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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

None of my pics are.photoshopped.  I don't mind when people do some touch-up either.  My preference the last few years, for myself and my photos, is shoot as shown in the viewer.  To.that extent, I guess I am a purist but then, I don't really consider my photos art, either.

I photoshop the hell out of my pics.

Well, ok, it varies from pic to pic, but still.

My objections to AI are 1) ethical, and 2) if you aren't in control of every step of the process, then it's not really "yours."

Also, most AI looks like crap. Although that will change, I'm sure.

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


"This will redefine everything we thought we knew about cave paintings and their artists," gushes Dr. Neve Ersmart of Harvard.

Cave Artist Iz Femboy, I said so!

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39 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Caught the Duolingo thing. Do they seriously think that AI is going to be a selling point? Although, in that case I guess they didn't really intend to get caught out.

LL. as you know, has indicated that they want jump on the AI bandwagon. I hope they are paying attention.

Yep. Bad ideas. Most attempts to bring that into the gaming sphere have crashed and burned. There have been successful implementations in the accessibility realm (player-made mods that use AI to read out existing quest text in a massive game like WoW - but woo, is it hilariously bad), and of course, it's been used for NPC behavior and related functions since forever, but devs using it to replace actual job roles such as artists, writers, voice actors, etc. - hasn't been much of a warm reception. I know, SL not a game, yippie yippie, but still. Given the climate, I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole if I were LL.

Re: Duolingo - that news actually got me to drop the service. I used it quite a bit a few years ago for German lessons and I've been saying I want to pick them up again, but hearing of the layoffs, I'll be yeeting it to the curb. That one peeved me a LOT.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just like anyone posting exclusively sideways or tilted pictures in my Flickr contact feed gets removed, so too are the ones posting a lot of AI images.  I want to SEE what YOU can do with your camera in SL.  

If I have to get a crick in my neck because some fool thinks 70 degrees of "Dutch angle" is some kind of required standard for "art", then I don't bother looking at it.

1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

My preference the last few years, for myself and my photos, is shoot as shown in the viewer


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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

None of my pics are.photoshopped.  I don't mind when people do some touch-up either.  My preference the last few years, for myself and my photos, is shoot as shown in the viewer.  To.that extent, I guess I am a purist but then, I don't really consider my photos art, either.

Ya, I love to see what the viewer can do.. The only thing I really use photoshop for now is  to clip a few pictures together rather than posting just one and then another  and another..

That and making alpha layers.. it's more a utility than anything.. I like my pics raw.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I photoshop the hell out of my pics.

Well, ok, it varies from pic to pic, but still.

My objections to AI are 1) ethical, and 2) if you aren't in control of every step of the process, then it's not really "yours."

Also, most AI looks like crap. Although that will change, I'm sure.

I love your pictures but then, you're doing it as a form of expression and not to display your skill in Photoshop but to enhance the meaning behind your photo.   Your form of artful expression.  You still.look like you (or your alt) in the shot.  

Years ago, I had a photo done by one of the 'top' photographers in SL.  I think he's retired now but does some vendor work.occasionally.  When I got my picture baxk, I was dumbfounded.  Who the hell was it a.picture of?  He'd photoshopped my features!  My face!  Me!  He could have done a little with highlights or background and even hair and I wouldn't have cared but my face?  

Now, when I see any of his work I wonder what the person might actually look like.  🤔

Edited by Rowan Amore
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4 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I love your pictures but then, you're doing it as a form of expression and not to display your skill in Photoshop or to enhance the meaning behind your photo.   Your form of artful expression.  You still.look like you (or your alt) in the shot.  

Years ago, I had a photo done by one of the 'top' photographers in SL.  I think he's retired now but does some vendor work.occasionally.  When I got my picture baxk, I was dumbfounded.  Who the hell was it a.picture of?  He'd photoshopped my features!  My face!  Me!  He could have done a little with highlights or background and even hair and I wouldn't have cared but my face?  

Now, when I see any of his work I wonder what the person might actually look like.  🤔

Someone messed with perfection?



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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
24 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:


I think someone following several traditions would only have a negative effect on people who  believe there can be only one way in order for a path to have validity.

Nope. A "true Saint" validates all paths, since Spirit is One, no matter their own path. 

An easy example: as part of his own path, Ramakrishna followed and practiced many faiths including Christianity.

Where do you GET these notions?!

It was her notion...that someone having several traditions would have a negative effect on someone (herself) who has only one.   I was actually affirming that I accept she has that belief.

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3 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Pet Peeve - Stupid animated GIF's in a text forum, AND those who then comment on the GIF as if it was worth a comment.

I hope it wasn't me!  It took me awhile to learn how to get the GIF directly in a certain program.

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1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think we need to all agree to disagree when discussions here turn to relgion and spiritual beliefs and practices.

I know better than to argue about other people's beliefs and holy books.

Yeah sounds good.  Maybe don't post a peeve making fun of other people's spirituality then...that's what started this.

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1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Well you don't own me either.  I can talk about religion if I want...despite you telling the forum we should not.   When I see the rule that we can't talk about religion (same as we can't talk about politics) then I won't.

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11 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think we need to all agree to disagree when discussions here turn to religion and spiritual beliefs and practices.

I know better than to argue about other people's beliefs and holy books.

Peeve: I will argue that they are equally true!

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7 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think we need to all agree to disagree when discussions here turn to religion and spiritual beliefs and practices.

I know better than to argue about other people's beliefs and holy books.

But some.people do tend to drag it into almost every single discussion along with performative activism and empathy.

Peeve of.the day...people.

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5 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

But some.people do tend to drag it into almost every single discussion along with performative activism and empathy.

Peeve of.the day...people.

Peeve: Everything is due to unresolved childhood trauma! 

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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Everything is due to unresolved childhood trauma! 

Just blame it on Circus Clowns, it's far easier to deal with Circus Clowns than childhood trauma, you just tip a bucket of whitewash down their baggy trousers and whack them upside the head with a plank.


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10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Everything is due to unresolved childhood trauma! 

Since we don't want to get this thread locked, maybe we can discuss your trauma and how it effects your overall SL expereince in another thread.


Edited by Rowan Amore
Forgot the most important part...another thread!
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