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Everything comes off when taking only ONE thing off.

Scully Munster

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This is the first I've heard of this type of problem.  If that was an ongoing, common bug, I'd think that we'd be hearing a lot about it in the forums. This is about taking off clothing/accessory items?   I'm trying to think of something that might result in that happening.  Has she linked together items in an outfit in order to save attachment points?  If she's a premium member, has she put in a support ticket about it?  (it might be something that is relatively unique, or unique to something about how she puts things on / takes things off). 

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It helps if everything is not attached to the same point.  Unfortunately, so many creators just use the default right hand attachment point and leave it at that. :(

When she gets dressed next time, instead of just adding and accepting where it goes, have her right-click and then pick "Attach To >" 
From there, pick an attachment point that seems appropriate and has nothing already attached.  I put my shirts on left pec and skirts on right hip, for example.  Earrings go on the ears.  Rings go on ring fingers. 

She only has to do this with each item once.  The next time that item is added it will go to the last place it was attached.  Have her try this and I bet she will have much less problems with everything coming off all at once.

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Is she taking of an Outfit?  (something explicitly saved as an Outfit, under the Outfit folder in her inventory)? 

If you saved everything (including body, head, etc.) as an Outfit, and then click "Remove from Outfit" on that outfit folder, it will remove everything that was saved as an outfit.  If she wants to do that without removing everything, she needs to not save her body, head and other things that shouldn't be removed as part of the outfit. 


Edited by moirakathleen
added more explanation
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This problem can happen if the attachments get ghosted on teleport/region change.
A bunch of attachments can get "ghosted" when you move to another region. The most usual form of attachment "ghosting" is that the attachments will still be locally attached, so you will see them on your screen, however the region thinks the attachments are no longer attached and this means that no one else will actually see those affected attachments & that scripts in those attachments will not be running.
After further region changes, this problem can sometimes fully or partially correct itself so that the viewer & the region agree on what's actually attached.
If you happen to make a change to what you are wearing, for example detaching a single attachment, this can also cause attachments worn locally & what the region thinks is attached to sync up & so several other attachments may be detached when you remove one attachment.

11 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

It helps if everything is not attached to the same point.  Unfortunately, so many creators just use the default right hand attachment point and leave it at that. :(

When she gets dressed next time, instead of just adding and accepting where it goes, have her right-click and then pick "Attach To >" 
From there, pick an attachment point that seems appropriate and has nothing already attached.  I put my shirts on left pec and skirts on right hip, for example.  Earrings go on the ears.  Rings go on ring fingers. 

She only has to do this with each item once.  The next time that item is added it will go to the last place it was attached.  Have her try this and I bet she will have much less problems with everything coming off all at once.

Rhonda's solution here is the best way to avoid the problem happening.  It won't totally fix it but it will certainly cut down on how often it happens.
Getting attachments ghosted on region change is much more likely to happen to attachments when you have more then one attachment worn on the same attachment point.

11 hours ago, Scully Munster said:

It's not attached to the same point, because it takes off her head and body and clothes ao everything.  and she's only taking off ONE thing from her inventory.

A rigged mesh head & rigged mesh body could easily be worn on the same attachment point.
You need to look in your inventory or appearance panel when the item is worn to see which attachment point they are worn on.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for all your help...  I've since found out that it is a problem and it's on the server side at linden labs.  They gave me the same answers y'all did and even wanted me to try their viewer and nothing worked.  I contacted Firestorm and they knew more than me and told me that's what the problem is because multiple firestorm users are having the same issue, not just me and my wife.

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Something similar happens to me after I've been sailing with lots of region changes. I think it's the same issue that Whirly described above.  I'll removed one hud and lose my pants or some other article of clothing.  often multiple items but for a while there it seemed to always be my pants.  "Friends" have implied that says something about me. LOL. 

Sometimes when I'm sunk in a battle using a ship with a sails attachment.  The sails detach automatically and triggers the removal of attachments.  A seemingly related issue is that after one of these battles any appliers I've used on my maitreya body stick.  Even if I change my body to another copy of the body I can still see the previous applier.  It's local to me, no one else sees it. 

I just log out and back in after a battle.  


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  • 11 months later...
On 12/26/2019 at 10:06 AM, allen71 said:

happening to my wife as well please help

Whirly's post explains. 

There are only 2 solutions AFAIK. Wear fewer attachments. Try to have only one or two attachments on the same attachment point.

Having fewer scripts attached may help.

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20 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Whirly's post explains. 

There are only 2 solutions AFAIK. Wear fewer attachments. Try to have only one or two attachments on the same attachment point.

Having fewer scripts attached may help.

Even though it's a necro'd thread, it still applies. I've had this happen as well over the last couple of weeks. Though it seems to happen more often on Firestorm than it does in other viewers (Catznip, Kokua, and LL Viewer (for me.) Based on @Whirly Fizzle's description, I wonder if it's making a come-back due to parts of the SL system being moved to the cloud?

Edited by Alyona Su
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3 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

Even though it's a necro'd thread, it still applies. I've had this happen as well over the last couple of weeks. Though it seems to happen more often on Firestorm than it does in other viewers (Catznip, Kokua, and LL Viewer (for me.) Based on @Whirly Fizzle's description, I wonder if it's making a come-back due to parts of the SL system being moved to the cloud?

Cloud... the Lindens are tight lipped about what is moving to the cloud. So, we speculate. 

The asset and inventory systems have moved to the cloud according to Lindens. Exactly what that means they have not elaborated on. Is it just the databases or does that include the systems accessing the data and handling permissions. There are lots of moving parts.

I do know that while complaining about and hearing others complain about losing attachments the Lindens were clear the region servers (simulators) had not yet moved and they and the viewer were where that problem would happen. So, while I assume the state of the move could contribute I suspect it has more to do with changes to the region crossing code running in the simulators... but that is guess.

Documenting when it happens and filing a JIRA bug report is about all we can do to get it fixed.

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