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23 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Not me, yours was the first party I remember going to in..ever, for the Forum.

You never went to a Forum Cartel party?????

Tsk tsk. We'll have to do something about that.

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30 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, everyone on this forum has always been enormously supportive of my photography, and my exhibitions of them. To say I am grateful would be putting it mildly.

But the people on this forum are, pretty much entirely, free from the silly conventions of the SL art world. And also are generally up for a party whenever one is on offer!

I would come. I wouldn't take any pics. Well I might...There is always "BLACKMAIL"!!! the National Blab DOES understand BLACKMAIL!!! Cinny, get your camera out!!! 

Edited by SandorWren
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15 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I had no idea there were so many ruuuuules. I typically stroll into a gallery whenever I need a new piece for my wall, and now that I think about it, I've only been to two actual gallery openings/events (yours and one...somewhere years ago), so I had no idea things were so strict. Exclusives and can't post and blah blah. Yeesh!

There are certainly conventions. In fact, though, Nitroglobus, where I am exhibiting at the moment, does have its own rules that are somewhat different from most galleries. Which is how it's managed, I think, to become such a prominent gallery: the curator is really focused on marketing and public relations.

Other places mostly have expectations -- pics should be huge, they should be in full bright, they should be for sale for such-and-such an amount. There should be between 12 and 18 pics. There will be an opening party, it will be (usually) on a Sunday at Noon SLT, and it will be DJed and last two hours.


I've actually been circulating among friendly gallery owners some proposals of my own that run counter to a lot of that.

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There are certainly conventions. In fact, though, Nitroglobus, where I am exhibiting at the moment, does have its own rules that are somewhat different from most galleries. Which is how it's managed, I think, to become such a prominent gallery: the curator is really focused on marketing and public relations.

Other places mostly have expectations -- pics should be huge, they should be in full bright, they should be for sale for such-and-such an amount. There should be between 12 and 18 pics. There will be an opening party, it will be (usually) on a Sunday at Noon SLT, and it will be DJed and last two hours.


I've actually been circulating among friendly gallery owners some proposals of my own that run counter to a lot of that.

Dumb question: Have you considered opening your own gallery?

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've actually been circulating among friendly gallery owners some proposals of my own that run counter to a lot of that.

Oh thank goodness, yes. I do remember seeing something about DJs here and there, but I couldn't even begin to tell you which events those were.

In fact, there's a good peeve: I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at grabbing landmarks or at least grabbing notecards with gallery names on them, and when I think "oh, I should go back and get that one piece...!" I can't for the life of me remember where it WAS. You don't realize how many art galleries exist in Second Life until you try to visit every single one on the list. 👀

I do this ALL the time. There was one very dark gallery (both in build and mood) with some incredible work in there and there's no way on this planet I'd ever manage to remember the name of that place. Story of my Second Life.

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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Dumb question: Have you considered opening your own gallery?

I've got one! That's where the exhibition of pics of people from the forum are! (And I need to work on the next one of those soon!)

But I actually don't like the idea of exhibiting my own pics at my gallery, unless it's a "political" exhibition of some sort. Too cozy and comfortable. I like shoving them out into the wilds.

5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

You don't realize how many art galleries exist in Second Life until you try to visit every single one on the list.

There are a TON. There's probably about a half dozen really well-known and prominent ones, and a fair number of mid-sized galleries, and scores and scores of smaller ones. There used to be a HUD, but I'm not sure it's still operating.

The large galleries -- Nitroglobus, the Kondor Art Center, Artsville, etc. -- are good in that they attract large crowds for events, but I actually often prefer the smaller ones, run by a curator who takes time to choose the pics they want to exhibit. And there are a few who also do custom builds for particular exhibitions. The big ones tend to feature a single artist, but the smaller ones often do shows built instead around themes, with artists invited to contribute a few pics. My recent show on "Summer" at the Onceagain Art Gallery was like that: I contributed 8 pics (and had my own smallish building to put them in), but there were about a half dozen artists represented all together, and the "gallery" had been modeled as a beach area to accommodate them.

If I went to every opening to which I am invited, I'd literally be doing nothing else in SL, so I tend to go to ones that feature artists I know I like, or about whom I've heard cool things.

I'd highly recommend Inara Pey's blog for keeping up on what's showing. She writes her reviews after the openings, so you won't find out about those there, and she's (understandably) less good on covering some of the smaller galleries, but her reviews are excellent, and she posts pics.



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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Dumb question: Have you considered opening your own gallery?

I've got one! That's where the exhibition of pics of people from the forum are! (And I need to work on the next one of those soon!)

But I actually don't like the idea of exhibiting my own pics at my gallery, unless it's a "political" exhibition of some sort. Too cozy and comfortable. I like shoving them out into the wilds.

