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Avatars are anti social

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

A lot of people actually do prefer local for whatever reason.  They mention "if it's not something you can say in public, don't say it in IM" as their reason and they're entitled to that opinion.  In a room full of 30 avatars, I really don't care to introduce myself out loud to the whole room just to mention I liked something in someone's profile.

I totally get that, but at the same time. If these people want to socialize and things seem quiet and local isn't going off. They could always just message someone in IM and start up a conversation. 

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

In a room full of 30 avatars

The popularity of the venue obviously has a lot to do with it. I don't tend to go to the really crowded ones. I am seldom in a place with as many as 30 other people. 20 or so is more usual.

That said, I do remember in the "old days" that fairly popular places like Junkyard Blue or Fogbound (which is a very different scene now than it used to be) did have a lot of local -- and yes, a lot of gesture spam.

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

A . . . what?

You know... Those filthy free-to-play non subscriber riff-raff who make up 85-90% of the population, rent 75% of the grid's regions, provide over 80% of LL's land based revenue, do most of the shopping, and basically provide the vast bulk of LL's $640 million a year turnover.

THOSE people... The Filthy free-to-play riff-raff that keep SL open...



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1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

You know... Those filthy free-to-play non subscriber riff-raff who make up 85-90% of the population, rent 75% of the grid's regions, provide over 80% of LL's land based revenue, do most of the shopping, and basically provide the vast bulk of LL's $640 million a year turnover.

THOSE people... The Filthy free-to-play riff-raff that keep SL open...



I dislike those people who because they pay for premium think they are somehow better than the people who have basic accounts. 

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

YES YES that is ALSO ME!!!

And I thought no one had noticed! 😏

To be fair, people who manage to do that AND can be entertaining to where they engage the whole restaurant/bar/club are an absolute joy. You know how some people are skilled as all hell at telling wild stories and you can't help but listen in/get involved? That's pretty rare, but when it happens, omg. So good. Like having a modern-day bard in the joint. 😂

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Just now, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Like having a modern-day bard in the joint. 😂

   Bards are for vegetarians and tax evaders. Proper people main Warlocks. Nods.

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Just now, Ayashe Ninetails said:

To be fair, people who manage to do that AND can be entertaining to where they engage the whole restaurant/bar/club are an absolute joy. You know how some people are skilled as all hell at telling wild stories and you can't help but listen in/get involved? That's pretty rare, but when it happens, omg. So good. Like having a modern-day bard in the joint. 😂

I enjoy those people, too!  It's just not me.  My husband only had to have the whole wait staff sing happy birthday to me once to learn never ever do that again.  I do not like the spotlight.   *shudders*

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

I enjoy those people, too!  It's just not me.  My husband only had to have the whole wait staff sing happy birthday to me once to learn never ever do that again.  I do not like the spotlight.   *shudders*

It's funny being that I was a theater kid. I used to relish being put in the spotlight, now that I am older. I don't really like being put in the spotlight as much. 

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3 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Bards are for vegetarians and tax evaders. Proper people main Warlocks. Nods.

Casts Polymorph. 

Casts Vicious Mockery.

To get (somewhat) back on topic, I can't quite remember if I've ever come across any fun storytellers like that in SL. Hmmmm... definitely came across a few who managed to get a group of people chatting.

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2 hours ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:


My original post was this. "Mostly local chat is dominated by gestures or a few people and when someone might try to interact they are ignored. So why bother?  "

See, that's the same entitled snob BS I commented on earlier...

"*I* have arrived and said hi, youu will all now stop talking about whatever unimportant stuff you were talking about and talk to Me ME ME ME Me"

As for the gesturebating, I can say hand on heart, that other than the "hooooo" malarky in some club venues, the only placess I ever see local chat swamped with gesturebating are places filled mainly with Brazilian SecondLifers, and other Latin Americans. It seems to be a cultural thing.


2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes, agreed.

This depends on where you go. I don't go to clubs where people typically use gesture spam; there are lots of them, actually. I don't go because chatter in local is one of the appeals of clubbing for me: it's a social situation.

Yeah, outside clubs, English language crowds don't gesturebate as much.

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6 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:
2 hours ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:


My original post was this. "Mostly local chat is dominated by gestures or a few people and when someone might try to interact they are ignored. So why bother?  "

See, that's the same entitled snob BS I commented on earlier...

"*I* have arrived and said hi, youu will all now stop talking about whatever unimportant stuff you were talking about and talk to Me ME ME ME Me"

I don't think a new person entering a space where others are present should demand that others talk to them, but it is common practice to welcome new participants into a space. This is because they are at a bit of a disadvantage, not knowing the people in the space, or knowing what the conversation is about. It's polite to acknowledge a new person and help them feel welcome and a part of others already present.

It would be interesting to see how all cultures handle this, but in the Western world this seems typical.

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1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

But I mean, you have people getting all offended at people who come to SL clubs to just listen to the music escape and dance. And they don't talk at all. Not everyone is coming to clubs to interact and make new friends, some just go there because they want to enjoy the music and escape. 


1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

It would be like people getting mad at people going to an RL Bar with a group of friends and interacting with them. And someone gets mad that this group of people is not interacting with everyone else. 


1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Are people getting mad at others for not chit-chatting in local?


1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I really haven't seen that here? Can you show me someone getting angry that people don't socialize in open chat?

The OP suggests that it's the natural tendency of using avatars NOT to socialize, but that's not the same thing as suggesting that people SHOULD.

Seriously Scylla, have you not been paying attention?

