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GTFO in Belli

Rabid Cheetah

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26 minutes ago, Axel Naxos said:

was fine, but now they invented UFO GTFO ... they left the original purpose, the original creator, who transferred the game to another group. I don't even know the rules prohibit UFOs from flying low, but it must be horrible to be at home simulating your peaceful life and suddenly a 50 meter-sized UFO appears ... lol

1 - There are no rules which prohibit any aircraft or spacecraft to fly at any height. 
2 - You confuse UFOs with spacecraft. There is currently a beta going which allows spacecraft to transport freight to and from space stations. 
3 - The GTFO! rules state that space stations are to be built NO LOWER than 3100 meters. Ignoring the fact that a typical space station is large (larger than the 32x32m or 16x64m that you have at your disposal on Bellisseria), the height would be problematic on Belliseria since lots of people put up skyboxes which they protect using security systems (aka orbs), making travel at that height immensely impractical.
4 - Spacecraft have no reason whatsoever to come down to the ground, spacecraft are by design unable to pick up or deliver freight on land based hubs.
5 - Even IF it were possible for a spacecraft to deliver/pick up freight at a land-based hub, hubs on Belliseria would receive a "small" designation, meaning that only small vehicles can pick up/deliver freight.

But all this is moot. There are NO  hubs in any of the homes on Belliseria, there are only hubs at select rez zones and you don't even notice that, so chill out already.

Edited by Fritigern Gothly
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20 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

But somebody could, if they wanted to, make a land or sea GTFO hub, yes?  Or are those too big?  Are they prepackaged to a certain size, or is it just a lilcensing and scripting thing, where you could build something free-form?

A GTFO! hub exists solely in the HUD that the hub operator owns (see North Crannock's earlier post 🙂 )
Everything else is up to the hub owner. They would typically want to make their presence known by using a sign which is visible from the road or water. Or perhaps use a flag or a windsock to signal their location to overflying aircraft (like a helicopter or balloon making a parcel drop, which does not require a landing).
On Mainland most hub operators make their hub look like something transport related. This can be as large as a whole region with landing strips, a harbor and a trailer terminal, or it can be as small as a living room with a little desk with flowers where you pick up a mall parcel. 
At any rate, the way a hub is visually designed is completely up to the operator, who will be fully expected to work within the confines of the covenant as it exists for that parcel or region. So yes, it's all free form

This means that should there one day be hubs in Belliseria homes, that they must follow the covenant which also states that your home must remain in theme and can not be an eyesore. You would also not be allowed to place "sky signs" above your home on Belliseria, which on Mainland many people use to be recognisable on the map. 
I live in a Victorian home, this means that (even if it had not be an eyesore) I can not place a large rotating and blinking neon sign on my roof, but I would be allowed to place a modest sign in my yard which I would prolly would want to look like cast iron or marble. Or a nice looking sign hanging over my porch saying something like "Gothly Parcel Service. Est. 1893" in a nice Art Deco font or so.

If one day, people in Belliseria will be able/allowed to operate their own hubs, then the Belliseria covenant leaves a lot of freedom for such hub operators to have a nice looking hub without looking completely out of place in that region, without feeling too restricted, and without becoming a nuisance.

Sorry about this getting a bit long, it's just that I realize that not only you will read this, but also people who may still have some objections, based on incorrect assumptions. I am talking to them too 🙂

Edited by Fritigern Gothly
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20 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

But somebody could, if they wanted to, make a land or sea GTFO hub, yes?  Or are those too big?  Are they prepackaged to a certain size, or is it just a lilcensing and scripting thing, where you could build something free-form?

There is nothing standard in GTFO except it should be accessible from protected Linden land be it water or road(even air should have access available along public roads to avoid ban lines etc. Requests are submitted on a web site and then someone will come and assess what your parcel can accommodate. You then become an entry only in a database quoting region your on, location, name you wish to be called, and maximum vehicle sizes allowed there. So you can never accept planes unless you have a runway long enough for at least a small aircraft, but can accept helicopters if un-obstructed access is available. this could never happen in Bellisseria due to over hanging trees and the size of the parcels. The same with water, a Bellisseria houseboat could be set as a HUB but would only at maximum have a small classification, so you will never get any boat larger then a small craft around. Due to the nature of roads in Bellisseria you could never get a semi on the roads so would normally be a small van at most. As Fritigern Gothly mentioned above, if Hubs were added in Bellisseria they would more then likely be a small sign in the yard somewhere and 99% of people would not even notice it

