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New SL-Dedicated Social Media, Blogging, and Photography Platform PrimFeed Opens! What Are Your Impressions?

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2 hours ago, JacksonBollock said:

A few SL avatars might have unsavory predilections publicly exposed which neither LL or Flickr wanted to accommodate, a few potentially unsavory conversations might be exposed, some people might lose upwards of a couple of dollars.

Everyone seems happy with the risk reward arithmetic, so what you gonna do 🤷‍♂️

They are not, they are unaware of the all the potential risks and violation of personal data safety it can impose. This is something common for majority of the users on the internet. For this reason laws like the european GDPR are put in place so they and their data can be protected from malicious intent.


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1 hour ago, Aiyumei said:

They are not, they are unaware of the all the potential risks and violation of personal data safety it can impose. This is something common for majority of the users on the internet. For this reason laws like the european GDPR are put in place so they and their data can be protected from malicious intent.


I was being facetious Aiyumei, mixed with a fair amount of genuinely losing the will to live.

GDPR aint rocket science, it's not new, and in 2024 the reasons people are not aware of it or its benefits, are largely because they choose not to know - blissful ignorance and all that.

Add in to the mix the average use case for a platform like this, as again facetiously outlined in my post, and you form an idea about why some would prefer good governance and oversight not to be in place - but that's a whole other ball game.

At the end of the day, one really can't keep discussing the same old stuff over and over again, with the same people who prefer to adopt that heady mixture of sophistry and ignorance to get by in life, while wearing it as a badge of honour.

The point I was making is that, without a legitimate RL legal entity to pursue, GDPR and any other legal governance transgressions will be very difficult and costly to enforce - although not impossible obviously.

In light of all this, the only thing anyone can really do is communicate the risk to prospective and current platform users in the hope that common sense will prevail - if it doesn't, it doesn't.

At this point I'll leave this conversation. Thanks though :) 

Edited by JacksonBollock
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No one is running a business from their primfeed account (though some folks may be blogging on primfeed -that's a seperate issue), nor are they using it for HIPPA, nor are they engaged in Enterprise level anything.

Not to say that there isn't valid concern for anyone paying cash money, but honestly I strongly detect a strong wiff of FUD in the posts concerning GDPR compliance.

Didn't Quartz Mole already address this? If the primfeed site owner has been made aware of the concerns then that's pretty much the end of it.

Take it up with the real world authorities if you're worried.


Edited by Harper Held
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25 minutes ago, Harper Held said:

No one is running a business from their primfeed account (though some folks may be blogging on primfeed -that's a seperate issue), nor are they using it for HIPPA, nor are they engaged in Enterprise level anything.

Not to say that there isn't valid concern for anyone paying cash money, but honestly I strongly detect a strong wiff of FUD in the posts concerning GDPR compliance.

Didn't quartz mole already address this? If the primfeed site owner has been made aware of the concerns then that's pretty much the end of it.

Take it up with the real world authorities if you're worried.


What on earth?

(Walk away, walk away Jackson - if you're going to have that brain aneurysm, don't waste it on this 🙏)


Good, well informed points Harper 👍
(Come on Jackson, you know sarcasm doesn't translate well in text!)


Edited by JacksonBollock
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10 hours ago, JacksonBollock said:

even financial transactions without fulfilling his legal or governance obligations

Okej. This is a fair point.

As a user who feels they have shared nothing beyond their SL username to use the service and has no plans to upgrade to a paid account, I failed to consider the risks associated with finacial transactions. I don't really consider anything not related to fiance or my identity to be sensitive data and can be a bit quick to role my eyes when somebody starts firing off at the mouth about EU regulations and laws (this is because the EU, imo, does not properly enforce compliance of major laws among members of said union. Igen, this is just my opinion).

Your concerns about financial data are valid. You have changed my mind in that regard.

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14 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

 I don't really consider anything not related to fiance or my identity to be sensitive data and can be a bit quick to role my eyes when somebody starts firing off at the mouth about EU regulations and laws


One of my problems is I've only noticed one person actually stating what their real-life qualifications to speak on the GDPR (as Quartz Mole requested) is. I will qualify that statement with the disclaimer that it's entirely possible people have stated their expertise and I missed it skimming the 20-odd pages of this thread. Still, though...

I'm lead to question the qualifications of the other folks who have spoken so freely on like they're Perry Mason or some*****.

I'll repeat, I'm seeing a lot of what appears to me to be Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt about a site which benefits the dying social platform which is Second Life. Either FUD or egoistic self-stimulation, I'm not sure which. Maybe both?

If people have RL legal concerns, they need to address them IRL (one person already has, good on them). People need to also think twice about handing over cash money to complete strangers, too. No argument there.



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  • Moles

Since I don't think anyone here has both the necessary information and expertise information to reach any useful conclusions about this site and its compliance or otherwise with GDPR,  any more than we have the necessary expertise and information to determine whether Meta or the site formerly known as Twitter  X does, I am really not sure what point there is in debating the topic here.

If people have concerns, then take them to the office of the EU Information Commissioner, which has powers of both investigation and enforcement.


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1 minute ago, Quartz Mole said:

Since I don't think anyone here has both the necessary information and expertise information to reach any useful conclusions about this site and its compliance or otherwise with GDPR,  any more than we have the necessary expertise and information to determine whether Meta or the site formerly known as Twitter  X does, I am really not sure what point there is in debating the topic here.

If people have concerns, then take them to the office of the EU Information Commissioner, which has powers of both investigation and enforcement.


Can we at the very least request some kind of stance from Linden Lab on the platform?

Linden Lab appears to have registered an official Second Life account on the page and is actively using it to promote events. That on its own can be seen as an approval or at the very least a stamp of approval from the Lab and I feel the users deserve more transparency from Linden Lab on what the official stance is, especially as there are tens of thousands of users (and in turn, Second Life customers).


