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Are You a Normie or a Non-Normie in SL?

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Does SL allow you to be more of a non-normie?   And, perhaps, to explore parts of yourself you'd otherwise avoid if it weren't for SL?  Or, are you just the same as you are in RL as you are in SL?  

Anyhow, I've seen some posts recently on social media about normie's and non-normies and wondered if you feel you fit into either one of those definitions?  And, can you explain to me a little about what is a normie and a non-normie to you?  

I was wondering if you feel this whole normie/non-normie thing is just a fad for the younger generation, or is it a real thing?  Or, even - has it always been a thing - to be different?  

Write whatever you want about the subject.  It doesn't have to involve my questions.  

Let's use this basic definition of what a Normie is:

What is a normie? Normie is a slang for a “normal person,” especially someone seen to have conventional, mainstream tastes, interests, viewpoints, etc

Edited by EliseAnne85
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I don't know what any of this means and it sounds like Twitch/Reddit slang (and the definition is completely vague - what are "mainstream tastes" referencing exactly - food, music, fashion, hobbies, literature?), so...I dunno.

All I know is I'm 100% the same in RL and in SL, so no difference there, and I've always existed within "alternative lifestyle" circles in all worlds, so there's that, I suppose.

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I'm totally weird in both SL and RL, but people probably think I'm a normie.

Oddly, considering how straightforward your question is: 

1) You will probably get some replies indicating that "Normie" is slang from a subculture that may-or-may-not be "Lifestyle" related, and/or "spectrum" related.  (Pick a "spectrum", you may or may not be right.)

2) You will probably get some replies that use of "Normie" is one of those examples of "othering".  (Kind of like a reverse discrimination.)

Last time I was called "normal", was from people who thought I was "a straight" (non-user), or who thought I was "a straight" (non-LGBTQ+).

Me? Meh, I don't use the word because I'm old. *points at lawn, then points off-of-lawn*


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41 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I don't know what any of this means and it sounds like Twitch/Reddit slang (and the definition is completely vague - what are "mainstream tastes" referencing exactly - food, music, fashion, hobbies, literature?), so...I dunno.

All I know is I'm 100% the same in RL and in SL, so no difference there, and I've always existed within "alternative lifestyle" circles in all worlds, so there's that, I suppose.

Normie, maybe conventional, mainstream tastes.  Non-normie perhaps original, especially in the art world.  

I don't think being a normie or a non-normie is a lifestyle exactly but I'm not really sure either that's why I brought some questions up here.

I've seen "normie" used here on the SL forum.  It probably mostly means going with the mainstream instead of against the mainstream.

For me, as a business owner, I found if I veer towards the mainsteam, I sell more, but that's just me.  I created some extremely original artworks and got a very tepid response and sold very little.  It was a very interesting and a great learning experience for me, but the reception to my original art was pretty much cold.  But, it was extremely unusual.  Most people could not relate to it for some reason while I thought it was good.  

For me, not a business owner, I was human and pretty mainstream for about 10 years in SL and had a really great time but when I changed to being a Dinkie I became a much freer and happier person in SL.  Partly, because a lot of the pressure of the vanity was gone, but that doesn't mean Dinkies don't like to look cute or stylish, they do.  It's just not as meticulous with the whole vanity thing I used to be into.  I feel like as a Dinkie I finally settled into myself and found a home here that is freeing.  

But, what I wrote, in no way, means I would never choose being human again.  I might.  I'm waiting for NUX and PBR.  

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18 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Adding: When people use the word "Normie", they are probably not using it in a "nice" way.  In other words, it can and is used as a pejorative. 

I think it is often used in posts on the forum to mean an avatar that *is* the usual.   But, that's not entirely what it means.  It's being used on message boards now not directed to avatars.  In a short way, a normie follows the current conventional things, a non-normie wouldn't.  

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30 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Adding: When people use the word "Normie", they are probably not using it in a "nice" way.  In other words, it can and is used as a pejorative. 

