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Avatars and Race

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Do whatever you like, just do not try to harm anyone else. If you like hair that is not typical of a white woman to wear in SL.. who cares? Wear it because YOU like it. SL is for doing things that you can't do in RL.. like having tons of different styles of hair.. and eye candy at our fingertips :P

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1 minute ago, ClariceRose said:

Do whatever you like, just do not try to harm anyone else. If you like hair that is not typical of a white woman to wear in SL.. who cares? Wear it because YOU like it. SL is for doing things that you can't do in RL.. like having tons of different styles of hair.. and eye candy at our fingertips :P

keep your fingertips off my eye candy at least tll we have formally met thanks

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In your place I'd just make a black alt to piss off your friend.


Lots of white guys make a very bad stereotype in SL in the name of fetish. But then again, isn't it role playing in the end? As long as you respect everyone and don't go around wearing those old style cartoon representations of any ethnicity, you'll be good. 

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Oh come ON for christs sake -- aren't the differences between a child molester/jihadi vs someone calling a disadvantaged person a derogatory name or otherwise abusing them VERY obvious? You are actually calling this a 'gotcha'?

Respect & PC.jpg

There's a difference between being polite and respectful and being honest. If you are polite to the point of not being honest, that's a bad thing.

Its at the point where one can't state an honest proven fact if it causes someone to play the race card.

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6 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

a tip for you both in future quote from uncyclopedia then noone can accuse you of posting informational links nods


Its funny but if I don't post a link as proof of what I say, I'm called a liar and a troll. If  I do post a link, I'm called a spammer.

I have found out that what people do hate to call me is correct.

*rolls eyes*

Edited by Phorumities
fixed a duplicate word
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1 minute ago, Phorumities said:

There's a difference between being polite and respectful and being honest. If you are polite to the point of not being honest, that's a bad thing.

Its at the point where one can't state an honest proven fact if it causes someone to play the race card.

I cant reply to Luna directly as I dont see her posts. While I respect mr Gaimain immensely for his works of fiction that quote...

its why 1400 girls got raped in Rotherham over a ten year period because the authorities were more concerned about cultural sensibilities than protecting white girls in care.

its why when we have over 10000 thousand cases of fgm a year we havent yet had a prosecution

its why its a bigger crime for me to hit someone for me to hit someone for grabbing my girlfriends ass and he declares it was racial/gender/sexuality motivated regardless of the fact I probably neither knew nor cared but purely on their say so.

I am all for equality but equality means equality it doesnt mean you have more rights because you are trans/black/white/green/pastafarian/disabled

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Hold your head high, Phorumities, screw those who are never happy with how you post. Most people are so miserable in life, they will get upset if they win 1 million dollars and are walked down a red carpet.. they'll complain and say "Why not 2 million and a blue carpet, because red clashes with my outift" . Boooo on them!!

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4 minutes ago, ClariceRose said:

Pinches your booty and blows you a kiss. I am a rebel, tell me to not do something and I'll probably want to do it so much more! :P

Catches it in his hand then slides it down his pants.... hey you didnt tell me that lipstick was permanent I hope you are going to come scrub it off

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8 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Thanks for this article - it really is food for thought as I have never thought of it in that light before.


6 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:

Gosh.. is it really like that in Australia? 

The last bit about Indian attire.. You may get snickered at for going forth in full wedding regalia (unless you are actually getting married), but a normal sari or Punjabi suit? Anyone who takes issue with that is being silly. These are not sacred vestments.  ?

Back to SL.. I love collecting SL renditions of ethnic attire, esp kimono. Been collecting those for 10 years now ?



2 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:


The challenge is protecting your thinking from the conditioning society is inundating you with. The idea is now is about what you do not why you do it. Thinking is discouraged.


Consideration of WHY is being conditioned out of our society. People asking asking why and thinking about things messes up people's control and influence.

