty passionate, it gets

.. weird ..

(now with 50% more politics!)

Some people just need something bigger than themselves, a savior of sorts, that will free them from all of them crazy and dangerous windmills dragons. 

Is it advertising though?  I don't know, it may just be on their property, they might feel it protects them, like a security orb or something.  Should we take away their security blanket, if it is just them expressing themselves? 

It is beyoooooond psychoanalysis....

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

While the billboards pictured are specifically aimed to garner a response, a simple Harris or Trump sign SHOULD be ok, IMO.

Isn't there an additional rule for Bellisseria that prevents them? which would imply for mainland they are allowed?

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7 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

While the billboards pictured are specifically aimed to garner a response, a simple Harris or Trump sign SHOULD be ok, IMO.

I wish that was true - that simple, straightforward signs were OK.

In RL, people are upset ("triggered") by simple signs for opposing candidates.  I assume that in SL it is the same.


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I'm feeling a slight shift in the wind of this thread.

It's not really much ,but there is a slight shift..  Enough to say, We may need to evacuate  because of the possibility of a CAT 5 hurricane a commin..

But then again, it just could have been one of the dogs running by that caused that too..

We'll know soon enough..


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