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Complaint about the maternity network and a dr so called m d who did not help me.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

it would be better for her that she does, the result is up to Linden Lab.

as soon delusional thinking gets the standard for reporting you are right.

But as long she can't seperate reality and phantasy looking for a doctor in the rigth field in rl, would be a better solution.

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What part of  "no one has to participate in YOUR rp", do you not get? It is YOUR experience, YOUR rp...so, just do it already! You don't  need a doctor to deliver your baby. You don't need to spend a lot of money, or even any, to rp having a child. You're acting like a looney toon, all because the rest of the world doesn't want to give you what you want, for free.

How would you like to have a job, and not get paid for it? I bet you wouldn't. Well, many "doctors" in sl, are also...roleplaying the job of a doctor. You will find very few that are *actually doctors in rl. Just because a group says their doctors are "professional" does not, in any way, mean they are RL professional...it really just means they enjoy the rp as a doctor, and tend to take it seriously(or, rather, do a decent job of it).  That does NOT mean, they simply offer services, and rp, for free. Most get paid to rp a doctor. There are some that don't, but that doesn't mean they HAVE to help you.

Do you help every other resident in sl that is struggling for money, but wants something? I bet you don't, just like everyone else on the grid. But why don't you? You expect everyone else to help you, participate in your rp, do a job for you...and not get paid. 

You sound utterly ridiculous. You're getting on people for mentioning miscarriages, when YOU are the one that brought them up. You're not going to lose your pixel baby, or virtual pregnancy. You are perfectly fine. In fact, you could rp being pregnant for your entire existence in sl, and you'd still be just fine. It IS roleplay, regardless of how serious you take it, or not....it is still, utlimately roleplay that YOU control, 100%.

I've had prim babies myself in sl...and guess what....no one delivered them for free. It was an rp *I* chose to participate in, which meant that *I* took on every aspect, decided which details I wanted to work with..and I did it. I didn't ask the entirety of sl to join in my rp..because "I'm  good rp'er, and that's how it's done". You and you alone, control your own rp experiences. You don't need, and you damn well should never expect, others to participate just because you want them to. That kind of thing falls right at the top of the "worst things an rp'er could do", for me. You can't will others to participate, much less force them to, lol.

Just have your baby at home, birth it by yourself, and have a wonderful "homebirth"....or is that too much "realistic rp" for you? lol. 

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paulinetaylor2015 wrote:

help because it will happen the way im being treated by some and I do not whant that or to role play that Amethyst Jetaime you picked mu up wrong.

You won't have a miscarriage because of the way people react to your post, unless YOU decide to.  

You were the one that first brought up RP'ing a miscarriage, not me.  Not only are you bringing it up again, now your backpedeling because of the negative reaction you got.

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me and you judge me I told you I do not hurt hurt anyone I help people Im not greedy  I do not condon missccarige or abortions and I do not judge people withought known then first I judge them for myself and to tolk like i am rping a misscarriage an abortion which I do not whanr is rediculouse the ones who say I do not know the diffrence between sl and realit is redictulouse, when anyone who knows and has comon sense knows that to be a good rpe makes out to be relaistic as possiable r amd I know what im doing and you obviously dont know what your doing when you treaat it as not real, yes it is not real yes its only role play yes one of LL rules is to respect all there are humans behind the avatars, but people forget there are people from all over the world and they do not think what they are doing on sl any more.


I am a respectable nice, samard, loyal harworking girl dedicated and if people know me theyd know that instead of thinking bad things about me, I have feelingss too I am like every normal human being out there good side and bad things and im entitled to act my own accourd =, have my own mind, free will and life.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Pauline is trolling. S/he's having fun in this thread. How do I know? Because nobody is as stupid as Pauline makes herself out to be. So I suggest leaving him/her to it and let it fade away.

I have come to the same conclusion. Nobody could write "I am samard" with a straight face.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Pauline is trolling. S/he's having fun in this thread. How do I know? Because nobody is as stupid as Pauline makes herself out to be. So I suggest leaving him/her to it and let it fade away.

I have come to the same conclusion. Nobody could write "I am samard" with a straight face.

This one did it for me.


"thats why im trying to get help to rp batter"


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Kelli May wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Pauline is trolling. S/he's having fun in this thread. How do I know? Because nobody is as stupid as Pauline makes herself out to be. So I suggest leaving him/her to it and let it fade away.