Well, if you used your gallery to "mostly show other's art" and then "sometimes show your art"..you wouldn't be playing favorites!  Sorry, I forgot that was "your gallery"!

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There are a TON. There's probably about a half dozen really well-known and prominent ones, and a fair number of mid-sized galleries, and scores and scores of smaller ones. There used to be a HUD, but I'm not sure it's still operating.

Omg I know, and plenty don't seem to be listed in the Destination Guide, either. I'm not sure how many aren't listed in Search. It's actually an impossible task to visit every one.


4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The large galleries -- Nitroglobus, the Kondor Art Center, Artsville, etc. -- are good in that they attract large crowds for events, but I actually often prefer the smaller ones, run by a curator who takes time to choose the pics they want to exhibit. And there are a few who also do custom builds for particular exhibitions. The big ones tend to feature a single artist, but the smaller ones often do shows built instead around themes, with artists invited to contribute a few pics. My recent show on "Summer" at the Onceagain Art Gallery was like that: I contributed 8 pics (and had my own smallish building to put them in), but there were about a half dozen artists represented all together, and the "gallery" had been modeled as a beach area to accommodate them.

Funny enough, I don't think I've been to the larger galleries. I do visit a mix of single artist and multiple contributor galleries, though the names - your guess is as good as mine, LOL. Individuals are sometimes (sometimes) easier to remember. There's a great French gallery I visited a few times and, as one does, forgotten the name of a few times. Something with an A. I do have landmarks and notecards for that one, at least. I really like the galleries with multiple artists, though those are the ones I always have trouble buying from. OOO I want that one. NO wait, that one! NUUU hang on, THIS ONE. No, wait...

That reminds me - I need to grab another one of yours one of these days, but I have no land at the moment, so I'll hold off on that for now. The one you sent out last year was SO PRETTY and looked so good on my wall omg.


15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'd highly recommend Inara Pey's blog for keeping up on what's showing. She writes her reviews after the openings, so you won't find out about those there, and she's (understandably) less good on covering some of the smaller galleries, but her reviews are excellent, and she posts pics.


Ooo thank you! That's a great idea. I never thought to check blogs for this stuff, for some odd reason.

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3 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That reminds me - I need to grab another one of yours one of these days, but I have no land at the moment, so I'll hold off on that for now. The one you sent out last year was SO PRETTY and looked so good on my wall omg.

You need but ask, and I would be literally thrilled to gift you whatever I've done that you like.

(And that goes for anyone here! It's far more important that my images are enjoyed by people who take pleasure in them, than that they I make a bit of extra pocket money from them.)

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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You need but ask, and I would be literally thrilled to gift you whatever I've done that you like.

(And that goes for anyone here! It's far more important that my images are enjoyed by people who take pleasure in them, than that they I make a bit of extra pocket money from them.)

The old builds which I most often rez have generic Art, so yes! I'd love to hang yours instead. I'd have to put a "prim" over the existing art, as I'm sure it's all "no-mod" with these scenes.  (You gave me one once before, I think you gave a lot of us art for last Christmas perhaps.)

OMG! Have you considered..offering decorating services?

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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You need but ask, and I would be literally thrilled to gift you whatever I've done that you like.

(And that goes for anyone here! It's far more important that my images are enjoyed by people who take pleasure in them, than that they I make a bit of extra pocket money from them.)

*squees* Thank you! One of these days if (when?) I get a new place, I'm going to hit you up for that!

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24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'd love to hang yours instead.

Just tell me what you want. Most of it is on Flickr (except, of course, the stuff currently on display at Nitroglobus). I'd be delighted.

25 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

OMG! Have you considered..offering decorating services?

Sounds too much like work!

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7 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Does one get something like six months of time in preparation for that?

Well, most usually, yes. I was approached about exhibiting at Nitroglobus in January or February: the show was scheduled for August. My next scheduled show is for February. But sometimes it's less, especially if it's a smaller thing.

That sounds as though one is doing only two shows a year, but I think I've done 5 this year, not counting contributions of existing pics to smaller shows, or the one at my gallery of forum posters, which I just organized and curated. Only 4 of the shows were large, though. So there is some overlap.

Personally, I think 18 pics is too much. I generally produce probably 20-24 pics, and then choose which to exhibit from those (I think I did 22 for Nitroglobus), but I'd really prefer to do 12, and only exhibit the very best. But gallery owners want to fill the walls.

I'm really starting to lean towards smaller, more intimate shows. I'm getting a bit tired of the "big events," which are very gratifying in some ways (lots of people, and lots of sales), but are exhausting and have to be rushed a bit.

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That seems entirely reasonable. I got myself into a bit of trouble by agreeing to something cool that needs eight new and unseen pictures over the course of a month.

