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Bizarrely, there are almost no hits on this anywhere on the forum. You'd think with as luminous a crowd of operators on the Internet and as grid-saavy folks we all tend to be, there'd be more discussion about telepathy. 

So, how  have you developed your ability to connect? 

If you are just now tuning in and wondering what all this is about, may I suggest that you start out here:


Part 1. How to Develop Telepathy

Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, emotions, or images to someone else’s mind. While there’s no evidence that telepathy exists, you can still give it a try. Relax your body and mind, visualize the receiver is right in front of you, and focus your thoughts on sending them a simple word or image. Take turns sending and receiving messages with a close friend or relative, and track your progress with a journal. With practice, you might be surprised to find you and your friend have a strong mental connection!

1. Tune out your physical senses. Try playing white noise through headphones and wearing blackout goggles. Shifting attention away from your physical perceptions might allow you to focus more deeply on sending the telepathic message. You and the receiver should both try tuning out your senses. Sensory deprivation might help you each concentrate on the message.

Stretch your muscles or try doing yoga. Trying to send a telepathic message requires a lot of mental focus, so try to become physically and mentally relaxed. Regular stretching and practicing yoga can help you learn how to put yourself in a focused, relaxed state.
When you prepare to send a telepathic message, try stretching your legs, arms, and back. Breathe in as you move into a pose, then exhale slowly as you stretch for 15 or 20 seconds. As you stretch, visualize all your tension leaving your body.

3. Meditate to calm your mind. Wear loose-fitting clothes and sit upright in a comfortable position. Inhale and exhale slowly, and do your best to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Imagine scattered, random thoughts leaving your mind as you exhale.[3]

Do your best to focus your mind on a single thought. Try meditating for at least 20 minutes a day. With practice, it should get easier to focus your mind.

Once you’re in a calm, focused state, you’re ready to try sending a telepathic message. Keep in mind that both the sender and receiver of the telepathic message should relax and clear their minds.

Part 2 - Sending a Telepathic Message

1. Visualize the person receiving your message. Close your eyes, and picture the receiver as clearly as possible. Try to imagine that they are sitting or standing right in front of you. See details with your mind’s eye, such as the person's eye color, weight, height, length of hair, and the way they sit or stand.

If you are far away from the receiver, it might be helpful to look at a picture of them before you begin visualizing them.

As you build your mental image and send it to the receiver, they should relax and focus on being open to the message. Ask them to clear their mind and imagine you in front of them with as much detail as possible.

2. Imagine how it feels to communicate with the person. Call to mind the feelings you experience when you interact with the person face-to-face. Feel these emotions as if the person was actually in your presence. Focus on these feelings, and believe that you are creating a connection with the other person.

3. Focus on a simple image or word. When you’re just starting out, stick with something simple, such as a nearby object. Visualize it with as much detail as possible, and focus your mind solely on it. Concentrate on what it looks like, what it’s like to touch it, and how it makes you feel.[6]

For instance, imagine an apple. See a particular apple as clearly as possible in your mind’s eye. Imagine its taste and the feeling of biting into it. Focus your thoughts solely on the apple.

4. Transmit your message. After forming a clear mental image, imagine the object traveling from your mind into the receiver’s. Visualize yourself face-to-face with the receiver, and say to them, “Apple,” or whichever thought you’re transmitting. In your mind’s eye, see the look of realization on their face as they understand what you’re telling them.

Keep in mind there’s a difference between being focused and straining. Concentrate on the mental image, but stay relaxed.

Once you’ve sent the thought, release it from your mind, and don’t think about it anymore. Imagine that you’ve given it away to the receiver and are no longer holding onto it.

5. Ask the receiver to write down what comes to their mind. Once you’ve sent the message, the receiver should remain relaxed and open until they sense that a thought has entered their mind. They should then write down whatever has come to their mind.[

Before checking in with the receiver, you should also write down the thought you were trying to send. This can help you stay objective when you compare your results.

6. Compare results with one another. When you’re both ready, you and the receiver should show each other what you’ve written. Don’t get discouraged if you’re not successful, especially at first. Take some time to clear your mind, and then try again with a different image.

Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not able to send a clear telepathic message. Just try to have fun while you try!

Part 3 Practicing with Your Partner

1. Take turns trying to send and receive messages. Switch up your roles as you practice, and see if you have more success with one or the other. Maybe you’ll find that you’re better at receiving messages, and your friend is better at sending them.

Keep in mind it’s helpful to practice with someone you trust, like a close friend or relative.

2. Try playing a card game. Take five unique cards, such as playing cards or cards with symbols on them. With your partner in a separate location, pick a card at random. Relax and calm your mind, then focus your thoughts solely sending the card’s image to your friend.

