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4 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Wow, I missed the emoticon hugs and smiles in John: 14 on my first read through...

(Not to mention "New Age"...) Instead of all the non-quotes and hate filled opinions, wouldn't it be nice in a thread about "love" to be reminded of Matthew: 22? "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" instead of "all the rest of y'all suck"? Not to mention, as the author, I would have preferred this little thread, which has run its course weeks ago, to remain sleepy rather than be startled awake by such off topic nonsense.


I'm that kind of person. I always put tons of smiles in whatever I write, or emojis of any kind. :o :D 😛 :( :) 

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9 hours ago, Jaide Beck said:

I tried to give answers to the person who talked about the person who said people go to hell in their sunday school and anyone else. I am just trying to help. :o 😮 

As the person who relayed the little story a) You missed one of my points b) you doubled-down on my negative point, beautifully (not a compliment) c) if you are truly trying to address a specific person in a specific comment, in a near-dead thread of over 13 pages long, then some common sense if not common netiquette would say that you quote the comment or at least reference the person who wrote it (assuming you are being truthful in your intent, which of course you are because myopic Bible-misquoting thumpers never lie to serve their own purposes) (sarcasm font) d) not sure (and don't care) how your little hate-filled screed was supposed to help *anyone*.

Interesting point of fact: Jesus and all of the folks around him in the Bible stories... all Jews. Not Christians. So by your own :::cough::: logic: all damned. Also a shocker: they wouldn't have been blue-eyed blondes either.

/me puts mittens on hands and mutters mantra: must not engage, must not engage. I blame the post-surgical drugs I'm still on. Forgive me, for I have therefore sinned.

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8 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

As the person who relayed the little story a) You missed one of my points b) you doubled-down on my negative point, beautifully (not a compliment) c) if you are truly trying to address a specific person in a specific comment, in a near-dead thread of over 13 pages long, then some common sense if not common netiquette would say that you quote the comment or at least reference the person who wrote it (assuming you are being truthful in your intent, which of course you are because myopic Bible-misquoting thumpers never lie to serve their own purposes) (sarcasm font) d) not sure (and don't care) how your little hate-filled screed was supposed to help *anyone*.

Interesting point of fact: Jesus and all of the folks around him in the Bible stories... all Jews. Not Christians. So by your own :::cough::: logic: all damned. Also a shocker: they wouldn't have been blue-eyed blondes either.

/me puts mittens on hands and mutters mantra: must not engage, must not engage. I blame the post-surgical drugs I'm still on. Forgive me, for I have therefore sinned.

Jesus said in John 14:6 he is the way the truth and the life. It is our decision to follow him. I can't make people believe. I think no matter what I said/will say it would not be satisfactory. Have a nice day/night :) 

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I have learned, in my interesting life, that there are a lot of nice people out there who only wish to help. They have been told, and believe, that it is important to be nice, to be seen as nice, so they will routinely slap on phrases like "have a nice day" (with or without the middle finger extended). The mask of nice is all.

It is easy to fall into believing a nice person, they can be so much easy smiles and fast, generically "positive" words.

What these nice people fail to understand (or care to understand) is that nice is such a superficial facade. The real blessings are those very, very rare people who are kind. The actions and words of kind people are generally so much different from those of nice people.

The world needs more kindness. Nice people end up doing a lot of damage; kind people rarely do.

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Someone said: At the end of the day I’m a good woman I’m not perfect by any means but my intentions are good my heart is pure and I love hard with everything I’ve got and because of those things I’m worth it always have been and always will be.

And all this regardless of my religion or lack of, my belief in god or my lack of, my following of one prophet over another, my belief that there is no hell or heaven, I'm a good person.

When it's all said and done, no matter what you believe or not, being a good person is all that matters in the end.  When I die, that's all I want people to say, "She was a truly good woman" not she was a good christian, muslim, Jew, Hindu.  It matters not.


