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Is the General Discussion sub-forum Forum a special breed of animal? Discuss and banter!

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10 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Totally agree. How many of these do we need? or are people just seeing how far they can go and get away with. It sure feels like it. To have more than one thread discussing forum changes is too many.

Except this isn't about forum changes, not overtly anyways. It is about the GDF, is it or is it not "just another" sub forum, or is it different.  I typed in my OP about what the GDF is to me, asked if others view it the same or not. Yes, the changes come into play, if you want (and I did mention them), but that isn't "what this thread is about." Plus: platypuses, yes or no? 

But if that is too onerous, by all means, make a pass on it. 


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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Just to change it up a bit, how about a thread discussing why we shouldn't have discussions about discussing things in General Discussion?

That's not really a new change up though, because interspersed with the other discussions about discussions this always comes up.

And as I just got through explaining in another comment, for some reason this post is being categorized as just another complaint about changes, where I don't think that's what I wrote at all. Oh well.

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40 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm sorry, but another Forum discussion thread about discussing discussion Forum threads on the discussion Forum?

I'll pass this time, on discussing discussion  threads on a discussion thread on the discussion Forum. 

Agreed, its squarely into beating dead horse territory now. 😆

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24 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I think Seicher has hit the nail squarely on the head. General Discussion is a community.

As I said in another thread, and in an email to Keira Linden, I think that a forum community, as hard as it may be to moderate, is an asset to any complex product, and none more so than SL. We have lots of forums to discuss SL topics. But a vibrant community needs to be able to discuss...well, pretty much anything. And so, I think that SL needs its General Discussion forum, and that forum needs to continue to have the freedom for anything from silly word games to cat pictures to discussing RL news, problems, and triumphs.

Moderate it, sure. Strangle it, no.

And, if I may suggest a competitor to the very apt platypus, how about:


The Pushmepullyou

Thanks, Lindal, for your comment and "getting" what I was saying in the OP. I guess I was talking in Swahili and this is actually a "gripe about the changes" post #412, only I didn't realize it (or type that).

Pushmepullyou is a brill choice. :)

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What I find terribly funny is when people only come into any discussion thread in the GD to complain about that thread being there.  They are often the same ones saying, if you don't want to participate, just ignore it.  Irony, hypocrisy, something else?

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47 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I think Seicher has hit the nail squarely on the head. General Discussion is a community.

As I said in another thread, and in an email to Keira Linden, I think that a forum community, as hard as it may be to moderate, is an asset to any complex product, and none more so than SL. We have lots of forums to discuss SL topics. But a vibrant community needs to be able to discuss...well, pretty much anything. And so, I think that SL needs its General Discussion forum, and that forum needs to continue to have the freedom for anything from silly word games to cat pictures to discussing RL news, problems, and triumphs.

Moderate it, sure. Strangle it, no.

And, if I may suggest a competitor to the very apt platypus, how about:


The Pushmepullyou

Nope. There's no buttholes on that animal.

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22 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

What I find terribly funny is when people only come into any discussion thread in the GD to complain about that thread being there.  They are often the same ones saying, if you don't want to participate, just ignore it.  Irony, hypocrisy, something else?

(and then they continue to read and make likes and thank yous and confused faces well after saying "this is too much") Ahhhhh, the GD Forum, it is a strange animal, indeed.

Irony, hypocrisy, or something else? I was thinking of cognitive dissonance...

I just wish I hadn't written in big bold 40 point type in the OP: Please whine about the new changes!  

Edited by Seicher Rae
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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I think Seicher has hit the nail squarely on the head. General Discussion is a community.

As I said in another thread, and in an email to Keira Linden, I think that a forum community, as hard as it may be to moderate, is an asset to any complex product, and none more so than SL. We have lots of forums to discuss SL topics. But a vibrant community needs to be able to discuss...well, pretty much anything. And so, I think that SL needs its General Discussion forum, and that forum needs to continue to have the freedom for anything from silly word games to cat pictures to discussing RL news, problems, and triumphs.

Moderate it, sure. Strangle it, no.

I agree with @Seicher Rae -- this is an excellent answer, Lindal. I'll be no doubt feverishly cribbing parts of it for my own email to Keira.

