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3 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

They ARE - which is why it's honestly harder to argue that they are wrong, instead of just different.

The UK has experimented with a more phonetic approach to teaching reading, which failed miserably, the USA has had the whole "Phonix" thing.

I just feel it a bit more than most having grown up in the UK, moved to the USA and finally adapted to the different keyboard and spelling just in time to have to relocate back to Scotland and begin the adaption process all over again.

Hoked on phonix reely werked fer me!

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34 minutes ago, Kiera Clutterbuck said:

When I said "One could be make the case that this unbalanced dynamic is the source of all war, of capitalists dominating the environment to the point of climate collapse, of all abuse that exists" I was not referring to D's, but to an imbalance of power in a broader sense.

Indeed. To quote the future Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, when, in 1967, he introduced legislation decriminalizing homosexuality, "There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." What people do on their own time, in the privacy afforded by their own lives, is no one's business except theirs (assuming that it is consensual and non-abusive, of course).

The principles of D/s -- and its fetishization of subordination -- only become an issue when they are applied to public life and, most especially, political power.

Do you (not "you" personally) believe that some people are "naturally" dominant, or leaders, and that they should have scope to exercise that? That those whom you've categorized as "subordinate" or "submissive" benefit from that?

Fine, but don't impose that belief on the rest of us.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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2 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

you really really want to join Love on my "needs killing" list, don't you. I've been planning this purchase for months, not as an impulse but because I damn well need it - my instrument setup has changed, including a couple of new ones, and my existing desk just doesn't have the channels or versatility to perform a seamless stream or facilitate a clean multichannel recording with the new setup...

"Impulse buyer"? No.

"Frustrated musician"? HELL yes!

If you're married/shacking up, you should see/hear it from her eyes/ears. Sometimes it's fun to watch. Mostly we just take ourselves elsewhere until things clam down. 😉 🤭


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24 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Do you (not "you" personally) believe that some people are "naturally" dominant,

Cutting it to the chaff, no, I do not believe any human being is naturally dominant. No mammal is. It's a human social construct. In the real world, if a "male" role is vacated for whatever reason, it's not unheard of or unnatural for that role to be taken over by a female, even if only temporarily. The same is true in reverse. 

If a person is raised in a controlled/controlling environment, they tend to develop the idea that everyone is that way so they must be as well. Peer pressure doesn't help.

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40 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Indeed. To quote the future Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, when, in 1967, he introduced legislation decriminalizing homosexuality, "There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." What people do on their own time, in the privacy afforded by their own lives, is no one's business except theirs (assuming that it is consensual and non-abusive, of course).

Somebody like him needs to send a memo to the present supreme court in America!    😡

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23 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

If you're married/shacking up, you should see/hear it from her eyes/ears. Sometimes it's fun to watch. Mostly we just take ourselves elsewhere until things clam down. 😉 🤭


Lass, when something peeved me so bad as to send me stratospheric, the wife and kids just hunkered down and waited for me to land again and apologise for being an ahole. Just as I did when the emotionally-ballistic object was one of them :)

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2 hours ago, Kiera Clutterbuck said:

Creating music is a spiritual pursuit, is it not?  Or should I say it can be.

It can be. Arguably, it should be. Sometimes it's just a matter of wrapping a heartfelt polemic around a tune that will stick in folks heads so they spread it for you :)

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6 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

In the real world, if a "male" role is vacated for whatever reason, it's not unheard of or unnatural for that role to be taken over by a female, even if only temporarily. The same is true in reverse. 

This right here is why I have trouble processing this stuff. Male roles, female roles, like what does that even mean. 

I grew up with a single parent doing ALL the things and being everything to everyone under a single roof. Maybe that's why I have no concept of all this shenanigans.

Well, that and I take issue with gender roles to begin with, but that's a whole other discussion. 😂

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6 minutes ago, Kiera Clutterbuck said:

Somebody like him needs to send a memo to the present supreme court in America!    😡

Do not get me started. I would have this thread locked in a heartbeat.

I try real hard not to advocate or promote violence, but when - as the father of a daughter - my heart tells me I should be ripping things apart with my bare hands and then stomping on the bits until they stop twitching it gets difficult.

May heaven have mercy on them, because I will not.

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10 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

It can be. Arguably, it should be. Sometimes it's just a matter of wrapping a heartfelt polemic around a tune that will stick in folks heads so they spread it for you :)


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4 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

I went into junior infants already able to read. I just needed ask Dad how some words were said and what they meant. It hadn't translated into writing in my head yet, and to this day my penmanship is abysmal, but the phonetic method of "teaching reading" actually set me back and royally pissed off my parents :)

I did too and one of my girls was able to read too before juniors. The youngest went to juniors at 4 years old, she was able to recognise certain words but wasn’t a fluent reader yet. Like yourself I used to drive my parents crazy asking them to read out words for me or try confirming my reading skills 😄😅

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2 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Lass, when something peeved me so bad as to send me stratospheric, the wife and kids just hunkered down and waited for me to land again and apologise for being an ahole. Just as I did when the emotionally-ballistic object was one of them :)

That's what I mean. 😁🤗

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2 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

This right here is why I have trouble processing this stuff. Male roles, female roles, like what does that even mean. 

I grew up with a single parent doing ALL the things and being everything to everyone under a single roof. Maybe that's why I have no concept of all this shenanigans.

Well, that and I take issue with gender roles to begin with, but that's a whole other discussion. 😂

Single parents were some of the people I was thinking of when I made that post.

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