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1 hour ago, Bagnu said:

Oh, forgot to mention. We ended up in a nice long conversation afterwards, about Schrodinger's Cat, and the possibility of infinitely branching universes based on every possible outcome of the most minute event.  You had to be there...

I still say most of those theories are pure bull-hockey, but I will gladly debate you on them anytime.  Who comes up with some of that?  I can't help but to think "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull spit."  

I am just so thrilled to have found the club we were in.  It is REALLY rare to find any music clubs that play the kind of rock I listen to most (and I've been around for a while.)  I've will definitely go back.  I know you didn't know a single song that played (except the one you requested,) but I was singing along to every single one of them at home.

I, too, took a pic.  I don't have all the fancy editing tools you have, but I did what I could with it.  It might belong in the Spicy thread, but I'm putting it here since you already posted.  I like it and having no faces showing just adds to the feel I was after.


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18 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I still say most of those theories are pure bull-hockey, but I will gladly debate you on them anytime.  Who comes up with some of that?  I can't help but to think "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull spit."  

I am just so thrilled to have found the club we were in.  It is REALLY rare to find any music clubs that play the kind of rock I listen to most (and I've been around for a while.)  I've will definitely go back.  I know you didn't know a single song that played (except the one you requested,) but I was singing along to every single one of them at home.

I, too, took a pic.  I don't have all the fancy editing tools you have, but I did what I could with it.  It might belong in the Spicy thread, but I'm putting it here since you already posted.  I like it and having no faces showing just adds to the feel I was after.


/me smiles. I can only debate Quantum Physics and unfalsifiable concepts for so long when I'm being dazzled by a beautiful, intelligent woman, with freshly done hair and nails. Did you get them on MP, or inworld?

I didn't request "Cinnamon Girl".  Someone else did. Damn, I wasn't quick enough!!!

No, you don't have all the fancy editing tools I have. But you didn't need them to capture the feel you were after.

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Uploading images and framing them for pictures in my house, I thought some of you might enjoy some of these Chelsea Hotel pictures of us that have been filtered  and put in my home 🙃







I'm still moving them around the house, finding places to put them all.  Some of them will likely go in other properties, some of them will stay here :D  

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So, I'm renovating the SL Left Unity's Unity Station parcel on Heterocera Atoll, and I want to put in a sort of "People's Victory Garden," representing the kind of natural oasis that urban communities sometimes come together to build for themselves.
In addition to flowers and trees and such, I'd like it to reflect a positive and constructive approach to life in these difficult times. So I'm putting in raised beds of veggies and fruits, fruit trees, a recycling and composting centre, solar panels, and maybe an apiary.
It's gonna take a while though. And I'm getting tired of scrubbing the dirt out from under my fingernails.
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Caitlin and I visiting with @Cinnamon Mistwoodlast night. I was randomly fiddling around with some of my favorite effects in the first one. The first impression that came to my mind was a modelling shoot.  It looks to me, like someone was adjusting the lights behind the two ladies, and moving them around a bit too much. So Cat looks back, semi-annoyed, to see what was going on. That wasn't what was happening, but the ladies certainly DO look like like fashion models. To me anyways. 

Caitlin and I with Visting with Cinnamon view 2.1.png

Cat, Cinamon and I closeup bodies.png

Edited by Bagnu
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On 2/24/2023 at 6:27 AM, Charolotte Caxton said:

I tried really hard not to, but your name makes me think of one of my favorite songs, not the song just the feeling I suppose.

edit: as an aside, totally off topic, I always thought it was amazing how a huge rock band like they were at the time, the 80's, adapted to the tragedy of their drummer, he was the DRUMMER and he lost an arm. They didn't graciously let him leave his role, THEY KEPT HIM! I don't know, that has always spoken to me about how true friends and true musicians treat each other.

I like to believe they would rather fail (as a group) then leave their friend behind. 

I do not know what ever happened to them all, but I do know they taught me how you treat the people that helped get you where you are. The way you treat everyone, with respect.


I  have loved this band from the very start (  showing my age  lol )   also Hysteria is a real life nickname   but thesedays It I am refered to by just 'H'       They are still around  touring   producing new music   etc 

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19 minutes ago, Hysteria Chastity said:

I  have loved this band from the very start (  showing my age  lol )   also Hysteria is a real life nickname   but thesedays It I am refered to by just 'H'       They are still around  touring   producing new music   etc 

Yes, very cool name, I agree with @Charolotte Caxton Def Leppard really have shown what true friendship is all about. 

