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Official or Firestorm?


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28 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

This hasn't happened recently but a while back I started having issues with my inventory when using firestorm, Things I had in inventory wouldn't show up. I discovered that if I logged into the Linden viewer they would be there, and i could log into that viewer get what I wanted out of inventory then log out and back into Firestorm and the item would still be there in Firestorm. I haven't had this issue since leaving that account I was using at the time which had a large and cumbersome inventory.

That's due to bad shut downs, and FSS not getting to finish saing files locally, before people turn off their PC's, or just glitched logouts, or logging back in before it's finished the logout process. Often affects people with no patience, and/or people with really fast PC's who do the logout/login thing in seconds.

Also, you don't NEED to log in with a different viewer to recover stuff, just clear object cache (NOT texture cache) for which FS apparently has a specific button in the preferences panel.. then relog some place quiet, and wait for the message on the inventory floater that says "Fetching ???? items" to finish and hey presto! You missing inventory is back.


I don't use FS or the LL Fail Viewer, and I don't power down until all the hidden background tasks have finished, and I wait for the logged out viewer to finish before logging in again.


I hardly ever suffer temp in loss.


As for TP vs Official Fail-Viewer, it's a no-brainer, the Fail-Viewer is what you'd get if you took a decent TPV and ripped out most of the good stuff, and put back a load of "bug of the week" drek.


NEVER forget, LL Devs originally made animesh, in such a way looking at a piece of it tanked your frame rate, and it was TPV devs who told LL it was wrong, what was wrong, and how too fix it, in dev meetings and the animesh beta thread right here on the forum.


The TPV I use was late to the EEP party, partly due to the dev' health, and partly because they spend ages FIXING some of the wort problem with the client ide EEP code. LL's own EEP fixe, the "Love me Render" special project, took over a year to come close.

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

These kind of discussions are mainly like, should I eat my pizza with or without pineapple, should I eat a burger with or without a knife and fork in a real restaurant, should I eat my fries with mayo or ketchup, do I need an Apple smartphone or one running on Android? Pepsi or Coke?
There are no winners, only fandom at both sides.

The cool kids have Firestorm and promote it like a holy grail.
Just like the mutilated human bodies we see around us inworld. SL has the best avatars in the business and where do we end up? Too long legs, too short arms, too tiny hands and faces, elephant butts, clothes that are so minimal they ain't sexy at all, but pornographic, gorilla shaped guys, lips thicker than 2 fingers each .....
Our wonderful Barbie world is just like high school. The cool kids voices matter more than they should.

The viewers are basically the same, as Phil and others already pointed out. Firestorm has a few usable additions like the internal AO.
For the rest, it is mostly a different look and feel, different names for the same functions positioned on different places.
The LL viewer is per definition quicker with updates, because that is the source code for all third party viewers (TPV) viewers.

And..... the thing that keeps me away from TPV's: It is use at own risk.
LL does not check the code of these viewers. The developers only have to self declare that they will be good.
In the end we have nothing to go for, but the blue eyes of the makers of the TPV's.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the Firestorm AO despite using it. That's a massive feature that should be standard in all viewers!


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i used firestorm for years and it is a heavy load despite the fact that i have a high-end gaming pc

lately i had teleport fails happening every 2x3 times i tried to teleport. I tried the cool viewer but i didn't like it much, now i am using Alchemy and my teleport issues are gone, it's not heavy on my cpu and gpu and i get the fps doubled aswell with Alchemy. I find also that the graphic is better respect to Firestorm with the same settings/windlight.  

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15 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

British people don't even know what chips are.

Really? Hmm.

Jefferson had potato served in the White House, "in the French manner" that is "French Fries" ( British chips ) in 1802and "fish and chips" appears in recipe books from 1813, while the first appearance in a cookery book of crisps ( American chips ) is from 1817

First commercially available "fish and chips" in the UK is 1854, but French fries/British Chips were on the menus of Parisian eateries at least as early as 1842.


The story claiming American "chips" were invented by a chef called Crum, claim a date of 1853.


Evidence seems to suggest that cutting potato's into sticks or "Chips", and frying them happened BEFORE cutting them into wafer thin slices and frying them till they are "Crisps".


UK & EU: 1 point   -   USA : Nil points   :D




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2 hours ago, BillFletcher said:

This hasn't happened recently but a while back I started having issues with my inventory when using firestorm, Things I had in inventory wouldn't show up.

Doesn't use using Firestorm in general require you to "clear your cache" every day or two?

Asking for a friend.

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7 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:


Ok so this answers a question I had, My Father in Law, has been to England numerous times, and I once asked him why the British call those things we call potato chips, and he said he dint know and wasn't even sure they had those in England, but now I know they do have them and call them crisps. hey that much better than calling a truck a lorry.

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Thanks! I kinda knew, but see that old advice so often still on the Forum 🙂 

There WAS an issue several FS viewers back that caused it to shut down too quickly as @Zalificent Corvinusmentioned but that was fixed.  I do believe it clears your cache when you update to a newer version, though which seems standard.   


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1 hour ago, Dorientje Woller said:

What they call chips are called normally, on the other side of the channel, French Fries. Chips, on our side of the channel, is what the Brits call crisps :D 

I could be wrong but I have the impression that French fries are thinner that our chips. I make my own chips and I'm expecting a delivery of an air fryer from Amazon today. It has a tubular basket to rotate stuff in and I'm looking forward to seeing how does with chips. My current air fryer isn't geared to turn stuff, so I'm giving it away - along with my deep fat fryer that I've used for chips up to now.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Just now, Phil Deakins said:

I could be wrong but I have the impression that French fries are thinner that our chips.

French Fries - in the US - come in MANY form factors, my grocery store sells all of these:

- "Extra Crispy", "Restaurant/Fast Food" fries - thin cut

- "Classic Cut" fries - a little thicker cut

- "Curly" fries

- "Steak" fries - thick cut

- "Crinkle" fries

- "House cut" fries

- "Waffle" fries


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