Almost all souvenir/tourist stores in Straya sell Aboriginal themed items and artwork. But I think what Nalates said about the importance of why is very pertinent.. as I believe in most cases, the intent isn't to exploit their culture for self gain (if it is, then that's just wrong). You would find that more often than not, the intent at its very core is to recognize the original owners of this land and to express their continual relevance to this country. If all the stores were to stop selling such items, that could then be criticized for excluding or dismissing the indigenous from representation of Australia. And even without the actual intent being considered (after all, most of these shop owners are just trying to run a business, trying to bring food to the table), the inclusion of Aboriginal culture in the stores would not be second guessed.. it just wouldn't.. because this is what Australia is, all its history, its culture, its story. Mind you, a lot of these stores are owned by people of other minority groups... disallowing white people from selling the same things might also be in itself racist.

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1 minute ago, ClariceRose said:

Scrub or rub? Oh wait, I am not even wearing lipstick! Must be one of your hussies :P

hands you a wire brush and a pumice stone and slaps his wedding tackle on a chopping board....hurry I have a date in a bit

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25 minutes ago, ClariceRose said:

Do whatever you like, just do not try to harm anyone else. If you like hair that is not typical of a white woman to wear in SL.. who cares? Wear it because YOU like it. SL is for doing things that you can't do in RL.. like having tons of different styles of hair.. and eye candy at our fingertips :P

Did you say candy? ?

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4 minutes ago, Hollie Leavitt said:

Thanks for this article - it really is food for thought as I have never thought of it in that light before.



Almost all souvenir/tourist stores in Straya sell Aboriginal themed items and artwork. But I think what Nalates said about the importance of why is very pertinent.. as I believe in most cases, the intent isn't to exploit their culture for self gain (if it is, then that's just wrong). You would find that more often than not, the intent at its very core is to recognize the original owners of this land and to express their continual relevance to this country. If all the stores were to stop selling such items, that could then be criticized for excluding or dismissing the indigenous from representation of Australia. And even without the actual intent being considered (after all, most of these shop owners are just trying to run a business, trying to bring food to the table), the inclusion of Aboriginal culture in the stores would not be second guessed.. it just wouldn't.. because this is what Australia is, all its history, its culture, its story. Mind you, a lot of these stores are owned by people of other minority groups... disallowing white people from selling the same things might also be in itself racist.

The trouble with giving any leeway to this cultural appropriation is its never enough for some. They start with a reasonable argument and before you know it they are arguing we shouldnt eat indian/chinese/japanese/jamaican food etc as its cultural appropriation, or you should have a particular hair style etc. And yes both have been argued in national newspapers here

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43 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I love it. You started this whole mess by incompletely describing your friend's reaction, and it turns out you are both thoughtful and caring, and as unsure as any of us. Contrary to at least one suggestion here, I think you should keep him. But, what are we going to do with you?

Welcome to the forum, you fit right in, Ivy!

Yeah I hadn't expected this topic to blow up like it has, or I woulda included the logs from the get go xD ( That and I was unsure if I should, considering the ToS and everything, but I suck at explaining so I figured I better)

As for what you're gonna do with me, I'm hoping keep me and love me? That sounds like a pretty good idea to me LOL

9 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

The trouble with giving any leeway to this cultural appropriation is its never enough for some. They start with a reasonable argument and before you know it they are arguing we shouldnt eat indian/chinese/japanese/jamaican food etc as its cultural appropriation, or you should have a particular hair style etc. And yes both have been argued in national newspapers here

If eating food from other countries is racist...then I'll gladly wear that label because I ain't giving up Mexican and Chinese food for no amount of money xD its too good!

Edited by IvyLarae
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5 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

The trouble with giving any leeway to this cultural appropriation is its never enough for some. They start with a reasonable argument and before you know it they are arguing we shouldnt eat indian/chinese/japanese/jamaican food etc as its cultural appropriation, or you should have a particular hair style etc. And yes both have been argued in national newspapers here

The same can be said of any group of people regarding pretty much anything. 


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2 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

Yeah I hadn't expected this topic to blow up like it has, or I woulda included the logs from the get go xD 

As for what you're gonna do with me, I'm hoping keep me and love me? That sounds like a pretty good idea to me LOL

If eating food from other countries is racist...then I'll gladly wear that label because I ain't giving up Mexican and Chinese food for no amount of money xD its too good!