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I kinda actually, honestly, (stupidly naively) thought that this OP might bring into play some discussion about why people LIKE the GDF. Why people show up. Have some of the oldbies wax poetic. Long for campfire nights and singing kumbaya. Kinda thought there might be some musings about community. Or at least some snark about how it is just the same as the rest of the sub-forums, and stuff about "elites." Sigh. I really stink at OPs. Always have, apparently always will. :::sniffles:::

I really need spell checking.

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16 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I kinda actually, honestly, (stupidly naively) thought that this OP might bring into play some discussion about why people LIKE the GDF. Why people show up. Have some of the oldbies wax poetic. Long for campfire nights and singing kumbaya. Kinda thought there might be some musings about community. Or at least some snark about how it is just the same as the rest of the sub-forums, and stuff about "elites." Sigh. I really stink at OPs. Always have, apparently always will. :::sniffles:::

I really need spell checking.

Oh, I'm sorry! You're right. We did have some special moments here back in, oh, 2010 or so?

Remember dancing half naked around the bonfire, our spears tipped with fresh, smoking blood, yelling "KILL THE PIG! KILL THE PIG!"?

Good times, good times. 🙂

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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21 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Oh, I'm sorry! You're right. We did have some special moments here back in, oh, 2010 or so?

Remember dancing half naked around the bonfire, our spears tipped with fresh, smoking blood, yelling "KILL THE PIG! KILL THE PIG!"?

Good times, good times. 🙂

Yeah, my avatar still has the spear holes in it, wounds gushing unless I spackle them regularly, from that one bonfire. Ahhh... 'misty watercolored memories, of the way we were...'

Thanks for that trip...

Edited by Seicher Rae
ETA: This is why we can't have nice things around here
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26 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Should be part of your browser, shown with chrome ... 



Squeeeee! Thank you. This is a pretty new laptop and apparently I didn't have that flipped on in Chrome! Sheez, all of this time without it. There will still be errors. :)

Also I'm in awe of your super cool little animation.

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30 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

We did have some special moments here back in, oh, 2010 or so?

Remember dancing half naked around the bonfire, our spears tipped with fresh, smoking blood, yelling "KILL THE PIG! KILL THE PIG!"?

Good times, good times. 🙂

I think I missed class that day.  And actually quite a few classes. I was around, but I avoided the forums during the rowdy years, so never got to share in the bonfires or even the half-naked dancing. On the whole, though, I am enjoying this forum most of the time now.  I could probably mention a small handful of people that I'd like to muzzle occasionally, but most of the regulars are a creative, thoughtful crowd. Conversation has a zany edge, tempered by a touch of outrage, and it takes exciting turns into unexpected topics. I'm not at all worried about what the new guidelines will do to any of this. We're an imaginative lot and this is home -- or what passes for it.

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11 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I think I missed class that day.  And actually quite a few classes. I was around, but I avoided the forums during the rowdy years, so never got to share in the bonfires or even the half-naked dancing. On the whole, though, I am enjoying this forum most of the time now.  I could probably mention a small handful of people that I'd like to muzzle occasionally, but most of the regulars are a creative, thoughtful crowd. Conversation has a zany edge, tempered by a touch of outrage, and it takes exciting turns into unexpected topics. I'm not at all worried about what the new guidelines will do to any of this. We're an imaginative lot and this is home -- or what passes for it.

Thank you, Rolig, for the perspective and the hopeful prognosis.

Yeah, the "good old days" weren't really very "good" for a great many people, although I know there are some who feel regret at their passing. I fared reasonably well then, but it was not a very nice culture and I don't miss it at all.

Part of what I was getting at is that, on the whole, the forums have never been as well-behaved and generally collegial and civil as they are now -- which of course makes the new restrictions seem rather ironic.

I hope you're right, and that the new rules are not so inhibiting that they will extinguish what we have. We have very reasonable mods now, and good people here, so maybe there is cause to hope.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, the "good old days" weren't really very "good" for a great many people, although I know there are some who feel regret at their passing. I fared reasonably we then, but it was not a very nice culture and I don't miss it at all.

Are there really oldbies who miss the "good old days" and I'm thinking back 8-10 years ago? Maybe longer. I can't remember exactly when the doo-doo hit some of those fans. I certainly can't say I miss them.

