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47 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

For myself, if it gets to the point where I feel it would be better to not continue in public, my choice would always be to end the conversation right there.

I've found, again for myself, that there is no need to allow random private conversations with anyone.  Should someone specifically ask to talk to me in private, I'd be happy to consider it but probably inworld, depending on who it is of course, but otherwise everything I'd want to discuss here with anyone I would rather be public or not at all.

Yeah, this.

If it's been a public conversation to that point, I see absolutely zero point in taking it to IMs, which is just as likely as not to free it to become even nastier, as there are no mods to officiate. It's highly unlikely to solve anything.

Just walk away. Some conversations are just counterproductive.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, this.

If it's been a public conversation to that point, I see absolutely zero point in taking it to IMs, which is just as likely as not to free it to become even nastier, as there are no mods to officiate. It's highly unlikely to solve anything.

Just walk away. Some conversations are just counterproductive.

Just to clarify, my original peeve was of this nature:

* Me, being helpful* "Here I am, Posting helpful things on your thread!"

* Them, PM'ing me * "I would be more comfortable talking with you about it in PM's."

So from that perspective, I am the problem not them (if explained that way). 

Peeve: When you can't explain something without looking like the bad guy LOL


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I've probably whined 😏 about this before, but it's getting hard to find art using Google search without it pulling up an increasingly large number of AI-generated knock-offs or, most hilarious of all, "improvements."

And the AI stuff is sometimes not even labelled as such. We really are on the long slide down towards a place where "authentic" becomes a meaningless term.

The ones that offer "improvements" on the original, though, really are a bit of a hoot. (In fairness, I think some of them are deliberately funny.)

"This Picasso is far too dark, and the subject is off-centre! I've used AI to fix these faults! Look at how much nicer it is now!"


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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Just to clarify, my original peeve was of this nature:

* Me, being helpful* "Here I am, Posting helpful things on your thread!"

* Them, PM'ing me * "I would be more comfortable talking with you about it in PM's."

So from that perspective, I am the problem not them (if explained that way). 

Peeve: When you can't explain something without looking like the bad guy LOL


Oh sure. I don't have objections at all to talking to someone in PMs.

What I think is likely to become a toxic morass is taking a public argument private. I know that's sometimes what the mods suggest we do, but I'd rather eat nails. 😬

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Oh sure. I don't have objections at all to talking to someone in PMs.

Peeve: Me either, I talk to some of you Goddesses on a regular basis in PM's!

My own reluctance in certain instances is that the person will be mean to me in IM's.

I probably react this way due to some unresolved trauma experienced in childhood.  I was OBVIOUSLY abused!

(Not digging at you, Scylla - it's just a running joke with me due to you know whom!)


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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, this.

If it's been a public conversation to that point, I see absolutely zero point in taking it to IMs, which is just as likely as not to free it to become even nastier, as there are no mods to officiate. It's highly unlikely to solve anything.

Just walk away. Some conversations are just counterproductive.

Oh, they can officiate PMs and have.  Back when that ninny was spamming the forums with racists rants?  I got a few PMs which I ignored but they're reportable just like everything else.

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4 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Oh, they can officiate PMs and have.  Back when that ninny was spamming the forums with racists rants?  I got a few PMs which I ignored but they're reportable just like everything else.

I suppose that makes sense, but it hadn't occurred to me.

What they won't do -- and shouldn't, obviously, because it would mean that PMs weren't private at all -- is proactively intercede.

I'm not sure what the point of reporting a PM would be, unless it were toxic to the point of thinking this person needs to be bounced entirely from the Forums and maybe even SL?

But I suppose that there are probably people who don't want mean PMs in their list.

Me? I cherish them. A few of them I've had framed. 🙃

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I suppose that makes sense, but it hadn't occurred to me.

What they won't do -- and shouldn't, obviously, because it would mean that PMs weren't private at all -- is proactively intercede.

I'm not sure what the point of reporting a PM would be, unless it were toxic to the point of thinking this person needs to be bounced entirely from the Forums and maybe even SL?

But I suppose that there are probably people who don't want mean PMs in their list.

Me? I cherish them. A few of them I've had framed. 🙃

The point is if they say something to me that would be reportable if posted on the forums, they get reported.  No one gets a free pass to be an asshat just because they do so in PM.   My PM is open... Mostly.   😁

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2 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

To be fair, it's a Picasso, it's not like they can make it worse than it already was.

