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4 hours ago, Istelathis said:

:( Feels like high school all over again.

/me looks for a brand tag to rip off other mesh models to sew onto my Senra.

You could rip out or copy the brand-identifying core prim from the head and mount it in a Senra. (Those little core prims have cute shapes IIRC.)

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17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: 73% of all statistics are made up.

I googled mine. 😅
Of course I don't know where Google got the answer from.
But when it is on the web it is ------ (Ask Love), no?  👇

Edited by Sid Nagy
90% of the writing process is editing.
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11 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I googled mine. 😅
Of course I don't know where Google got the answer from.
But when it is on the web it is trough, no?

Yes, it is truly true, through and through, as tough as that may seem though. Just don't dig yourself into a trough over it!

Peeve: English!

@Scylla Rhiadra, this seemed worthy of tagging you in.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Yes, it is truly true, through and through, as tough as that may seem though. Just don't dig yourself into a trough over it!

Peeve: English!


Peeve: English?  Try Dutch.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Is the truth always true?
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5 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Only Dutch I've tried is a Dutch oven.  😉

We've also got "Double Dutch" (jump-roping?), "going Dutch" (splitting a bill), Dutch Apple Pie, and something I saw in a Seth Rogan comedy called a "Dutch Rudder". My stepfather also went by the name "Dutch".  My ex-partner in SL was Dutch (although he lived in Belgium).  Yeah, it's pretty easy to run out of "Dutch" references in English.

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

Kinda logic.
Only about 4,3% of the worlds population lives in the USA.
And other countries have totally different school systems. 😁

"High school" is really just another way to refer to an adolescent mentality. Maybe people grow out of that faster in other countries?, but it seems to stick with some Americans throughout their lives.

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1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

"High school" is really just another way to refer to an adolescent mentality. Maybe people grow out of that faster in other countries?, but it seems to stick with some Americans throughout their lives.

Peeve: My romantic notion of "High School" is Breakfast Club.

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37 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Ledereen zegt dat Nederlands heel moeilijk is. Maar ik draag gewoon mijn magische klompen en klik mijn hakken, en ik zit meteen voor een bord bitterballen.

Mag ik die klompen van je lenen?  Ik heb best wel zin in bitterballen eigenlijk. Poffertjes zijn trouwens ook niet verkeerd of gezien het slechte zomerweer hier in Nederland, is hutspot met heerlijke geurige rookworst wel op zijn plaats.

Edited by Sid Nagy
90% of the writing process involves editing.
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1 minute ago, Ted McGregor said:

Peeve : the inevitable truth of Sir W. Batten.

“By God, the devil sh!ts Dutchmen!”

Peeve: Most haven't seen the movie version of "The Canterbury Tales" where de Debil is literally pooping people into Heck. It's a funny, shocking, adult-themed movie (and has Tom Baker nude even).

Anyway, I didn't get the adult humor bits when we covered it in English Literature. @Scylla Rhiadra, do teachers skip those adult bits, or are they "lost in translation"? 

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29 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Mag ik die klompen van je lenen?  Ik heb best wel zin in bitterballen eigenlijk. Poffertjes zijn trouwens ook niet verkeerd of gezien het slechte zomerweer hier in Nederland, is hutspot met heerlijke geurige rookworst wel op zijn plaats.

Ik denk dat Huzarensalade erg lekker zou zijn met dit warme weer. En in de zomer eet ik niet graag te veel vlees.

Ik zou de klompen naar je gooien, maar ik zou bang zijn om je pijn te doen!

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33 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Most haven't seen the movie version of "The Canterbury Tales" where de Debil is literally pooping people into Heck. It's a funny, shocking, adult-themed movie (and has Tom Baker nude even).

Anyway, I didn't get the adult humor bits when we covered it in English Literature. @Scylla Rhiadra, do teachers skip those adult bits, or are they "lost in translation"? 

The "classics" of English literature are indeed full of dirty jokes -- and not just Chaucer (although he's especially good at it). There's also a lot of poetry that is just plain outright about sex, often very explicitly.

I think that in high school lit classes they do indeed tend to pretend the dirty bits aren't there, for obvious reasons. University courses are not generally quite as prudish -- I teach a lot of pretty obscene literature because I'm interested in how it reflects on perceptions of female sexuality. I think it's probably easier to do that if you're a woman instructor: I've been told by male colleagues that it can feel awkward for them to talk about really explicit sexuality to classes full of young women (and most lit courses are about 80% women).

And sometimes older or more "conventional" profs like to pretend it's not there because they think it "debases" literature. Which is of course utter nonsense. Some people will insist, for instance, that the word "r*pe" in the title of the poem by Alexander Pope called The R*pe of the Lock refers only to the older Latin-derived meaning of "r*pe" as "to seize" (the poem is about a young man who cuts off a lock of a pretty girl's hair without asking permission, and the epic battle that ensues). That's clearly just stupid: the primary meaning of "r*pe" then was the same as it is now, and the idea that that meaning is not also suggested by the poem is just bonkers. (That poem also includes a number of pretty good dirty jokes!)

Anyway, surprise surprise, writers hundreds of years ago were every bit as obsessed by sex as people are now. It helps us connect with them if we understand them on that level too.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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8 minutes ago, Ted McGregor said:

Peeve : Translators.

Met een klomp een klotskop raken is zoals een koe een haas vangt .. :P

Is klompenkop een eufemisme voor een Nederlander? Wie weet! Ik ben nu volledig gewapend voor de strijd met de volgende Nederlander die ik tegenkom!

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