I have come to the same conclusion. Nobody could write "I am samard" with a straight face.

This one did it for me.


"thats why im trying to get help to rp batter"


I wonder, baseball or pancakes?

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Phil Deakins is onne of them who whants people to have a misscariage or an abortion he has poor judgment if it was him having the issue of being pregnant and no one responding and being greedy it would be diffrent eh its ok for the ones to say im an idiot a trole I do not know the diffrence between relaity and sl and yet it is them who does even know what rping is and how to do it proper its them who if they were pregnant and o one helped them and responded it would be diffrent how stupid are they, iv got the help im geting my baby delivered free some sl dr is doing there job right.

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If you knew how to properly rp, you would have already had a homebirth, and be sitting contently in your pixel home, with your pixel baby, taking care of your pixel familial duties, properly. I fear for your pixel baby's safety. I'm making a call to SLCPS, expect a knock at your door, don't bother trying to run, they'll find you. Don't worry, I'll take good care of the precious lil moppet. I won't even put it to work until it's at least 5. :D 

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she is not a troll, she is roleplaying her situation to a T, she is an immersive player, meaning that the situation must have continuity, in her situation, if a doctor is not available or someone that help her with her delivery, she and her baby may be in a dangerous situation, and that's the help she needs.

sometimes we have to look at perspectives beyond being hyper-realistics, for example, when we see a picture of someone on the internet we don't usually say "that is not a person, its a bunch of pixels grouped together forming a resemblance of something that our minds could be fooled in thinking that what our eyes see is a person".

if we try to understand the op, we need to see beyond hyper-realism, and let our minds blend with rp, getting immerse in it, like when we read a fiction book.

in that immersive perspective, she is a pregnant woman that needs help.

i hope you get it pauline, and you have a safe delivery.

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She's either a troll, or super ignorant on roleplay etiquette. 

There is *nothing* immersive, or even to be respected, from someone that believes everyone around them OWES them and *needs* to join in their rp. In fact, it will get the opposite reaction, lol. (obviously). If her brand of rp is acceptable, so is mine,a nd I think SLCPS should step in to protect that child ;) 

I don't know a single roleplayer that thinks the way she seems to, and I know some serious roleplayers(and I'm not just talking within the context of sl here, either). What she's doing is frowned upon by every single rp'er I know. 

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She didn't come here to ask for help.  Her OP was a COMPLAINT that she couldn't get free services from a clinic doctor.  She feels entitled to get something for free that everyone else has to pay for.  

There are alternatives to having a doctor from a clinic.  Home birth, a friend playing the doctor or a midwife are just three options.  Her 'baby' is not in a dangerous situation.  Babies ready to be born come into the world even if no one is around to help the mother.  It happens thousands of times a day all over the world.  There is absolutely no reason, RP or not, for her to insist she's being abused by the system or that she should RP a miscarriage if she doesn't get a doctor to deliver her baby.

She had enough $L to buy a baby to have, she probably has also purchased a crib and other baby supplies for it too, being such an 'immersive' RP'er.  She is a member of some type of maternity group either from going to a clinic or through purchase of a maternity HUD.   It is no one's fault but her own if she didn't budget the doctor's fee.  She can always hold off having the baby until she can pay or find an alternative.  NO HARM DONE.

Further, being male, you may not realize how distasteful her whole diatribe is about having a miscarriage if she doesn't get  a doctor to deliver her for free.  Most women would find that terribly distasteful and just plain sick.  If you had a miscarriage reading her BS would bring up some terrible feelings and memories.  Women may move on and continue their life after a miscarriage, but losing a child at ANY time is not something you ever 'get over'.  

She is free to do what she wants, but she doesn't have to post it here where RL women who have suffered miscarriages have to see her BS!

At the end of the day, immersive RP or not or even if she is just a troll, I think she is a sick individual.    I know a lot of very immersive RP'ers and have asked them about this and they ALL found it extremely sick.

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you are right, no one is forced to participate in a roleplay, its completely voluntary.

what leads me to believe that she is an immersive user its her refusal to go out of character, some immersive SL users create characters that have a life inside this virtual world, they protect the separation between the user and the character to a great extent, some refuse to give any rl details, they protect their rl privacy to the max.