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2 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

Someone said: At the end of the day I’m a good woman I’m not perfect by any means but my intentions are good my heart is pure and I love hard with everything I’ve got and because of those things I’m worth it always have been and always will be.

And all this regardless of my religion or lack of, my belief in god or my lack of, my following of one prophet over another, my belief that there is no hell or heaven, I'm a good person.

When it's all said and done, no matter what you believe or not, being a good person is all that matters in the end.  When I die, that's all I want people to say, "She was a truly good woman" not she was a good christian, muslim, Jew, Hindu.  It matters not.


But what makes us good? Is it taking out our neighbor's trash, or walking someone across a street, or teaching someone a new language, or given someone who is poor a blanket? These things are nice things to do, but do they save us? Jesus came to die for us so we can be saved. David said in psalms in sin i was born. We are evil people, but Jesus bridged the gap so we can be close to him and have a relationship with him. We can repent and be his forever. Otherwise, why should he have died if we are all good people? Someone said that to me one time, that all good people go to heaven, a person in church. I thought all people in church are saved, but it's untrue. We all need Jesus. he's the only one that saves. The only way John 14:6. I pray you will know this. he gave his blood to make a way for us to be saved. He lives and wants us to surrender to him. Be saved means confess we are sinful,  we are sinners and we realize Jesus has paid it all so we can have life in him, we repent of our evil ways and ask Jesus to be our Lord and God and send his Holy Spirit to live guide us all our days and learn the ways of the Lord Jesus. We make a commitment with him. :3 Then we rely on him to teach us how to live rightly in his name and go boldly telling others of the free gift of salvation. :D 

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17 minutes ago, Jaide Beck said:

But what makes us good? Is it taking out our neighbor's trash, or walking someone across a street, or teaching someone a new language, or given someone who is poor a blanket? These things are nice things to do, but do they save us?

More blah blah blah bible thumping

. :D 

Save me from what exactly?  You really have no idea what makes a person good?  I feel sorry for you having to find all of that in a book written by men.  Your god didn't write that book.  Men, regular sinful men wrote it.  So I don't take much stock in anything you might quote from there. 

What makes a good person?  Honesty, integrity, empathy, compassion, loyalty.  All things you can be without any religious belief whatsoever.  It's THOSE people who I'd say are good people more so than anyone who has to quote verses and is only good for fear of what will happen if they aren't.

And on that note, since I have no need to read a wall of verse and whatnot....



Edited by RowanMinx
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28 minutes ago, Jaide Beck said:

But what makes us good? Is it taking out our neighbor's trash, or walking someone across a street, or teaching someone a new language, or given someone who is poor a blanket? These things are nice things to do, but do they save us? Jesus came to die for us so we can be saved. David said in psalms in sin i was born. We are evil people, but Jesus bridged the gap so we can be close to him and have a relationship with him. We can repent and be his forever. Otherwise, why should he have died if we are all good people? Someone said that to me one time, that all good people go to heaven, a person in church. I thought all people in church are saved, but it's untrue. We all need Jesus. he's the only one that saves. The only way John 14:6. I pray you will know this. he gave his blood to make a way for us to be saved. He lives and wants us to surrender to him. Be saved means confess we are sinful,  we are sinners and we realize Jesus has paid it all so we can have life in him, we repent of our evil ways and ask Jesus to be our Lord and God and send his Holy Spirit to live guide us all our days and learn the ways of the Lord Jesus. We make a commitment with him. :3 Then we rely on him to teach us how to live rightly in his name and go boldly telling others of the free gift of salvation. :D 

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, yet not everyone believes the same.  Not everyone believes they need to be saved.  Not everyone believes in Jesus or God or any other deity for that matter.

You may believe it, but that does not make it fact.

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7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, yet not everyone believes the same.  Not everyone believes they need to be saved.  Not everyone believes in Jesus or God or any other deity for that matter.

You may believe it, but that does not make it fact.

The "we are all evil people" sorta made me cringe too.  