... She'll probably set you on fire

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1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

The same can be said of any group of people regarding pretty much anything. 


yes sadly it can. unfortunately it means that even sensible changes have to be opposed because you know someone will then use the initial shift to try and take them further. I say this about changes that on the whole I am in favour of too

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nalatas, just because society has arrived at a place where making fun of people of other races, LGBTQ people, disabled people, and other marginalized/minority people is looked down on, and sometimes mistakes are made when critcizing others for perceived infractions, this does not mean there is no value in society attempting to correct those who are acting in bigoted ways. You are labeling this as 'Political Correctness", while I label it as 'treating people with respect'.
Yes, it's going to get abused sometimes, and misused by politicians to achieve political goals, but that does not mean this refreshing era permeating society with the notion that it is NOT OK to belittle others who are different should be abolished. Nor does it HAVE to mean that people can't still examine their own ethics.

I understand the annoyance. It's happened to me, just earlier on this forum. I posted a pic of an overweight woman (or man, not sure) in an ugly conservative flag dress, as Phorumities SL house with its Conferderate paraphanalia was apparently under attack from neighbors who had canons (I think) pointed at him. Above the pic I wrote "Help Is On The Way". Someone then accused me of "fat shaming". Yes, it's annoying, but I'd rather someone confront me mistakingly than take away this newfound respect people have for others who are different or disadvantaged.

Another annoying incident. I posted a poem I was beginning, named "Jewish Guard @ The Gas House", and the context of this poem was my perception that some who had less power (the guards) in the situation were buddying up with the most powerful in order to obtain favors (suck ups). A common dynamic, expressed in the poem title.  But someone accused me of being a racist (I guess because I mentioned Jews, who knows!).

Still, please, stop trying to shut this down with your nasty labels (political correctness). People are trying to find their way, and overall it's a good thing. 

Perhaps you can explain how a group called Black Lives Matter can call a shooting racist when a black cop shoots a black man who refuses to put down his gun and advances on the officer. They even called for the resignation of the chief of police, who was also black.

Groups like Black Lives Matter are nothing but out of control special interest groups that really shouldn't be given the time of day.

Lets not forget, for every black killed by a cop, several whites are also killed.

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1 minute ago, KanryDrago said:

yes sadly it can. unfortunately it means that even sensible changes have to be opposed because you know someone will then use the initial shift to try and take them further. I say this about changes that on the whole I am in favour of too

That's called fear. Sometimes trial and error is all we have to work with if we want to improve things for everyone. But that's getting into politics. So I'm not going to go there.

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2 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

RACISM …. In western democracies there is an enormous amount of propaganda and conditioning going on in an effort to weaponize the idea. Political parties are hiring psychologists to prepare their material, determine wording, and come up with acceptable phrasing. In this thread the effect from all that effort is visible.

Weaponizing is seen when a person attacks an idea and is then labeled racist for doing so.

Being PC is now important to many people. That opens them up to criticism and easy manipulation.

Using one’s conscience to decide right-wrong, good-bad, and what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior was a primary sense and considered a basic human trait. But, that creates problems for those seeking political power. They have to overcome our innate sense of right and wrong. Think about it. How do we talk you into beating someone or burning down their home or running them out of a restaurant? Non-psychopathic people being mentally balanced have a problem with such actions because of their conscience, innate sense of right and wrong.

You are questioning your beliefs and your understanding of your world. You are part of a small group of people (as best I can tell) that actually do that. Asking if you are doing something wrong is a form of self-examination and questioning. You’re following in the footsteps of Plato, Socrates, and other philosophers.

The next step in that process is answering your own questions then testing those answers against the world and the ideas of others as if they are a scientific hypothesis. It is the reason free speech is so important.

The challenge is protecting your thinking from the conditioning society is inundating you with. The idea is now is about what you do not why you do it. Thinking is discouraged.

Current conditioning is that one cannot/shouldn’t disparage others or say anything bad about anyone. Don’t criticize others behavior or their beliefs. Sounds good. But, who gets to decide what you do?

Should we not tell a child molester they are behaving badly? Should we not tell a jihadi it is wrong to kill innocents? Should we not criticize those behaviors and beliefs that lead to them? See the gotcha? 

