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An Avatar?


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Sanguai wrote:

I don't have a credit card just yet... But I really want an avatar because you can't pay with mobile because of fee problems, can someone please buy me this kemono furry avatar?

I don't even know if it's allowed, but it's all I want.

You can beg all you want... You have been in SL for 3 years and still have a blank profile. What is the incentive for someone to buy this for you? It's only 900L, win an event a t a club and you can get it yourself.

Work for it. Give me something, give me a reason to open my virtual wallet to a stranger. If you were brand new I would have more incentive to buy this for you. It might give you a reason to stay in SL and eventually spend $L and keep things going.

I'm rambling here.. It must be the Vicodin.. Mheh, maybe i will get it for you..

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Sanguai wrote:

I don't have a credit card just yet.
.. But I really want an avatar because you can't pay with mobile because of fee problems, can someone please buy me this kemono furry avatar?

I don't even know if it's allowed, but it's all I want.

But, but you've been in SL long enough to know that if you REALLY want something that is not free you must earn it.  If you do not have a job inworld, get that credit card. Of course, you might be a minor and not have one 'just yet'.

Begging is just a no-no.

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You know, you could make that much collecting crystals in Linden Realms in a week. I only went once to see what the place was, and made about L$100 in a few bored hours.

Then you'd have the avatar and still have your dignity.

Just sayin'... (I don't feel generous today myself :scrooge: )

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I haven't particularily logged into this account for a long time. I remember making it back a few years ago but because my computer was so useless I was rendered unable to play, I didn't delve so deep into the community that I knew everything about it. 

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Everyone come into SL with empty pockets. Some invest money directly, others don't. Some because they can't and some because they don't want to.

I spend my first two years in SL without buying Lindens. But I never begged. I worked for my money and I carefully spend it. Since L$ can be converted back and forth into real life currency, its considered really rude by many to beg for it.

You got some suggestions how to get your avatar yourself. And here is another: You do not need a credit card to buy L$. I don't have one, for example. But I have a paypal account linked to my bank account, which worked just aswell for me.

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Yep - just to prove it (and because I was bored while waiting for something) I've been and checked out the Realms again.

It took about an hour and a quarter to collect L$30. I could have got more, but someone kept just beating me to nearly every high value crystal I saw. It's like he suddenly appeared just on the opposite side and grabbed them, so close I ran into him twice. I still managed to get five greens though... and a lot of oranges.

At that rate, L$900 would take about five and a half hours a day for a week. That's do-able.

How much do you want that avatar, Sanguai?

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No. Do you want to know why I won't buy you an avatar? I won't buy you an avatar because you aren't trying. You said you don't have a credit card. Fair enough. What country do you live in (you don't have to answer)? If it's Canada, the US, or parts of Europe, you can buy prepaid credit cards using cash or debit and should be able to buy funds using that. If that doesn't work, you can link your bank account to PayPal and transfer funds that way. We now live in a time when not having a credit card no longer limits your commerce options. There are ways to buy Linden if you spend more than a few seconds trying to find out how.

And as other mentioned, there are games and contests you can take part in. Sure, it's slow and unpredictable, but it's free. You can also shoot for stores that have lucky chairs (I've been hanging out at a skin shop that has some). You can also join the groups of larger stores, since many seem to give out free gifts to their customers. There are also sale groups you can join, like Fifty Linden Fridays and Sixty Linden Weekends, that put up full price items at a major discount. Can everyone afford x thousands of Linden for whatever they want? Probably not. But can you get some funds and items for free or very cheap, enough that you can enjoy the game? Absolutely. You just just have to try.

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HarrisonMcKenzie wrote:

No. Do you want to know why I won't buy you an avatar? I won't buy you an avatar because you aren't trying.

And because, once you start buying stuff for one random person, where do you stop? If I spend 900L$ on every avatar who asks/begs for money somewhere in a group, forum, ims, local chat, where ever, it rapidly gets very expensive...

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jwenting wrote:

HarrisonMcKenzie wrote:

No. Do you want to know why I won't buy you an avatar? I won't buy you an avatar because you aren't trying.

And because, once you start buying stuff for one random person, where do you stop? If I spend 900L$ on every avatar who asks/begs for money somewhere in a group, forum, ims, local chat, where ever, it rapidly gets very expensive...

It also sends the completely wrong signal to the beggar. Why should they ever pay for something themselves, if they can hope for someone else to jump in.

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I still find it interesting that someone actually has the balls to ask someone else to buy them an avatar. It's something that's wanted, not needed, for SL. If he's wanting to go nonhuman, he needs to look at the library. Where I RP, we've had plenty of players that started with the Library werewolf avi until they could afford the one they want. I just get tired of people like this that think that others in SL should support their wants. It's akin to the beggars that come in to groups please can I "borrow" 1750L to pay my tier? I'm an honest person and I'll pay you back tomorrow. (Any landlord I've dealt with will give you 24 hour's grace. They understand temp money flow problems. You just have to ask.)


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You could always IM the creator of the avatar you want and ask for it for free...

The only reason I'm against begging in SL is because Second Life is a luxury product, not a necessity.

- And as such, I doubt said creator would give it for free.

Otherwise, this whole thread smells of Republican memes... All sorts of lectures on 'charity teaches moochers to demand more cake... next thing you know, they'll be storming the Bastille...'



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Awww, sitting on your high horse again, screaming "I'm a better person than you!" ? Sweet.

Anyway, buying someone a fancy avatar is not charity. As you, suprisingly, noticed its a luxury product in a world, that is in itself luxury. The "need" is a "want". And different to the real world, everyone here has the option to get up an buy this avatar themself. So begging in SL is a pure expression of lazyness.

Its pretty vaild to say, that a lazy person who learns that his/her begging works, will not feel motivated to suddenly take care of being able to buy the next virtual good themself. Why should they, if they can get it for free by exploiting the kindness of others over and over again?


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Syo Emerald wrote:

Awww, sitting on your high horse again, screaming "I'm a better person than you!" ? Sweet.

Anyway, buying someone a fancy avatar is not charity. As you, suprisingly, noticed its a luxury product in a world, that is in itself luxury.

No actually quite the opposite.

I am NOT the one morally condemning people for begging as being lazy or exploitive. That is you and the 2 pages of moralizing against a begger before you. You are the one sitting on that horse of privilege.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Awww, sitting on your high horse again, screaming "I'm a better person than you!" ? Sweet.

Anyway, buying someone a fancy avatar is not charity. As you, suprisingly, noticed its a luxury product in a world, that is in itself luxury.

No actually quite the opposite.

I am NOT the one morally condemning people for begging as being lazy or exploitive. That is you and the 2 pages of moralizing against a begger before you. You are the one sitting on that horse of privilege.


What privilege?


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On a side note: I am new to SL as well and bought about...1k Lindens to BUY a complete neko avatar and used some of it's parts along with other items to make her. I read a ton of stuff about SL before joining it and see e-begging all too much online on Steam and I figured it'd be here too.

I have heard about these 'jobs' in SL, but what's the point if you have a irl job to buy the Lindens yourself? Aside from having something to do in world or something, i guess.

I ran into this same avatar and saw all the cool mods and such it has and may consider getting it too. Good luck to you, stranger. :D

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