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I will just add that, normally GTFO HUBS have a rez zone on them, so if your ever stuck for a place to rez a vehicle look on the map for a green GTFO logo, the same for Leeward Cruising Club locations normally marked with a yellow LCC showing on the map. These are all public accessible rez areas normally with about 5 minutes auto return

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I've already seen helicopter pads on top of houseboat roofs, and they're all adjacent to Linden water.  Personally, it's just a matter of free prims -- I've got 30 available for rezzing my ships or if visitors stop by.  I don't know how many prims each vehicle needs for GTFO, but I'm sure there's info on the website.  This is all hypothetical, since I'm not in the position to spend a lot on a hub.  But I think it would be a cool idea to run small packages from my place to the USS Galaxy, since I'm about 1 or 2 km or so from it.  I also understand at some point GTFO is going to have bikes (or already does) and walkers (a word I can't say without thinking about zombies lol), so maybe someone will pretend to be the Belliseria Postal Service and deliver letters.  That would be fun, especially if it was actual notecards from one person to another.

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I guess what I was trying to convey was that the term "hub" is what is confusing some and raising hackles. With a bit of altering of terminology the makers of the game could add a level of detail that shifts the roleplay in Bellisseria from taking goods from one imaginary business to another to delivery and pick-up of packages to residences. All without much change in actual gameplay. Residents in Bellisseria could still participate in the game with less chance of incurring the wrath of neighbors who hear "hub" and their minds go to thoughts of tractor trailers and container ships rumbling past their door.

Edit: And by no means am I saying that is a requirement for gameplay in Bellisseria. It was just a suggestion off the top of my head that might alleviate some confusion and avoid some misconceptions. 

Edited by Abnor Mole
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1 hour ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

I live in a Victorian home, this means that (even if it had not be an eyesore) I can not place a large rotating and blinking neon sign on my roof, but I would be allowed to place a modest sign in my yard which I would prolly would want to look like cast iron or marble. Or a nice looking sign hanging over my porch saying something like "Gothly Parcel Service. Est. 1893" in a nice Art Deco font or so.

maybe will not be allowed

allowing signage opens up for other kinds of signs. Like: "Molly's Furniture Making Service. Est. 1840" "Molly's Garden, Plants and Flowers Service" "Molly's Home Extensions Service" "Molly's Picture Framing and Hanging Service"  and so on

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1 hour ago, Abnor Mole said:

With a bit of altering of terminology the makers of the game could add a level of detail that shifts the roleplay in Bellisseria from taking goods from one imaginary business to another to delivery and pick-up of packages to residences. All without much change in actual gameplay.

Can't let on much about what is planned in GTFO Gen 2

Moving forward GTFO will be able to do this, but realistically will be a little while as the whole gameplay database has to be rebuilt from scratch. The existing one is only region based and can't be changed without breaking it.

HUBS and HUDS are too close naming and gets confusing. So there is talk of changing this naming and will likely be more worded towards being more towards friendly names

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3 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

1 - Não existem regras que proíbam qualquer aeronave ou nave de voar a qualquer altura. 
2 - Você confunde OVNIs com espaçonaves. Existe atualmente um beta em andamento que permite que a espaçonave transporte carga de e para as estações espaciais. 
3 - O GTFO! as regras estabelecem que as estações espaciais devem ser construídas NO MENOS que 3100 metros. Ignorando o fato de que uma estação espacial típica é grande (maior do que os 32x32m ou 16x64m que você tem à sua disposição no Bellisseria), a altura seria problemática no Belliseria, pois muitas pessoas colocam camarotes que protegem usando sistemas de segurança (também conhecidos como orbs ), tornando a viagem a essa altura imensamente impraticável.
4 - As espaçonaves não têm motivo algum para descer ao solo; as espaçonaves são, por design, incapazes de coletar ou entregar cargas em centros baseados em terra.
5 - Mesmo se fosse possível para uma espaçonave entregar / pegar carga em um hub baseado em terra, os hubs em Belliseria receberiam uma designação "pequeno", o que significa que apenas veículos pequenos podem pegar / entregar carga.

Mas tudo isso é discutível. NÃO  hubs em qualquer uma das casas no Belliseria, há apenas hubs em zonas rez selecionadas e você nem percebe isso, então relaxe já.