Ok, now I'm really leaving this thread.  🤐

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6 hours ago, Jaide Beck said:

It is our decision to follow him. I can't make people believe. I think no matter what I said/will say it would not be satisfactory.

Why don't you go back to this?

I see no indication that your proselytizing is either effective or wanted. The forums are for discussion, not abusive (and yes, your words are anti-anything-other-than-Christian abusive hate) screeds.

Thanks for ruining what was an interesting and well discussed thread. Maybe you should create your own thread, preach & rant at people there, see the reception you get, and leave other threads alone with your off topic crap?

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When faced with a nice, good "twue believer", who believes that just believing in x-y-z is sufficient to be good, or being faced with someone who kindly walks the talk of positive deeds, whether that person believes or not, I'll take the person who acts. According to some, how we behave in this world, towards our fellow human beings and the world we live in, is ultimately of more importance than what we may believe. In fact Jesus could very well have believed and preached just that, because he was Jewish and that's a Jewish thought.


I'm sorry this thread, though contentious at times, was woken up to bring voice to this bit of blah-blah. By that I don't mean the religion, this thread contains many religious AND atheistic thoughts, from across the board. Nope, by blah-blah I mean the type of mindless religious claptrap particular to a certain segment of the population.

...and another person goes on my block list

I told myself if my block list gets to 12 that I'm leaving the Forums. I have to go check... ETA: It is getting close, but still not up to 12.

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4 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

When faced with a nice, good "twue believer", who believes that just believing in x-y-z is sufficient to be good, or being faced with someone who kindly walks the talk of positive deeds, whether that person believes or not, I'll take the person who acts.

Me too! Every time. 

Edited by Dafadilia Wayfarer
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Block list? For a forum? 
I couldn't be bothered, that's making it waaaay too much work.

"Jesus" made my attempted murderer a$$hole father and made my beloved godmother die of horiffic cancer.
Thank Christ <- (yes really) that my Aunt was senior enough in Roman Catholicism to protect us from good old Cardinal Pell.
Yet another fine role model in man made religions. 

We have a brain. We ARE entitled to USE it, strangely enough 🤔

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1 hour ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Block list? For a forum? 
I couldn't be bothered, that's making it waaaay too much work.

You were around in the good old bad days of the Forum, so you may understand the "Huh!" factor when I say even back then I didn't block anyone (can't remember if we could even block anyone, but if we could, I didn't). I never blocked anyone until recently and have always been the person who has stated "the scroll button on your mouse works." I still believe that. Until about six months ago? Give or take? And then... I tried the block list and... my reading enjoyment of the forums increased exponentially while not hindering its readability one whit. So, yup, I find the block list easier now.

I used to be of the opinion "it is better to know what the idiots are saying" but realized that the idiots I've blocked are just idiots, who tend to say the same thing over and over, and are irrelevant.  Now, if we just had that function available in real life.

There are sometimes near full pages of "you have chosen not to view posts from..." notices in a thread. That's when I know a thread has gone to crap. I figure having 12 such people on the list just means there are way less interesting people posting and I need to spend more time inworld falling off of skyboxes.

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On 10/11/2020 at 9:25 PM, Jaide Beck said:

In Matthew 24:14 it says....  And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Jesus is the Lord God and he knows everything and is merciful and gives us opportunity to hear. In John 3:16-19 it shows his mercy. he gave his life on the cross and died for us and was resurected. He took our punishment. he died in our place. he has been the perfect sacrifice. He never sinned. I believe he does take aborted children into his arms. I know he has mercy. Yes, there is hell, BUT according to 

Matthew 25:41.

"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."

So people do go to hell, but it was originally made for satan and his demons. satan fell from heaven like lightning. We see this in Luke... 

Luke 10:18


“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.