I've been listening to lead singer Joe Elliott on his one hour show on Planet Rock this evening. Def Leppard and Motley Crue are playing Bogota, Columbia this very evening, and are currently touring, a fantastic album out currently, entitled Diamond Star Halos (title taken from lyrics from a Marc Bolan T Rex song - Bang a Gong (Get It On) ). 

Someone once told me they'd had their heyday in the 1980s, but like a lot of other "oldies" they're having another one now. 

While I can't afford to be Def Leppard's number 1 fan (oh yes I am :) ) I was lucky enough to meet a couple of them when I was sweet 16 (1979!), before they hit the big time. We were all in their home town of Sheffield at that time. 

Somewhere in my Second Life inventory I have a Def Leppard tee shirt, and there is a (at least one) tribute band in world. Just to keep this thread on topic. 

I must dig it out and see if it still fits me (it's system, it will).


Edited by Marigold Devin
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11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
So, I'm renovating the SL Left Unity's Unity Station parcel on Heterocera Atoll, and I want to put in a sort of "People's Victory Garden," representing the kind of natural oasis that urban communities sometimes come together to build for themselves.
In addition to flowers and trees and such, I'd like it to reflect a positive and constructive approach to life in these difficult times. So I'm putting in raised beds of veggies and fruits, fruit trees, a recycling and composting centre, solar panels, and maybe an apiary.
It's gonna take a while though. And I'm getting tired of scrubbing the dirt out from under my fingernails.

I always had mainland and loved it. Nice to have things growing - like the idea of fruit trees etc. 

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On 2/24/2023 at 7:37 PM, Istelathis said:

I'm out exploring the destinations today, I've been to all sorts of different places enjoying the scenery.  


This is where I rezzed in one such place, near a sand castle 😍


I then wandered around a haunted forest 😨 


From there I went to the farm, where I met the local librarian and had a nice chat.  This is a region rich with lore, and based on the dawn of the second age for Lord of The Rings.  Unfortunately, my knowledge does not extend very far here, and my RP reflected on that as I was a bit too nervous to RP in such an unfamiliar environment. My own form of RP is usually free flowing, set outside of any established lore. He was incredibly understanding and friendly, which was a relief for me.  So we mostly spoke of the regions and he showed me the library pictured above that he maintains.  It is from here that there are a lot of resources to familiarize yourself with for the time period, and it is extensive.  The Librarian has put a lot of work in it, and it shows.

For anyone with an interest in LOTR this would be an amazing place to visit, for any that just want to explore a lovely landscape it is such a spot spanning on several regions from what I have seen.

It can be found here:


There is also a website:



I have a ton to learn about the second age, and will likely visit that region again in the future.  They also have a gaming system, using Unity Maxim, so in addition to roleplay there are games.  This is one community that really appears to offer a bit of everything.

I took several pictures today, which will probably at some point hang on the walls of my homes.  I also considered creating a flikr account, as I enjoy sharing photos and looking at other people's pictures.  I don't like joining too many sites though, as it gets harder to maintain them all.  Anyway, I think I would fill flikr rather quickly and don't want to pay a monthly membership.  Instead I will take advantage of my feed on my profile.


I am so enjoying catching up with this thread. Save all your photos on a memory card or stick too, so you never lose them. I agree about Flickr, I filled mine up and no way would I pay to be a member there. It used to be great, but ... things change and not always for the better. 

I really need to get logged in and explore. 


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1 minute ago, Marigold Devin said:

I am so enjoying catching up with this thread. Save all your photos on a memory card or stick too, so you never lose them. I agree about Flickr, I filled mine up and no way would I pay to be a member there. It used to be great, but ... things change and not always for the better. 

I really need to get logged in and explore. 


It's so wonderful to hear that you're enjoying this thread. I created it so that anyone can post pics of anything, and talk about them. A love interest, or a nosehair.  Doesn't matter which. It's all a part of our SL lives, and it's all important!!! 