Thank you so much... 😉

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6 hours ago, Mollymews said:

maybe will not be allowed

allowing signage opens up for other kinds of signs. Like: "Molly's Furniture Making Service. Est. 1840" "Molly's Garden, Plants and Flowers Service" "Molly's Home Extensions Service" "Molly's Picture Framing and Hanging Service"  and so on

None of these are out of theme or violations of the covenant.  Indeed, many signs like these already exist in Belli.  None, of course, which harm you.  I even used a roleplaying map-making program to make a "you are here" sort of sign for a friend's woodsy camper parcel:  1236223405_SoggyShores2_001_001.thumb.jpg.57c6e0ba77d5fee781814360140ee3ea.jpg

She, in turn, bought street sign making thingy on the MP (which, as long as we're taking issue with builds beyond our own parcel boundaries, I should point out stands for "Marketplace", not "Military Police":



Then of course, we have this popular sign, all over Belli and the Mainland:


These should all be fine, even in a Victorian area, because it's the HOUSES that are Victorian, not the roleplay -- there was a whole discussion already about that, with folks pointing out they shouldn't be expected to run around in period clothing when folks have BMW's parked in their Vic driveways.

You're worrying too much.  Sure, if something really out of place is creating an eyesore, we should AR it (or better yet, talk to the owner first).  But that would need to be something like this:



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6 hours ago, Mollymews said:

maybe will not be allowed

allowing signage opens up for other kinds of signs. Like: "Molly's Furniture Making Service. Est. 1840" "Molly's Garden, Plants and Flowers Service" "Molly's Home Extensions Service" "Molly's Picture Framing and Hanging Service"  and so on

my understanding is that any kind of signage is OK in an RP context. I've even seen it argued that rental boxes are permissible as long the property is staged as a hotel or rest stop. But advertising your SL business is kind of a grey area and I wouldn't bet on it staying around if your neighbours decided to AR.

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8 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

I have an attachable/piece of clothing UFO that I fly all over Belli in.  I've yet to freak anyone out, as Belli is often just as much of a people-less waste land as the Mainland -- it just looks prettier.

I have a UFO too---Love flying it around Devils Tower (Porridge Pot region) 






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7 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

I've already seen helicopter pads on top of houseboat roofs

@Rabid Cheetah Heh, yeah, mine may have been one of them.
Actually, there was a period of a few months in which there were no official rez zones on Belliseria yet, so several people opened their homes as public rez zones. 
My houseboat was located in Fourze and in a perfect position for approaching aircraft to land on, there was just one problem, there was no runway! So I put a prim down which covered the length of my houseboat and dag nabbit, it worked! You could actually land a small plane on my roof, or rez it and take off from there.

Once Abnor created a rez zone by the light house just outside Fourze I took it all down, it served no purpose anymore. but I enjoyed having the visitors while it lasted.


6 hours ago, Mollymews said:

maybe will not be allowed

allowing signage opens up for other kinds of signs. Like: "Molly's Furniture Making Service. Est. 1840" "Molly's Garden, Plants and Flowers Service" "Molly's Home Extensions Service" "Molly's Picture Framing and Hanging Service"  and so on

@Mollymews And there is already nothing that would stop you from making and using such signs, it IS allowed under the covenant. You can have the signs and even run such a business under the one condition that no L$ change hands/accounts.


41 minutes ago, usagihara said:

I've even seen it argued that rental boxes are permissible as long the property is staged as a hotel or rest stop.

@usagihara As long as no money is being paid to these boxes, and all that is required to start this rental period is a single touch without payment of any kind, then it should be just fine. 
Although it could be asking for trouble from other residents who do not know or understand that these are just RP props which would be my main concern in this case.

However, if you could "recharge" the rental box by mopping the floor or washing dishes, then these actions would represent a value because you would be earning rental time, and that *might* be considered commercial activity in spite of the RP element (this would be for LL to decide, not me though).