Look at the posting history of one of the more obvious "shocked and outraged" posters in this thread.

They are on PUBLIC record as complaining about:

Female avatars not replying to sex-pest IM spammers in a positive manner.

Female avatars who arrive in a club and DON'T IM him while he is AFK, alt tabbed out, playing an MMO, to beg for sex-pest IM spam.

Female avatars who have their status set to "do not disturb" which prevents them from getting sex-pest IM spam, in response to which he admits he automatically BLOCKS them even if they are total strangers he's NEVER exchanged a word with


He's also called me intolerant because I admitted I had NO desire to socialise with misogynist thugs, who claim all women are property, and that lesbians are just straight chicks who haven't been beaten and r*p*d enough to "cure them".


He's one of those people who seriously believe that he has a RIGHT to demand we socialise with him, when it suits HIM, because "SL is supposed to be a SOCIAL PLATFORM!".


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I suspect the heart of the problem are the people who assume SL is a "game", and are used to "games" being filled with NPC's.


NPC's exist to interact with you, give you quests, hand out rewards, or entertain you with funny dialog, or just give you an excuse to practice your decapitation combat finishing move on them.


A few years back an SL housemate was sat the Hair Fair, end of the last week when it was quiet.

She told me afterwards about this IM she got. I'll let you figure out for your selves which speaker is which.

"I'm bored"

"Excuse me?"

"Entertain me"

"Why should I?"

"Because I told you to, stupid b*tch"

"Go fork your self"

"You dumb wh*re, I'll find you and kill you you c***, teach you your place"

"*slams the mute button and closes the IM window*"


The NPC syndrome, these people ASSSUME all of s are NPC's here in THEIR "game" for their "Entertainment" and scream blue murder when they discover that WE are playing for ourselves, and NOT for therm.


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3 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

I suspect the heart of the problem are the people who assume SL is a "game", and are used to "games" being filled with NPC's.


NPC's exist to interact with you, give you quests, hand out rewards, or entertain you with funny dialog, or just give you an excuse to practice your decapitation combat finishing move on them.


A few years back an SL housemate was sat the Hair Fair, end of the last week when it was quiet.

She told me afterwards about this IM she got. I'll let you figure out for your selves which speaker is which.

"I'm bored"

"Excuse me?"

"Entertain me"

"Why should I?"

"Because I told you to, stupid b*tch"

"Go fork your self"

"You dumb wh*re, I'll find you and kill you you c***, teach you your place"

"*slams the mute button and closes the IM window*"


The NPC syndrome, these people ASSSUME all of s are NPC's here in THEIR "game" for their "Entertainment" and scream blue murder when they discover that WE are playing for ourselves, and NOT for therm.


I look at SL as an online video game, where you are gonna meet actual people and maybe make friends and other relationships in the game. Which is far different than if someone who looks at it as single player game. Coming from playing a few online games, I have established great relationships while being in those worlds. What a lot of people don't realize is even in online games, if you compare it to SL. That you can make meaningful relationships. Whether it be platonic or romantic. They also realize that there are real people behind their characters. 

Edited by Sammy Huntsman
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And then there are the "absolute morons". There was one  I remember from these forums a few years back, claimed some place he'd been to, one of those "boring shopping and chatting and dancing places with no combat", was obviously filled with afk avatars because:


He'd cammed over from the other side of the region, and NOBODY's avatar was playing the typing animation, so OBVIOUSLY they weren't talking, and none of them were running about and trying to kill each other so AFK and harming SL.


/me shrugs

And people wonder why I enjoy loitering on my build platform, messing with things, and taking the occasional snapshot.

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Just now, Zalificent Corvinus said:

And then there are the "absolute morons". There was one  I remember from these forums a few years back, claimed some place he'd been to, one of those "boring shopping and chatting and dancing places with no combat", was obviously filled with afk avatars because:


He'd cammed over from the other side of the region, and NOBODY's avatar was playing the typing animation, so OBVIOUSLY they weren't talking, and none of them were running about and trying to kill each other so AFK and harming SL.


/me shrugs

And people wonder why I enjoy loitering on my build platform, messing with things, and taking the occasional snapshot.

I turn off the vanilla typing animations, I hate seeing my avatar pantomiming typing on a keyboard and I usually use the one that comes with my AO. And a lot of times, when I am going shopping. I am not going there to interact, I am going in grabbing the stuff I want and getting out. 

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32 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:




Seriously Scylla, have you not been paying attention?

Look at the posting history of one of the more obvious "shocked and outraged" posters in this thread.

They are on PUBLIC record as complaining about:

Female avatars not replying to sex-pest IM spammers in a positive manner.

Female avatars who arrive in a club and DON'T IM him while he is AFK, alt tabbed out, playing an MMO, to beg for sex-pest IM spam.

Female avatars who have their status set to "do not disturb" which prevents them from getting sex-pest IM spam, in response to which he admits he automatically BLOCKS them even if they are total strangers he's NEVER exchanged a word with


He's also called me intolerant because I admitted I had NO desire to socialise with misogynist thugs, who claim all women are property, and that lesbians are just straight chicks who haven't been beaten and r*p*d enough to "cure them".


He's one of those people who seriously believe that he has a RIGHT to demand we socialise with him, when it suits HIM, because "SL is supposed to be a SOCIAL PLATFORM!".


Oh, HIM. The guy who refused to respond to my greeting on two separate occasions because my profile was "too political"?

Yeah, I wasn't counting him.

I meant serious people. 🙄

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