I don't think it's derogatory.  I think the word "Normie" was probably born out of the phrase from my generation which was "the norm".  In my generation I could say:  "My sister tends to follow the norm.  It's difficult to get her to try new things."  The norm has been used in journalism for decades.

Here's a def of norm:


something that is usual, typical, or standard.

Such as, for instance, people are using the word "Normie" on message boards to describe those who do NOT like crypto.  So, in other words, they follow the norm of what has been - fiat, and prefer fiat and want the usual or standard.  And, don't want to diverge out of that norm into another form of "money".  (This is an example.)

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12 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Normie, maybe conventional, mainstream tastes.  Non-normie perhaps original, especially in the art world.  

Yeah, but which tastes exactly? And how many non-mainstream tastes would one need to not be considered a normie? A person could have a mainstream fashion style (maybe they shop at GAP or mall department stores or something, who knows) and work a pretty run-of-the-mill desk job, but read completely off-the-wall fiction and listen to doom metal - is that a normie? Is it not?

I have always socialized with people who were quite a bit unique in their own way and were involved in various fashion and music subcultures and whatnot (goths, punks, rivetheads, metalheads, fetishists, etc.), and we never really went out of our way to separate ourselves from anyone else. We just found each other and spent time together because we loved what we loved, but still maintained friendships with people who were worlds different than we were. Hell, I've had to explain to people who NIN are, so I knew I had zero chance of getting them to listen to a band like Godflesh or Die Form. Still - we'd hang out and bond on other things. Separating people into this vs. that just feels a bit too...online. 😄


27 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Adding: When people use the word "Normie", they are probably not using it in a "nice" way.  In other words, it can and is used as a pejorative. 

I've mostly heard the term in the news/politics realm. Normies referring to people who aren't flooding their brains 24/7 with news and doom scrolling headlines. And in that way, they're to be admired! My best friend is like that - never has a CLUE what is going on in the world if it exists outside of the realm of ice hockey or basketball. I envy him sometimes, lol.

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It's not a younger generational thing-most things people attribute to younger generations really aren't. Every single generation since the dawn of mankind has had people who fall outside of what might be considered societal and social normals. Societal and social normals are also in a constant stat of flux-and easily redefined by any number of differentiations.

There is no definitive normal-regardless of what constructs and definitions people like to use. I would venture a guess that the things many might claim as normal or typical probably actually aren't-but those who sit outside of those constructs in any way shape or form are far less likely to make their position-or self-as known as those who fall within them. It's easy to not stand out in a crowd and consider yourself-normal-and the more people who do that the more -normal-seems like a majority.

Normie and non-normie are absolutely no different to this. Neither really exists-people just like to think they do.


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Most of the time, I'm a fishing pirate pixie in SL, that sometimes likes to drive around in a tiny car.  Being normal in SL doesn't really matter that much to me, in RL I don't like drawing attention to myself so I try my best to camouflage myself so I don't stick out like a sore thumb because I would rather not be a target for others.

I'm not sure if I am a normie or not, I don't have any desire to be normal though I usually just enjoy being away from people.

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28 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Yeah, but which tastes exactly? And how many non-mainstream tastes would one need to not be considered a normie?

Those are good questions.  

I'd think people are using Normie much like my generation used the phrase "the norm".  A Normie would be someone less adventurous perhaps and more predictable?  

Here's a look at how the phrase 'the norm' could be used according to the Oxford Dictionary.

something that is usual, typical, or standard.
"this system has been the norm in Germany for decades"
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2 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Write whatever you want about the subject.  It doesn't have to involve my questions. 

Loophole?  The guideline for the General Discussion Forum is "Anything that doesn't quite fit in the other Forums welcome here -- so long as it's specific to Second Life. "

I honestly have no clue what it means to be normie in a virtual world self-described as having "no manufactured conflict, no set objective".

Note that the concept of "normal" is both statistical and subjective.

