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Race Play

BilliJo Aldrin

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I think the issue more so is playing negative stereotypes of other races. Some examples I’ve seen over the years (these are for real too) that could be considered offensive:

An avi named Cornbreesha. Profile of a neck poppin hoochie-mama. I'll say no more.

This one is my favorite, because it was so weird I really didn’t know how to feel about it.  

One day I’m shopping and I get a random im. The woman  standing next to me is asking where I got my outfit from. I tell her and we chat for a bit. I open up her profile and it’s got a male avatar for a profile pic. Hmm....so I read the rest. It was a little story. The avatar was a soft spoken man, kind of a pushover until one night he got bitten by a black woman. So now at night...he transforms into a black woman.(It wasn’t night btw) Now he’s strong, confident....sexy.

So I picked his brain a little. That was how he saw black women and he wanted to know how it felt. Can’t be mad at that....can I?

So yeah...it depends on how it’s done.

Edited by janetosilio
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It occurs to me that this really isn’t limited to Race. I have been missing out on a whole, entire thing to be Offended about......-sarscasm-

By birth, I come from the Southwestern USA and  have lived much of my life in the South. If I were to believe the way Sotherners and Southern Women are portrayed by people in many role play sims and on the grid in general; that would be as follows;

“Racist, homophobic, baby-on-my-hip, get-in-the-kitchen, uneducated “white trash”, very likely to marry my cousin, consider possum a culinary delight and be the victim of spousal abuse”

Since I come from the south-WEST I also qualify for cowgirl memes....

Reality is that I hear crap about southerners in SL that -might- have been appropriate a century ago; and I largely just let it go by. If someone wants to put them self at a disadvantage by under-estimating me......too bad for them :-) If someone is so narrow as to buy into that stuff, I’m better off without them in my social circle :-)

So I’ve been missing out on tons of butt-hurt; and I have no plans to start catching up.

SL is the realm of imagination, there are plenty of Imaginings I can pick from - so I choose not to fixate on the negative ones.

Edited by AmandaKeen
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On 11/14/2017 at 4:51 PM, AmandaKeen said:

It occurs to me that this really isn’t limited to Race. I have been missing out on a whole, entire thing to be Offended about......-sarscasm-

By birth, I come from the Southwestern USA and  have lived much of my life in the South. If I were to believe the way Sotherners and Southern Women are portrayed by people in many role play sims and on the grid in general; that would be as follows;

“Racist, homophobic, baby-on-my-hip, get-in-the-kitchen, uneducated “white trash”, very likely to marry my cousin, consider possum a culinary delight and be the victim of spousal abuse”

Since I come from the south-WEST I also qualify for cowgirl memes....

Reality is that I hear crap about southerners in SL that -might- have been appropriate a century ago; and I largely just let it go by. If someone wants to put them self at a disadvantage by under-estimating me......too bad for them :-) If someone is so narrow as to buy into that stuff, I’m better off without them in my social circle :-)

So I’ve been missing out on tons of butt-hurt; and I have no plans to start catching up.

SL is the realm of imagination, there are plenty of Imaginings I can pick from - so I choose not to fixate on the negative ones.

A big, Hell yea, from Tennessee :D

Well said.;)


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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On 14-11-2017 at 11:51 PM, AmandaKeen said:

“Racist, homophobic, baby-on-my-hip, get-in-the-kitchen, uneducated “white trash”, very likely to marry my cousin, consider possum a culinary delight and be the victim of spousal abuse”

Since I come from the south-WEST I also qualify for cowgirl memes....

I thought that described the entire US, but its only the south?

*digs a hole and hides*

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Also, I’m not quite sure an analogy of being called a redneck equates to race play. It’s like the difference between being in and uncomfortably warm room and receiving a second degree burn. They both have to do with warmth, but they aren’t the same thing.

The difference here is one is a little ignorant and  contains about 5 minutes of banter. The other deals with people making WHOLE sims depicting a whole race as cromagnon looking troglodytes with extra long *****es  who prey on women or are women that are completely, dominant and hate men.

Somehow, I can see how one of those isn’t that big a deal and nothing to get butthurt over and one could be absolutely triggering when seen.

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45 minutes ago, janetosilio said:


The difference here is one is a little ignorant and  contains about 5 minutes of banter. The other deals with people making WHOLE sims depicting a whole race as cromagnon looking troglodytes with extra long *****es  who prey on women or are women that are completely, dominant and hate men.


Those sims you mention while not to my taste merely depict a stereotype promoted by rap artists, artists that are mostly black it has to be said. Not saying its right to do merely saying that it not necessarily a depiction coming from white people stereotyping a different race.

The sims don't say this is all blacks they merely portray that aspect


Edited by KanryDrago
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1 minute ago, KanryDrago said:

Yes I see it as those sims are portraying the rap culture style. Do they claim to represent all black people or is that just what you are reading into it?

I never said it did represent all black people. The op was about race play, I was responding to that. But since you think those sims portray a rap culture style can you name for me one rap song that talks about the rapper raping and abusing women, white women in particular? I’ll wait....just give me one.

again....the analogy doesn’t work.

