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Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!

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This thread should never be allowed to leave the first page. Just sayin'.

Delight of the Day: Accidentally eavesdropping on a conversation while everyone thinks I'm asleep, and hearing someone say that everything has been better since I've been around, and hearing everyone else agree.

I'll pretend I never heard it, but I think I'll make cookies today, too. Everyone likes it when I make cookies.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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On 8/11/2022 at 7:10 PM, kali Wylder said:

I am defying the odds!  In January I was told that my kidneys were not likely to recover and that I would need to start dialysis this year and get on the list for a kidney transplant.  My kidneys were functioning at 12%.  Kidney disease is described in stages that are related to the percentage of function.  Stage 5 is below 15%.  I was at 10% in December of 2021 and had improved by 2% but the doctor told me there was unlikely to be any more improvement.  A  few months later I managed to improve anyway and I was at 16% which is just over the threshold for stage 4.  

Long story short, my kidneys are continuing to improve and I'm now at 18%.

Not sure why I stopped posting these, but fwiw my eGfr is continuing to improve and I'm up to 24% as of July 2023. I'm working my way towards stage 3, just 6 more percentage points to go.

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Delighted that my biggest peeves at the moment are mild, SL Forum peeves, well that and sneezing and fog alerts that jammed up my phone. All in all, the day is quiet and mild, the river is its gorgeous self, everything is puttering along (inbetween sneezes) and yeah... realizing I'm not as grumpy as I've been typing. :) Nice!

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Another serious ponder between "achoos"... I'm very grateful that not only did I meet @Da5id Weatherwax here in the forums, but that behind that, I'm very grateful I was in the forums at the time when that meeting happened. I have a very on/off relationship with this place (and am being heavily reminded of why "off" today), so to have it timed that he and I were both here at the same time is a bit of a miracle. If I had just stopped posting here a little earlier, none of this would have happened. I'm more than delighted by that outcome, and am looking forward to "Scotland" in early 2024, fingers crossed.

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^^^^YES!!  In the US, this is a three-day weekend, for Labor Day, I am caught up on all (okay, most!) of my computer chores and soooooooooooooooo ready to sleep late, putter in SL, shop in SL, post in SL, take walks in my village (RL), read books on my RL porch, go dancing in the SL blues clubs, watch a movie and go out for lunch or dinner, whatev.............  😀 😀

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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Chores caught up, kitties taken care of....ready to sing mantras, do Kirtan dancing, and tweak a landscape!    yayyyyy

Assuming you do the Kirtan dancing in SL, where is that?  I belonged to a dance group in SL eons and eons ago and miss it from time to time...............

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1 hour ago, Leora Greenwood said:

Assuming you do the Kirtan dancing in SL, where is that?  I belonged to a dance group in SL eons and eons ago and miss it from time to time...............

It's on the sim of Satori every Saturday at noon...so starts in a couple hours   :)   Is this your name in SL?  I can drop a LM on you..

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Насолода - коли   я можу сховатись від людей. Коли мене не помічають навіть  у натовпі. Це не відволікає мене від того, чим   я займаюсь. Насолода - чути співи птахів, бачити як росте рослина, як розквітає квітка, насолода - чути запах озона після дощю та запах скошеної трави...насолода бачити рано вранці росу на листях, бачити хмари  і вгадувати на що вони схожі. Насолода відчувати кожен прожитий день. Закинути вночі голову   і дивитись на зірки поки не закрутиться голова. знати що ти живеш.


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1 hour ago, Leora Greenwood said:

That is so amazing, I flunked out of Blender class.

Thanks!  Well I've flunked out of 'Blender class' many times, but I keep coming back. I think it depends on how much you enjoy creating with the program. Personally I prefer running through SL creating, my hair blowing in the wind. lol   But I started seeing some very pretty creations that need mesh to look best, and so that motivated me.

* that is not my Ganesha, btw....tis what I aspire to create...what I'm basing my Blender model on.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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On 9/3/2023 at 2:25 AM, Enola2017 said:

Насолода - коли   я можу сховатись від людей. Коли мене не помічають навіть  у натовпі. Це не відволікає мене від того, чим   я займаюсь. Насолода - чути співи птахів, бачити як росте рослина, як розквітає квітка, насолода - чути запах озона після дощю та запах скошеної трави...насолода бачити рано вранці росу на листях, бачити хмари  і вгадувати на що вони схожі. Насолода відчувати кожен прожитий день. Закинути вночі голову   і дивитись на зірки поки не закрутиться голова. знати що ти живеш.


That is so lovely, thank you!! 

My pet delight:  being so easily able, in 2023, to enjoy all the languages spoken on this globe of ours!

ETA:  My daughter read the translation over my shoulder and we decided to keep your words, to remember............ to anoint the day............

Edited by Leora Greenwood
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On 9/5/2023 at 10:28 AM, Luna Bliss said:

A Delight -- my sculpting is getting quite good in Blender!

Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, and I am sculpting him:


that is really good. ops sorry , I realize now ..its your conceptual guide.

Edited by SpiritSparrow Skydancer
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On 9/3/2023 at 2:25 AM, Enola2017 said:

Насолода - коли   я можу сховатись від людей. Коли мене не помічають навіть  у натовпі. Це не відволікає мене від того, чим   я займаюсь. Насолода - чути співи птахів, бачити як росте рослина, як розквітає квітка, насолода - чути запах озона після дощю та запах скошеної трави...насолода бачити рано вранці росу на листях, бачити хмари  і вгадувати на що вони схожі. Насолода відчувати кожен прожитий день. Закинути вночі голову   і дивитись на зірки поки не закрутиться голова. знати що ти живеш.


I do not know what you said, bit that is a BEAUTIFUL flower.

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7 hours ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:

I do not know what you said, bit that is a BEAUTIFUL flower.

From the Ukrainian, per Google Translate:

"Pleasure - when I can hide from people. When I am not noticed even in the crowd. It doesn't distract me from what I'm doing. Pleasure - to hear birds singing, to see how a plant grows, how a flower blooms, pleasure - to hear the smell of ozone after rain and the smell of mowed grass... pleasure to see early morning dew on leaves, to see clouds and guess what they look like. Enjoy every day you live. Lay your head down at night and look at the stars until your head spins. know that you live"

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