The particular pic I was looking for in this instance was Edward Hopper's "Automat."

This is an example, done in Stable Diffusion, of some of the stuff that came up.


Really, it takes a super-powered computer to be this stupid.

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


I've probably whined 😏 about this before, but it's getting hard to find art using Google search without it pulling up an increasingly large number of AI-generated knock-offs or, most hilarious of all, "improvements."

And the AI stuff is sometimes not even labelled as such. We really are on the long slide down towards a place where "authentic" becomes a meaningless term.

The ones that offer "improvements" on the original, though, really are a bit of a hoot. (In fairness, I think some of them are deliberately funny.)

"This Picasso is far too dark, and the subject is off-centre! I've used AI to fix these faults! Look at how much nicer it is now!"


So much this. I use a lot of fantasy art/illustrations for reference photos when building out my avatars and it's so obnoxious how much terrible AI art exists in that category. Ugh.

Though the most bonkers thing I've seen in this realm so far is graphic tablet companies (Wacom, Huion, XPPen, etc.) actually using AI art in their marketing to promote their tablets. Like...illustrators and artists are your primary customers I don't *gestures wildly* 👀

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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I just don't respond. I don't feel the need to disable my inbox and have only rarely blocked anyone on the forums.

Besides, if you totally block someone, you wouldn't be able to see when they apologize.

This forum does not allow for a "total" block - you can see when they post and have the option to expand it so you can read it/respond to it/react to it. You can also see when they are quoted.

PMs are a total block on any future PMs - you have to close out any existing PMs to remove their ability to message you if one is already open.

You can also still see their reactions.

As far as In World goes ... Blocking prevents you seeing their messages, yes.

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7 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

After being the recipient of threats of violence way back in the vBulletin days, I just decided I didn't need to leave myself open to the possibility of seeing any at all.  What is seen cannot be unseen.

I get that, having received a few disquieting messages myself over the years -- although generally via in-world IMs rather than Forum PMs.

On the other hand, if I didn't read forum PMs, I would never have known that I am a sad middle-aged Mean Girl!

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Really, it takes a super-powered computer to be this stupid.

That's why it's called "AI", Artificial Idiocy, and why NVidia make "graphics cards" with NO graphics output for a monitor, that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Super-GPU's specifically made for doing Artificial Idiocy calculations.



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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, the cognitive dissonance is sometimes pretty wild.

Seerrrrriouuusssly. I watched the Wacom wildfire happen in real-time. It was not pretty. That was around the same time that Wizards of the Coast got their wig snatched for the same thing. Wacom stayed quiet, while Wizards tried to tweet through it. They did the whole tweet deleting, denial, shown proof, and finally a sheepish "we didn't knowww, it came from a third-partyyyyy" non-apology thing. 😂 Then a few weeks later, Duolingo caught a few hands (they've been using AI for a bit, but I think the news of recent layoffs of contract translators pulled them into the spotlight). 👀

Peeve: Companies never learn.

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, the cognitive dissonance is sometimes pretty wild.

A while back DeviantArt introduced a "cool new feature", AI curated "Themes" for searching for art.

So, if, for the sake of example, you wanted to find "black and white fetish photography", instead of using the sub category tree, /Pictures/Photography/People/Fetish Portraits/ or whatever, you just clicked the "photography "theme, and started browsing through thousands of AI generated fursona porn, and line drawings that make 5yr olds with crayons look like professional art school graduates.

Then they asked "Did you find the Theme relevant to your search"


There's a lot of this now, trying to sell you things that are counter to what you actually do, showing you search results that have nothing to do with your search terms, etc, because "AI assisted for improved relevance".




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9 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Seerrrrriouuusssly. I watched the Wacom wildfire happen in real-time. It was not pretty. That was around the same time that Wizards of the Coast got their wig snatched for the same thing. Wacom stayed quiet, while Wizards tried to tweet through it. They did the whole tweet deleting, denial, shown proof, and finally a sheepish "we didn't knowww, it came from a third-partyyyyy" non-apology thing. 😂 Then a few weeks later, Duolingo caught a few hands (they've been using AI for a bit, but I think the news of recent layoffs of contract translators pulled them into the spotlight). 👀

Peeve: Companies never learn.