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4 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

 there is already nothing that would stop you from making and using such signs, it IS allowed under the covenant. You can have the signs and even run such a business under the one condition that no L$ change hands/accounts.

there was a big discussion on here about advertising when Belli first opened. People were putting out signs like "ACME Show Home" "ACME Estate Drop In Centre" etc. The chat was about what does commercial mean in the context of signage

at the time Patch said that Belli was intended to be a residential estate and reminded people to keep this in mind.  That pushing the boundaries could result in further covenant restrictions which LDPW were loathe to do, but would if necessary. They would prefer that people act in the spirit of Belli and not in the letter of

also a thing. I read here  that GTFO is working on a Gen 2. Looks like more capability to do small home deliveries, like a pizza.  Same like in the realworld, if the GTFO pizza delivery person goes to the wrong address and gets chased off the property by a security dog then they best to read their delivery address instructions better


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20 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

AFAIK no L$ changes hands during the game. The "points" aren't exchangeable for anything of value, just levels and bragging rights. Hosting a location doesn't provide you any income. So playing the game not really a commercial enterprise. It's just for fun, right? Or am I missing something?

As long as nothing else in the Bellisseria covenant is being broken (i.e. your home doesn't look like a warehouse and there are no huge signs spoiling the view or cluttering up the world map), I'm not sure what the problem might be.

Perhaps this is opportunity for the creators to expand the game. Maybe instead hauling large amounts of freight between hubs the goal is package pick up or delivery to and from homes and a hub/distribution center? That might be an interesting variation on the game that would fit right in with the residential tone of Bellisseria. 

Yes, you're missing the fact that players buy scripts that they put into vehicles. The points they earn may not convert to cash, but there is a merchandising element of this game and just because it might not take place directly on Bellissaria land is no reason to look the other way and let in this industrial blight to residential areas. The Linden homes don't look like warehouses. But by the time various trappings of GTFO are put in, they may well look like them. And you're going to allow people to blight the map by putting the letters GTFO up in the sky?!

I didn't realize the purpose of Bellissaria was to further reward bad actors that blight the Mainland -- which has enough troubles -- with industrial paraphernalia (even if not technically "builds") and spam vehicles. GTFO certainly adds to traffic.

It's not enough it has taken over the Legacy Mainland? What is all this really about? 

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9 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

there was a big discussion on here about advertising when Belli first opened. People were putting out signs like "ACME Show Home" "ACME Estate Drop In Centre" etc. The chat was about what does commercial mean in the context of signage

at the time Patch said that Belli was intended to be a residential estate and reminded people to keep this in mind.  That pushing the boundaries could result in further covenant restrictions which LDPW were loathe to do, but would if necessary. They would prefer that people act in the spirit of Belli and not in the letter of

also a thing. I read here  that GTFO is working on a Gen 2. Looks like more capability to do small home deliveries, like a pizza.  Same like in the realworld, if the GTFO pizza delivery person goes to the wrong address and gets chased off the property by a security dog then they best to read their delivery address instructions better


The Moles need to lay down the law: no signs of any type in the sky.

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4 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

People were putting out signs like "ACME Show Home" "ACME Estate Drop In Centre" etc.

As you surely also remember, those were examples of stores using those homes as showrooms, the entire home was an ad. Nothing to do with signage.

6 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

They would prefer that people act in the spirit of Belli and not in the letter of

Indeed, and RP is in the spirit of Belliseria, and certain signs fit right into this RP element.
Your mistake is that you appear to think that ALL signs are off-limits, when it really is just the obnoxious ones, the out-of-theme ones, the encroaching ones, etc. I have had signs on my houseboat for as long as I had it, and I landed my houseboat the day after Belliseria first opened. They consisted of yard signs, wind socks, flags, etc. LDPW passed though the region and in front of my house boat a LOT in those days (Belli was about 1/4 its current size) and never, not once did any of the moes or Lindens knocked on my door saying "hey, that crap needs to go" because why? It was in-theme and very much allowed.

11 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

Same like in the realworld, if the GTFO pizza delivery person goes to the wrong address and gets chased off the property by a security dog then they best to read their delivery address instructions better

I don;t know what you are talking about, but that is not how GTFO works.

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3 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The Moles need to lay down the law: no signs of any type in the sky.

You need to read better, the LH covenant already prohibits sky signs over Linden homes (including the old ones). 

Now back to reading all that you either missed, or deliberately skipped. Off you go!

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13 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

I guess what I was trying to convey was that the term "hub" is what is confusing some and raising hackles. With a bit of altering of terminology the makers of the game could add a level of detail that shifts the roleplay in Bellisseria from taking goods from one imaginary business to another to delivery and pick-up of packages to residences. All without much change in actual gameplay. Residents in Bellisseria could still participate in the game with less chance of incurring the wrath of neighbors who hear "hub" and their minds go to thoughts of tractor trailers and container ships rumbling past their door.

