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Name change


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I don't think the "you won't know who it was" is really realistic.. Especially when it comes to people on your contacts.

Most people who will change their username won't completely erase their profile as well.

Even if they do, recognizing similarities in the redone profile is easy unless they consciously go out if their way to "hide" their past.

Even if they do, talking to them will reveal them by the way they talk to you, the things they say, and what they wear, unless they consciously go out of their way to invent a new personality and past.

Realistically, most of the people who change their name are doing it for benign reasons with no intentions to be forgotten and won't make any effort to pretend to be a different person.

And LL will probably have some kind of tracking for name changes, I have this vague memory of reading about it.. Besides, display name changes are logged in the profile feed. I see no reason why usernames wouldn't be logged the same way at least.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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6 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:


I'll only repeat two things about user names, opinions I've held for years.

  • User names should not be changeable.  If they ARE changeable, some sort of tracking history of past names is a must.  The user name is the ONLY thing about your avatar that remains constant, and is therefore the only sure means of identifying someone (except for the UUID, of course, and who wants to look that up all the time?)
  • LL should implement a system with a PRIVATE user name for login purposes only.  At present, everyone knows half of your login credentials...your user name.  This is very poor security.  There should also be an unchanging screen name, which would serve the same identifying purpose that the user name does now.

Suggestions. Maybe not the best suggestions, nothing more.

1) A tracking system would allow one to change the display name against names already in use and also have it check against a ban list of previous names. Bad to bring back a name connected to a griefer who was booted for nefarious reasons (against LL Tos and/or possible civil/criminal behavior ie: using stolen cc information).

2) The user name shouldn't be considered the constant but the UUID. If I wanted to change my user to "Jeri Lemon", so be it. The UUID will have remained the same. Much like you are a car registered in one state and moving to another state. New tags would have to be issued, but the VIN (an automobiles version of a UUID) remains the same. I know one could take parts from a 76 Firebird and place them on a similar year Camaro, but it's still using the same VIN. Request the change and LL would have a record of my previous user name (in good standing, of course).

3) Allow such a change once every three years, funk fonts not allowed. if you have to use the funk fonts, the name remains the same. If "'heart' 'heart' 'smiley face' Suzie Frostbite 'smiley face' 'heart' 'heart'" wishes to change the user to a more conventional name "Norma Sweatknees", great for them. Insist on "'heart' 'heart' 'smiley face' Norma Sweatknees 'smiley face' 'heart' 'heart'", she would be SOL.





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1 hour ago, Jerilynn Lemon said:

1) A tracking system would allow one to change the display name against names already in use and also have it check against a ban list of previous names. Bad to bring back a name connected to a griefer who was booted for nefarious reasons (against LL Tos and/or possible civil/criminal behavior ie: using stolen cc information).

Old names won't be "released" and do in fact stay reserved and connected to your account, this I remember a Linden saying. There was consideration for allowing users to change back to an old name they've used before. 

Also, us scripters have already been told to not rely on usernames directly in our scripts, but UUIDs.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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As far as the dopey fonts and upside down letters. From what I was reading, that would not be allowed to be used in names anyway. And as far as people changing their names weekly. You know, if they are actually a friend, I recognize them anyway. I have spent months before with names  restricted and had no trouble. I knew who my friends were and I would introduce myself to people I did not recognize, just as i would IRL or apologize for forgetting the name of someone I had met, but could not remember their name.

I am not talking about dopes or griefers abusing a feature. Those people are going to abuse others or whatever is available no matter what. 

Lets say, I decided to use the name change service when it becomes available. Pay my money and choose Brianna Keaton. You would not see Brianna Keaton - latex Alcott when I speak, you would only see Brianna Keaton. And lets get real, there are people who spend hundreds of IRL dollars each month here, they would not hesitate to spend $25 for a weekly or monthly name change either. 

I think people are losing sight of the topic of this thread. The whole topic if this discussion, is a complete name change from the LL end.

LL had made it clear, that there will only be a selection of surnames available. Not whatever the user might prefer. I get the complexity and reasoning for not allowing a free for all with the surname. So I am not suggesting that. 

My suggestion, if it is do-able, is a simple option over the limited name choice we will have, so allow the ability to have a display name of our choosing, and simply have the system  "hide" the username in chat and only show the display name, if the user so desires that. It would still show in profiles, for the marketplace and so on. Just have the chat only showing our display name. 

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29 minutes ago, latex Alcott said:

My suggestion, if it is do-able, is a simple option over the limited name choice we will have, so allow the ability to have a display name of our choosing, and simply have the system  "hide" the username in chat and only show the display name, if the user so desires that. It would still show in profiles, for the marketplace and so on. Just have the chat only showing our display name

This does not necessarily need LL's attention nor could they actually enforce it. Any third-party viewer could enforce a "hide usernames of other avatars based on their settings, if they are using a viewer with that setting." This would be achieved by having the viewer broadcast a setting so that other viewers which look for that setting can detect it.

A good example of something like this was in the Emerald and Phoenix viewers, which had the ability to encrypt IMs between other Emerald/Phoenix viewers so nobody could snoop in on them. Thia was before LL would encrypt all  messages.

