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Fashion Changes


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Anyone else notice that appliers for clothing are not as common as more designers are making mesh though I will admit you can still find applier clothing but mostly seems to be fading the need for clothing appliers.  Interesting how fashion constantly evolves in second life and always has interested me!  

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I try to avoid appliers like the plague, mostly because the images for them are still at 512x512 I think, and for some things that's fine, but for others, the low-resolution becomes painfully obvious.

I don't mind a complete outfit that it a hybrid mesh and appliers, provided its high-quality work, which seems to be relatively rare as a whole in my own experience (and desired level of quality). I just really wish there were a way to tell mesh creator's which mesh body I'm purchasing their product for (Belleza Venus) because for some misunderstood reason some whom have created Venus compatible have stopped and only do the current fad (Isis and Freya).

But that's okay, it just means I'll carry my shopping over to those who do and I am a "whale" in terms of digital consumers; I burn lotsa money (that I prolly shouldn't LOL).

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This is a very interesting thread, in that I have been a clothing creator in SL for 13 years (come this Sept) and when I started there was no such thing as mesh, everything in clothing was on clothing layers, and things like skirts etc were made from standard prims,  then came flexi.  I continued to make non mesh clothing for quite some time after mesh came out, but quickly noticed that if I wanted to keep up and make any sales I would have to accommodate the demand for mesh.  However, having said that I re made some of my more popular layer clothing and put them on appliers for the 3 most popular bodies and Omega.   Eventually, I ended up doing more mesh, but sometimes I still make a part of an outfit using appliers to go with the mesh, and I make sure they are done in high resolution as I have pretty much always done.  Trends do indeed change which certainly does make it a challenge for clothing designers to be sure.  

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59 minutes ago, Tazzie Tuque said:

This is a very interesting thread, in that I have been a clothing creator in SL for 13 years (come this Sept) and when I started there was no such thing as mesh, everything in clothing was on clothing layers, and things like skirts etc were made from standard prims,  then came flexi.  I continued to make non mesh clothing for quite some time after mesh came out, but quickly noticed that if I wanted to keep up and make any sales I would have to accommodate the demand for mesh.  However, having said that I re made some of my more popular layer clothing and put them on appliers for the 3 most popular bodies and Omega.   Eventually, I ended up doing more mesh, but sometimes I still make a part of an outfit using appliers to go with the mesh, and I make sure they are done in high resolution as I have pretty much always done.  Trends do indeed change which certainly does make it a challenge for clothing designers to be sure.  

May I ask for you MP link? I'm always in shopper mode LOL. And it's not advertising because I am specifically asking you for it, partly as an exercise demonstration specifically related to this thread, right? :)

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Appliers became fashionable when mesh body parts did. The downside was you had to apply to this layer and that layer. It was a little complicated and a little more frustrating. Mesh bodies and fitmesh pretty much did them in. The quality of the appliers started going down too. Everybody was making appliers and a lot of people started copying, your options are kind of limted as to what you can create with them too (there's only so many ways you can make skin tight look good). It was much easier to just get a mesh body and just wear mesh, so over time the fairs that were devoted to appliers started having less and less items that were worth buying.

There still is an applier fair that happens monthly, but it's mostly tattoos and makeup and yes....even mesh are at those events. 

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5 hours ago, Tazzie Tuque said:

This is a very interesting thread, in that I have been a clothing creator in SL for 13 years (come this Sept) and when I started there was no such thing as mesh, everything in clothing was on clothing layers, and things like skirts etc were made from standard prims,  then came flexi.  I continued to make non mesh clothing for quite some time after mesh came out, but quickly noticed that if I wanted to keep up and make any sales I would have to accommodate the demand for mesh.  However, having said that I re made some of my more popular layer clothing and put them on appliers for the 3 most popular bodies and Omega.   Eventually, I ended up doing more mesh, but sometimes I still make a part of an outfit using appliers to go with the mesh, and I make sure they are done in high resolution as I have pretty much always done.  Trends do indeed change which certainly does make it a challenge for clothing designers to be sure.  


I thought so as can give chance for consumers and designers to change however yes I remember all what ya said and be interesting what comes next in trends as a consumer I look forward to it!!

Edited by MrsSeren
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It is certainly possible that many applier creators have stopped making "new" things because of the Bakes on Mesh changes that are arriving soon.   I don't have a ton of applier clothes but I do like them -- especially undies and leggings as they DO fit a slot in our wardrobes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was afraid of this. I am a clothing designer as well, but unfortunately i have not been able to put out all of the things that I have created but most of them are appliers. I got in the designing game just as the fashion curve was changing. I have noticed that everyone is moving to mesh clothing even my favorite designers. I myself still love my appliers and probably always will. I hope I will be able to tap into the small market that still enjoys it as well. I currently wear the Sking body and love the look it gives me, but I do have the hourglass and lara body too. i love the variety of clothing option I have but i choose to stay with Sking and my appliers most of the time. Any other Sking lovers having trouble finding clothing and still wear Appliers? 

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I will say only time I use appliers really is for make up/nails/skin/tattoos though as real last resort stockings but then finding some lovely fitted mesh ones now too!  If honest, I look back at some of my applier stuff and think WTF was I thinking?!

Thank you everyone with your thoughts and comments on this thread, makes me glad I had courage to post my random thought; lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I personally love appliers and miss system clothing for the ability to mix and match easily. I am so excited for when BOM goes live I think stores like Sn@tch and BareRose are going to be swamped and deservedly so. I love creating hybrid looks with gown skirts and applier uppers so there is definitely room for all types still. When mesh rolled around we lost a lot of very talented texture artists that had no want for learning mesh, and I am glad that they will be able to return or we may get newer creators that have become PS pros, it will be a fun change. 

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16 minutes ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

I am so excited for when BOM goes live 


Me too! Many times I have incorporated an applier top to go with a mesh suit, simply because a mesh shirt would not fit properly under the jacket.  Or  give a nice neat tucked in look with pants..  But since so many folks seem to be anti appliers (or system layer clothes in general)  I don't do it as often as I would like to,  but with BOM on the way.. I am excited for the possibilities that will offer.  

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