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Just now, janetosilio said:

I never said it did represent all black people. The op was about race play, I was responding to that. But since you think those sims portray a rap culture style can you name for me one rap song that talks about the rapper raping and abusing women, white women in particular? I’ll wait....just give me one.

again....the analogy doesn’t work.

As I don't listen to rap unless I can help it can't give you any titles. Are you really claiming Rap (or at least a fair amount of it) is quite mysogynistic and tend to glorify violence towards women. Also see what I mentioned in my subsequent post

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4 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

Do you have a problem with sims that portray the white trailer trash style?

Do you think it is any different?

If so how?

Do you think those sims are saying all white people are like this?

And while we’re at it what does a redneck sim have to do with race play? I didn’t know there were sims devoted to rednecks, could you link me to one?

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2 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

And while we’re at it what does a redneck sim have to do with race play? I didn’t know there were sims devoted to rednecks, could you link me to one?

type trailer trash or redneck into places search you will find a few. I dont get why its an issue to you that some women like playing with black guys that follow a rap culture oriented style of rp. I don't honestly even see it as race play. It is merely people living their fantasies. Don't know about where you live but where I live black guys with white women and vice versa are pretty common

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1 minute ago, KanryDrago said:

As I don't listen to rap unless I can help it can't give you any titles. Are you really claiming Rap (or at least a fair amount of it) is quite mysogynistic and tend to glorify violence towards women. Also see what I mentioned in my subsequent post

No I’m saying since you’re claiming those sims are based off of rap culture ;back that up with some evidence. But since you can’t, it makes your point moot. Because it doesn’t, until you can provide evidence of that your statement is an opinion. Which is why I asked you is that how YOU see it.

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Yes it is an opinion. No not going to subject my ear drums to rap music to find an example though I am sure they are out there. But those sims you talk about tend to be rp sims(no not all). The people playing there go there to play out the gangsta lifestyle and yes I do know people that go to them. Some are black some are white.

I just don't get why you see it as a problem and thats what I am trying to work out


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43 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

I dont get why its an issue to you that some women like playing with black guys that follow a rap culture oriented style of rp. I don't honestly even see it as race play. It is merely people living their fantasies. Don't know about where you live but where I live black guys with white women and vice versa are pretty common

Show me where I said I had a problem with interracial relationships?

I’m pointing out that no, there’s nothing wrong with being another race than you are in second life, no there’s nothing wrong with being in an interracial relationship in rl or sl, but when you start talking about depicting a race as sub human rapists you kind of have to understand how SOME people would be upset by that.

I’m also pointing out, no being called a redneck is not the same thing as being depicted as a subhuman rapist. Even if there are sims where there are trailer parks or redneck themed, you could argue being a redneck is a point of pride for some people. So the two things are not analogous.

im also pointing out, no, rap music does not glorify raping and brutalizing women. Since you don’t listen to it, can’t name a song that you are claiming those sims are patterned after, you threw out a strawman. Those kind of sims are their own thing and it’s a much deeper issue than “It’s just some dudes patterning their roleplay after those mysogynistic rappers!”

See there are just certain things that are inappropriate. The same reason you don’t walk around with a KKK outfit while you sim hop, the same reason you aren’t allowed to stab someone you don’t like is the same reason you don’t depict a race as sub human rapists.

So yeah, I get it. It might be fun for SOME people. I’m pointing out that it’s also going to make some people upset. It should be fairly clear why it’s upsetting to SOME people. When you’re crying about “Mah freedomz” you really sound like you don’t have empathy in this situation.

Also, while I’m waiting on that rap song that glorifies raping and abusing women (I can save you the trouble there aren’t any), I’ll also wait for you to find me a black man that says “Gee know what I enjoy doing as a hobby? Raping white women! Yaaay” since you live around so many black people.

Edited by janetosilio
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As I see where you are coming from now

Every sim out there has some one that gets some folk upset even plain vanilla sex sims. 

If people get upset thinking that these sims portray all black people as subhuman racists then it is those people that have the issue frankly not the people rping happily in that situation.

If I was to come on saying white orientated rape sims portray all white men as subhuman rapists and saying I had an issue therefore I would quite rightly be laughed off the forums

Sorry if it sounds harsh but we shouldn't be concerned about special snowflakes who believe sl or rl owes them a safe space, we should be telling them to go get some perspective


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3 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

As I see where you are coming from now

Every sim out there has some one that gets some folk upset even plain vanilla sex sims. 

If people get upset thinking that these sims portray all black people as subhuman racists then it is those people that have the issue frankly not the people rping happily in that situation.

If I was to come on saying white orientated rape sims portray all white men as subhuman rapists and saying I had an issue therefore I would quite rightly be laughed off the forums

Sorry if it sounds harsh but we shouldn't be concerned about special snowflakes who believe sl or rl owes them a safe space, we should be telling them to go get some perspective


You actually don’t get where I’m coming from at all.

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