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9 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

This was never about where the groups lead to but the image and nudity displayed on the group joiner itself. I don't recall any of the media at the community exhibition showing any nudity in a General region. 

That's the issue here, nudity in a General region. I'm glad the owner has removed it. 


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36 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:


To me, a child avatar insisting on having the right to be a child avatar on A-rated land is ludicrous. As ludicrous as grownups insistence on having the right to visit family-themed locations naked with wood, and ask everyone for sex.

Both stupidities are obvious, no matter how anyone tries to make it all about one side or the other.


I couldn't agree with you more on both counts!!!

Accidents CAN happen, especially in shopping areas. But being fully naked might be a bit of a stretch though.

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5 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

This was never about where the groups lead to but the image and nudity displayed on the group joiner itself. I don't recall any of the media at the community exhibition showing any nudity in a General region. 

That's the issue here, nudity in a General region. I'm glad the owner has removed it. 

Honestly it's a bit frustrating for child avatars. We're rightly told we're no longer allowed in adult land (good I agree), and there are restrictions on where we can go in M. So is it any surprise we want to protect the only place we're safely allowed to go? 

Nudity is dangerous for child avatars. It can get our accounts terminated and if it's in an area it's not supposed to be then I'm going to call it out. 


I think people let their biases cloud their cognition, and then they just look the other way when they realize they're talking nonsense around here.

People should expect the same vigilance from us concerning our rights and protecting our accounts as we should expect from people who want to kill off our avatars and accounts.

If it's there, and they can report you for it, they're going to. There are haters everywhere, no matter who you are or who they are. You did the right thing.

It's not some trifling detail if it can cost someone their account, and their right to participate in SL in the future, and sim owners should actually bear the responsibility they sign on for when they build a community for use and enjoyment by others.

I don't think you did anything wrong. The new rules mean that even if my mom was still alive, I could never curl up in her arms and be her baby the way I used to, because OMG boobies. It's only fair that people shouldn't be posting boobies on G-rated land, either.

Civilization is all about compromise. We all make our sacrifices, and hope for the best. If people get butthurt, well waaah-waaah, they wouldn't care if it was me being hurt instead, so whatever.

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5 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

DISCLAIMER: If Sylvester Stallone or any entity acting on his behalf wishes to confront me about this, we can find a copy of the magazine as proof. It's not slander if it's the truth!

DISCALIMER 2: If I really can get in trouble for revealing this, please be assured I am simply joking, it's satire, a parody, if you will. I swear.

Peeve: On the subject of Stallone and satire -  A popular internet satirist used to often post about (literally, in RL) how Sylvester Stallone's mother would perform "readings" of impressions taken of people's "buttholes".  (You'd mail her an "impression" for her to evaluate.)  This part wasn't satire. It was real!

Anyway, this particular internet satirist also happened to be a voice actor for Disney.  She took down her popular satire site, probably due to lawsuits from the company she was satiring.


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11 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

This was never about where the groups lead to but the image and nudity displayed on the group joiner itself. I don't recall any of the media at the community exhibition showing any nudity in a General region. 

That's the issue here, nudity in a General region. I'm glad the owner has removed it. 

Yes, a pair of nice looking boobs is certainly a crime in SL.

My question to you is - Why were you even in a deserted park area of London City?  There was nothing to do there.  It seemed to be a place for AFK avatars to rest.  The sign was all alone, rather small, on a side street with nothing near it.  Do you usually roam around deserted G-rated regions next to crowded M- rated regions on private islands?  I am surprised you felt at all comfortable going to an estate full of adult looking avatars.  Are you now looking for these technical violations all over the grid?


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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: On the subject of Stallone and satire -  A popular internet satirist used to often post about (literally, in RL) how Sylvester Stallone's mother would perform "readings" of impressions taken of people's "buttholes".  (You'd mail her an "impression" for her to evaluate.)  This part wasn't satire. It was real!

I've done palm readings from Xerox scans of hands, and I knew a guy who did knee readings, but that's a new one on me. Maybe she thought she'd found the real third eye, who knows?

I now have far more respect for Sylvester Stallone than I ever did before. My mom was a nutjob too. I still turned out okay, and he turned out great, so respect, yo.