Consider. Jeff Dunham and his Achmed the Dead Terrorist is an excellent example. But, by PC standard we should destroy Jeff for such parody. 

I spent time as a forum moderator (not here). We had long discussions about trolls. Trolls serve a purpose by ridiculing those with REALLY DUMB ideas. A factor in deciding what to allow was how the troll was executed; was it mean, abusive, bullying, intended to harm a person… or was it directed at ideas and phrased to generate thought? Our determination of the WHY was key.

There are times when trolling and derogatory parady are appropriate. Especially in politics and by extension our thinking on race.

So, I agree it is OK to do what you want... as you say in a round-about way, providing you aren't intentionally harming others.

I agree. I wouldn't use the word 'titillate'. I think there are many more reasons that just our self indulgence.

There is no single reason for Obama's election. But, weaponized racism did come into play. So, I have to wonder what Hillary was thinking here. The result is everyone is spinning about that to support their agenda. Has anyone bothered to ask her what she meant to do?

Consideration of WHY is being conditioned out of our society. People asking asking why and thinking about things messes up people's control and influence.


1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nalatas, just because society has arrived at a place where making fun of people of other races, LGBTQ people, disabled people, and other marginalized/minority people is looked down on, and sometimes mistakes are made when critcizing others for perceived infractions, this does not mean there is no value in society attempting to correct those who are acting in bigoted ways. You are labeling this as 'Political Correctness", while I label it as 'treating people with respect'.
Yes, it's going to get abused sometimes, and misused by politicians to achieve political goals, but that does not mean this refreshing era permeating society with the notion that it is NOT OK to belittle others who are different should be abolished. Nor does it HAVE to mean that people can't still examine their own ethics.

I understand the annoyance. It's happened to me, just earlier on this forum. I posted a pic of an overweight woman (or man, not sure) in an ugly conservative flag dress, as Phorumities SL house with its Conferderate paraphanalia was apparently under attack from neighbors who had canons (I think) pointed at him. Above the pic I wrote "Help Is On The Way". Someone then accused me of "fat shaming". Yes, it's annoying, but I'd rather someone confront me mistakingly than take away this newfound respect people have for others who are different or disadvantaged.

Another annoying incident. I posted a poem I was beginning, named "Jewish Guard @ The Gas House", and the context of this poem was my perception that some who had less power (the guards) in the situation were buddying up with the most powerful in order to obtain favors (suck ups). A common dynamic, expressed in the poem title.  But someone accused me of being a racist (I guess because I mentioned Jews, who knows!).

Still, please, stop trying to shut this down with your nasty labels (political correctness). People are trying to find their way, and overall it's a good thing. 

There are very fine lines here... the very reason why I am able to agree with both.

The "why" matters. Two people could be executing the same action, one being racist about it, the other not at all. But the act in itself (depending on what it is) should not be enough to  deem both people racist just because that action was done.

But then, stopping at the "why" would also be negligent, as we all need to consider the impacts we have on others in what we say and do. This is necessary even if we're not talking about race. If I were to speak loudly to someone with the intention that they can hear me better, but that was then interpreted as me being rude... that wouldn't necessarily make me a rude person because of that misinterpretation. Nonetheless, I would still apologize and explain my innocent intent. That wouldn't stop me from speaking loudly in future instances though. I guess it's all about context and knowing your audience... and then catering your behavior to minimize negative impacts on others... respecting how different people can receive and interpret things in all sorts of ways. The outcome is just as important as intent.

In forums, I say a lot more in order to express something than I otherwise would because of the wide unlimited audience that I am addressing - people with different backgrounds, experiences, etc... the unlimited range of perspectives that I am choosing to interact with. This prompts me to be extra careful and preemptively explain my intent, particularly for sensitive topics. But I wouldn't feel the need to do that when I'm talking with a group of people I know because the risk of being misinterpreted is reduced.

And as for Jeff Dunham and many comedians whose jokes are "not PC"... I can't imagine a world without them; they're just so ingrained in our society. Jokes made at someone else's expense are intended for those with a sense of humor but will also always have potential to offend someone. Maybe this world would be a better place without them... But I guess that is describing a world that does not exist... an alternate reality.


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