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Is it acceptable to talk about politics?

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2 hours ago, EmpereurNapoleonBonaparte said:

 I want to know if that's ok to spread my political ideas here

the SECOND LIFE forums are no place to do so, to avoid problems you can start your own blog for that, promoting your own political agenda might end at St Helena.


Edited by Ethan Paslong
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6 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

You probably should block me, Garnet.  Because whenever Phorumities insults progressives by calling them names (I'm not sure he has ever mentioned the left out of the context of name-calling) much of the time I feel compelled to confront this.

I don't think he realizes he gets banned and confronted because he calls us names, and instead insists the reason is because he's not on 'the left' (he just said that on this thread).

You are safe on this thread for tonight, however, unless Phorumities comes up with the research that proves there are few poor people in the US.

Tell you what Luna, IM me and I'll give you the name of a "neutral" forum we can debate in. I've been censured too many times in here already for posting legitimate opinions.



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7 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Why say anything when there are so many fun photos around?



Someone posted a "fun photo" about the second greatest mass murderer of all times the other day. However if I posted a "fun photo" about the 3rd greatest mass murderer, all hell will break lose and I'll end up with another ban. 

I've discovered the main reason people engage me in here is to try and get me to say something to get me banned, so as I said, anyone wants a debate, IM me and we'll debate somewhere else more balanced.


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6 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Seeing Kavanaugh being sworn in tonight...I'm afraid I'm at the end of my rope. All the budget cuts to the poor. People will be dying soon and/or stripped of basic human rights.  And all these damm rallies with the red hats, Trump saying he's making America great again. Crazytown.

You know, Phorumities, you think the left just wants to play silly war games like you do....but that's not it (at least for me). I just see the damage being inflicted on people by Trump and people he's duped.

And all those previously unemployed people now finding jobs because the economy is taking off... oh the horror, not getting government handouts.

Now that they are working, they might decide THEY want lower taxes too, and stop voting democrat.

The trouble with democrats is, they want to GIVE you everything you have, but in the end they will TAKE everything you have.



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Seriously I was flabergasted when during the first of the series of debates between (Now) President Trump and Hillary, the first words of of her mouth were a massive NEW government entitlement program, a free university education for everyone. That right there shows how morally bankrupt Democrats are. They want to just spend and spend and spend. And why? To buy votes, to stay in power

Because let me assure you, democrats don't care about any of those noble ideals they prattle on about. Like all good leftists, they care about one thing and one thing only. Its whats driven leftists since the day Marx posted his first piece of drivel.


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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, ok. Two things.

First, "spreading your political ideas" here -- or anywhere -- is not going to win you a lot of plaudits or admirers. If you come in here with a political agenda, and your sole purpose is to indoctrinate or persuade, then you're going to immediately evoke a lot of resistance. It's not merely not really a worthwhile thing to do; it's also ineffective. It will just put people's backs up. (Please believe me when I say that I speak from experience on this one.)

IF, on the other hand, you have ideas and you wish to explore, and test against other perspectives and views, then -- assuming you approach this with an open mind, willing to change your own perspective as you learn more from others, and assuming that you make that clear from your remarks -- the forums can be (or at least were, in the past) a great place to have discussions.

Second thing: no one is going to ban you for expressing ideas, unless they are overtly racist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-furry, etc. (Seriously, don't dis furries.)

Ok, I understand. I’ll try to approach different ideas with an open mind while learning about interesting things from others. I actually find other ideas quite interesting and try to implement some of their elements into my own.

i don’t get why people treat furries in a bad way. They didn’t do anything wrong for loving animals and nature. I don’t see anything wrong with them. Whenever I meet someone, I only judge depending on their personalities and behaviors, not the fact that they are furries, bronies, pegasisters, LGBTQ, etc. I won’t mind about their orientations as long as they’re friendly.

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40 minutes ago, Ethan Paslong said:

the SECOND LIFE forums are no place to do so, to avoid problems you can start your own blog for that, promoting your own political agenda might end at St Helena.


I noticed a pattern that everyone here teases me about St. Helena! Reading those jokes actually gives me the giggles.

I do plan to start a blog like that someday. Alas, I barely have time, so I’ll do it when I have the time.

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49 minutes ago, EmpereurNapoleonBonaparte said:

Ok, I understand. I’ll try to approach different ideas with an open mind while learning about interesting things from others. I actually find other ideas quite interesting and try to implement some of their elements into my own.

i don’t get why people treat furries in a bad way. They didn’t do anything wrong for loving animals and nature. I don’t see anything wrong with them. Whenever I meet someone, I only judge depending on their personalities and behaviors, not the fact that they are furries, bronies, pegasisters, LGBTQ, etc. I won’t mind about their orientations as long as they’re friendly.

I've heard people say that hating furries is racist. 

The worse thing someone ever called me was a furry, go figure.

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The way I see it, do:

  • Feel free to talk politics with close friends who are same party or alright with sharing views (which is a great way to get perspective of others!)
  • Talk politics in political debate groups or meeting regions. I forget the name of it but I know it exists.
  • Talk politics with those who welcome a debate, or share views.


  • Talk politics in public areas such as stores, clubs, Hangouts, etc. Light politics may be fine in Hangouts but is best avoided as it usually leads to heated arguments.
  • Talk politics with friends you are not quite sure where they stand. Careful hint dropping and picking up is important if you wish to discuss politics with friends.
  • Talk politics with random people in IMs. This is a good way to get blocked.
  • Talk politics on the forums. We are here for fun, learning, and sharing (and troll watching), not to get angry at each other.
  • For the love of all things cube like, NEVER bring up politics in new resident starting areas. People on second life come from all parts of the world and politics can scare away new resident.