I figured that sure, I can do that - and then promptly started panicking and stressing. :D

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34 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

That seems entirely reasonable. I got myself into a bit of trouble by agreeing to something cool that needs eight new and unseen pictures over the course of a month.

I figured that sure, I can do that - and then promptly started panicking and stressing. :D

I calculate, usually, that under pressure I can produce two new pics a week.

And occasionally, I actually can!!

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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I calculate, usually, that under pressure I can produce two new pics a week.

And occasionally, I actually can!!

For me it changes the framing, the way that I take pictures. Usually I give in to a kind of flow where I just get a random inspiration, follow up on it and see where it takes me. Sometimes that means four pictures in two days and other times it's one picture every three months.

I have learnt that under pressure, I lose that ability. The remaining wasteland that is my rational half takes over and starts conceptualising pictures. Which then crashes into how much of a mess Second Life is at times because I no longer go with the flow and instead have got a precise idea in mind.

Which brings me to my current post apocalyptic pet peeve:

That damn auto exposure feature is driving me up the wall. Lighting, one of the singularly most important aspects of photography to me, suddenly takes four times as long because for every change I make, I need to wait for Second Life to catch up with it's weird auto exposure thing. Click. Picture dark. Three two one let's go - and you get a goddamn flashbang thrown into your face, before it settles down again. Why does it need to flashbang me, why does that take 3-5 seconds to process for every miniscule change.

Pure, undistilled, fluffy Nina rage.

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22 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

For me it changes the framing, the way that I take pictures. Usually I give in to a kind of flow where I just get a random inspiration, follow up on it and see where it takes me. Sometimes that means four pictures in two days and other times it's one picture every three months.

I have learnt that under pressure, I lose that ability. The remaining wasteland that is my rational half takes over and starts conceptualising pictures. Which then crashes into how much of a mess Second Life is at times because I no longer go with the flow and instead have got a precise idea in mind.

This is much my case. It's astonishing, really, how creative (and fast) I can be when I'm just having fun. But give me a deadline, and a "program" I have to follow, and suddenly . . .

I really thought that producing pics for this last show would be a breeze. I was excited to be exhibiting at that gallery, I chose the theme myself, and it's an interesting if abstract one, and I had "ideas." And OMG, did it turn out to be a slog. I discarded literally the first 5 pics I produced for it.

24 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

That damn auto exposure feature is driving me up the wall.

Wait. What is this auto exposure feature of which you speak???

25 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Pure, undistilled, fluffy Nina rage.

Pics or it didn't happen.

No, I'm serious: I want a picture of this.

In fact, maybe a video.

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32 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Wait. What is this auto exposure feature of which you speak???



Actually it's not just auto exposure - but here's a short video of what is driving me up the wall. This gets worse in lag heavy sims (which all photo sims tend to be) and sometimes it even flicks back and forth between flashbang and can't see *****. Note the gap between clicking and results - and multiply that with heavy lag. At the end then, when I pan the camera, that's the auto exposure kicking in.

All these things combined have made it a pain for me to set the lighting in a lag heavy scene because every click takes a while and sometimes nudging the camera slightly cranks up the exposure, forcing me to basically start over on the lighting again. Yes, I'm an idiot and it's likely user error but I know of at least one other person cussing out that feature so I'm not the only idiot :D

39 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Pics or it didn't happen.

No, I'm serious: I want a picture of this.

In fact, maybe a video.


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12 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Sounds too much like work!

Plenty. Most fun work I've ever done inside or outside SL, though. Get paid to shop and style rooms? No prim limits without a care in the world how many I use? Complete creative freedom under a general theme umbrella? Being able to make my dream kitchen with thousands of prims and create delicious food displays EVERYWHERE? And no ANTS??? Sign me up!

One main peeve with that work is being unable to stop myself from working. On a few occasions, I'd pop over a week or two after I'd already been paid and place more stuff I'd found out in the wild just because it matched their theme so well.

Another peeve: I'm actually terrible at decorating in RL because I have no spatial awareness, but I'd love to be able to! You could drop me in the center of a big room and tell me to go nuts with ordering furniture and decor and I just couldn't do it. I've looked at interior design and decorating degrees and programs and home staging real estate work and really thought about making a career switch to something like that and said nope - couldn't be me! I can't even park a car without massive effort forget trying to design this space are you kidding me. It actually took yeaaaaaars of practice to be able to do that in SL and The Sims and other games and I still struggle with larger rooms. 😂

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18 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


Not me, yours was the first party I remember going to in..ever, for the Forum.


18 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You never went to a Forum Cartel party?????

Tsk tsk. We'll have to do something about that.

I don't know about @Love Zhaoying but it was the only one I'd ever been invited to.

I suspect people don't like or don't trust me. Imagine that!

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