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How text-only viewers might be able to save us some of us from PBR

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3 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I could see a text-only mode for mobile to be very useful for many for chatting only, if it were feature complete, *if*

I've certainly had friends who used Lumiya, or whatever, for this function.

But agreed, it would be most useful if it had the usual functions. Or at least, those that still made sense in a text-only environment.

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Really though what we could do with is the ability to log into a mobile chat-only app and *still* be able to, optionally, login under the same account with a full viewer at the same time.  This would be far more useful than anything we have seen so far and is probably what's driving people to Discord.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've certainly had friends who used Lumiya, or whatever, for this function.

But agreed, it would be most useful if it had the usual functions. Or at least, those that still made sense in a text-only environment.

There was an iPhone app too, "Metaverse-something".

But Speedlight has more features, last I checked. Why text-only again?

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7 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I gotta be honest, though. There's a downside to this.

I remember that a guy once sent me an IM out of nowhere some years ago (you know how it is) and he was actually friendly enough and I didn't get any bad vibes, so I let him strike up a convo and we chatted for a bit. Turns out, he was pretty damn cool. BUT. Big butt. Big booty butt. I wasn't doing anything important at the time, so I suggested we go hang out and shop or hit up an event or something. He sounded FUN, so why not? Well, we couldn't. He was on a text-only viewer. From the sound of it, he didn't even have something that could run SL well enough at all, so hopes and dreams of a new bestie shattered through no fault of our own! I mean yeah we could still chat, but I kind of lost interest to be honest, lol. I have Discord for that kind of thing.

Yes, text can be good, but it does have the potential to make it difficult to really get together and hang out with people in any kind of typical SL way. Hmpf.

Hmmm. True.

Because if my friends don't dance, well, they're no friends of mine.

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1 minute ago, Gabriele Graves said:

From my perspective, think messaging focused.

From a scripting perspective, I think it's easiest with public chat (or chat on a "channel". IM's get "consumed" by the actual avatar, so a script can't also do stuff with them.

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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

From a scripting perspective, I think it's easiest with public chat (or chat on a "channel". IM's get "consumed" by the actual avatar, so a script can't also do stuff with them.

I'm not getting why that aspect of scripting would be a problem for a messaging focused chat app.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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6 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I'm not getting why that aspect of scripting would be a problem for a messaging focused chat app.

It's not a problem for someone sending messsage using the app; it's a problem with messages sent directly to a user.

While "llInstantMessage()" is an LSL function, if they aren't using an app that calls the function, a user can only send messages directly to another user. Without a special viewer, both users would have to use the app, for the messages to get "intercepted" and split between the viewer and the "external app".

I guess that I'd use a browser for the external app. Just musing. (Because the in-world user could use a browser or MOAP too).

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19 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Yes, text can be good, but it does have the potential to make it difficult to really get together and hang out with people in any kind of typical SL way. Hmpf.

Speedlight and Radegast mitigate this a bit with their limited 3D views. Speedlight uses a schoolgirl outfit in free mode for female avis. I presume it's the same for guys, not sure. Maybe paid users of that app get to use their inventory wardrobe in Speedlight (somebody help me out here :D).

Radegast uses a 3d view closer to what most SL viewers can show, but it's still limited. It works well with integrated graphics. It runs in most PC OS's that use Microsoft's Mono API, including Windows, MacOS and Linux. 

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33 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
36 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Ok, well you guys get all this straightened out for the 3 people that will be using it, and keep the forum regulars entertained.

Me, I'm getting engrossed inworld...

"Don't let the door hit you on th . . ."

Oh nvm. 😏

Thank the Goddess when all these people you speak of who are leaving SL in droves because of PBR it will be a shiny door to hit them on the rump on their way out!!!

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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

It's not a problem for someone sending messsage using the app; it's a problem with messages sent directly to a user.

While "llInstantMessage()" is an LSL function, if they aren't using an app that calls the function, a user can only send messages directly to another user. Without a special viewer, both users would have to use the app, for the messages to get "intercepted" and split between the viewer and the "external app".

I guess that I'd use a browser for the external app. Just musing. (Because the in-world user could use a browser or MOAP too).

Well, I'd assumed that to make it work, back end changes would be needed for split presence anyway and so sending the chat and IMs to both viewers that are logged in would be done as well.  I cannot see any other issues.  The messaging focussed app would also not have to be running scripts as well or the chat could get processed twice but considering  the nature of what it is, I wouldn't expects scripts to be running on a messaging app.  Scripts are run on the backend, so I don't even think this would be an issue.

Obviously this is just spitballing, smarter people than me would figure it out.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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45 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I think maybe it's time to get back to the point of this thread?

I wasn't aware that Firestorm had a text-only mode either! One minor(?) issue is that FS isn't available for mobile, which might logically be how many people would want to use text in SL.

I wonder how difficult it would be to create such an option in the new mobile viewer? It might be mostly a matter of simply "turning off" graphics?

The few times i tried the mobile viewer, it might as well be text only, because the graphics sucked.

And all those X’s beside my favorite places…. what a waste, but its okey, I deleted it weeks ago 😂

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13 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Not liking that one bit.

You can render your avatar, it defaults to a generic mesh model though.  If you click or touch your avatar, a sub menu will show up, then you click render, and render avatar and it will download your avatar and display it on screen.

Before this, it was stick people 🤣


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1 minute ago, Istelathis said:

You can render your avatar, it defaults to a generic mesh model though.  If you click or touch your avatar, a sub menu will show up, then you click render, and render avatar and it will download your avatar and display it on screen.

Before this, it was stick people 🤣


It's "free" if you're Premium. I never heard of these restrictions!

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I do kinda wish we had a viewer that was just the inventory... I guess it could do chat as well.

Inventory would be nice though, I'm sure I'd be much more organized if I could just have the inventory sitting open instead of a full viewer.

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Firestorm's text only mode is great in theory, but the screen turns bright magenta when you enable it and according to FS support, there's no way to change it. I get nauseous and a headache looking at it. 0/10, completely unusable until you can change that.

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I'm  not a creator, not smart or techy either. My desktop pc isn't the most super duper, l33t gamerz rig. It's a cheap mid, prebuilt. PBR works fine and makes my beep boop robot avatar look beepier and boopier. While poor ol laptop suffered a bit.Both the same price but years and store difference between them.

I still don't understand why this is all such a big deal and why there has to be so much mudslinging and insults tossed around. I can get saying it's buggy or not liking it. But there's just..no need for even  quarter of the bile being tossed around at all sides.

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