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Complaint Department

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I'd like to complain about my Backspace key.  I'll have a reply all typed out to some posts that's snarky, sarcastic. condescending, derailing and sometimes just downright mean.. and then I'll think better of it and use the backspace key and not send it.

While you're at it, can you fix the steering wheel in my truck?  There was a crowd of hipsters on the street corner one day and I couldn't bring myself to run them over.

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My dear Madlyne,

Software can be very frustrating, I am so sorry you are having such trouble.  I hope that you understand however that this Complaint Department is a fictitious entity.  This thread offers no solutions to complaints, our purpose is to offer insincere sympathy, to lighten the emotional burdens of the complainers, and perhaps to make them smile. You are not just a complainer my dear, you have an actual problem.  Perhaps your post would be better served in the Second Life answers forum, where they actually try to solve problems. Or try downloading the Phoenix Viewer instead, they seem to be very good at these technical issues.

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Demure Demonge wrote:

Hey - message for LL

My partner and I love our phoenix and definitely dont want to go over to firestorm or viewer 2, we hate both of them.. many others in SL feel the same too .. WE NEED PHOENIX TO STAY - not going over to viewer 2 or firestorm

Dearest complainer and partner,

I am so glad that you love your viewer.  However, that is not really a complaint, is it?  I'm afraid that your message for LL will not be heard in this venue.  This is an imaginary complaint department.  LL neither endorses nor opposes my dedication to listening to complaints here.  I don't imagine they actually pay much attention to me to be honest with you.  However, I can truly sympathize with your desire to stop time from progressing and technology from evolving.  I rather wish that is was still 1977, personally.  If it's any comfort to you, I do not think that Phoenix will change very much from now on.  As mesh comes online though your view of SL will increasingly be populated with cubes.  For example, you may see your friends start wearing outfits that look like this to you:


where others with the v2 codebase viewers will see:


If that doesn't bother you, then by all means, continue to use Phoenix. I plan to keep using it for as long as I can.


ETA: Photos in this post were borrowed from the Fab Free Blog

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Dear Ms. Wickentower,

I would like to file a formal complaint against a fellow forum poster, and I've been advised that this is correct department for such grievances.

First, a little history. I do not like eggs. In fact, I despise them—a fact which has previously been well documented in the forum on a previous occasion. Which leads us to today's events. I have been absent from the forum for some time due to RL priorities. Upon announcing my return less than two hours ago and requesting that my forum friends point me toward "can't miss" threads that I may have missed during my sabbatical, a certain forum poster (we'll call her KK) had the nerve—The Nerve!!!—to send me to this thread. It was all I could do to keep down my lunch.

I thought I had the stomach for anything that takes place in these forums, but this thread has caused me to reconsider. Have I any recourse against such nauseous content?


An Adamant Egg Hater

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I'd like to complain in the strongest possible terms that there was a big pile of cheese in this thread and no-one bothered to inform me. I will be writing to my local MP about this travesty forthwith!

Yours angrily,

Suella Ember

P.S. On a much less important note i'd also like to complain about the fact that the sky is falling, SL ate my baby, LL stole my soul etc etc


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DQ Darwin wrote:

Dear Quinn: Not wanting to steal Katt's role here, in her absences may I suggest you seek some help from the person who opened office in the  post just ahead of yours. According to her sign she is open and rather shall we say inexpensive.

I believe that is what is known as a conflict of interest, given that said poster is also the guilty party against whom my complaint is directed. Maybe I should sue her for intestinal distress.

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Tristizia Demonista wrote:

Hmm, what browser do you use, the internal or an external one ?

Try to switch this in prefs and see if there is a change.

Also, can you view your profile on the web if you go to :

That screen shot was taken using the internal browser.  

Following the link you posted I can see my own but that will become a pain in the backside if I can't have that open automatically when I click on someones profile.   At least I know there is a work around.  


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