Discussion of politics are not censored in Second Life, but outright hatred for protected groups may lead to LL suspending you if you are reported.

Edited by Chaser Zaks
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2 hours ago, Chaser Zaks said:

The way I see it, do:

  • Talk politics in political debate groups or meeting regions. I forget the name of it but I know it exists.

Philosophy House most likely.  Not sure if anyone goes there anymore tho. I think is still inworld, but I haven't been there myself since ages. Back in the day was quite good the debates. Back then also Kant was pretty popular as a topic with undergraduates in particular. Both for and against

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2 hours ago, Chaser Zaks said:


Discussion of politics are not censored in Second Life, but outright hatred for protected groups may lead to LL suspending you if you are reported.

while its a human rights violation to promote hatred against race ethnicity gender religion and a host of other things,  political parties are not a protected group.

so if i wanted to call leftists brain dead morons there is no recourse under human rights legislation.

besides if political parties were protected democrats would have nothing to say about those that oppose them.

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23 minutes ago, ellestones said:

Philosophy House most likely.  Not sure if anyone goes there anymore tho. I think is still inworld, but I haven't been there myself since ages. Back in the day was quite good the debates. Back then also Kant was pretty popular as a topic with undergraduates in particular. Both for and against

my friend got banned from the firestorm support group for defending Trump against all the Trump haters in the group

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13 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

my friend got banned from the firestorm support group for defending Trump against all the Trump haters in the group

Their good right to do so, defending a politician is nothing other than advertising their politics - if they want no politics, defending a politician is as wrong as condemning them ...

Edited by Fionalein
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3 hours ago, Phorumities said:

my friend got banned from the firestorm support group for defending Trump against all the Trump haters in the group

I hope they banned the Trump haters too.

I was a member of the Firestorm support group for a few minutes a while ago. The helpers there sure had more than enough work handling the support questions and certainly didn't need any heated off topic arguments for distraction.

I have to emphasize and elaborate on what I said in my first post here: Most people in Second Life are not from the USA. Who the US president is, what he does and what the USians feel about it, isn't really our concern. It was only a few years ago, when USA was the dominating power in global politics, but that's not the case anymore. I'm also willing to bet good money that even the most devoted US democrats and republicans would appreciate to take a break from politics every now and then and focus on other matters.

Edited by ChinRey
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Phorumities, I think Innula has a great idea...for you to discuss politics over at SLUniverse (now Virtualverse.one). Many there are highly educated in History and other professions, and could better point you to valid links than I can...and they love political discussions there (well at least in the political discussions category).

It's really tiring to see you turn every discussion into something political (most recently you turned a discussion on roleplaying in the 18th century to a rant about how people aren't actually poor in the US in comparison to the 18th century, and how people aren't poor in the U.S. because some of the poor have cell phones, and the leftist are to blame, and they want to turn us into Socialists blah blah blah).

Often I resist responding to you, but when you started disparaging the poor as you did there it was just too much for me to bear because I know significant numbers of people in the U.S. will die because of the coming budget cuts. These are NOT people who could get jobs....they are mostly the elderly, the mentally ill, and children -- THIS is the population that comprises most of the poor. Just google the coming budget cuts and see the despicable portrait of the coming U.S.A.

Add to this the working poor barely scraping by on these 'wonderful' service jobs you tout...losing their health care and dying because even more cuts are coming to Medicaid. And we can't forget the women who will die from botched abortions once Roe vs Wade is overturned. Republican policies in the U.S. today are cruel, and while Democrats are neoliberal now too at least they throw a few bones to the poor.

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2 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Their good right to do so, defending a politician is nothing other than advertising their politics - if they want no politics, defending a politician is as wrong as condemning them ...

the point is they were trashing trump first they started it not her.

im the same way if someone is running their mouth in a group, putting down Trump, i immediately go on the attack

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35 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

the point is they were trashing trump first they started it not her.

im the same way if someone is running their mouth in a group, putting down Trump, i immediately go on the attack

And that is the problem with Tumpettes. Simply no, because someone else behaves bad gives you and your kind no right to do the same, now tell "your friend" (yeah right xD) she deserved it ;)

PS: You better start going down on Trump ASAP, the one trashing him most is ... erm himself?

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12 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

the point is they were trashing trump first they started it not her.

im the same way if someone is running their mouth in a group, putting down Trump, i immediately go on the attack

And the mods of the group will, if this is the group policy and they decide so to do, ban either or both of you.   If anyone's getting close to that in any of the groups I moderate, for what it's worth, I'll issue a couple of general warnings first, and then start banning.

Be that as it may, this is hardly the most appropriate place to re-litigate how your friend got thrown out of the Firestorm Support Group.  She or he should take it up with the group owners if it matters to him or her.


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29 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Often I resist responding to you, but when you started disparaging the poor as you did there it was just too much for me to bear because I know significant numbers of people in the U.S. will die because of the coming budget cuts.

..but what about Ayn Rand’s opinion, that doesn’t carry any weight?

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32 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

the point is they were trashing trump first they started it not her.

LOL, did you actually say "they started it"?

Snowflake conservatives, and their pervasive culture of victimization. Toughen up, buttercup!! This ain't the playground anymore! ?



Really, though, it's so boring. My corporate stooge is better than your corporate stooge, darn it!

I'll say again: discuss ideas, not the ready-made, focus-group-tested talking point memos of one political party or another. It's ideas that will change the world, not professional politicians or parties.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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