I have known some characters here in sl, i respect their decision to keep their rl private, and accept them as they present themselves, nekos, children, buccaneers, robots, whatever they like to be.

she seems to be very much in the persona she is representing, that's why i think that is useless to talk to her outside her rp.

her complain about her worrying about her baby and no doctor available, and not receiving her even if its the duty of a doctor to save a human life, goes well with her pregnancy rp, that's why i try to help her from inside her rp.

i hope her rp will have a happy ending.

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pausing her rp until she have the elements necessary to continue it safely its a reasonable option, if the owner of the pauline account read this s/he may opt for this suggestion, it will be better for the character.

as a male, I will never experience the tragedy of a miscarriage, I have people very close to me that had, and i have seen how much it change them, they are not the same for a long time. this topic is extremely sensitive and should be discussed with much tact.

i hope that the readers who follow this thread would not be affected too much in their rl for the mention of miscarriage, as much as those who may find sick the roleplay of the drowning of a baby.

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Canoro, I think the complaint here is that Pauline's role-play makes no allowance for the other potential participants in her fantasy. To expect other real people to take her role play as seriously as she does indicates to me either some difficulty separating in character and out of character roles, or a discernable degree of narcisissm that's putting people off.

I can and do immerse myself here. When I do, I don't demand that others around me do the same. I appreciate every minute they take from their day to engage me here. Those moments are gifts, not something I deserve. The moment I start complaining that people just don't appreciate my attempts to incinerate them, shoot me.

Which reminds me, I just looked in my Warm Welcomes gallery and don't see you there. If I ever settle down in SL again, I'll come looking for you.


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Canoro Philipp wrote:

she is not a troll, she is roleplaying her situation to a T, she is an immersive player, meaning that the situation must have continuity, in her situation, if a doctor is not available or someone that help her with her delivery, she and her baby may be in a dangerous situation, and that's the help she needs.

sometimes we have to look at perspectives beyond being hyper-realistics, for example, when we see a picture of someone on the internet we don't usually say "that is not a person, its a bunch of pixels grouped together forming a resemblance of something that our minds could be fooled in thinking that what our eyes see is a person".

if we try to understand the op, we need to see beyond hyper-realism, and let our minds blend with rp, getting immerse in it, like when we read a fiction book.

in that immersive perspective, she is a pregnant woman that needs help.

i hope you get it pauline, and you have a safe delivery.

Naaa. S/he's a forum troll. S/he might even be an alt of someone we all know well here. It might even be you :)  S/he's 'playing' the forum, not SL.

I deduce that because I don't believe that anyone would face the degree of opposition in this thread and still continue in the thread.

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I'm inclined to agree with Phil; I think she's trolling, but there is an underlying entitlement.  According to her in world profile she rp's a cheerleader and a 4 year old child.  I'm assuming it was the cheerleader who got knocked up, presumably by the least picky chap on the football team.

Her profile shows the same poor (well, absent, really) grammar and spelling as in her posts here, and as she claims to be from Scotland clearly she's a bit stupid, and has failed to take full advantage of the education system available in that part of the UK.

As to Cannoro's suggestion, made in all good faith I'm sure, that Pauline is merely an 'immersive role player', well, no.  If that were true she would stick with her character, not chop and change as the mood takes her.  There's no other reason to have various different rp characters.

Of course it could simply be that she's mentally ill.

The possibility also exists that she is full troll, who has come here with the sole intention of being hurtful to people who have expererienced the rl trauma and pain and heartbreak of miscarriage or stillbirth.  She says she isn't, so I'll just leave this here.  IF she's lying I am wishing her a whole lifetime of agonising pain, loss, misery, physical infirmity, hopelessness, poverty, and I am wishing with all my heart that all of this horror falls on her at once, right now, and lasts throughout a pointless and friendless life.  As I say, ONLY if she is lying.  

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming!

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 Two things: first as you point out, she does not stick to her role, is not lost in a pregnancy immersion,  since she recently put ads for  being an escort, a cheerleader, and medical worker in the forum. Secondly, Canoro has a history of supporting obnoxious positions of entitlement taken by people like Pauline. He is an entitlement apologist.

 Also, everyone has access to spellcheck, so there is no excuse for the kind of gibberish Pauline writes . 

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