But, and perhaps this just IS nostalgia, it seems like when things were good they were very very good (and when bad, horrid). Lots of fun and truly I felt the community. Something had to be "ok" or there wouldn't be as many folks from then still hanging about now. Now, I am noticing quite a few people who were here 2 years ago are no longer here now. I don't really know what, if anything, that "means."  Something besides just boredom drew me back, too, and I don't accept it is because I like seeing my own posts or that I'm a drama queen. :) So it had to be something else. And that was: Despite the folks one wants to muzzle (as @Rolig Loon put it), I find the chat was fun, educational, and a few other things. Plus, yes, I've been bored out of my mind this week (I rarely get bored, but this week ... ugh). 

I can't speak to how things are now.

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43 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Thank you, Rolig, for the perspective and the hopeful prognosis.

Yeah, the "good old days" weren't really very "good" for a great many people, although I know there are some who feel regret at their passing. I fared reasonably well then, but it was not a very nice culture and I don't miss it at all.

Part of what I was getting at is that, on the whole, the forums have never been as well-behaved and generally collegial and civil as they are now -- which of course makes the new restrictions seem rather ironic.

I hope you're right, and that the new rules are not so inhibiting that they will extinguish what we have. We have very reasonable mods now, and good people here, so maybe there is cause to hope.

RA was pretty darn good and had a lot of good people. There was no moderation other than the people in RA and they did pretty good job of it as well as, soon as anyone came in for help they were answered very quickly..then there is the forum cartel that came from there and there is still the undying thread that has been carried over since back then all the way through every version and into these forums..

The versions in between were much rougher than RA, but RA I think there was much more coming together than any version really.. Even forum shopping trips and trying to cross both in world and forums together.

A lot of good things were carried over from then that are still around.


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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31 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

 there is still the undying thread that has been carried over since back then all the way through every version and into these forums

What is the "undying thread" please?

And thank you for your comment, above. Thank you for getting into the spirit of this post.

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3 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

What is the "undying thread" please?

And thank you for your comment, above. Thank you for getting into the spirit of this post.

It was an OP originally in the old RA forum that someone deleted -- I don't remember offhand who -- and retitled as above.

And of course, the title became a dare, and the thread epic as everyone worked to keep it from dying.

It's been restarted in every subsequent iteration of the forum.

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5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

What is the "undying thread" please?

And thank you for your comment, above. Thank you for getting into the spirit of this post.

The undying thread is a thread that, back in the RA forums that one of the forum goers had made a thread and then posted this..I'm gonna give her credit and use her name, because  none of us ever thought it would go as long as it did..

But here is the link..


I just remember that a few of us kept trying to keep it alive and the next thing, people were coming in and having fun in it, then like over time people were having breakfast in there and posting pictures of their SL and a lot of the fun threads are like what the undying threa was as a whole..

Everyone got along in there like all the time..it became this big bonding thread..


just ignore and let this one die

Rhaorth Antonelli

04-12-2008 19:27
just ignore my bad, false alarm, restarted firefox and all was fine... for now



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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The undying thread is a thread that, back in the RA forums that one of the forum goers had made a thread and then posted this..I'm gonna give her credit and use her name, because  none of us ever thought it would go as long as it did..

But here is the link..


I just remember that a few of us kept trying to keep it alive and the next thing, people were coming in and having fun in it, then like over time people were having breakfast in there and posting pictures of their SL and a lot of the fun threads are like what the undying threa was as a whole..

Everyone got along in there like all the time..it became this big bonding thread..


just ignore and let this one die

Rhaorth Antonelli

04-12-2008 19:27
just ignore my bad, false alarm, restarted firefox and all was fine... for now



Leave it to you to dredge up the hoary old original! 🙂


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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Leave it to you to dredge up the hoary old original! 🙂


It's my favorite version and the one I was most active in. hehehe

After mentioning it in that one post, I went and read like 12 pages and was so relaxed.. That thread is so calming for me seeing all those names of people I hadn't seen in so long..

We even got to post Nudies in that version of the forums!! \o/


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6 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

What do you mean? I'm just typing at the standard settings, so doesn't it just revert like normal to Dark? I'm confused.  In light mode this is just white background with black type...

I added a photo of what it looks like to me in Dark Theme.

Either A) You have some type of color or background set, even if you think you're using the standard settings,

Or B) You pasted the original post some original editor and "kept" the settings as "Rich Text" (without clicking "paste as plain text instead" like in the second picture).

I edited and added a picture to show an example. 

Even though I use "Dark mode", this has happened to me also, where people had to tell me that my text was unreadable / eye-gouging in Dark Theme.





Edited by Love Zhaoying
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