Edit: And by no means am I saying that is a requirement for gameplay in Bellisseria. It was just a suggestion off the top of my head that might alleviate some confusion and avoid some misconceptions. 

The real question for me is why you are trying to think up ways to accommodate GTFO. Whether it is a tractor trailer or a small postal jeep or an Irish mail, it's still traffic -- and with your authorization of the pods to come to Bellissaria, the entire realm will be nothing but vehicles careening everywhere which will add to lag, regardless of what technically one vehicle's script time is, because it's cumulative, as you know.

I don't understand how this dynamic develops. Just say no. Unless there is something about this I'm not seeing? GTFO is commercial activity -- it's not a charity. No commercial activity is allowed, regardless of whether the drivers earning "points" aren't part of the commercial activity technically on Bellissaria soil. Every new driver adds to the coffers of GTFO if they buy the kit and put the scripts in their vehicles. So you are aiding that despite claiming there cannot be commercial activity in Belli. GTFO relies on signs -- and making them "tasteful" or not, it stlil adds to the overall stress of signage. Is there to be no place in SL away from GTFO and pods? I guess not.

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2 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

You need to read better, the LH covenant already prohibits sky signs over Linden homes (including the old ones). 

Now back to reading all that you either missed, or deliberately skipped. Off you go!

Yes, and given how this determined bunch is already overthrowing the Lindens on their rule about commercial activity, you have to speak up about the signs because they're on their way to doing that, too. Now go back to your deliberate blind eye to the machinations of these powerful FIC forces in SL and their throwing of the Lindens/Moles.

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5 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

I don;t know what you are talking about, but that is not how GTFO works.

i am going off what North said earlier here about GTFO Gen 2.  Is not a lot of detail given by North but am pretty sure a Gen 2 system would have a parcel (region coordinates) destination mode to allow for home deliveries

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Just now, Prokofy Neva said:

Yes, and given how this determined bunch is already overthrowing the Lindens on their rule about commercial activity, you have to speak up about the signs because they're on their way to doing that, too. Now go back to your deliberate blind eye to the machinations of these powerful FIC forces in SL and their throwing of the Lindens/Moles.

Nothing has been "overthrown". Just because you feel that something is commerce does not mean that it is true.

But hey, I am going to be nice and paste the full text of the Belliseria covenant, which you seem to be unfamiliar with, right here. I will even bolden and underline some important parts.


Welcome to Linden Homes for Premium account holders. Linden Homes is a residential community, located on the Bellisseria continent, owned and managed by Linden Lab. 

The purpose of Linden Homes is to provide an opportunity for Premium account Residents of the Second Life virtual world to quickly own a home and belong to a community. Linden Homes are available to Premium account holders with 1024m2 of available tier. Premium accounts are provided 1024m2 available tier at no cost.

As a Premium Account holder, you are eligible for live chat and ticket support from our Support Portal. If you need support for your Linden Home:

    1. Go to https://support.secondlife.com/ and submit a ticket.
    2. Select the "Land and Region" ticket type.
    3. Under the resulting dropdown, select "Linden Homes".

Linden Homes is governed by this Covenant, Linden Home Terms and Conditions, Terms of Service (TOS), and Community Standards (CS): http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php

== Linden Home Restrictions ==

Linden Home has unique restrictions in addition to those outlined in the Linden Home Terms and Conditions. By accepting a Linden Home, you agree to additional restrictions as follows:

  *Land cannot be terraformed, sold, deeded to group, joined, or divided. Land can only be set to group.
  *Land cannot contain temp-rezzers, or individual prims beyond the allocated size of the Second Life Viewer build tools. (64,64,64).
  *Skyboxes are only allowed above 2000m.
  *Your Linden Home may not be removed, modified, exchanged, set or deeded to group, or transferred. 
  *Residents must use one of the houses provided. Modification of the house itself beyond what is built into the controls is not possible. Additional buildings or structures are allowed as long as they are in theme and meet the height restrictions.
  *Privacy walls or fences should match the theme and extend no more than 4m above ground level. All other structures should not extend higher than 15m above ground level or sea level, whichever is higher.
  *Linden Homes should be kept presentable and in-theme to their unique areas.
  *Linden Homes can not be used as sandboxes.
  *Linden Homes do not include traffic tracking.
  *Linden Homes can not be shown in search.
  *Ownership is limited to one Linden Home per Premium Account.
  *Changes cannot be made to roads, paths, plants, trees, rocks and other landscaping. Trees or other objects that overhang into parcels are meant to do so. They cannot be moved or removed.
  *Objects that extend outside of your parcel can be returned without warning or notice. 
  *Residents may decorate the interior of their house to their liking. The exterior should always remain in theme out of consideration for your neighbors.
  *Linden Home regions are Moderate rated regions. Please see the http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ regarding adult content and behavior. 
  *Using prims or objects on parcels meant as advertisements on the world map is not allowed.
  *Lights or particles on your parcel should not extend into your neighbors parcels or houses.
  *“Off region” decorations extending from your parcel are not allowed.
  *Public space outside your parcel lines is just that… public space. Do not extend objects outside of your parcel in a way that will block, wall off, or “claim” public areas for yourself to the exclusion of other residents.
  *Activities and items that could be construed by Linden Lab as commercial and for profit are not permitted in the residential homes and houseboats in Bellisseria.
  *Activities and/or displaying items that could be construed by Linden Lab as political campaigning is not permitted in Bellisseria.

== Seasonal & Holiday Content ==

  *Seasonal and holiday decorations are permitted as long as they are tastefully applied.
  *Natural seasonal elements are permitted if they are applied subtly, such as a light dusting of snow or a scatter of leaves. 
  *Outdoor holiday decorations should be congruent with the holiday season (no Christmas decorations in May or Halloween decor in April for example). 
  *Remember to keep all seasonal and holiday decorations within the borders of your parcel and ensure that no content extends over the parcel lines.
  *Decoration should not be placed out any earlier than 30 days in advance of any holiday or season represented and must be removed within 15 days of the holiday or season passing.

== Security ==

  *Linden Homes do not have the ability to set your parcel access to group access only (which creates ban lines for everyone else). You can still eject and ban people by name.
  *Security orbs are only allowed if they comply with the following restrictions:
     -Minimum of 15 seconds warning time (no shorter)
     -Eject from parcel only (not teleport them home)
     -Effective range cannot include the airspace between 400m and 2000m (to allow for people to fly overhead but not in the airspace where skyboxes are allowed)

If you are uncertain, there is a free security system provided in the Linden Homes Content Pack. It does not have the ability to be set in a manner that does not comply with these restrictions. Click on the house controller outside of your parcel (the one used for changing house models) to get the most current content pack sent to you.

== Linden Home Benefits ==

  *Use your Premium account's 1024m2 included land tier allocation towards your Linden Home.
  *Ready-to-move-in themed home on a 512m2 or 1024m2 parcel.
  *Select your own Linden Home theme.
  *Decorate your home with furnishings.
  *Invite your friends to your home.
  *Meet your neighbors and make friends.
  *1024m2 parcel Linden Homes are allocated 351 Land Impact.
  *Set Home to here at your Linden Home location. (World menu > Set Home to Here.)
  *Set land to group.

== Linden Home Etiquette ==

Living in a community includes courtesy towards your neighbors. Here are some guidelines for etiquette in Linden Home regions:

  *Use local chat say, rather than shout.
  *Adhere to the Maturity Rating for the Linden Home region you're located in. 
  *Respect your neighbors' privacy.
  *Review general Second Life etiquette suggestions and incorporate them into your Linden Home experience: http://bit.ly/sletiquette

== Help ==

The Second Life Knowledge Base (KB) includes many helpful articles for beginning landowners and Residents new to the Second Life virtual world. Check it out:

     » https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/

This covenant is subject to change.

We hope you enjoy your new Linden Home!

Rev 13 April 2020

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3 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

i am going off what North said earlier here about GTFO Gen 2.  Is not a lot of detail given by North but am pretty sure a Gen 2 system would have a parcel (region coordinates) destination mode to allow for home deliveries

Even North does not yet know exactly how V2 will work, it's being planned right now and although the plans are quite detailed, not everything will be known until v2 is actually getting built.
But it's quite possible that it will involve a beacon from the viewer's map. No way that you mistakenly can end up in someone else's yard, unless you mean to.

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