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Things that make you go ARGGGGG! Part II

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- That one damn attatchment that you have to bloody log off to remove.

- Massive asset server belches that kill my ability to teleport

- People that expect your avatar gender to match your RL gender. Or worse, demand it.

- People with no imagination who freak when they see a nonhuman avi.

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Magnek Fang wrote:

- That one damn attatchment that you have to bloody log off to remove.

- Massive asset server belches that kill my ability to teleport

- People that expect your avatar gender to match your RL gender. Or worse, demand it.

- People with no imagination who freak when they see a nonhuman avi.

Ah yes Magnek!  All big arggggg's!  Thanks for sharing, and venting!



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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Lag and channle chat lag..

thats really about all that makes me go Arggggg!

most of the other stuff i have other options to deal with it..but lag is one that just brings out the Argggg in me..

Hi ya Ceka.  Yes!  Big argggg there!  Thanks for sharing!



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Hippie Bowman wrote:


Oh yes Perrie!  The other day I went out to a place to try to unsubscribe from one of those beasts!   ARGGGG!  Could not even find the prim!  Sigh!


My formerly favorite tree and plant store lost me as a customer when they put their subscribomatic's removal prim behind a security orb...

A second place added me to its system even though I'd never been there. I knew I wasn't the only victim when after 3 weeks of spam I read the newest one and it was "all you *bleepers* that keep complaining can STFU, cause if you want off the list, you can come to the shop and click to unsub." Or something like that... and yes it did have a foul word but I don't recall which.

So I did. But there was no prim to unsub. Or rather there was one, but when I clicked it I got back "you don't have permission to edit this object." so I muted -and- AR'd.

I'm sure whoever that store owner was, they now have a blog article somewhere about how LL's stole/ruined their business. :D




Gesture spam - can't stand it. I'll leave a club if it gets out of hand. The worst is the audio spam - and especially when its the freak'n DJ spamming it. I'm like: doooooood, wtfbbq, can't hearz ur tunez cause ur like, spamming crap over teh music.

Line dancing. I have an irrational dislike of line dancing. All those avatars moving in sync... like zombies... Makes me feel the place is full of bots, even when they're busy chatting, even when they're people I know... and if they try to get me to join them... its like being attacked by scientologists - nothing I can do but fake a DC and log back in an hour or two later. :D

I couldn't stand line dancing back when they were doing it in RL in the clubs I used to hit, and the last thing I need in SL is a reminder of that. :)

Banlines... we all know this story.

Furries with neon raver outfits and anybody - furry or not - with those prim based baggy pants. Its like nails on a chalkboard to me.

I'll leave it there, because if I start going into the things that got onto my list after spending a lot of time on Zindra...


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  • The inability of some to imagine walking in another's shoes
  • The audacity of some who feel that their shoes are the only shoes that should be worn
  • typos in scripts, my scripts, typos that go invisible when I am looking for them, neon when someone else does
  • bifocals, guarantees some part of my world is out of focus.
  • the parcel is always greener in the other sim, why? I'm prone to moving ... expensive
  • rules that are made for the sake of making, rather than need
  • somethin-for-nothin philosophy, destructive but apparently also attractive
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  • 1 month later...

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Things that make you go ARGGGGG!

1] Invites to other people shows / super-fantastic DJ's / tail sales / slave sales / fashionista hunt / parties / etc., that arrive en masse minutes before I start one of my own shows.

2] My camera bouncing up anything up to 4 sims away whenever I make the mistake of focusing on a cut / hollowed / twisted megaprim. [some, not all].

3] Textures taking forever to load up in my texture picker.

4] Random texture and colour snap-back when I'm editing a large group of prims.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi, I realize this is an older thread, but I wanna post! so here it is, my venting....LOL


The most arrg thing to me is the clicky heels...Turn that crap off! or remove the script or something!

the other thing is profiles that say stuff like "Im a rude jerk, don't talk to me", "what then mr. rude jerk are you doing in a glorified chat room like HIP?"

Neighbors with huge walls surrounding my parcels... really, make my side transparent please, I don't like cages, I still want to see the ocean view I purchased.

 And the terain editing of neighbors, really you need a trench between us? 

I saw some of my other annoyances posted above too, like random friend requests, random teleports, and rezzers used to grief. the other most annoying thing is when ppl correct spelling...really who gives a flying crap about spelling in a chat room? 

But, I'm not one to get all upset about these things they are just annoying. :) 


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mally Shippe wrote:

Hi, I realize this is an older thread, but I wanna post! so here it is, my venting....LOL


The most arrg thing to me is the clicky heels...Turn that crap off! or remove the script or something!

the other thing is profiles that say stuff like "Im a rude jerk, don't talk to me", "what then mr. rude jerk are you doing in a glorified chat room like HIP?"

Neighbors with huge walls surrounding my parcels... really, make my side transparent please, I don't like cages, I still want to see the ocean view I purchased.

 And the terain editing of neighbors, really you need a trench between us? 

I saw some of my other annoyances posted above too, like random friend requests, random teleports, and rezzers used to grief. the other most annoying thing is when ppl correct spelling...really who gives a flying crap about spelling in a chat room? 

But, I'm not one to get all upset about these things they are just annoying.


Thank you for sharing your arggggg's here mally!




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Hi there Hippie! I really go ARGGGG! reading so many posts in these forums about how baaaaaaad SL is, how baaaaaaad are LL people and at seeing all these guys wanting to be spoon-fed instead of willing to explore, be curious, make mistakes and find the answers by themselves. (Not to mention their laziness on just checking if their computer meets the requirements... sigh). Geez, how did we start? There were no forums and no helpers in the old times. I must have broken 10 houses before understanding that deleting a wall was not the end of the (SL) world, lol.:D

But indeed, most of all, systematical ranting about SL/LL does make me go argggg!

(PS: I feel sometimes like suggesting to those guys to use the "cancel account" button! :P)

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