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Sex Offenders on SL


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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I thought that was for someone committing those things using sl as kind of a gateway..

What section is this in,in the TOS? I'm gonna go give it a read.

I quoted it in my first post.




TOS 5.3

We may terminate your Account(s) if we learn, or in good faith believe, that you are a registered sex offender



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3 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

Your honour, I rest my case.


Then you have lost the case, because, first, Linden Labs is not a court of law, and second...you don't know that Linden Labs isn't going to ban him.  If they do, then this circuitous and confused argument of yours lacks even an arguable basis.

A court of law has twice convicted him of molesting two underage girls on two separate occasions.  That's what makes him guilty of sex offenses. 

So I rest my case.

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1 minute ago, Callum Meriman said:

I quoted it in my first post.

TOS 5.3

We may terminate your Account(s) if we learn, or in good faith believe, that you are a registered sex offender



Ok thank you..that saves me some time..I must not have seen it or something..

I'm still wired from just getting home from work and all over the place..hehehe

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5 minutes ago, RuchiVee said:

He gave me his name, a nickname, a Facebook page, a photo, and offered to give me more, like his phone number, etc.  He was very persistent.  He gave me a lot of information.  That's more than just a name. 

What motive would someone have for doing that? I didn’t get my SL family’s personal info for a year or two.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What motive would someone have for doing that? I didn’t get my SL family’s personal info for a year or two.

Why would you ask ME what his motive is?  You would have to ask the offender.

If you're asking me to speculate as to his motive, it seems to me that he was trying to get me to reciprocate and divulge my own information and photo to him so he could develop a relationship with me.  That's how sex offenders prey on victims.

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16 hours ago, RuchiVee said:

I was wondering if, since sex offenders are required by federal and state laws to register and make public certain information about themselves in RL, if there was some requirement that they do the same somewhere in the SL database to caution other users. 

There are typically no laws that require sex offenders to register or out themselves in any online environment.  SOME have restrictions about whether or not they can be on the internet and/or what they can do on the internet.


16 hours ago, RuchiVee said:

I ask because another user divulged his real-life identity to me, and then subsequently behaved in a way that was arguably inappropriate. 

The problem here is that anyone can claim to be a specific person in RL and they can also send you a picture of said person in RL, BUT that does NOT make it a fact. Heck, I could go search the sex offender list, pick a name and associated photo and troll anyone online that I wanted to - just because I felt like it.  

Part of the reason for the TOS about disclosing RL info is simply because YOU usually do not know FOR SURE that the info you have is fact.

Thus all you can do is report your suspicions to LL and the RL authorities and let them figure out if it is real or not. 

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Just now, RuchiVee said:

Why would you ask ME what his motive is?  You would have to ask the offender.

Sorry, I was trying to use critical thinking. For example: 1) possible motive is to be up-front due to previous problems; 2) possible motive is that the personal information was not his, and it was intended to cause trouble/drama. The fact you believed it (the personal info) and did not question “why is a person in Second Life telling me all their Real Life personal information?” is troubling. Taking people at face value can be risky sometimes. Question everything. Question authority.

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4 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

Agree with LittleMe, the existance of such a database would make it trivial to gather further info to pose as said deviant. Why, I leave up to others to speculate.

Obvious reason is so people report / harass the offender,  who is minding their own business and not in SL at all.

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8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Sorry, I was trying to use critical thinking. For example: 1) possible motive is to be up-front due to previous problems; 2) possible motive is that the personal information was not his, and it was intended to cause trouble/drama. The fact you believed it (the personal info) and did not question “why is a person in Second Life telling me all their Real Life personal information?” is troubling. Taking people at face value can be risky sometimes. Question everything. Question authority.

Ah...I understand.  Thank you for that clarification, Love.

What is impossible for others to glean from the cold record -- and a diminished record at that, thanks to community guidelines that prohibit me from divulging too much information -- was the sex offender's tone, persistence and pushiness.  That belies the possibility that he was trying to be up-front.  It suggests, instead, that he was up to his old recidivist tricks.