Thank you.

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  • Moles
Just now, Tjay Wicken said:

Can we at the very least request some kind of stance from Linden Lab on the platform?

Linden Lab appears to have registered an official Second Life account on the page and is actively using it to promote events. That on its own can be seen as an approval or at the very least a stamp of approval from the Lab and I feel the users deserve more transparency from Linden Lab on what the official stance is, especially as there are tens of thousands of users (and in turn, Second Life customers).


Thank you.

I'm not sure to whom such a request might be directed, but I'll try to find out.

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1 hour ago, JacksonBollock said:

The point I was making is that, without a legitimate RL legal entity to pursue, GDPR and any other legal governance transgressions will be very difficult and costly to enforce - although not impossible obviously.

And here you got it wrong: if really somebody files a complaint at a DPA, which is taking its job seriously and really thinks they need to act, first thing they would do is go to the hosting provider and ask who's paying for that machine.


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9 minutes ago, Tjay Wicken said:

Linden Lab appears to have registered an official Second Life account on the page and is actively using it to promote events. That on its own can be seen as an approval or at the very least a stamp of approval from the Lab and I feel the users deserve more transparency from Linden Lab on what the official stance is, especially as there are tens of thousands of users (and in turn, Second Life customers).

I dunno.   Do you think the fact LL has accounts on Meta, YouTube and the site formerly known as Twitter  X constitutes any particular endorsement, or even knowledge of, their data retention and data handling practices?

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12 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

I dunno.   Do you think the fact LL has accounts on Meta, YouTube and the site formerly known as Twitter  X constitutes any particular endorsement, or even knowledge of, their data retention and data handling practices?

Apples and oranges.
Neither Meta, Youtube, or X requires a Second Life account to sign up. Primfeed does.

Primfeed's primary and only target audience is the users of Second Life and you cannot sign up for, nor use the platform without a Second Life account, and in my opinion, this differentiates it from essentially any other social media platform in this aspect.

Edit: And for what it is worth, I am not suggesting Linden Lab cannot use the platform. I am just requesting an official stance on the platform from their perspective, I believe this would be instrumental in allowing their users to make an informed decision on whether to use it or not.

Edited by Tjay Wicken
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Posted (edited)

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this discussion. I think it's an important one, although god knows I myself don't have the expertise to contribute much of value.

Security issues about this platform were raised very early on in its existence -- almost immediately from its inception, in fact. I took and continue to take them seriously. And I think they need to be addressed -- and if what I'm hearing here is correct, will be addressed inevitably, one way or another, if the site's noncompliance with GDPR has been reported.

I have no personal stake in Primfeed's ultimate success or failure and have (I trust) in this thread and elsewhere been open to criticisms of it, even as I've suggested that the conception and actual product represent a potential boon to SL and its residents. (Honestly, this is the kind of platform I initially hoped the LL would develop itself from Avatars United and, later, it's MySecondLife feed.)

As a non-techie, but one who is at least as well-informed as most laypeople about how this stuff works, my initial decision to sign on had less to do with feeling a personal need for this kind of platform (I'm not a blogger or SL merchant, who seem to be the primary target audiences for this, and I'm also a paid subscriber to Flickr anyway) than with a desire to have a window into how this evolved. I did so based on an admittedly naive and primitive risk assessment: as I'm not making any kind of financial commitment to my participation, and the data that I'm contributing is frankly anodyne in the extreme and already in one sense or another "public," I concluded I had not much to lose even if the platform turned out to be some sort of scam.

My assessment was also based on my awareness that the creator of the platform already has created and marketed two relatively successful and (I assume) profitable online products for SL residents (both of which are tied into this one, and which were undoubtedly an important part of his motivation for creating Primfeed in the first place). He has a proven "track record," and is clearly not a fly-by-night operator.

That said, RedZone was also a bona fide and profitable SL product with a large client base, and it was a malicious scam of the first order.

So, I'm keeping my eye on this. And again, thanks to everyone who has contributed their thoughts. Let's see where this goes.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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8 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

Looks like site has new TOS, but not sure that it adresses peoples concerns here lately.  

Massive improvement, but the new Privacy Policy and Legal Notice also raises a few new questions.
Need to review and digest the changes a bit further before I'll provide any detailed comments, but certainly an improvement.

But that being said, at least there is now a lot more transparency and that is very positive.

Update: A minor precision is necessary. I retract my old statement regarding SmartBots as it is clearly only used to fetch the UUID using the legacy name.

Edited by Tjay Wicken
Precision of second paragraph
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Just as long as the world never knows about the snapshot of ancient mole I had taken in SL21B, I will feel safe.  If it were ever linked to my Second Life account, I fear the consequences would be dire.


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On 7/20/2024 at 1:07 AM, Tjay Wicken said:

Linden Lab appears to have registered an official Second Life account on the page and is actively using it to promote events. [...]

The way I personally view it at the moment is like a typical start up. Given the lab is essentially VC invested for tilia and patents the goal may simply be to build something that out does my.secondlife hands down enough to garner enough interest for acquisition and replace it. Checking it out and seeing if it is viable is less an endorsement as either adoption or putting up large advertising banners. It only received four blogs from the blogger network and not an actual Linden highlight one. That might happen soon enough if success continues and it is earned.

Given my question on what was planned about the single point of failure for contacting to have things done was unanswered and your subsequent activities I had presumed the intent was that the Lab would fix it if it bought it.

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6 hours ago, Tjay Wicken said:

Update: A minor precision is necessary. I retract my old statement regarding SmartBots as it is clearly only used to fetch the UUID using the legacy name.

if (message == "The more you know")
    llPlaySound ("PBS");

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