On the contrary, if LL was to implement some kind of backend solution, which would cause the chat system itself to hide usernames based on personal settings, a third-party viewer would still be able to access the UUID of everybody and recall the username that way. The same applies if LL was the first to do the viewer-side solution. Third-party viewers could just not implement the feature. 

TLDR: It can be done without LL and it can be ignored if LL does it. 

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4 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

[On the contrary, if LL was to implement some kind of backend solution, which would cause the chat system itself to hide usernames based on personal settings, a third-party viewer would still be able to access the UUID of everybody and recall the username that way. The same applies if LL was the first to do the viewer-side solution. Third-party viewers could just not implement the feature. ]


Ok, thank you. That basically answers my original question :) I guess then, it would be up to the viewer dev, as to whether they would set that UUID over-ride as default or not. Assuming LL even would go that route to have the displayed chat, showing the display name only. Just too bad, it wont be realistically workable, to allow a user generated name, instead of a limited selection. Bummer, but oh well. 

Edited by latex Alcott
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4 hours ago, latex Alcott said:

My suggestion, if it is do-able, is a simple option over the limited name choice we will have, so allow the ability to have a display name of our choosing, and simply have the system  "hide" the username in chat and only show the display name, if the user so desires that. It would still show in profiles, for the marketplace and so on. Just have the chat only showing our display name. 

LL won't do that because it impacts other users experiences. Other users must have the option to be able to see the user name if that is what they want to see.

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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

[ Other users must have the option to be able to see the user name if that is what they want to see.]   

That makes no sense. If I chose to spend $500 I could request a name change. If accepted, LL would then change it in the system so my UUID would be represented by the new name. You would no longer ever see my old name, only my new name, no matter if you wished to know who I *was* previously. Same as a legal name change IRL.

So the option is there, just not for $25, or for free by hiding the username in chat. 

Edited by latex Alcott
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9 minutes ago, latex Alcott said:


You completely misunderstood what I said.

I don't have the time to explain it because I have to leave for work in 10 minutes.


ETA: I will add this though so you can read the thread for yourself:


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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

You completely misunderstood what I said.

No, I do understand what you said. But you misunderstood what I said. And there is no sense beating a dead horse. No matter how the LL viewer is set up, a third party viewer can go around that Wulfie said. I had already read the threads on the possible upcoming name change feature. If I chose a new name from the $25 approved list, that is who I would become, not who someone else decides I should be for their own "user experience" And I am not prepared to spend $500 for an official  name change, so I will be who I am now. :) 

Edited by latex Alcott
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6 hours ago, latex Alcott said:

No, I do understand what you said. But you misunderstood what I said. And there is no sense beating a dead horse. No matter how the LL viewer is set up, a third party viewer can go around that Wulfie said. I had already read the threads on the possible upcoming name change feature. If I chose a new name from the $25 approved list, that is who I would become, not who someone else decides I should be for their own "user experience" And I am not prepared to spend $500 for an official  name change, so I will be who I am now. :) 

No I didn't misunderstand anything. I don't play the "turn things around on the other person" game.

If you go back and read my post where it shows the options in a third party viewer called Firestorm that I served over 5 years doing viewer support for, you will see.


From the TPV policy:


  1. You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.




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It's clear that the name thing is very important to some users. I just can't understand why a second name/ surname is so important, even after reading all this.

I also find some of the odd characters ( in fonts haha!) sometimes impossible to read. That's not good in conversation when I would ordinarily use someones name. 

In the end it doesn't bother me either way. I might add my surname to my display name, but unless that name was available to buy I wouldn't want another name.

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20 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

It's clear that the name thing is very important to some users. I just can't understand why a second name/ surname is so important, even after reading all this.

Personally, I just want a "pretty name." I don't like display names that have words separated by capitalization, like WulfieReanimator. If there's ever a chance to use a space in a name choice, I will. (Assuming I want a name with more than one part in it.)

Another reason is that having a choice of multiple last names allows people to re-use the same first name, such as Wulfie Woodget, Wulfie Magic, Wulfie Shuffle, or Wulfie Waffle. I've never seen or heard anyone be confused by people with the same first name, or the same last name. Last names can also give users a little amusement or a communal feeling when they run into someone with the same last name. I definitely send a message to any Reanimators I see, or better yet, Deanimators.

But most importantly, the reason I personally want to see last names come back is the fact that I'll be able to change my name. I don't really feel like a Wulfie unlike my 13yo self, and I only chose my last name based on the song. (Which is still okay-ish, but not my style.) I'm also secretly hoping to catch one very specific name combination, even though the chances of any specific last name becoming available are slim. I'm also a big fan of creative name combinations, like Unfortunately Short and Piss Rain, and would love to see more of them. (I also own llScriptProfiler Resident and Bonkable Resident)

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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  • 3 months later...
On 7/27/2018 at 10:22 AM, Dakota Linden said:


Second Life is its own service, using code that is different from other services.  How other companies or services do things has no bearing on how Linden Lab does things. :)




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