The second speculation, that a person who was not a sex offender went onto a sex offender database, collected information about a sex offender, found that sex offender's facebook page, and collected additional photos about that sex offender, and assumed that sex offender's identity just to ...create drama for me personally?...seems a stretch.  Also, it puts that person at unnecessary risk of being focused on by law enforcement.  Moreover, again, his persistence and tone belie that possibility.

The totality of the circumstances, which I would love to elaborate on, but which the community guidelines seem to preclude me from divulging, suggest that this real-life, twice-convicted, sex offender was up to his old, recidivist tricks, this time using SL as a vehicle to develop a rapport with potential victims.

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Not exactly, but so that you would report the offender, getting him in more trouble. 

Why would someone that is not a sex offender, try to goad me into reporting him, to get him into trouble?  Why would someone who is a sex offender, try to goad me into reporting him to get him into more trouble?

Ohhh...I see what you are saying...wait...you're saying someone who is not a sex offender wants to stir up trouble for someone who is a sex offender.  Well, that's up to a fact-finder to determine...whether it's Linden Labs investigating a Terms of Service violation, or a court of law investigation a course of illegal conduct.

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2 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

These kind of situations are why I keep a mound of salt handy.. hehehehe


There's no need for a mound of salt.  Only one who has experienced the encounter with this sex offender knows the whole story.   The terms of service preclude divulging too much on these forums.

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Just now, RuchiVee said:

Why would someone that is not a sex offender, try to goad me into reporting him, to get him into trouble?

Because people detest sex offenders. They protest at their homes, harass them, etc. It doesn’t matter that a sex offender has “paid their debt to society”, “reformed”, or “repented”. Nobody wants to live next door to them. People will do anything to force them to move away. This is highly likely the reason.

1 minute ago, RuchiVee said:

Why would someone who is a sex offender, try to goad me into reporting him to get him into more trouble?

This is highly UNlikely to be the reason. Your own emphasis seems to indicate agreement.

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There's a reason people detest sex offenders...because sex offenses are detestable.

Also, protests at their homes and such harassment is a fringe activity, not something that's widely done.  The majority of people avoid sex offenders.  That's the whole purpose of Megan's Laws, and why they are used in every state in the U.S. and at the Federal level.  Because Megan's Laws work in protecting people from sexual predators.

And, yes, Love, I agree that a person goading me into getting him or her into more trouble is unlikely.  Again, let's not manufacture false facts that I think the opposite.  Please don't twist my words to make it look like I disagree with you on an obvious point.  We are in agreement, here.

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1 minute ago, RuchiVee said:

There's no need for a mound of salt.  Only one who has experienced the encounter with this sex offender knows the whole story.   The terms of service preclude divulging too much on these forums.

I was meaning ,if someone came up to me and started to tell me these things..I would be leery of them..

I more than likely would just go silent on them anyways and already be in a conversation with someone else that wasn't so strange.. Who knows why people say what they do..But I'm not gonna be anyone's scape goat or part of some plan they have going or some strange fetish they have with maybe people wasting their time..Just anything really..

I'm not gonna stick around long enough to wonder why..I'm just gonna call it another strange person in SL like the many in the past that I've ran into..


If they are so hell bent on getting caught,they can turn themselves in..hehehehe



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3 minutes ago, RuchiVee said:

And, yes, Love, I agree that a person goading me into getting him or her into more trouble is unlikely.  Again, let's not manufacture false facts that I think the opposite.  Please don't twist my words to make it look like I disagree with you on an obvious point.  We are in agreement, here.

Thanks. I wasn’t sure what you believed, I was trying to present a reasoned argument. Sorry, I most definitely wasn’t trying to twist your words.

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8 minutes ago, RuchiVee said:

The terms of service preclude divulging too much on these forums.

You keep saying that and yet more than once Callum has quoted the TOS regarding sex offenders in SL.  Therefore report it and be done. Let the lab do their investigating.  They have the logs to check what is said, they have the person's rl info.  

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