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AERIAL VIEW OF YOUR LAND/PROPERTY (why did you choose this lay-out?)

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My biggest problem on the mainland is structuring the parcels such that they do not interfere with each other or existing landowners. I go out of my way to make sure adjacent parcels do not touch. I also try to maintain a clear line of sight whenever possible over protected land so that everyone gets a sunrise or sunset and/or direct access to water. In the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, "Hell is other people."

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Me and couple friends always had our lands in same sim. One day we wanted more land but the sim we used to live in was all taken so we had to find entirely new place. I found this cute lil lake. It was super expensive but perfect size. I managed to convince my friends that it hurts only once to buy expensive land. But later it hurt less to pay the tier cause the land is nice and pretty. During the years we have bought all the land that has come available in the sim and now we own most of it. Orginally we bought 1/4 of the sim.

The layout is not very planned. We been building our stuff to places where terrain allow it. And filled the unused space with trees, plants and rocks.

One of us had castles and stuff on the left part of the sim. But he wiped it to make room for train-city. The sloped terrain was too tricky for trains. So he decided to make the city up to sky where is plenty of room and no restrictions of terrain.

One of us have gothic club and stuff up in sky. She dont hold events but love to have the club anyway.

We also have some unfinished builds up in the sky. Projects that take ages to finish. Projects that we dont want to ruin the prettyness of the ground level.

It has been a blast to live together with friends. All land is owned by the same group. So we get nice big tier bonus.

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Wildcat Furse wrote:

good idea to share a sim with friends, always good fun :smileywink: .... a pity to have a 'troublemaker on-board but hey keeps second life a viable environment :smileyvery-happy: *meows*


Definatley can be. My neighbor to the east is a friend and that eases many worries having her there as her preferences for the land, while different; are not extremely so.

In past I lived on a sim next to another friend however and our differences over how land should be set up almost ruined our friendship (and in fat led to us growing much more distant since).

So it can work or it can backfire.


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Wildcat Furse wrote:

Could you post an 'Aerial picture' of your plot and describe short the main lay-out?
:smileyvery-happy: *meows*


Mine is likely a bit different from most. Most don't have to do their picture by stitching together parts of the map off slurl.com.


I may have to take more cluse-up images of different parts

Main store is obvious. It's my main store. I also have to rentals right next to it, as well as a third in that region.

Store projects are planned store projects that just require y time and attention

Info/social space is Miramare Place, home of the Sno-Kone Robot. A nice place to hang out and learn about some cool spots to explore.

Home is, well, a home. The park across from it is, essentially, prim land.

Why have things like this? All the parcels are "joined" by roads and common waterways, which makes it really fun to travel. Plus there's a lot of mole builds, parks, etc to explore and enjoy. Makes it feel like one is part of a much bigger "thing."

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Perrie Juran wrote:


My little skybox just above the clouds on the Mainland.


I'd recommend moving higher for 3 reasons:

1, Neighbors might not like the view being cluttered by a square above their heads. You can address this by using a built that looks more facny instead, like a floating rock or a tiered hanging gardens.


2. At that hight, you're still picking up 'render lag' from the ground objects your camera is having to deal with.

3. Lack privacy. You're at a height that encourages strangers to drop in.


Try above 1500m or so for privacy, or above 900 for lag avoidance. And look for a spot with no neighbor sky-builds in camera range.



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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


Perrie Juran wrote:


My little skybox just above the clouds on the Mainland.


I'd recommend moving higher for 3 reasons:

1, Neighbors might not like the view being cluttered by a square above their heads. You can address this by using a built that looks more facny instead, like a floating rock or a tiered hanging gardens.


2. At that hight, you're still picking up 'render lag' from the ground objects your camera is having to deal with.

3. Lack privacy. You're at a height that encourages strangers to drop in.


Try above 1500m or so for privacy, or above 900 for lag avoidance. And look for a spot with no neighbor sky-builds in camera range.




I rent the little place and this was the height when I got it.  My Landlord owns the entire SIM.  At one time I spoke with him about moving it higher.  We did some test positions and I didn't like the lighting at higher altitudes.

By default I keep my draw set to 64 and only increase it as needed when exploring.  So I never actually see the terrain below.  Also, he has other rental boxes on the SIM at varying heights and has done a great job with the spacing so unless I go to a very high draw distance I don't see any one else and would have to zoom in if i wanted to 'perve' them.

As far as strangers go, in the three plus years I've had almost zero problems.  Actually the few strangers I have had traced back to a prior guest who thought I wouldn't mind if they used my 'toys' while I was off line.  Guess again.  :D  My home is my sanctuary. (I do have a landlord supplied security orb but for whatever crazy reason I may have I simply do not want to turn it on).

The SIM stays very quiet....the most Ava's I've seen present on the map at one time is maybe eight and that is rare.  Usually it is only 3 or 4 other renters.  So it stays very lag free.

Maybe call me stubborn but I am happy with the way it is.  But I do appreciate your concern.....I don't want to discount that.

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Fun thread, Wildkitty. I love the pictures.

My land over the years has varied wildly. When I've owned an entire homestead or plot with 6000+ prims the land was primarily garden area and was very well planned out into sections—such as realistic, water front, underground tunnels, fantasy, etc. I used aerial views often to do my planning, like with a drafted plan view, and then I fine-tuned on eye level.

Now I have a little corner plot that is currently A Mess! I'm building a house (my first build) and the landscape is just a mish-mash and prim house pieces keep getting flown out into space... let's just say it is a different approach for me this time.

This was day 2 of build. It is going slowly but I now have walls, some roofs, a wrap around porch and...even more mess and things flying in the air! Not a true plan view but it is taken in the air!


day 2 building cottage bathtub room_002.jpg


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Heh, your thread nagged me into taking some more "progress" shots—which I've been meaning to do and then forget.

The primary colors on the house walls, etc. are there purely for me to get my bearings as all of that plywood was blending together. I had NO idea how to build in SL and am learning as I am going. I've gotten some help from more advanced friends when I get stuck. I started building like I did in The Sims, which was to get a "footprint" first using furniture (which is why there is furniture & fireplace there at this stage) then construct the walls. As one experienced builder told me, "This isn't The Sims." LoL. Well the problems I am encountering using this method are good lessons for later.

The "layout furniture" method of a floorplan kind of sideways goes to your OP of "why did you choose this layout?" especially since right now the construction is the only thing ON my land (except for one fantasy tree and some off site ocean rocks&waves).


cabin progress_001a.jpg

cabin progress_002a.jpg

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