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I don't consider a lot of mainstream things on the internet as normal or normie or whatever people are trying to push these days.. hehehe

I see the internet as a place where people from all over the world can interact with each other.. Who's to say we are getting the real them, when a lot of times it's just show time..

I think mainstream is probably the least normal of us all, especially when the last name attached to it is Media... hehehe

I think Normal is just whatever each person is used to.. I don't think someone telling me what is normal is doing me any favors really, since I have my own version of it, just like the next person.


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28 minutes ago, diamond Marchant said:

I honestly have no clue what it means to be normie in a virtual world self-described as having "no manufactured conflict, no set objective".

People are using the word Normie here on SL to describe avatars that are human because they are not human (the typical), they are another creature completely and thus call humans of SL - Normies - as human is the typical.  A form of non-normie avatar are Animes along with other avatars that runs a whole gamut other than human.  

I, personally, think SL is one of the first places on the internet where we could be a non-Normie.

It's a new slang word I'm not even sure actually has anything to do with normal.  The norm means the usual as I've shown above.  

In my generation, this was a topic that was easy to discuss.  I think it has more to do with following the usual trends or dancing to the beat of one's own drum than anything else.  In my generation people would ask "Do you like the norm?" and most people then would say "nah".  My generation were not followers and did not like the norm. 

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13 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

People are using the word Normie here on SL to describe avatars that are human because they are not human (the typical), they are another creature completely and thus call humans of SL - Normies - as human is the typical.  A form of non-normie avatar are Animes along with other avatars that runs a whole gamut other than human.  

I, personally, think SL is one of the first places on the internet where we could be a non-Normie.

It's a new slang word I'm not even sure actually has anything to do with normal.  The norm means the usual as I've shown above.  

In my generation, this was a topic that was easy to discuss.  I think it has more to do with following the usual trends or dancing to the beat of one's own drum than anything else.  

Usually, the only people using the word Normie are people who consider themselves Non Normie and are using it in a derogatory manner.   

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15 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Usually, the only people using the word Normie are people who consider themselves Non Normie and are using it in a derogatory manner.   

How so?  

Okay, now on message boards all those that don't like crypto are Normies.  Why is that derogatory?  We have a right to choose.  If we want to follow fiat, that's our business.  And, it doesn't hurt my feelings to be called a Normie in that respect regarding crypto.   They consider themselves non-Normies because they like crypto which is NOT the norm.  

If you want to be human, that's your business, as is being non-Human.   No one here really cares, imo.   I think all avi's are accepted by most.  Some feel they may have been marginalized but that could have to do with other things.  I don't care that certain places don't allow Dinkies for example.  I understand the immersion and respect other's SL in how they want to approach their club or whatever their objective is with only allowing certain avatars.  But, there are big events for all of SL where all are invited, and all seem accepting of one another in my experience.  

In my generation, we used to say one either follows the norm or they don't, but it was not derogatory.  It was more about one's personality.  It's something I've encountered through being an artist, especially.

I'm just asking if SL has allowed you to explore things you may not have without SL?  I think SL is a step outside the norm.   Or, it is a platform that gives us a chance to step outside the norm.

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58 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Those are good questions.  

I'd think people are using Normie much like my generation used the phrase "the norm".  A Normie would be someone less adventurous perhaps and more predictable?  

Here's a look at how the phrase 'the norm' could be used according to the Oxford Dictionary.

something that is usual, typical, or standard.
"this system has been the norm in Germany for decades"

It's also situational, regional, and cultural. What's "normal" to me as a New Yorker could very well be quite unusual to someone from London. As someone who's lived in both places, I've seen that first hand. Which one would be correct in a case like that?

To use a Second Life example, I'm almost never 100% human and my social circle is full of fantasy and furry avatars. I favor dark fantasy myself. To us, frolicking around with mers and orcs and satyrs and skellies and creepy monsters is all perfectly ordinary. To a human crowd, maybe we aren't.


1 hour ago, Caeruleiae said:

There is no definitive normal-regardless of what constructs and definitions people like to use.


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