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Legacy Classic Free Edition Problem


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32 minutes ago, DarkEmperor13 said:

I got both the male and female classic bodies. The female body(havent tried male) when u put on a shirt with sleeves, it doesnt line up with the arms. Is it possible that i have the wrong clothing for the wrong legacy body?

Possible, yes. The free body fits "TMP" size, not "Legacy" size. The two are not the same.

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Short answer: yes. 

The Legacy fitted clothes you see in the market today are rigged to the newer legacy body.  The classic body is from the older line and the modern legacy clothes won't fit as well.  Depending on the clothing style, you can force some pieces to fit the classic body.  You should always demo to see if the fit would be just good enough to make do.

If you want clothes to fit the classic body, you'd have to seek out older releases rigged for it.  They are labeled for TMP.

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1 hour ago, DarkEmperor13 said:

why do they even call it legacy then? smh

TMP as they don't like you referring to them as anymore came out with two new body lines TMP Legacy meshbody which will set you back L$5k minimum for every flavour they sell and TMP Classic meshbody. The only reason i prefix with TMP is because the LL system avatar is also referred to as legacy or primarily classic when it comes to the sale of clothing.
The TMP classic you bought is designed to be 90% compatible with items made for the original TMP body, for the best fit you should seek out products that include TMP rigs. Any time you see anything with a Classic avatar logo those products were created for the system avatar they are worth a demo though as they may have good compatibility with the TMP Classic body

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Being a owner of a legacy body and having to deal with these two different naming conventions, I will tell you now it made me really sour with the brand.  I bought it thinking it was a step up from a maitreya body, and wow was I wrong.  I have since shelved the legacy and went back to my maitreya because of all these branding issues make finding clothing hard to do.  The body looks amazing but I cannot walk around naked all day and very few outfits fit well. Shopping was a true hassle just trying to find stuff that fit. Even using the deformers made things hard.

Edited by Jenn Rowley
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12 hours ago, Jenn Rowley said:

Being a owner of a legacy body and having to deal with these two different naming conventions, I will tell you now it made me really sour with the brand.  I bought it thinking it was a step up from a maitreya body, and wow was I wrong.  I have since shelved the legacy and went back to my maitreya because of all these branding issues make finding clothing hard to do.  The body looks amazing but I cannot walk around naked all day and very few outfits fit well. Shopping was a true hassle just trying to find stuff that fit. Even using the deformers made things hard.

Almost all.of the major creators make legacy sizes. Some now are only doing maitreya and legacy.  Some that only did maitreya are now adding legacy over any of the other bodies.  I've also never had to use the reformer with anything I bought made for it.

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3 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

It is rather true that beyond the "major" creators (I hope you like suburban-mom-chic!) there's little clothing for the main Legacy...

But for the free "classic" one, which was the topic here? I've not seen a single clothier support it.

Almost every small lesser known creator at the Cakeday event has a Legacy size.  Most are definitely NOT suburban mom chic.  I'm not sure where you all are looking but I have had no problem at all finding clothes for Legacy.  Any event you go to has Legacy sizes.  It's more unusual for me to Not find it.





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5 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

But for the free "classic" one, which was the topic here? I've not seen a single clothier support it.

As far as i've observed no one is putting out new female stuff for TMP any stuff still available will more than likely be a few years old minimum the free TMP Classic was made to be 90% TMP compatible and is best suited to those that already have a well stocked TMP wardrobe

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6 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

for the free "classic" one, which was the topic here? I've not seen a single clothier support it.

True.  No one currently makes anything for the original

The beat place to look would be MP

Search TMP with oldest first?  No idea what the quality might be but I'm sure there must be a few things left.

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On 12/22/2020 at 9:51 AM, Jenn Rowley said:

I have since shelved the legacy and went back to my maitreya because of all these branding issues make finding clothing hard to do.  The body looks amazing but I cannot walk around naked all day and very few outfits fit well.

I feel for ya, I do, no question. 

I did get the free body to test and check out possibilities.  I asked a few questions and got pretty detailed (=no time wasted I can move forward) answers pretty quick. 

I cannot recall with great detail, but was the "free" body ever advertised as a "demo" for the new Legacy body itself?  I may be wrong, but it looked like there was a separate Legacy "demo" body?  I haven't been back and am running out of time today even to check again, but if there is both a free body and a Legacy newer-body-demo, then it might be a loss to go straight to judging the Legacy body as well.  I suppose at the time I saw free as giving new avis a chance to have *any* upgrade to the System avatar and let them get a taste of at least a step in the right direction.  I kind of left my testing of the free body with the feeling a generous seller shared an older free version with no benefit to the seller.  Knowing there are a lot of things over the years from MP (my primary purchase vehicle) that have just been pulled, disappeared, and sellers no longer offER them (or their redeliveries), when I see someone offering an older version now free, I am generally impressed.  Given they don't have to.  But I certainly understand the frustration, the naming, and the time lost on figuring stuff out.  I remember those days and I sure don't want them back.

Edited by Kyrie Deka
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17 hours ago, Kyrie Deka said:

I cannot recall with great detail, but was the "free" body ever advertised as a "demo" for the new Legacy body itself?