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Work continues on the SLLU Victory Garden. We now have (*checks notes*) tomatoes, onions, carrots, cabbages, peas, and potatoes. There's a mini orchard of four each of apple and pear trees too.
At the back you can see the new apiary (with real fake bees!); clicking on the yellow "Bees at work" sign will let you navigate to a page about the environmental impact of (and threat to) bees.
I put up some murals too; one is Banksy (obviously), and the other an environmentalist mural by Mexican street artist Rafael Lopez.
I may not get a lot more done until next weekend, but I feel I've made some strides! The garden now takes up about 15% of the ground level of the parcel -- I may not expand it much, but focus now on a sort of slightly wild and unkempt public park. I'm also considering a small daycare playground (in part to accentuate the feminist angle).
Oh, and @Deira Llanfair suggested . . . chickens!
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9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
. I'm also considering a small daycare playground (in part to accentuate the feminist angle).

Umm...Since when is having a Daycare Playground feminist?  Daycares are a necessity for most, and vital to single Mothers and Fathers, not a political statement. Put in two. I'll pay for one..

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4 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Umm...Since when is having a Daycare Playground feminist?  They are a necessity for most, and vital to single Mothers and Fathers, not a political statement.

Only if you ignore the long history of women fighting for universal daycare to free themselves to enter the workforce. There's a lot of history here Sandor that you're ignoring or unaware of.


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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Only if you ignore the long history of women fighting for universal daycare to free themselves to enter the workforce. There's a lot of history here Sandor that you're ignoring or unaware of.


I am fully aware. Well, definitely not as much as you are though. So I concede to your knowledge on the subject. I'm simply stating that it has now gone beyond that scope, and affects both men and women. Either way, I support Universal Childcare, and a woman's right to be in the workforce.

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10 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

I am fully aware. Well, definitely not as much as you are though. So I concede to your knowledge on the subject. I'm simply stating that it has now gone beyond that scope, and affects both men and women. Either way, I support Universal Childcare, and a woman's right to be in the workforce.

It's always been about both women and men. Men are freer when women are at liberty.

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35 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's always been about both women and men. Men are freer when women are at liberty.

/me smiles. But you DID qualify a daycare playground as accentuating the feminist angle.  

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24 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

/me smiles. But you DID qualify a daycare playground as accentuating the feminist angle.  

Yes I did, because modern feminism isn't an "advocacy" group for women or one side in an imagined "gender wars" conflict: it's about rethinking everything we do in order to create a better, more equitable society for everyone, including men. Feminism critiques the sorts of cultural straight jacket men have been forced into -- "don't show your emotions, always be strong, masculinity is violence" -- in order to free them as well. Most feminists (myself definitely included) like and value men: they aren't "the opposition," yet alone "the enemy." We want them free to achieve their own full potential too.

A good primer on this is bell hooks' Feminism Is for Everybody:


"A feminist vision which embraces feminist masculinity, which loves boys and men and demands on their behalf every right that we desire for girls and women, can renew the American male. Feminist thinking teaches us all, especially, how to love justice and freedom in ways that foster and affirm life. Clearly we need new strategies, new theories, guides that will show us how to create a world where feminist masculinity thrives."

And now we need to end this discussion here before it gets flagged and sponsors complaints.

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I would put this in Portraits of Friendship, but the OP here doesn't mind a bit of narrative being added to a photo.

We decided to switch from winter outfits to summer ones while on the dancefloor.  I told him that women know how to change clothes without showing anything important.  I have a whole process, and, with some planning, the change can be done quickly and seamlessly.  My process:

1. Prepare your new outfit. Locate outfit in inventory and have it all ready to click.  Use several windows if needed.

2. Start. BOM underthings first, then change shoes.

3. Check your alphas in both the body HUD and worn items.

4. New shirt over old sweater, remove sweater.

5. Skirt over pants, remove pants.

6. Repeat until everything is changed.

Works great.  Nothing important is shown. You have a chance to let everything rez properly.  It can be done VERY fast.


His process, zero prep time:

1 Alpha whole body

2 Remove all clothes, check inventory, select a new outfit, and add new clothes.

3 Un-alpha whole body.

Fine, fewer steps, but I was not a dancing brain, ribcage, and lungs for several minutes while locating new clothes. He also lost points for not having shoes on. (I made up that rule at the end.)


Ignore the terrible cropping.  My computer would not rez everyone's clothing, so I had to crop them out.


Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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It's still early for me to be planting a garden. Leaves are just starting to come out on some of the trees, and there's still another month for frost or even a late snow. It's not too early to sit and think about it, though. I have to get seedlings started.


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