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Preferrence.. Trans No copy or No trans yes copy

Grace Winnfield

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Simple question for customers...

Do you prefer your clothing items to be :

A.  No Copy, Yes Trans


B. Yes Copy, No Trans


C.  To have available the choice of either option.  Copy No Trans OR Trans No copy.


To keep it simple and since there is no polling option just answer A or B


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I second Griffin.

When I was new in SL, I went to buy eyes at the best eye creator in 2007. The vendors in the shop offered me a choiche between trans/no copy or copy/no trans.

This was in 2007, people!

Especially for fatpacks to a discounted price, it would be great to have transfer option. One of my alts are always in darker skin and hair than Marianne, it would be great to split a fatpack between us. 

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Very funny.. but you are i am sure well aware of the "why" on that.  If the item was copy and trans it would carry no value and thus would eliminate the motivation for designers to create at all.  A designer spends HOURS if not DAYS or WEEKS on one small item.. so why would they waste their time.  You are basically suggesting full perm resellable items... which you can buy ... from some.  Lets try to stick to the real question.


Sorry, I misunderstood.. You want either option available.  well then i will offer an option C above.. sorry for the misunderstanding.

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I wonder if the vendors I talk about is expensive, uses more prims, more scripts, or difficult to set up? The only shop I know of today that uses vendors that let you pick permissions, is Illusions. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Carnivale/202/82/45 You could try to take a look at them?

Obviously, the seller has to pack 2 sets of everything they sell, so it is definitly more work involved. I also read somewhere else that it could mean more complaints from customers who picked the wrong permissions. My guess is that no matter what you sell, you always risk that people complain about it. 

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B. Yes Copy, No Trans

I also like to have the option also to be able to purchase an item for someone else, to give the item as a gift, so the recipient gets the item with Yes Copy, No Trans permissions. (I never see the item in my inventory - it goes direct from seller to my friend.)

Honestly, the only time I have ever found transfer perms to be useful on SL clothes was when I was considering switching from one avatar to another. It was sort of nice to be able to give the "new" account a few of my old favorite outfits, to get her started.

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Ceera Murakami wrote:

Honestly, the only time I have ever found transfer perms to be useful on SL clothes was when I was considering switching from one avatar to another. It was sort of nice to be able to give the "new" account a few of my old favorite outfits, to get her started.

I'd like to able to give the clothes that I don't wear any longer to other people, particularly newbies. I could probably shrink my wardrobe to half or less than it is now.

That may mean less sales for the merchant in the short run (if Avatar A gives Item X to Avatar B, then Avatar B doesn't have to purchase Item X), but possibly not in the long run (for instance, if Avatar B likes Item X, he/she may seek out the creator/merchant to buy additional items).

ETA: Prim clothing is another matter. I like to be able to make backups, so copy/no trans is sometimes a must. But even some prim clothing that I have has gotten one use and one use only. That's where I would want no copy/trans.

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B. Yes copy, no trans  would be my first choice.  

I was thinking it would be great to have the option to choose, but if I'm gifting something and they can't copy for editing purposes I don't think I'd chance sending it to them.  

If I had an alt and wanted to transfer items like clothing, I'd need to be sure her shape was very similar to my present avi's shape.  

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leyna wrote:

I was thinking it would be great to have the option to choose, but if I'm gifting something and they can't copy for editing purposes I don't think I'd chance sending it to them.  


Agree. I think stores can offer copy/mod, and use the Marketplace for gifting. Customers get the best of all options that way, and storeowners are not forced to use extra prims to supply both options (the no copy/trans option highly devaluing the item for the giftee anyway)

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B :smileyhappy:


Copy/No Trans always made it easier to arrange outfits, however I'm starting to get used to that 'link' trick for things that aren't copy... but to simply answer your question it's "B" for me.

Now from a seller's point of view, I've also mentioned this on some other Merchant thread, Copy/No Trans makes it so comfortable and easy for me to poke the 'Redeliver' button on the Marketplace for customers caught in delivery debacles.  I don't even have to think about it... one IM from them and the button is pressed, thanks are passed, and life is good... no debating whether they really got it or not the first time and passed it to a friend... blah blah blah.  So Copy/No Trans is really a customer service thing for me when selling on Marketplace.

Good Luck & Enjoy

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As a buyer, unquestionably B. I'd rather be able to make back-up copies of items I bought, or put a copy of an item in several outfit folders. If I want to buy a gift, I'll either give the person the $L to buy it themselves, or go searching for an item with a "gift" option. That way if it's for me, I can have multiple copies for editing or outfits, and if it's for someone else they can have the same option.

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Copy but also MODIFY

By all means add that resize script that is utterly useless at reshaping but let those of us who can, want and need to edit it to actually make it fit, do so.

I've said it before but it's like this:-

MERCHANT: "but if you edit it and break it, I have to spend time sending another" - Lets just call this customer service shall we?  Or if you'd use COPY in the first place, they just copy another and edit.

MERCHANT: "but I don't want people editing it and making *my* work look bad" - Once they've parted money for it, it's no longer *yours* and if you really want people to model "your" ill fitting stuff all day long and let everyone around them know how badly it fits, go for it :)

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Copy no transfer for me, too, at least for prim items.    

I'm very unwilling to buy anything I can't modify if necessary (and that means adjust the shape and position of particular prims, not just resize, because I like to make things fit properly) and, even though I'm a reasonably skilled builder by now, I still get nervous remembering all the items I've wrecked in the past when trying to modify them, and feel far more confident if I know I have a backup copy in case things go wrong.

(And yes, I know, most merchants would replace transfer no copy mod items I've broken, but I still prefer to have the backup copy)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gadget Portal wrote:

If clothes aren't mod/copy, they're borderline worthless.

Except maybe as freebies, I guess?


whereas I won't buy copy clothes unless they're cheap as I don't see them as having any real value to me.  It takes all kinds I suppose.

mod is definately required though - although I only seem to find them in the newer/less adept creators, who seem to think resize scripts are the only way to go.

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