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Where do Lindens hang out at?

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I never  see them  around now days.  well  a  while ago ( as in a  few years back) I  did  see  Phillip  standing in one place for  several hours.   :smileysad:  

Used to tho they were all over the  grid esp. the  first  year or so after I joined SL.... it was really nice  loads of  fun and  they were very  connected to  the residents back then.   :smileyhappy:

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Like Peewee says, you just never know when you are in the presence of a Linden, because they have alts too. But, when a Linden is inworld, they are represented on the minimap as a dark blue dot, which isn't as easy to see as the green dots that indicate the rest of us. If you use Phoenix built in avatar radar list, the Linden folk are much easier to spot. 




A lot of the Linden people go quietly about their business, a bit like the Wombles, cleaning up the mess that thoughtless people leave behind!


I haven't gone out of my way to find any of the above Lindens; they've been there on the mainland as I've been out exploring, and my Phoenix avatar radar list has made me aware of their presence.

You can also go out of your way to meet some of the Lindens at their regular User Groups held inworld.


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If they are working they will have their Linden tags on, but off duty they need alts so they can be normal people and do the same stuff we all do in SL without people bombarding them with "why hasn`t my ticket been answered?" or "can you make my neighbour move his tree?" lol :D

It is nice when they do come to fix things if they hang out for a while and meet n greet the people, Data always used to come and fix the griefers at Ahern and he would usually hang around for a while & chat to people.

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Oh well they are hanging around certainly. I still see one once in a while, however they hardly interact these days sadly. Perhaps because of their higher work load since the lay offs and the vast land mass they have to deal with which has substantially grown since 2006/7. Off duty i think they use alternate accounts to not get bothered inworld about SL business. Torley Linden has always been very open, however he also hardly meets and greets as he is at work at the moment you spot him. But on ocassion he does chat when he sees you as interesting LOL.

The Lindens who actually interacted like Spike, Data, Mia, et cetera have been layed off sadly.

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Well - I can't speak for everyone - but I have a few favorite places to plant myself. Most Lindens like to use alts but not me!

For one - Jillian Linden and I have a region where we generally sit around and do work. It's private but located close to my mainland parcel in Hanley. I like to hang out there as well.

If I'm not not there, I might be at a random infohub or Welcome Island or somewhere in Bay City/Nautilus/Blake Sea. I might even pop up in your favorite Adult region - so be careful!

I also try and hit up the large events. I was at the Fashion for Life event and the Fantasy Faire most recently and you can find me around the Bunny Jam regions. SL8B is coming up and I expect to be there often.

I do have a some favorite shopping locations but I'll spare you the details :)

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

I never see Lindens in world, where do they all go to to hang out?

Must be kind of boring whereever it is because ive never been there


As many have mentioned, many likely spent their "off time" in alts, rather than in their "work clothes." Does a store employee like to roam their store in their work shirt on their off hours?

That said, you will still find a few around Linden Village from time to time (the Ambleside, Grasmere, Hanley, Longfellow, etc regions) and at the various inworld User Group meetings. And on various tasks throughout their work days, if they're support or governance types.


Meanwhile, just f'r fun, here's my collection of Linden piccies. Nearly 900 snaps nowadays! http://www.sluniverse.com/pics/AlbumView.aspx?id=834

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I've only met a few Lindens formally, most were busy working.

 It can't be easy to be a Linden. I would be tempted to delete a few things I find unfavorable. So a couple thousand buildings constructed over the water end up missing from the shore line; what's the big deal? I'm sure the owners have copies. EminentDomain Linden would be a good name. It's might be painful at first but it's for their own good.   

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  • Lindens

I adore curiosity about Lindens, so I'm glad you asked, Kolby! Almost makes me want to host an AMA for Lindens (if you're familiar with Reddit). Gosh, more of us than just Blondin and myself should respond.

Marigold, you stalker! I mean that in the best of ways... :D That's quite the shot of me you have there.

But yes, those User Groups are a best bet.

Sometimes I can be found @ Torley island, my inworld home (yes, some Lindens have them).

I don't have any one single place I stay put at, since my job involves lots of travel to 1,000s of regions — my most recent are shown here. Gabrielle is with me on the Editorial Division of the Experience Design Team, so count on seeing her in a multitude of places.

Like Linda said, I wish I had more opportunities to hang out and chat. Even though I'm inworld tons, I'm mainly focused on the task at hand so you can have more tips & tricks... or find out about cool places... etc.

I used to be on my alts a lot but now, it's pretty much "Torley Linden" all the way.

Feel free to take photos with and of me without asking... ;) For avoiding paparazzi — well, there's a pose for that.

UPDATE: I also noticed this older thread on the same topic, reflecting experiences in 2010!

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I rarely leave my sim, so if they don't come to me, I'm probably not going to run into them. That said, remarkably, I've run into a few of them in my store over the years.

@Torley - You wonder about constantly. Does it not annoy you that you can't use your stuff in someplaces? Part of me thinks that I don't go out more because I constantly run into obstacles like what each parcel allows. It makes me wunder if an educational compaigne about parcel settings might be a really good idea.

I've owned land for many years now and I can't imagine why so many people block others from doing so much. Plus, we have abandoned parcels all over the place that no1 can even enter. I gave up my Linden Home, because of all the restrictions on scripts in most of the governer linden owned land. Why does LL restrict scripts at all, in their own areas? Why can't I rez something? Why is autoreturn not used?

Guess, I'm saying that traveling and enjoying yourself, using the things you buy or make in SL, is a pain in the butt. Well, unless you own the land, lol. When I'm out and about, looking at the wonders of SL, I like to jump. I jump onto everything I can with a jump enhancer that is inside my AO. I like jumping from building top to building top. So, I hate not being able to jump really high.

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@ Torley, your comment about me being a stalker is taken in the best of ways. I'm very proud of my stalking (investigating) capabilities, although, I have to confess, that on the day I took your photo, you really just happened to TP into the adjacent sim to the linden ocean I use regularly as my "sandbox".

And thanks for not minding that I took a "secret" photo of you. You are possibly the most photogenic Linden of all. :smileyhappy:

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