Jesus is merciful and wants us to have a relationship with him. He was born like us, lived like us, but no sin, had his ministry, he was beaten, spat upon, flogged and had thorns huge thorns pushed into his head, was pierced by nails huge nails and hung and suffered suffocation. He wasn't even recognizable as a human being. What you see in pictures is not Jesus, and not what he looked like. He was the GOD 'man'. He came because he loved the whole world he wanted us to know him. He bridge the gap. He died and rose from the dead and lives to this very day in GLORY! He would rather we submit to him by repenting and being saved and surrendering our entire lives to him. It's not about some pretense, some fake religion. In the Bible it tells us what religion really is in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMashiach... 


James 1:27
King James Version

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.


Jesus is full of mercy. He didn't have to come here and live sinless. He didn't have to bother, he could've said I'm gonna enjoy all I've made and forget those people, but he has such mercy and love. Other religions say it's based on feelings, works, etc. The Bible says works are proof of salvation, but not to BE saved by. The Bible also tells us in JESUS name we are saved. satan loooves to deceive people, but he can NOT do anything unless Jesus permits him. Look at the book of Job. He asked God about Job. He said he'd curse God, but he didn't and God gave him back everything and more, yes he'd lost his previous kids and so on, but God was faithful. Let us lean on Jesus and repent. He IS the ONLY way. New age is not the way, satanism is not the way, Hinduism, Jehovah's witness and all the others are not the way. Jesus is the way. John 14. :) Hugs. :)  

Sincerely, Jaide Beck

why was part of what was in this message blanked out? You can go over it with a mouse and read it, but i just wondered. :o 

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15 hours ago, Jaide Beck said:

But what makes us good? Is it taking out our neighbor's trash, or walking someone across a street, or teaching someone a new language, or given someone who is poor a blanket? These things are nice things to do, but do they save us? Jesus came to die for us so we can be saved. David said in psalms in sin i was born. We are evil people, but Jesus bridged the gap so we can be close to him and have a relationship with him. We can repent and be his forever. Otherwise, why should he have died if we are all good people? Someone said that to me one time, that all good people go to heaven, a person in church. I thought all people in church are saved, but it's untrue. We all need Jesus. he's the only one that saves. The only way John 14:6. I pray you will know this. he gave his blood to make a way for us to be saved. He lives and wants us to surrender to him. Be saved means confess we are sinful,  we are sinners and we realize Jesus has paid it all so we can have life in him, we repent of our evil ways and ask Jesus to be our Lord and God and send his Holy Spirit to live guide us all our days and learn the ways of the Lord Jesus. We make a commitment with him. :3 Then we rely on him to teach us how to live rightly in his name and go boldly telling others of the free gift of salvation. :D 

i didn't write that. At the end of the day I'm a good women. That's not what i wrote. :/ 

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17 hours ago, Jaide Beck said:

But what makes us good? Is it taking out our neighbor's trash, or walking someone across a street, or teaching someone a new language, or given someone who is poor a blanket? These things are nice things to do, but do they save us? Jesus came to die for us so we can be saved. David said in psalms in sin i was born. We are evil people, but Jesus bridged the gap so we can be close to him and have a relationship with him. We can repent and be his forever. Otherwise, why should he have died if we are all good people? Someone said that to me one time, that all good people go to heaven, a person in church. I thought all people in church are saved, but it's untrue. We all need Jesus. he's the only one that saves. The only way John 14:6. I pray you will know this. he gave his blood to make a way for us to be saved. He lives and wants us to surrender to him. Be saved means confess we are sinful,  we are sinners and we realize Jesus has paid it all so we can have life in him, we repent of our evil ways and ask Jesus to be our Lord and God and send his Holy Spirit to live guide us all our days and learn the ways of the Lord Jesus. We make a commitment with him. :3 Then we rely on him to teach us how to live rightly in his name and go boldly telling others of the free gift of salvation. :D 


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i wasn't really to read the post because i'm trying to deal with stuff in rl. but you guys can keep on talking i gotta go and im not going to reply anymore. have fun. tc. i like to come on the forums to talk to people and have fun, this isn't fun. i can talk with someone reasonably, but if you want to speak out of anger and hate to me i can't deal with it. it's not a good time in my life. no explanations just gotta leave. have a nice day. jaide 

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