Caught the Duolingo thing. Do they seriously think that AI is going to be a selling point? Although, in that case I guess they didn't really intend to get caught out.

LL. as you know, has indicated that they want jump on the AI bandwagon. I hope they are paying attention.

2 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

A while back DeviantArt introduced a "cool new feature", AI curated "Themes" for searching for art.

So, if, for the sake of example, you wanted to find "black and white fetish photography", instead of using the sub category tree, /Pictures/Photography/People/Fetish Portraits/ or whatever, you just clicked the "photography "theme, and started browsing through thousands of AI generated fursona porn, and line drawings that make 5yr olds with crayons look like professional art school graduates.

Then they asked "Did you find the Theme relevant to your search"


There's a lot of this now, trying to sell you things that are counter to what you actually do, showing you search results that have nothing to do with your search terms, etc, because "AI assisted for improved relevance".




There is a growing noise about adding a filter to Flickr that will catch -- and exclude from your feed -- AI-generated images.

In theory, Flickr's target audience should be exactly those who stand to lose the most from the widespread adoption of AI -- photographers, many of whom are professionals. And the AI stuff is coming, a lot of it, from SL users and others working in "digital art." I can foresee a bit of a clash coming there.

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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Caught the Duolingo thing. Do they seriously think that AI is going to be a selling point? Although, in that case I guess they didn't really intend to get caught out.

LL. as you know, has indicated that they want jump on the AI bandwagon. I hope they are paying attention.

There is a growing noise about adding a filter to Flickr that will catch -- and exclude from your feed -- AI-generated images.

In theory, Flickr's target audience should be exactly those who stand to lose the most from the widespread adoption of AI -- photographers, many of whom are professionals. And the AI stuff is coming, a lot of it, from SL users and others working in "digital art." I can foresee a bit of a clash coming there.

Just like anyone posting exclusively sideways or tilted pictures in my Flickr contact feed gets removed, so too are the ones posting a lot of AI images.  I want to SEE what YOU can do with your camera in SL.  

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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just like anyone posting exclusively sideways or tilted pictures in my Flickr contact feed gets removed, so too are the ones posting a lot of AI images.  I want to SEE what YOU can do with your camera in SL.  

I have a few valued friends who are doing mostly AI now -- and because they are valued friends, I am still following them.

And I have one friend who has done some legitimately pretty cool things with AI, so I follow her, in part because she's a friend, but also because I'm interested to see what someone who is using it thoughtfully and intelligently can do with it.

But yeah, mostly . . . AI gets a pass from me.

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The purists, of course, will stick with drawing on cave walls and forgo any aid from their computers.  None of that cheating with photoshop either 😜


(generated through AI, I ain't got no time for finding a cave and I most certainly am not an artist)  

I wonder if this image will end up on google search sometime in the future.

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2 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

The purists, of course, will stick with drawing on cave walls and forgo any aid from their computers.  None of that cheating with photoshop either 😜


(generated through AI, I ain't got no time for finding a cave and I most certainly am not an artist)  

I wonder if this image will end up on google search sometime in the future.

None of my pics are.photoshopped.  I don't mind when people do some touch-up either.  My preference the last few years, for myself and my photos, is shoot as shown in the viewer.  To.that extent, I guess I am a purist but then, I don't really consider my photos art, either.

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2 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

The purists, of course, will stick with drawing on cave walls and forgo any aid from their computers.  None of that cheating with photoshop either 😜


(generated through AI, I ain't got no time for finding a cave and I most certainly am not an artist)  

I wonder if this image will end up on google search sometime in the future.


"This will redefine everything we thought we knew about cave paintings and their artists," gushes Dr. Neve Ersmart of Harvard.

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22 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just like anyone posting exclusively sideways or tilted pictures in my Flickr contact feed gets removed, so too are the ones posting a lot of AI images.  I want to SEE what YOU can do with your camera in SL.  

Yes! "Sideways posts" are automatically filtered by my brainz!

Reminds me of seeing multiple stories of how artists can now "poison" their art so the AI will interpret it wrong, for instance poisoned art of a "cat" will be interpreted by AI to create a "dog" picture isntead, etc.

Sideways or Tilted = poisoned.

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