Have your partner calm their mind and try to sense your message. When they feel an image has come to mind, have them write down the card you sent, then check your results.

3. Draw an image, then send it to your partner. Try drawing a shape or simple combination of shapes, like a circle inside a triangle. Focus your thoughts on the shape, and visualize the image traveling from your mind to your partner’s. When they sense that they’ve received the message, have them draw whatever shape has entered their mind.

Alternatively, someone else could draw an image and show it to the sender, who would then try to transmit it to the receiver.

4. Keep a telepathy journal to track your progress. Each time you try to communicate telepathically, write down the details of your attempt. Note who the sender and receiver were, what the transmitted image was, and whether or not you were successful. A journal might help you find ways of refining your abilities.

Even if an attempt was unsuccessful, note any promising details. For instance, if the message was “apple” and your friend wrote down “red” or “fruit,” that’s a great sign!

(from https://www.wikihow.com/Develop-Telepathy_

The essential things they forgot to tell you when they handed over your body to whomever the hell your parents were supposed to be. 

Don't let anyone with telepathy push you around just because they were shown first. That's just a historical inequity that needs now to be corrected with an astounding quality-of-life.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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I believe that the physical world is not what we usually perceive it to be, and so I do believe telepathy is possible. It's just that most of the time I think people imagine there is something telepathic occurring when it's simply coincidence. 

In any case, I'm thinking of 2 colors.....transferring these images to @Chroma Starlight    Which 2 colors are they?

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10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

No, was thinking of blue and brown. I guess we aren't too good at this...me projecting and you receiving... 😉

It's easier to project than to select and discern, it's been like that since before the spark gap don't'cha know.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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There is zero, literally zero, evidence to support the existence of any kind of telepathy despite rigorous study and people wanting it to be true.

It's not a thing, that's why no one is talking about it on these forums.


There are some pretty big prizes on offer if you can 



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Me and a friend used to do the zener symbols test but it never worked...except for one evening at someone's house when a few other people were around, and we both suddenly got every single guess correct, all evening :o

It was brilliant, everyone thought we actually had telepathic powers B| I started wondering too! But the next time we tried it, we got 0 out of 20, lol. 

If anyone had it on SL, they could make a fortune as an alt detector 🙂


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3 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

There is zero, literally zero, evidence to support the existence of any kind of telepathy despite rigorous study and people wanting it to be true.

It's not a thing, that's why no one is talking about it on these forums.


There are some pretty big prizes on offer if you can 



I think it is a yet undiscovered quantum law that the moment there is a observer, it fails but can succeed when there isn't.

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1 minute ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I think it is a yet undiscovered quantum law that the moment there is a observer, it fails but can succeed when there isn't.

.... and that somehow those participating are not themselves observers. Sure thing.


3 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:


You know magpies are vocally complex and talk to each other .. right ? There has been a lot of very real science done on this.

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4 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

.... and that somehow those participating are not themselves observers. Sure thing.

Well no. They are participants/testers. To do it properly there would be an element of expectation/faith in the interaction whereas the disinterested observer is basically throwing a wrench in their works by his/her attitude.

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7 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

whereas the disinterested observer is basically throwing a wrench in their works by his/her attitude.

Um... the whole point of a disinterested observer is that he/she has an open mind; that is, no expectation/attitude/bias that would prejudice a fair evaluation of the test.   That's what "disinterested" means.  :)

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Just now, Rolig Loon said:

Um... the whole point of a disinterested observer is that he/she has an open mind; that is, no expectation/attitude/bias that would prejudice a fair evaluation of the test.   That's what "disinterested" means.  :)

Illustrating this


The perennial puzzle of consciousness has even led some researchers to invoke quantum physics to explain it. That notion has always been met with skepticism, which is not surprising: it does not sound wise to explain one mystery with another. But such ideas are not obviously absurd, and neither are they arbitrary.

For one thing, the mind seemed, to the great discomfort of physicists, to force its way into early quantum theory. What's more, quantum computers are predicted to be capable of accomplishing things ordinary computers cannot, which reminds us of how our brains can achieve things that are still beyond artificial intelligence. "Quantum consciousness" is widely derided as mystical woo, but it just will not go away.

Quantum mechanics is the best theory we have for describing the world at the nuts-and-bolts level of atoms and subatomic particles. Perhaps the most renowned of its mysteries is the fact that the outcome of a quantum experiment can change depending on whether or not we choose to measure some property of the particles involved.

