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Health Care In US & UK,Differences Between Left-Right Views On It & Taxes,Capitalism VS Socialism,Abuse Of Power

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I was reading a website referenced on another thread, and some of the comments explained the reason the NHS in the UK is having problems is because the Tories are underfunding it. It seems the conservatives are trying to trash the system so they can privatize it. Is this true? Is this an example of the 1% trying to control too much so they can profit more?

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31 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I was reading a website referenced on another thread, and some of the comments explained the reason the NHS in the UK is having problems is because the Tories are underfunding it. It seems the conservatives are trying to trash the system so they can privatize it. Is this true? Is this an example of the 1% trying to control too much so they can profit more?

The Tory party has spent decades trying to privatise everything in sight, usually to fund unsustainable tax cuts for about 5% of the population.

The Problem boils down to "Hereditary Voting" and the typical division of the electorate in any given seat...

It basically goes like this...

35% Vote for the Blue Party because their great great grandpa was a Tory Landowner's gamekeeper and shot poor people with rocksalt for being poor where the Tory could see and smell them, and because now, they have "improved themselves" from gamekeepers to middle management with degrees in business studies.

35% Vote for the Red party because they sweat for a living, and their great great grandpa was shot was shot in the ass with rocksalt b y a Tory voter's gamekeeper for the crime of "being poor in a public place" while marching on the Jarrow Crusade, and because NOW, they work in a factory on minimum wage.

20% Vote for the Yellow party because they are studenty types who think poor is cool, and disapprove of mummy and daddy who are stockbrokers, 

5% Vote for the mad people who stand at the back of the stage when the results are readout, looking mad.

5% Vote for whoever offers the best unsustainable tax bribe to families bringing in twice the national average wage, that is to say, families in the TOP 10 % of the earnings table.

So, the only people who's votes actually make a difference as to who wins, are that greedy affluent 5%. The Tory party bribes them via provatisation funded tax cuts for high earners, Tony the Traitors "New Labour" party did it by taking benefits intended to help poor people feed and clothe their kids, and turning them into "working families tax credits" that the poorest people were not entitled to, but which allowed junior executives earning 58 grand a year to claim 15 quid a week for their snotty spoilt private school brats.


For years even the Tories were wary of messing with the NHS, because, despite all its faults and failings, it DOES ensure that NOBODY gets told they have contracted an illness ABOVE their CREDIT RATING and are thus expected to die in the gutters untreated.

But... Privatising healthcare completely, into the disgusting mess that passes for a healthcare system in Murica, would generate a lot of revenue for the insurance companies and private hospitals, and thus a lot of campaign fund kickbacks for the party that did it, and the moneys raised by the sell off would pay for several elections worth of unsustainable vote buying tax bribes.

So, standard policy has been to cripple the NHS with "administrative changes", deregulation, re-regulation, budget cuts, etc., in the hopes if making the NHS sufficiently unpopular with the people that the people wont revolt when the Tories try to sell it off.

This goes in a cycle...

1. Cripple the NHS with deliberate sabotage

2. Respond to public critisism of the NHS with "well we could sell it off at 10 cents on the dollar to our rich campaign sponsors it, that would make everything better"

3. Hide in the Thatcher-Bunker until the military have quelled the bloody revolution in the streets

4. Promise extra funding and "much needed reforms" for the NHS

5. Wait 5-10 years and try it all over again

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8 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Is this...still a Second Life forum?

Sadly yes it is - classical humpday "Let's put the Forumites off against each other in a pitfight of believes" thread....

I wish the Fourm had a "NO POLITICS!" rule

Edited by Fionalein
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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I was reading a website referenced on another thread, and some of the comments explained the reason the NHS in the UK is having problems is because the Tories are underfunding it. It seems the conservatives are trying to trash the system so they can privatize it. Is this true? Is this an example of the 1% trying to control too much so they can profit more?

Well i think those comments got purged, so I'm not hopeful this thread ... have you tried reddit ?

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1 minute ago, Fionalein said:

I wish the Fourm had a "NO POLITICS!" rule

Hmmm, getting the political factions to reach a political agreement to have a no politics policy, would require some serious...

Politics... ;) 

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3 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

Sadly yes it is - classical humpday "Let's put the Forumites off against each other in a pitfight of believes" thread....

I wish the Fourm had a "NO POLITICS!" rule

I wish politics had a no politicians rule as by and large those that seek power are the last people you actually want having it.

Edited by KanryDrago
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2 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

That's just misunderstanding the game ... you want a good player.

Anyone who thinks they know better than me how to

1) live my life

2) spend my money

is worse than grabbing a tissue when you sneeze only to realise someone used it to wipe their arse with before you

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30 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

This goes in a cycle...