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6 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:



It's not some trifling detail if it can cost someone their account, and their right to participate in SL in the future, and sim owners should actually bear the responsibility they sign on for when they build a community for use and enjoyment by others.


No one has a 'right' to participate here, it can end at any time for any reason and the ToS says so.  Another thing, people aren't just 'hating on' child avatars. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the only interaction people have with them is seeing improperly dressed avatars in places they shouldn't be and that's why the push back?  It goes a lot further than the end of your nose.

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2 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

My question to you is - Why were you even in a deserted park area of London City?  There was nothing to do there.  It seemed to be a place for AFK avatars to rest.  The sign was all alone, rather small, on a side street with nothing near it.  Do you usually roam around deserted G-rated regions next to crowded M- rated regions on private islands?  I am surprised you felt at all comfortable going to an estate full of adult looking avatars.  Are you now looking for these technical violations all over the grid?

You should attend law school. The practice will make it less obvious.

You know.

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Just now, Modulated said:

Another thing, people aren't just 'hating on' child avatars. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the only interaction people have with them is seeing improperly dressed avatars in places they shouldn't be and that's why the push back? 

So where exactly are you hanging out to see this so much?

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

So where exactly are you hanging out to see this so much?

Shopping events is where it happens. I have seen obviously underaged avatars in bondage gear or similar, or just bouncing around non adult places, as I don't go to those places generally.  The pushback is not for nothin'.

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Just now, Modulated said:

No one has a 'right' to participate here, it can end at any time for any reason and the ToS says so.  Another thing, people aren't just 'hating on' child avatars. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the only interaction people have with them is seeing improperly dressed avatars in places they shouldn't be and that's why the push back?  It goes a lot further than the end of your nose.

Did it ever occur to you that statements like "the only interaction people ever have with them is seeing improperly dressed avatars in places they shouldn't be" are like bargain-basement highschool debate-team garbage rhetorical "strategy"?

I've had my share of being offended by people who have no sense of decency, sometimes what you describe, and sometimes what you are doing right now.

But it doesn't mean that everyone's experience of ME has been that, nor has everyone's experience of anyone else ever been that.

You're talking utter crap. I'll not listen to anything else you say until you show me you have the maturity and intelligence to talk to me without acting like a hateful bully.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Shopping events is where it happens. I have seen obviously underaged avatars in bondage gear or similar, or just bouncing around non adult places, as I don't go to those places generally.  The pushback is not for nothin'.

I have never seen a scantily clad child avatar at any event anywhere. Only craphole sims with literary themes and Lewis Carroll decor, or beaches.

You're wildly exaggerating to make your opinion seem more valid. Beating your chest and making statements like you've made, and in general just the way you've spoken to me and others, I'd say you're just being hotheaded and should maybe learn to get a grip on your emotions.

You know, think rationally, like someone trying to have a real discussion.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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3 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Shopping events is where it happens. I have seen obviously underaged avatars in bondage gear or similar, or just bouncing around non adult places, as I don't go to those places generally.  The pushback is not for nothin'.

Pre pubescents or what you consider edge cases?

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5 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Yes, a pair of nice looking boobs is certainly a crime in SL.

This is at best a disingenuous argument.

I am among those who feel that women should be permitted to go topless in any context that men currently can, in both RL and SL.

The main reason we can't do that now is that our culture continually sexualizes breasts, and assigns to them as their main meaning "sexual plaything" (generally for men), rather than "nature's way of permitting women to nurture infants."

And that is precisely what that image, coupled with an advert for an "Adult" group, did. That was a "oooh, look, boobies! What fun!" poster. It was emphatically not one that was normalizing breasts as "un-sexual." It drew attention to the breasts as a component of what the group had to offer, rather than naturalizing them as just body parts associated with women.

10 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

My question to you is - Why were you even in a deserted park area of London City?  There was nothing to do there.  It seemed to be a place for AFK avatars to rest.  The sign was all alone, rather small, on a side street with nothing near it.  Do you usually roam around deserted G-rated regions next to crowded M- rated regions on private islands?  I am surprised you felt at all comfortable going to an estate full of adult looking avatars.  Are you now looking for these technical violations all over the grid?