When this "observer effect" was first noticed by the early pioneers of quantum theory, they were deeply troubled. It seemed to undermine the basic assumption behind all science: that there is an objective world out there, irrespective of us. If the way the world behaves depends on how – or if – we look at it, what can "reality" really mean?

(from http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20170215-the-strange-link-between-the-human-mind-and-quantum-physics )

It seems likely that the implications of this are very powerful, reality altering, and that science cannot disprove it for all the reasons. If you say that there should be examples of the phenomena everywhere in order to disprove your skepticism, I guess I would point out, essentially, they may be hidden from you as if by magic because you choose by default to see it the way you expect to rather than to approach it expecting literally anything to be possible and why not just see what happens? 

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I think there was a thread about vibes on here... I really do believe you can get vibes off people and situations that turn out to be accurate. 

Does anyone get lots of coincidences sometimes? Like you'll learn about something new that you've never heard of before...then suddenly see or hear lots of mentions of it online or in RL immediately afterwards when you're not looking for it? o.O

Edited by Rat Luv
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9 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I think there was a thread about vibes before on here... I really do believe you can get vibes off people and situations that turn out to be accurate. 

Does anyone get lots of coincidences sometimes? Like you'll learn about something new that you've never heard of before, then suddenly see or hear lots of mentions of it online or in RL straight after, when you're not looking for it? o.O

Oh yeah, once you know how to really start listening, you may begin to expect as a natural matter of course to feel some perhaps-quiet creative urge to now listen in just the appropriate manner, place, and moment. Be there and f/8 or something. When you open yourself up to this, all sorts of remarkable-feeling patterns may begin to emerge in your experience. If you are like some people, this sense of things gives you such a fantastic life-justifying vibe that you decide to really get in sync with this kind of "magic" and see what's out there, some of it perhaps hidden in plain sight by the power of expectation alone.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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2 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

If you say that there should be examples of the phenomena everywhere in order to disprove your skepticism, I guess I would point out, essentially, they may be hidden from you as if by magic because you choose by default to see it the way you expect to rather than to approach it expecting literally anything to be possible and why not just see what happens? 

That's more than a little stretch.  So ..... hypothetically .... you might claim that there are invisible elephants in the room, but that I cannot see them because I have a bad attitude.  No matter how many tests I perform with a range of sensors that show absolutely no trace of invisible elephants, your claim will always be that (a) I haven't proven that there are no invisible elephants and (b) I have a bad attitude?  That's doing the science the wrong way around.  The burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that there are invisible elephants.  In the absence of proof, the most you can say, being extremely generous, is that it's an open question.  The most that either of us can say honestly in the absence of evidence is that it is highly unlikely that there are invisible elephants.  You may continue to believe in invisible elephants, or faeries, or Santa Claus if you wish, but you will have to invoke faith, which has a very different set of rules than science and does not involve proof.  For now, as a disinterested scientific observer, I will wait for your proof that invisible elephants exist.  😉

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14 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I think there was a thread about vibes on here... I really do believe you can get vibes off people and situations that turn out to be accurate. 

I vaguely remember that now...you saw some guy from the back and got bad vibes from him...and then discovered he did something horrid...or?

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11 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

That's more than a little stretch.  So ..... hypothetically .... you might claim that there are invisible elephants in the room, but that I cannot see them because I have a bad attitude.  No matter how many tests I perform with a range of sensors that show absolutely no trace of invisible elephants, your claim will always be that (a) I haven't proven that there are no invisible elephants and (b) I have a bad attitude?  

Oh this seems so illustrative. I suppose I couldn't very well claim that there were mystery elephants in the room with you in that room actively seeking out results that support your expectation that there is definitely no funny business of any sort that you could not explain away into nothing at all or something completely mundane and boring. It is almost as if you fear something. It is all operating down at a level of your reality that is quite low, essentially automatic once set. It would probably take some kind of real shock to ever break you away from that fixed vantage perspective, should it set in and really take root.

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8 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Oh yeah, once you know how to really start listening, you may begin to expect as a natural matter of course to feel some perhaps-quiet creative urge to now listen in just the appropriate manner, place, and moment. Be there and f/8 or something. When you open yourself up to this, all sorts of remarkable-feeling patterns may begin to emerge in your experience. If you're you are like some people, this sense of things gives you such a fantastic life-justifying vibe that you decide to really get in sync with this kind of "magic" and see what's out there, some of it perhaps hidden in plain sight by the power of expectation alone.

It happened so often for me last year! Somebody told me it was because I had too much time to overthink things in lockdown xD

But maybe that's not a bad thing? I enjoyed the weirdness of it all. Even little things like trying to learn tarot or watching the sheep overrun the Welsh village on the news 🐑

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