5. Wait 5-10 years and try it all over again

Well Klytyna, glad I didn't really block you :)
What a mess...I'm afraid I'd have to do major research to really get what's going on. I guess it could be summed up as 'politics as usual' huh? The left slants toward the community, and the right toward the individual...and then the fight to attempt balance between the 2 factions ensues.
I'm not sure why both extreme sides can't seem to see that both community and individualism is needed but instead seem to want to demolish either individualism or community.

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19 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Is this...still a Second Life forum?

It is a Second Life forum, but I see all sorts of topics being discussed as I scan this page...everything from goats to thanking the UK.
Besides, I can integrate anything...that's how I made the big bucks here..lol.
But just in case I need to tie it in, let me reveal that I'm worried some of the UK people will die or become impoverished without good health coverage, and then they couldn't be in SL. I would miss Lilith's flowers especially.

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11 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Well i think those comments got purged, so I'm not hopeful this thread ... have you tried reddit ?

Second Life is my home on the internet.

Plus, I actually like how the moderators eliminate flaming, even if I don't agree with some of their moderation.

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14 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

Sadly yes it is - classical humpday "Let's put the Forumites off against each other in a pitfight of believes" thread....

I wish the Fourm had a "NO POLITICS!" rule

Everything under the sun can pretty much be boiled down to politics....who gets what and how.

The personal is political, some wise person said long ago...was it Steinem?

And, there are ways to discuss issues without going berserk u know..

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Second Life is my home on the internet.

Plus, I actually like how the moderators eliminate flaming, even if I don't agree with some of their moderation.

Sadly there seems to be a lack of moderation on OPs starting a thread that are only there to start some flame wars... Sorry if I put you in the wrong box now but this thread just looks like one...

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Everything under the sun can pretty much be boiled down to politics....who gets what and how.

The personal is political, some wise person said long ago...was it Steinem?

And, there are ways to discuss issues without going berserk u know..

There are a myriad political forums out there for those that wish to discuss politics why does it have to pollute here too?

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10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

thanking the UK

That’s not the same as discussing issues. I was expressing appreciation for their Special Friendship.

If you want  nasty but tedious and predictable discussions of particular issues, those can be found in lots of other places — including other Universes. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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1 minute ago, Fionalein said:
5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Second Life is my home on the internet.

Plus, I actually like how the moderators eliminate flaming, even if I don't agree with some of their moderation.

Sadly there seems to be a lack of moderation on OPs starting a thread that are only there to start some flame wars... Sorry if I put you in the wrong box now but this thread just looks like one...

No I'm not trying to start a flame war AT ALL. I'm interested in these topics and want to discuss them in a reasonable & polite manner.

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1 minute ago, Pamela Galli said:

If you want  nasty but tedious and predictable discussions of particular issues, those can be found in lots of other places.

I don't want nasty.

Perhaps I haven't experienced some of the battles in this particular forum as I tend to drop in and out, and really didn't even read it early on.

But I have faith that people can discuss issues without going berserk.

Of particular interest to me was how anyone could consider taxes as a theft...I don't get it.

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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

No I'm not trying to start a flame war AT ALL. I'm interested in these topics and want to discuss them in a reasonable & polite manner.

If you want a chance of reasonable polite conversation there are two topics never to mention. Politics and religion

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6 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

There are a myriad political forums out there for those that wish to discuss politics why does it have to pollute here too?

Well you could just choose not to read this thread, and I can discuss with Klytyna. I'm afraid I need to do a lot of research on the UK before adding anything useful there though.

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Just now, KanryDrago said:

If you want a chance of reasonable polite conversation there are two topics never to mention. Politics and religion

Religion is my other favorite topic...:)  Well...spirituality.

Maybe I just need to learn to ignore our resident Libertarian who constantly interjects his political views...not take the bait maybe? But he got me to thinking about some things I was trying to sort out....hence my conversation with him...and wanting it to continue in a polite manner.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:


Of particular interest to me was how anyone could consider taxes as a theft...I don't get it.

If I threaten you and take half the money in your wallet because I am poorer than you that is theft

If the government threatens me (which it does via threat of jail time) and takes my money and give it to you because you are poorer than me it is taxation

many see a certain similarity the only real difference being we also have to pay some guy to take the money off us and give it to you

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i respectfully request that the mods close this thread because it has nothing to do with second life and will only deteriorate into hate mongering, stereotyping, and name calling of the worst sort

*hey everyone needs a hobby*

Edited by Phorumities
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1 minute ago, Phorumities said:

i respectfully request that the mods close this thread because it has nothing to do with second life and will only deteriorate into hate mongering stereotyping and name calling if the worst sort

*hey everyone needs a hobby*

Why do you always interject your political views into various topics then?

It seems that when you can't flesh out your argument well, as in the other thread, you report it as off-topic.  I would bet my life it was you who did that.

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