And who are you to decide what regions or areas should be of interest to other people, regardless of how they represent?

it's odd how your laments for your supposedly "lost freedoms" mask a very real determination to constrain the liberty of others.

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6 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Shopping events is where it happens.

Uh huh? I go to shopping events all the time, and . . .

2 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I have never seen a scantily clad child avatar at any event anywhere.


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Posted (edited)

Obviously underaged avatars in bondage gear = anime avatars. Those are not representative of the population I happen to participate in, which is SL child avatars. People who RP as kids or kid-presenting persons.

You're talking about hentai. There's a difference.

Most kids I've met that I knew were actual "SL kids" and not trolls or feedo-piles actually shun sexualized clothing, and will shame each other for it if they see it. I had white skin and white tights on under a long dress and got called a tramp, because they didn't know I had stockings on over my blank crotch.

How damned conservative do we have to dress before people stop lumping us in with the people they run with?

Do you have any idea how many people like to play child characters and AREN'T obsessed with children and sex going together as much as people like you are?

Look up people's skirts, call them perverts. That's the mentality. I think I have every right to be as sickened by how people talk to me about me without even knowing me as they have to spew their vomit all over me.

And yeah, SL is a privilege. And you are not the one who grants it to me. Your opinion on this does not matter to me in choosing my SL.


Edited by PheebyKatz
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1 minute ago, PheebyKatz said:

Obviously underaged avatars in bondage gear = anime avatars. Those are not representative of the polpulation I happen to participate in, which is SL child avatars. People who RP as kids or kid-presenting persons.

You're talking about hentai. There's a difference.

Not anime, I assure you. Stop telling me what I have seen and not seen.  You know full well it happens but you won't admit it because it's going to be a negative for your view, and that's fine. We all know what the truth is.

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Just now, Modulated said:

So because you've never seen it, it doesn't happen or exist. Got it.

It would suggest that it's something of a rarity, yes.

And if I DID see it, I would respond using the tools provided us all, by ARing it.

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8 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I have never seen a scantily clad child avatar at any event anywhere. Only craphole sims with literary themes and Lewis Carroll decor, or beaches.

You're wildly exaggerating to make your opinion seem more valid. Beating your chest and making statements like you've made, and in general just the way you've spoken to me and others, I'd say you're just being hotheaded and should maybe learn to get a grip on your emotions.

You know, think rationally, like someone trying to have a real discussion.

I think you're just taking a position because you have a child avatar, and that is strange tbh, any adult wanting to be a child in SL...it is straaaaaaaange.

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Just now, Modulated said:

You're not the mod, so slow your  roll.

No, but I'm someone who has seen this this thread threatened by closure for off-topic discussions that were much less heated and lengthy than this one.

Hate on child avis if you must, but for god's sake do it elsewhere.

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is at best a disingenuous argument.

I am among those who feel that women should be permitted to go topless in any context that men currently can, in both RL and SL.

The main reason we can't do that now is that our culture continually sexualizes breasts, and assigns to them as their main meaning "sexual plaything" (generally for men), rather than "nature's way of permitting women to nurture infants."

And that is precisely what that image, coupled with an advert for an "Adult" group, did. That was a "oooh, look, boobies! What fun!" poster. It was emphatically not one that was normalizing breasts as "un-sexual." It drew attention to the breasts as a component of what the group had to offer, rather than naturalizing them as just body parts associated with women.

And who are you to decide what regions or areas should be of interest to other people, regardless of how they represent?

it's odd how your laments for your supposedly "lost freedoms" mask a very real determination to constrain the liberty of others.

Thank you!

Peeve: For tripe to go unchallenged was angering the bee in my bonnet.

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13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Uh huh? I go to shopping events all the time, and . . .


I'll confirm. The majority of my time in SL is spent in stores and checking out sales. I've seen people wearing some wild ish. It's always been adults wearing it. 

Peeve: Speaking of events, stores, and sales, I'm behind on picking up my free heads. I know if I keep putting it off, I'll miss them entirely. *grumbles*

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