No it wasn't. The free 'Classic' body was billed from the outset as an 'update' to the original TMP body, with Bento hands and BoM capability. It was never considered a demo for the Legacy body, because it's a different rig and a different shape than Legacy.

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Everything is just trade! Although Lelutka came out as the best surprise of the end of the year, donating REALLY male heads, and not rolling people up like the other brand did months ago by donating a generic head and calling it unisex. Donating with the penalty of having a loss is better not giving, or else have the courage to receive harsh criticism. TMP and Legacy I didn't understand until today, they do strange things, they receive harsh criticisms but they continue ... I'm out! Lelutka, yes, was audacious, is a good example. Oh yes, I don't work for any company!

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6 minutes ago, Axel Naxos said:

Everything is just trade! Although Lelutka came out as the best surprise of the end of the year, donating REALLY male heads, and not rolling people up like the other brand did months ago by donating a generic head and calling it unisex. Donating with the penalty of having a loss is better not giving, or else have the courage to receive harsh criticism. TMP and Legacy I didn't understand until today, they do strange things, they receive harsh criticisms but they continue ... I'm out! Lelutka, yes, was audacious, is a good example. Oh yes, I don't work for any company!

Nice dig at me at the end there, pal. Very subtle. Take that axe and grind it elsewhere.

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20 hours ago, Kyrie Deka said:



I feel for ya, I do, no question. 

I did get the free body to test and check out possibilities.  I asked a few questions and got pretty detailed (=no time wasted I can move forward) answers pretty quick. 

I cannot recall with great detail, but was the "free" body ever advertised as a "demo" for the new Legacy body itself?  I may be wrong, but it looked like there was a separate Legacy "demo" body?  I haven't been back and am running out of time today even to check again, but if there is both a free body and a Legacy newer-body-demo, then it might be a loss to go straight to judging the Legacy body as well.  I suppose at the time I saw free as giving new avis a chance to have *any* upgrade to the System avatar and let them get a taste of at least a step in the right direction.  I kind of left my testing of the free body with the feeling a generous seller shared an older free version with no benefit to the seller.  Knowing there are a lot of things over the years from MP (my primary purchase vehicle) that have just been pulled, disappeared, and sellers no longer offER them (or their redeliveries), when I see someone offering an older version now free, I am generally impressed.  Given they don't have to.  But I certainly understand the frustration, the naming, and the time lost on figuring stuff out.  I remember those days and I sure don't want them back.

The free body is the old TMP body, that used to run for 5k, then they released the Legacy body which is basically their 2.0 version.  Problem is naming conventions (TMP, Legacy) and clothing fits and finding clothing.  I mean I search for Legacy and get crap, and demoing them its just as bad if not worse, I find 99% of the clothing that is advertised for "Legacy" doesnt fit right or not even close, and even Alpha doesnt fix it or you have empty holes because the fabric isnt lining up.  Bad designs over all.  And dont get me started on the hud, its laggy.  Relies on some offsite stuff and things like having to rotate the body to alpha the backside, sometimes can take forever and a day or just dont happen at all.  

Edited by Jenn Rowley
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Yah see I thought I recalled the free body was never advertised as a demo, and at the time that meant to me take it as a freebie, count blessings, whatever doesn't work well you know the old saying, and if ya get more, well then yay for me :))) 

So I just loaded the body up, used the shapes inside (small aint small to me though smiles).  Honestly all those skin tones included in the free are really super (compared to what I recall in the olden days were included in stuff - used to take me forever changing bodies!). 

So to OP @DarkEmperor13

This HUD suggests you can ROTATE THE BODY front, back, yes even the free body, from within the free HUD, and actually drag the areas you want to alpha out.  [[I thought whahhht?!]]   

I suspect if I tested that it would not be quite that simple, I mean ya gotta read and try right, but it reads like the intent is that it should work just that way.  Course that doesn't help if you have e.g. a T-shirt with short sleeves that cut right into your arm...

but wow is that the only body with drag-alpha ability?  Call me duh, but I felt very taken care of with Slink all these years, and with full-BOM Slink Redux, of course I can make alphas and right-click ADD.  Grateful for that because I just grrrr when skin sticks through!  But drag and erase just seems like the ultimate dream if it works like that!

In the LiveHelp group just now (see MESHBODY website), I got detailed answers pretty quick, including it works in the free HUD too.  Of course, detailed answers given happily in chat help means when I asked I expected to received some documentation and take the time to read it... and I did, and I will, and it isn't even my body.  I remind myself that customer service folks don't write up documentation because they're having a good time doing it, its because it is cumbersome (and let's just call it prolly NOT entertainment time for them) to answer over and over very lengthy answers freehand to every customer that comes to chat. I get a lot more quick, detailed, happy, answers from sellers of high-end products by letting them know I will do my part (read) along side their responding to questions not answered in the documentation. 

Recommend joining LiveChat second life group for answers:  https://my.secondlife.com/groups/8068d711-193b-9ce4-e91e-4caaac454163

You know, just my twenty-five-cents-worth of course, and test avi/he's still neh-kee in front of me so I haven't tried to find clothes to cover him up yet, but if even some very basic jeans and shirts are available that work, this free classic body (with an SL head), is a nice giftie. 

Edited by Kyrie Deka
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